@BarnesFlam explained it in a much way simpler way than I did.
What was wrong with past Halloween cosmetics being in the store all year round? If the answer is "Nothing" then there is no positive reason BHVR could have had to change that.
And yes, I simplified what you said, but I didn't left out any important detail, and if that makes you "look bad" there's probably a good reason.
Time limited outfits...
Whatever. I have my opinion. You have your opinion. Neither of us is going to say anything to change the other's opinion, so this back and forth between us should end.
Would I prefer they be available year-round? Sure.
Does it bother me that some will not? No.
That's the last thing I am saying on this subject.
0 -
Ah, see? You already said you'd prefer to be able to buy them all year round, that's already something
Let's just hope you are right and they'll do this ONLY with strictly seasonal cosmetics bringing all of them back every year, but I doubt that unfortunately
3 -
Another confirmation. So we have 2 outfits for Dwight and 1 for Jane/Mikaela/The Doctor/The Clown/The Trapper/Jeff/Ace/The Wraith disappearing for a whole year!
How are people fine with this?
4 -
Don't forget Feng and Clown's Rift skins will be vanishing soon too.
2 -
Because it's not that big of a deal to most people. To you and others on this forum it might be, and that's fine. This type of thing doesn't even register to the casual player. Halloween skins being available around Halloween sounds pretty normal, not like some evil plan to steal people's money.
4 -
Please stop @ing me, especially to tell me what I said. I know what I said.
0 -
Guess who's back?
FOMO's back:
7 -
And Yun-Jin looked so good too.
3 -
Not surprised, not happy
Ashamed that there are still people defending these dirty tactics in ANY kind of game
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Don't worry, they will say it's coming back next year on the last day of the sale which is totally fine and not transparently stretching out the FOMO as much as possible before getting the simps to defend them because it's 'not a REAL exclusive'
8 -
So I'm going to assume this is going to be regular occurrence with event cosmetics huh.
6 -
The simps are the ones who fall victim to FOMO.
4 -
I can't believe they did this more than once. Dead by Daylight community needs to get better at backlash when BHVR does something scummy like this. I'm glad I already lost interest in playing this game, because I don't want to give anything to a company pulling this garbage.
6 -
Of course they will, they'll say that on the friday before New Year's Eve
You can bet your ass it is going to
Unless we REALLY start complaining about it but you know, apparently people like being treated like piggy banks 🤷🏻♂️
4 -
I would have gladly bought some of these cosmetics but since they are once again trying to exploit scummy fomo practices my auric cells will be going elsewhere.
5 -
All this does is try to pressure people who would otherwise wait for a sale or get the cosmetics at their own pace to fish out the money for it now.
If you're a diehard main of a character, you'd probably get the cosmetic regardless so it's not your money they are after. They want the money of people who see the cosmetic for a character they like and the pressure of "get this before it goes away" kicks in
The ethics of the practice doesn't matter when they've already got your money right?
Don't forget to vote for DBD In the Labour of Love award!
3 -
There is one problem you guys are forgetting. You are the minority. That's simply a fact. Most players of Dead by Daylight don't even have a forum account and never will. So we can complain all we want, but all those majority that don't have forum accounts? They are buying them because they (like me) don't see it as a big deal for holiday content to be limited to that holiday.
I didn't get the Dwight Mummy outfit. I kind of wanted it, but... not enough to get it before it went away. Maybe I'll get it next year. Maybe I won't. The Jane outfit however I definitely got.
As I've said before, would I like them to be available year round? Sure. Does it bother me they are not? Not one bit.
But even if every single person with a forum account, me included, refused to purchase any of the limited time outfits in protest... They would still sell well enough.
What it boils down to is if you want the holiday outfits, get them. If you don't get them in protest, well that's your choice too.
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The good news is that the forums aren't the only social media. I've seen quite a few people on twitter annoyed as well.
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Weird to think if blighted outfits started getting released now they would be seasonal items
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I know this is kinda naïve to post that but I would like to remind people that want to protest this to not just limit yourself to the forums:
- Reply your resentment to any official post on DbD's social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter; etc...)
- Post a negative review of the game if the platform in which your own a copy of the game allows you to do (Steam does)
- Do not stop protesting after the winter ends and the collections are gone. Don't wait the next seasonal event (Lunar New Year?) to complain again.
2 -
Yes, but even then. When was the last time you PRAISED something that BHVR did? Oh, right they've never done anything good. Ever. See, thats the thing... Most fans don't go on and say praises, we praise with our playing the game and buying the skins. It's only those that take issue with things that you hear.
So, just as a hypothetical.
Say 10,000 people buy the new Princess Heart Feng Min outfit.
Does it really matter than me and 100 other people on Twitter hate that Feng Min got a Princess Heart outfit with Cheryl's? Nah. We can complain all we want, but the Feng Min fans that love her will buy that outfit and Feng Min will get more outfits like it.
It's the same with these Time-Limited outfits. You can complain all you want, but what really matters is are people buying them? Yea, I did buy the Mikalea one on release day and bought all but the Trickster one today. Don't even play Meg that much (I am a big proponent of the Meg hate memes) but that dress is cute so yeah.
Mandy has outright said that the Deck the Trials collection will return next year. So, if you really really really must have a Christmas themed outfit for Trickster in June 2023 then go ahead and buy it now. If you only would wear it this month and then never wear it again until next year, well maybe its' not worth buying after all. But, does the fact that you can't buy it in June... REALLY matter that much?
0 -
"does the fact that you can't buy it in June... REALLY matter that much?"
5 -
Yea, just look at the Wesker one. That's Time-Limited. Oh, wait it isn't.
0 -
Do you have a guarantee it will never become time-limited in the future?
4 -
No, I don't have a guarantee that Susie's Stolen Cheer outfit won't be limited to Homecoming Season either.
You know what? They should do that in a year when it's released to the store. Would be gorram hilarious.
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Then people should stop pointing out other collections that aren't time-limited as being not that bad as a problem.
Because it can change at any day.
3 -
Available only for 2 weeks! Just TWO!
Meanwhile, still no answer about why time limits are a thing!
8 -
Don't forget that they brought back last year's sweaters for Yun-Jin, Mikaela, and Jonah but only at an increased price! They're the only rare cosmetics and only sweaters priced at 400 cells and 7200 shards!
4 -
Coincidently, a new survey just dropped:
No mention of time-limited cosmetics, obv. How do we send them our disappointment then?
Post edited by BarnesFlam on2 -
Assuming you already have the Auric cells in your account, BHVR already has your money.
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5 -
Ready for all the previous lunar new year cosmetics to also be leaving 🤠✨
11 -
honestly im glad bhvr is doing this, gives me a reason to not spend anymore money on this game ♥️
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You know it's really funny how I get a prooer source of income for the first time in a while outside of student finance and immediately after bhvr decide to just make decision after decision that stops me spending my money like my bank account has never looked this healthy
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Confirmation of several collection disappearing for no reason.
7 -
4 -
im not saying i called it but unfortunately i called it
6 -
8 -
Pure. Greed.
That's all this is
Like if the game goes F2P or something I'll get it but jesus
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The good news is, despite being called Resident Evil x Lunar New Year, the 3 new Resident Evil skins for Jill, Ada, and Blight (Birkin) are not included in the time-limited collection announcement. So at least I can wait and see if i want to get those.
4 -
How convenient. Seasonal outfits that will stay after the seasonal event ends. What a novel concept. 🤔
13 -
Thanks Capcom!
4 -
"vote with your wallet" okay and we do, but can people who say this acknowledge that we were asked in a survey about time-limited cosmetics and a resounding majority of people voted AGAINST it? And they did it anyway?
They don't care if we don't buy it. Our "votes" mean jack shiz.
6 -
An informal post:
3 -
I hate that it seems like Orion was right to jump ship when they did.
The NFT thing should've been a giveaway. It's sad to see BHVR go full-on greed mode, but I suppose it was inevitable, if disappointing
9 -
So Jeff and Yui that already have a small amount of cosmetics available are having outfits vaulted. That's definitely going to encourage new players to pick them up when they see they have even less cosmetic options thanks to this new make everything including old cosmetics time limited.
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Is it really Capcom we have to thank? They were fine with vaulting their Ugly Sweaters. 🤔
0 -
I think they could get away with the sweaters because they are techincally BHVR originals, like those sweaters don't exist in the games
Whereas Birkin, The Jill and Ada skins are all taken from the source material and I really don't think Capcom would allow BHVR to straight up disallow them from being sold like that. The Birkin model in particular looks like it's ripped straight from RE2
2 -
Where one outfit used to be a major addition, these days it is just one of many to choose from. By vaulting these holiday themed cosmetics, we hope to simplify the store and make these seasonal offerings more meaningful when they return each year. (Do not fear: We guarantee they will return!)
Confirmation they will return. Still a dumb practice. Battlepass cosmetics still not confirmed to return (to my knowledge).
3 -
My two takeaways from the Developer Update blog regarding the limited time cosmetics:
"As the game has grown, hundreds of outfits have been added to the store. Where one outfit used to be a major addition, these days it is just one of many to choose from. By vaulting these holiday themed cosmetics, we hope to simplify the store and make these seasonal offerings more meaningful when they return each year. "
I'm sorry but this is just a sad excuse. Let's assume this was actually true - some characters barely have five outfits, how dumb does BHVR think their players are that they can't navigate a shop interface? If they really think the shop needs to be 'simplified', introduce categories and more filter options. The last thing that would come to mind if this was the actual motivation would be to remove the items from the store for a year.
"When the event period ends, these outfits will be vaulted (removed from the store) until they return the following year. The next time they return, they will be available with both Auric Cells and Iridescent Shards (excluding licensed characters)."
At least something positive that the outfits will be also available to buy with shards from the second time they come around.