Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

You Own BVHR, What Is Your First Change To DBD?



  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    -BBQ DC tokens for killers
    -Easier and safer WGLF tokens for survivors (We need to prevent farming)
    -New game modes, possibly 2v8 and no terror radius, scratch mark mode.
    -Buff leatherface and Freddy
    -I would take a look at the perks and try to buff unused perks like technician as much as I can
    -NEW MAP DESIGNS. We have jungle gyms, TL and double T walls. I would like to create different tiles like they did with Ormond.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Massive expansion of bug fix team
  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    @The_Crusader said:
    Kenshin said:

    @not_Queen said:

    @RuneStarr I like your ideas! Here is where we are on both.

    1. This is something that the Community team really does want to make happen. It needs multiple level of approvals within the team and we are currently just drafting the project. Coming up with something like this (or similar) is one of our objectives on a mid-term plan.

    2. We are currently expending the Marketing team here at DBD. The growth of the team will, in time, allow us to communicate better and more strategically about specific subjects and content releases. When it comes to the PTB, granted, it does take away the ''hype part'' but we need the PTB to be happening. It gives us a lot of feedback and allows us to pinpoint issues better before the official launch. I can't wait to see what you have to say about our communication on the upcoming chapter! :)

      is there a dev stream tomorrow? pls update the streaming roadmap...

      Look at the last part

    " I can't wait to see what you have to say about our communication on the upcoming chapter!  :)"

    Sounds to me like they're going to hype this one up a little different perhaps. No wonder they've been so quiet.

    I almost wonder if it could be licensed...

    Probably not licensed, isn't this killer supposed to be extremely old, like before 1900? Idk. Although, I wouldn't too displeased if it was licensed.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    First and foremost - All development changes/ideas must use a two face critical thinking format. Brainstorming and devil's advocate. This may curb some of the shortfalls that perks/killers/gameplay has suffered in the past. IE: "Hey, give Legion an ability to inflict deep wounds....etc, etc. Devil's Advocate: "That could cause problems. Survivors hold M1 more often than they do now, could encourage tunneling, can easily be exploited creating a situation where there is no counter play." See how that works? When his power was first listed, several of us said those exact things, but we were called negative nancies. Oops.

    1. switch primary focus to fixing known bugs. List those bugs on the forums and keep players updated as to what work is being done. (Obviously dedicated servers have to remain a focus)
    2. Stop production of new killers, and focus production on new game modes. (Obviously bugs are primary focus)
    3. Convert KYF to a KWF and give players the ability to modify nearly every aspect of the game. Increase killer speed, gen speed, slow speeds down, whatever it is they see fit. Create an area on the forums for feedback and uploading video of games to the development team for review on how things might work out.
    4. Once we are over 60% on fix for current bugs, divert a portion to fixing DS, Freddy rework (I'm in the ship who thinks he does not need one, just most play him wrong. That said, looking at improvements does not hurt.) Legion rework, and begin process of looking at other perks that could use tweaks.
    5. Begin looking at ways to lessen the bp grind - fix blood webs.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I would do something like Rainbow Six: Siege did.
    So after a bit of the usual routine instead of releasing a new chapter I would make it so everyone concentrated on fixing bugs and making sure that the dedicated servers will work as good as possible. Kind of like an Operation Health, if you know R6: Siege you probably know what it was. This game needs a ton of bugs and glitches to be fixed, and it really, really needs the dedicated servers to work as intended.
    Devs, if you read this I want to say that I love this game, even tho not perfect it's my favorite game ever

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    @XavierBoah17 said:
    Alot of people want 2v8 but that really cant work. The perks would all need to be changed to fit the game style and of course the player base would be split, leading to increase queue times for both game modes.

    As with all alternate game modes they could rotate an alternate game mode on weekends when the number of players is higher. I agree that they shouldn't have too many permanent game modes available otherwise the player base would become too fragmented. Also, they could make these alternate game modes available as KYF options.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Rework Hillbilly into something less deliberately overpowered.


    Fix the Hex system/Ruin's place in the game.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359
    Buff poor freddy 
  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2019
    Rework DS (u can use one for game, work without be the obsession, but only if u Charge the Perk with 60/80/90 seconds of chase.)

    Rework NOED (No more HEXperk, increase speed, but only first hit can instadown)

    Remove instaheal, ebony mori and OP killer add-on.

    Rebuff flashlight.

    Give to trapper the base ability that can carry 2 traps.

    Rework Freddy.

    When killer DC, give back the offering and item to survivor. When at least on survivor DC, give back the offering and add-on to killer.

    Remove all stupid add-on and offering. (For example: flashlight , all add-on that increase precision.. for chainsaw brothers the one that can't instadown when hit someone..) and make new add-on specially for some killer (pig).

    Add new offering:
    For survivor
    - + 1 pallet (can stack) (secret).
    - start the game with a random yellow item (toolbox, medkit or flashlight). (Secret)
    - -1 blocked Window (can't stack) (secret)

    For killer
    - +1 totem (secret).
    - after 60 seconds that game start, u can see the aura of obsession for 10 seconds.(secret)
    - u can ban 1 map for the match.(before that see survivor offering).
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809
    I would add distance-based in-game voice chat
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    1st step:

    • way harsher punishment for disconnects

    2nd step:

    • a better ranking system
    • casual & ranked mode (no SWFs there)

    3rd step:

    • a better matchmaking that also considers players Devotion level

    4th step:

    • time to balance the game around the high rank players of the new ranking system

    5th step:

    • continue with content
  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Bunny Feng Min.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Oh and I'd create an Easter Egg that gives Clown a special cosmetic: Borats bathing suite.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    SWF gone. Or alternatively placed into a casual mode.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited February 2019

    @TAG said:
    Reverse Bear Traps kill people trying to escape through the Hatch. :pirate:

    I agree, it's unfair being able to scape through the hatch with a RBT and also it ignores the lore of Saw movies which is "you can't scape till you finish the game (remove/disable the traps)".
    I would also add Jigsaw boxes auras cannot be seen until the RBT is enabled.

  • Annelia
    Annelia Member Posts: 23

    I have a couple of small suggestions, if I may.

    1. EULA clarification. For now there is a lot of speculations and rumours regarding what exactly is bannable, what is allowed, what is frowned upon, what will result in warnings, what is a normal gameplay. I feel like a clear link to EULA/TOS would make this a bit more clear. Less punishing - more encouraging and transparency.

    2. I would also love to see a something like an official website section with a bunch of articles, that would explain in-game mechanics. Tutorials even. For now DBD's website is not very active, but it definitely can be improved. You can also include the article with the clear explanation of different misconceptions of bannable things in the game. This will help new players and also (hopefully) will reduce the load on Support.

    3. As other people suggested, marketing team could probably do the release campaigns a bit differently...

    4. Personally I feel like it would be cool to see some very strong perks in the game. Variety builds are not really viable since all the strong perks that are already in the game make a huge difference. Try out very strong perks, see how it turns out :) Maybe give something very strong to both sides so that the other side would not feel left out?

    5. Would be nice to see event outfits tied to a specific event, to be honest... This would make grinding more valuable. I understand why they are still in store, but what if they would be released a bit later? Let's say that during a certain event it is possible to earn 3 outfits. These outfits will be available only during the event, but they might come back to the store later on. This way there is more purpose in grinding, people will still get the chance to flash them, cosmetics will still hit the store, and new players will still have a chance to get them eventually. What if from time to time there were certain promotions of buying a cosmetic, maybe even with the discount. Or the random bundle? For now all the outfits have -10% tag, which is constant, which nullifies the discount purpose in the first place. I don't know, that's just food for thought.

    6. In-game events, smaller ones. Most big events require big work from different teams, but what if it's a small event with small rewards? What if a player had a chance of getting... I don't know.... extra 50.000 BP from a certain chest or after hooking someone on a certain hook? What if there were more chests on the map? What if for 2 days the loot would be changed to the very rare one, maybe even something that was not yet introduced in the game?

    7. Possibly rewards for devotion level? Preventing questions - I am not biased, my devotion level is very low.

    8. Friendly environment for new players. Maybe once a month dev team would be interested to have a couple of matches with new players, just having casual fun while slowly introducing them to the game and explaining game mechanics? It will require a lot of human power though, so I am not sure if it's valuable in the long run...

    9. Encouraging good behaviour. Props system is already implemented, so if it can be tweaked a bit to work better and to reward kindness, courtesy, good skill and good sports - that would be great <3

    10. Preventing frustration. This is something super advanced, I imagine, but hey, one can dream. What if if a certain player loses a couple of matches in a row (escape with very low points, no kills whatsoever, etc), a message will pop up, saying something encouraging, introducing link to tutorials on the renewed website AND gave a player a set of powerful addons/items. For survivor it could be a medkit with syringe, for killer it would be something very strong from his/her kit, depending on the played killer. Maybe even a free "splinter".

    11. Make the "win" term very loose, change the concept of winning for both sides. I know that seasoned players still will have a certain mindset that will not be changed despite possible changes, but the mindset of new players can be changed. I feel like the mindset "I must kill all 4 survivors to succeed"/"I must escape every match" is a very dangerous road and a constant struggle for perfection, which can never be achieved due to various reasons. Thus, frustration, anger, hatred, toxicity.

    12. In-game mini-game: build roulette. I know that a lot of streamers already use some sort of software for it, but it would still be a nice feature for humble seasoned players like myself. Imagine this roulette within the game design, super fancy, with Entity claws, exclusive game art on the background, something like this :) You can include which killers/survivors you want to be in the drop-out :)

    That's about it, I tried to be as generic as possible without touching specific issues.

  • Annelia
    Annelia Member Posts: 23

    Oh, oh, and another one!

    It will probably make sense for the marketing team.

    For the majority of people games are more fun with friends. So why not encourage inviting new players? Let's say someone bought the game. What if after a couple of days (count of successful logons and sessions) he would receive a Steam code for a discount either for DLC or for the base game that he can gift to a friend?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Master said:

    Ingame voice comms with proper balancing

    Not that anyone would use said voice comms, but I know what you mean.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Ban DbD from streaming on Twitch that is where all this Toxic playstyles and speech came from.

    As much as I would LOVE to watch some streamers get banished for encouraging toxic behavior, a full Twitch purge is a bad idea. Too many normal people stream on Twitch. We would be shooting down DBD's free marketing wing if we banned DBD from twitch.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Decisive Strike gone. Not reworked, not nerfed, just pulled out of the game never to return.

    This is a great start, but you need a finisher. All surviviors have 3 perks so what are we going to replace Decisive Strike with?
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Eveline said:
    DS removed
    Flashlight removed
    Moris available only after second hook
    Insta down and other op add ons removed

    Now why would you want flashlights removed? They play an important role against Hags, Wraiths, and Nurse's. Not to mention that the designers went through all of the trouble to replace the "white screen of pain" to a darker red and black particle effect.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Make Freddy OP and add naked david
    Does your lust know no bounds?
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    TAG said:
    Reverse Bear Traps kill people trying to escape through the Hatch. :P
    I don't even like Pig and I agree with you.
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    I would nerf freddy and buff nurse, community needs the strong stronger and the weak weaker

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Peasant said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    Make Freddy OP and add naked david

    Does your lust know no bounds?

    His lust is sexy, Freddy needing to be OP will never happen showing his lust

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited February 2019

    @BACKSTABBER said:
    I would add distance-based in-game voice chat

    This both a great idea and a horrible one at the same time. Not sure how I'd feel about this. I feel like we would need to tweak the unsportsmanlike conduct criteria as otherwise certain individuals, not unlike yourself might get in trouble for "accidentally" helping the killer.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Coriander said:
    Bunny Feng Min.

    When are we getting that, or are we ever getting it

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @TreemanXD said:

    @Edys said:


    • flag system: user.has_disconnect = True/False
    • 1 DC: flag becomes True
    • 2 DC: 3 minute wait before joining / creating a lobby
    • 3 DC: 15 minutes wait
    • 4 DC: 1 hour wait
    • 5 DC: 24 hours wait
    • 6 DC: 48 hours wait
    • 7 DC+: 48 hours wait + player can play only in hell queue
    • every 48 hours or every 5 games without disconnections (only solo, not swf) the player loses 1 from his dc count

    Hell Queue

    • a special queue for flagged players (basically, players that abused somehow the game. for now let's say disconnecters)
    • once a player is in Hell Queue, he can play only against other players in Hell Queue
    • if a swf group has one player in Hell Queue, the group will be queued in Hell Queue
    • normal rules still apply: if a player disconnects from a game his counter still increases, if he cheats he's still reportable etc.
    • players in Hell Queue do not know they are in Hell Queue
    • once in Hell Queue, player record must go back to immaculate (e.g. if he's in the Hell Queue due to 7+ DC, he must wait for his counter to go back to zero before being able to go back to the normal queue)

    Hell queue would cause grieving as players who didn’t care about the game would join a SWF party and dc putting their team in hell queue.

    Eh, it would only be for the matches played with that friend though. I don't see why the system would drag them all into the Hell queue outside of that group.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    Even though I asked for the first change you would make, I've seen a lot of "step 2, 3, 4's". That sounds like fun, so I'm going to get in on that action too.

    Step1: Create a transfer system for unwanted items and add ons for characters at level 50. Players could pay bloodpoints equal to the item or add on cost to exchange it for an item or add on of equal rarity of their choice. There would be a 10% discount for each prestige rank.

    Step2: Address the rewards at higher rank or lack thereof. I would actually take a multi-step approach to this. First thing I would do is immediately add a bloodpoint bonus for each pip earned at rank 1. The bloodpoint bonus would be around 5 to 10 thousand bloodpoints. Enough to matter, but not so much as to be considered "required". The idea being to reward players for getting to rank 1 and hopefully inspire them to stay there and try their best and hopefully keep them from disconnecting.

    Step3: Address the end game issue of survivors hanging around at the end of a match. My solution would be to put a 90 second timer once the final generator is finished. Once the 90 seconds are up or until a player is put on a hook, the killer will be able to see all the survivors auras. If all survivors are unhooked then the 90 second timer starts again. Lockers and perks will not protect you from this aura vision.

    Step4: Add rotating alternate game modes each weekend that offer bloodpoint bonuses. Once the alternate game mode has been introduced, it will permanently be available on Kill Your Friends. You can see examples here:

    Step5: Address the bloodpoint grind issue. There are a number of different things I would do, but a couple of examples would include changing We're Gonna Live Forever to "Whenever a generator is completed gain 1 token. At the end of the match gain 10/15/20% bonus bloodpoints to all categories for each token.". I would also change the prestige system so that each time a character prestiges they get their own teachable perks for free equal to their prestige rank. You can see more ideas here:

    Step6: This step is really step 2 of step 2. I would continue my work on addressing the rewards of higher rank. I would extend each season to 2 or 3 months. I would make it so players can earn unlimited pips at rank 1 which are displayed and used for match making purposes. This would create essentially "unlimited ranks" so that all rank 1's are not really the same. I would introduce exclusive cosmetics that can only be earned by attaining a large number of these rank 1 pips.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:
    I would buff No Mither

    Would you care to elaborate on what your buff would entail?

  • Aftertaste
    Aftertaste Member Posts: 315

    I will fix EVERY FREAKING BUG. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Even the HUD bug when survivor dies on a hook but there's skull icon like he was moried. I hate this kind of bugs :D

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    Get Pumpkinhead into the game.
    This wrong must be put right.

  • ToxicAddiction
    ToxicAddiction Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2019
    When my community manager announces a time, we’ll meet it or I’ll find a new CM.

    In fact, that’s really the biggest change I’d make- dates made public would be rock solid.
  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    Turn back game to 1.3 or 1.4
  • QuestionedTurkey
    QuestionedTurkey Member Posts: 20

    hire an entire team dedicated to creating comics and animated shorts to tell the story of Dead By Daylight. Id create a donation page so they could all be community funded, and make a whole section of the forum for cool survivor/killer/other journal entries that would be posted occasionally that are found in the fog that would also give us insight into how the characters are as people and how they're coping with their situations.

    then of course id fix the bugs, but details!

  • QuestionedTurkey
    QuestionedTurkey Member Posts: 20

    @Poweas said:
    Hm. I'd add a 2v8 gamemode.

    OOO and a killer vs killer!

    ELTORO Member Posts: 3
    New Competitive Mode (ranked mode):
    * Only playable on dedicated servers (if they ever come to be). 
    * 5 solo players join a lobby
    * X seconds for everyone to choose their survivors loadout. 
    * After that time the killer is randomly chosen. 
    * Leaving the lobby after that results in a X minutes ban (to avoid lobby hopping). 
    * Another X seconds for the killer to get ready (during this time only the killer has access to the loadout menu). 
    * Match starts.
    * Disconnecting during the match results in a X minutes ban.

    This mode is just perfect, people would actually have to be good with both sides to move forward in the ranks. 

    The current game mode would stay the same, however it would be a casual mode, where people get to choose which side they want to play.
  • LiquidLink1988
    LiquidLink1988 Member Posts: 137

    Increase the time it takes for generators to be completed for SWF.

    2 SWF = +10%
    3 SWF = +15%
    4 SWF = +20%

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    @ToxicAddiction said:
    When my community manager announces a time, we’ll meet it or I’ll find a new CM.

    In fact, that’s really the biggest change I’d make- dates made public would be rock solid.

    So you're a real "kill the messenger" type of leader huh? The community manager has absolutely nothing to do with dead lines being met. The CM isn't the one who makes up the dead lines or even in charge of the ones who make the dead lines. Firing people for things they have no control over is a good way to lower morale and loyalty. Which in turn will effect your productivity, employee retention, recruitment, and eventually the viability of your company as a whole.

  • Rockatanskyrenzo
    Rockatanskyrenzo Member Posts: 30
    edited February 2019

    1- Make more licensed Chapters or paragraphs (and in addition, more licensed cosmetics), this action will attract new players without any doubt, with a great range of ages.
    2- I would indicate if a killer is going to confront an SWF team (with an icon, or a number, I don´t know exactly), so the killer can decide if he wants to play the game or not.
    3- Severe penalties for the people that disconnect in the middle of the game.
    4- More quality merch it´s a must

    Post edited by Rockatanskyrenzo on
  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    Heres one easy QoL fix, make the explosion black bubble thing on Gen completion or killer hook dissapear very quickly if your looking at it so you can see the survs that are leaving the area if they on in LoS or you can see if the killer is beelineing right towards you as with BBQ and chili. Currently the black bubble hides both and is annoying and can be dangerous. I get its utility for giving folks a chance to see where it was but if your screen is centered on it, it ought to go away.

    Also Please do something to curb tunneling. As a surv its unfun.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    @No1TheLarch said:


    @not_Queen said:
    Just jumping in to say that I am keeping an eye on this post. It's nice to see people coming in with positive ideas for changes. Keep at it! :)


    Heres one easy QoL fix, make the explosion black bubble thing on Gen completion or killer hook dissapear very quickly if your looking at it so you can see the survs that are leaving the area if they on in LoS or you can see if the killer is beelineing right towards you as with BBQ and chili. Currently the black bubble hides both and is often annoying and can be dangerous. I get its utility for giving folks a chance to see where it was but if your screen is centered on it, it ought to decay quickly if your already see where it has happened.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    When Pig starts her Ambush Attack (when she roars) Surivors within a 15m Radius will be Exhausted for 3sec. This way Pig no longer is hard countered by Sprint Burst.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Make the freddy rework come faster, why is it taking years to change him?

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Cross platform servers that save your name and stats from one to another barring legacy skins 
  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @Eveline said:
    Moris available only after second hook

    I hate moris as much as the next guy, but what would be the point of them if this were applied?

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Maybe they should replace last hook with mori without needing add ons.
  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    Probably go through a detailed bug fixing spree.

    Institute rank rewards at the end of the season (because without them rank means nothing).

    Add something to help fix the end game.

    Work on dedicated servers with end goal being cross platform play.

    Then introduce 2v8 mode and possibly 2v16 but the survivors are split into teams and also have to compete against other survivor teams for resources.