NERF the Whisper Perk!

It should not be 32 meters, the killers will just know exactly where we're at at all times especially at the end when there's only 3 generators. MAX 15 meters and even that's pushing it.
A post about nerfing whispers? Well that's new.
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Also while we're at it, nerf "Nowhere to hide." another horse ######### perk. What's the point of hiding in this game anymore? Lol, that was an extremely fun mechanic, baiting generators and forcing the killer to waste time looking for us while teammates work on other ones, now you can't do that anymore.
This game is total trash until those two perks get a nerf.
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I can't even remember last time I saw a Killer with this perk.
It's quite nice tracking perk that helps mainly during early game to find people and end game / last Survivor standing. But it is limited and you might not always quess right where someone is or isn't.
I think the perk is in perfect spot.
Also if you think it's OP then think for a second how many matches you saw this perk recently. I bet it's not even in 5% of your total matches.
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The killer I ran into found everyone almost instantly I'd say, we're talking two story maps and knowing exactly where they are from across the map. It's a handicap ability, a participation trophy ability.
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You realize that the smaller the radius the easier it is to pinpoint the survivor?
32 meter radius means 64 meter diameter. The killer will only know that a survivor is in that corner of the map and nothing more. also depending on the situation it is quite hard to figure out in which direction the survivors are since they can be anywhere at the border of the area of effect.
If you managed to leave 3 close gens, that's a you problem. And if it's a close 3 gen then whisper does nothing since the killer gets whispers at probably all 3 gens.
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Also I would add that if you want a tracking perk, most players including me would pick something else than this perk. There are so many options these days for a good consistent tracking perks (aura readings, gen info perks, etc.). This perk just falls into a second line. You don't really need it and there are better perks that does Whisper's job better / more consistent.
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Oh even a two story map where the perk helps even less to distinguish on which level the survivors are? And you complain about it then? Wow.
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You complain about Whispers of all perks?
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I don't believe my eyes. Did you not make a mistake? Did you mean to say NERF the perk? Were you not trying to say BUFF the perk? Whispers is one of the worst tracking perk in game. Darkness revealed is way bettter. Spies from shadows are way better. BBQ is way better.
Also the game is no longer about hiding. Learn to chase
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Nerf whisper... Is that a joke?
A good killer don't even need whisper to track survivors with efficiency.
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i used to use it back in 2016 when survivors hides all game, now ppl barely do that anymore good. Nowhere to hide is 1000 times better than Whisper btw, OP is drunk
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Oh no the killer has perks to help them locate survivors. I guess survivors really do want killers to only run 4 slowdown perks.
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don't take one ridiculous thing from one survivor as representation for all survivors. Today someone suggested to make gens take 180s to complete. Should I also make a comment that every killer wants all gens to be unfinishable?
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Probably the worst tracking perk in the game. I never run it because the sound of the whispers drowns out any sound the survivors is actually making. So sure, I know they're within a 64m diameter circle around me, but without it I would be able to hear footsteps, breathing, etc. which I don't with Whispers.
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If you reduce the range you're literally buffing the perk. There's a reason that tier 1 and 2 have bigger ranges. At least try to think about the perk a bit instead of rushing to cry on the forums.
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Knowing a survivor is within 15m is better than within 32m. That’s honestly a buff
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Whispers gets countered by the killer terror radius or simply by using the Spine Chill perk,learn how to use them please.
It's one of the healthiest perks in the game,it keeps trials more dinamic and avoids stall situations where survivors can just hide without doing nothing by listening at the noise radius.
Ironically,the nerf you suggested would make this perk better.
Post edited by G_Hunters on0 -
Why do you want to just freely counter tracking perks? A killer invested a perk slot into said tracking perk to help find survivors, so why shouldn't it work that way? If you want to counter the tracking perks and play stealthily yourself, you need to equally invest a perk slot into a stealth perk such as Distortion or try to blend better with the environment.
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Whispers is not good enough for that. If you had ever used it in your life, you would not have even made this thread.
They were probably running a different perk to give them aura reading. Whispers is practically useless on a two-story map, in The Game it's active for basically the entire match and as such gives you absolutely no information, it doesn't even let you know what floor the survivors are on because it largely ignores any verticality.
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Can we not call out posts being "joke posts" please - remember some players are newer at the game and something might feel very strong to them. Lets advise why we feel it's not strong - or why this would be an actual buff to Whispers instead of a nerf in a mature manner instead of just writing something off as a joke!
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I remember when I used Whispers, before Scourge hooks, before Gen kicking perks were good, before horrendous.
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I used Whispers one time many years ago. It used to be the third tier had the biggest radius so you didn’t want to purchase tier two/three Whispers. It wasn’t until some time the devs realized this and fixed it.
Even the devs didn’t understand increasing the radius was a nerf.
Tier 1: there are survivors near you.
Tier 3: there are survivors on the same map as you.
Whispers is a bad perk because you can’t hear survivor breaths over the noise it makes.
Post edited by roundpitt on0 -
Whispers is very underpowered and I only really use it on Stealth Pig (so I know when to start crouching).
For Nowhere to Hide, if you like to hide near gens why aren't you bringing Distortion? You'll not only block Nowhere to Hide but also recharge your ability while they're trying to find you.
Alternatively, bring Blast Mine with Residual Manifest. Nowhere to Hide is now useless as after kicking the gen the Killer can't see any auras for thirty seconds (including other gens and hook auras). Plus, it's fun to use Blast Mine. For that combo I usually go total meme and use Flashbang as well. Wraith players will generally despise you with that build.
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Whispers can be good, on doctor or combined perhaps with other aura-showing perks/add-ons, but honestly it's not one of the best. Though I do understand your frustration. I personally chronically run Distortion when I play soloq, mostly because of all the Nurses with aura-reading perks. That might work for you as well ^^
I've been seeing quite the uprise of this perk in SoloQ in the last couple of days (EU servers that is)!
It works well I've got to say. Especially when it was a scratch mirror Michael using this whilst sending us to Lerry's lol, was 10/10 gaming 😂
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are you sure it was because of whispers lmao
all it does is tell the killer that someones around-not where they are, not what theyre doing, not how many survivors there are, just....theres at least one somewhere
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Exactly, if you reduce its range, you made Whisper even more strong as it would be much easier to track a Survivor since they will be really close enough for the killer to spent less time Tracking you.
Plus good killers can used much more better perks or used their game dense to figure out where Survivors are by experience. If a gen has progress, a Survivor was there; if they spot scratches marks or blood, the Survivors is carelessly when running in close proximity and trying ninja stealth without a stealth build.
Not to mention, you end up creating a three gen scenario in the first place; that is a Survivor mistake as you made killer stronger in patrolling the three closest gens, especially when they have Whispers, as they can easily a Survivor is near even without touching a gen. Don't go nerfing killers perks, without thinking about your mistakes as a Survivor.
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That's not a "me" problem, I solo Q and am not playing on teams, it's not as organized as you think it is.
Killers seem to be pinpointing locations very easily with the 32 meter radius, I don't think that is a concern because it is already happening. If they make it a hex then it can be extinguished.
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If you read the thread I definitely said nerf that perk as well.
Seems like there are a ton of angry killers, I'm absolutely fine with aura reading perks because they're either temporary, or they're limited to a single gen, etc. The "whsipers" and "no where to hide" perks are just broken and break the game.
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whispers is a garbage perk that only works on garbage players
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They are hardly broken perks.
Nowhere to Hide like other aura reading perks has a duration attached to it and you can only kick gens that aren't already regressing and have progress.
Whispers only tells you there is a survivor within 32m. It does not tell the killer anything more than that.
Calling people who disagree with you "angry killers" shows that your suggest is not from a place of wanting actual balance.
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My thoughts exactly.
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But Whispers only tells you that there is a survivor within 32 m, and it also triggers on hooked survivors? What are you talking about XD There are far better tracking perks in the game... Also pinpointin the rather exact location of a survivor only works when they don't move... Otherwise you will only get somewhat of a direction in which you need to check for them... Leaving the possibility of error or the perk not deactivating because there are other survivors close by... it has some weaknesses... It's not a bad perk, but more impactfull tracking perks got released over time so you barely see it anymore... And I sincerely don't see a reason to nerf it...
As for the new perk... If you're hiding close by and not just pre-running you are already making a mistake... So I don't really see a reason to nerf that perk either... Hiding survivors are the most boring thing to go against, so I don't see a problem with them playing a risky game with that perk in the game now... But if you would elaborate further on why you think the mechanics of those perks are broken people might not think you're either joking or a really new player... Unless of course your explanation is terrible... Then that would only confirm their first opinion...
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You can make it a hex after hex have been made less of a joke that they are.
When a survivor can spawn within sight of them and /or they stand in line of sight of a gen it becomes a joke. High risk/high reward? As if. Insane risk for mediocre reward at best.
We don't need more killer perks with easy off switches for survivor.
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So,... one game? You went one game against a killer running whispers... out of how many games?
Whispers, that gives me backflashs to 2016, always used to run it on my Billy, it was so good. Don't get me wrong, still a decent perk but nowadays there are so many perks that are better at its job. Whispers is just too slow in today's DBD. Could need an update after six years.
Just to make sure, it was one game, correct?
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There you go, I don't move a lot in solo q in some situations, I like to blend and hide, bait gens, etc to get killer off teammates. If he can just find exactly where I am with that perk it just breaks the play style and takes no skill whatsoever to actually, you know, find people, which is a killer skill that just goes away with the perks I mentioned.
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what mmr are you even in where people use whispers so much you felt the need to complain about it?
the perk is so confusing and bad and it'll never get a nerf cuz it doesn't need one.
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Nerf dark theory, the 2% speed boost is too damn much
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Do you have any clue how hard it is to properly triangulate the position of survivors with whipsers?? Especially since you don't know if there is only one or more survivors in its radius... And no tracking does not just go away... But when you are hiding and blending in a corner you deserve to get found anyway... If you just sit in a random corner without leaving scratchmarks, scaring crows or anything else he 1. cannot find you 2. has not the time to look for you properlybecause it can take him ages and he cannot even be sure that he will eventually find you... What you should do now is go in a lobby with bots... Use whispers and try it out for yourself... Then when you did that you can redeem yourself by admitting what you have learned... Incredible dude... Whispers? People are complaining about whipsers these days xD What's next Spies from the Shadows? xD
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Whispers isn't even strong. It doesn't tell you exactly where the survivors are at, it just tells you that survivors are in the general area. It's fine and doesn't need any changes
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3 gens are a you problem. It may be a problem caused by your teammates and not the Killer but they are definitely a you problem in solo queue. If you know the gen layouts try to bust the 3 gen as quickly as you can in the game and you'll see your escape odds increase. At the very least, if the Killer gets a 3 gen and 4Ks an otherwise very winnable game you'll have tried something to prevent it.
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cant wait to see someone complain about freddy and basekit sadako being too OP
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Next we're gonna hear territorial Imperative needs a nerf or even beast of prey (although imo I think beast of prey is fine where it is since it gives 50% hunting bloodpoints)
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But it does not go over the limit, it just makes the 10.000points being reached faster :/
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Yeah exactly
If it went over the cap it would be too OP and everyone would run it because it's "required"
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There is nothing wrong with whisper, it only becomes "problematic" if your team is over reliant on stealth
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I think barely anyone runs "Whispers". It's not that good of a aperk, it's more like decent.
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Nah nah survivor always say the best part of the game is the chase so no hiding or we can't chase.
I get actually very angry survivor when I play my no chase Ghostface and just go for sneaky stalk hits
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This game is not about hide and seek, it's about confrontation and pursuit
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I really don't think you're quite understanding how Whispers works.
Whispers does not tell the killer "exactly where you are". It literally only tells them you're within 32m, which is the terror radius for most killers. It does not have any auras reading functionality whatsoever. It does not make any notifications whatsoever. All it does is say "hey, there's a survivor on this half of the map, you aren't completely wasting your time right now."