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Wiggle Bugged

Since the new update came out yesterday the wiggle mechanic has been bugged. It goes very slowly and unlike normally when you hit a skill check it kind of smoothly bounces back and forth- it’s more like clock ticking. It’s very stiff and slow and sometimes when you are put on hook it lasts a couple seconds into that as well. I have also noticed significant lag in the “take chance to escape” bar. I am experiencing this on xbox with any survivor/perks/map I play.

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  • Member Posts: 394

    Yeah, same. You mean this one: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/3272662 ?

    I've noticed the 'recover while downed' thing also takes longer to go away... not that big of a deal, just weird.

  • Member Posts: 621

    Same thing for me. The wiggle skill check pauses for a moment when you hit the check. Unless the requirement to wiggle free has been lowered this is making every wiggle bar take longer to fill up.

  • Member Posts: 92

    I noticed a difference in the wiggle bar too, felt easier to hit the skill checks but also seemed like I was getting less progress? Very odd

  • Member Posts: 24

    This was also happening to me whenever I played survivor, though sometimes I'd get the wiggle bar permanently stuck on my screen when hooked/unhooked... only seemed to go away when I was downed again.

  • Member Posts: 784

    I noticed this as well. I don't remember seeing any patch notes about wiggle changes so I hope this is just a bug, it's terrible.

    Oh yeah, I've had that happen as well. Managed to grab a pic.

  • Member Posts: 24

    DBD finally gave survivors a skillcheck crosshair lol

  • Member Posts: 368

    Wiggle did not allow me to escape the Killer's grasp. This was an Eryie of Crows and I had a full wiggle bar (same issue with the checks being sluggish and slow to respond). Killer was able to swing at two other survs while the bar was full (couple of seconds of delay between each attempt to hit). I kept getting the checks, but hitting subsequent checks did not trigger escape either.

  • It’s been happening to me as well. I’m on pc and use a controller. Sent screenshots since the wiggle wheel stays there after I’m hooked. I hope it’s fixed this week so we can get back to enjoying the game❤️

  • Member Posts: 413

    Someone from development team dropped their sticky honey onto the wiggle skill checks

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