Where are my coffee drinkers?
I drink coffee every morning to start my day. I take mine with peppermint mocha creamer and it’s so delicious.
Hot Cocoa my mom made me this morning gang 😎💪
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I cold brew mine and drink it black. No cream or sugar.
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Hot Cocoa Gang rise up!!!!
I wish I could get into coffee. But it's super icky :(
I know you can add all kinds of cream and sugar and ish to it but I went to a coffee shop and asked them for the item that they would recommend to someone who doesn't like coffee and they made me some drink stuffed to the gills with caramel and chocolate and I still didn't like it
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That actually sounds so good though lol
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I cannot start the day without a few coffees!
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They can't say I didn't try! That thing was basically candy with everything they put in it but as soon as I took a sip, I immediately could taste the bitterness of coffee.
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It’s such an amazing smell to wake up too.
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I also enjoy that morning routine of brewing it, it's the first thing I do - then as it's brewing grab a quick shower, then sit and enjoy my coffee peacefully. It's definitely a huge part of my daily routine, and as boring as a routine sounds - I wouldn't change this one.
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Coffee should taste like. . . Coffee.
I usually I mix between Latte vs. Pour over in the morning. I use an aero press at work. I’m probably going to get a Hario switch for Christmas and maybe a fancy hand grinder (I’m wanting a Kinu m47 . . I’d love a classic, but can’t. Justify the cost, probably a pheonix.)
While I don’t like things in my coffee, steamed Eggnog is REALLYgood in coffee. Doesn’t froth up like regular milk though.
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I am not sure how I feel about that "steamed eggnog"...I've arrived in Montreal and with the translation to French, eggnog is now chicken milk, and I do not know how I feel about that at all!
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Eggnog is not chicken milk. :). Eggnog has milk, cream, egg yolk, usually cinnamon, nutmeg
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must admit I've never tried it (my boss raves about it however)...I just find it funny that it's called chicken milk here. It's rather offputting and not at all what it really is.
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I switch it up between coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. I do alot of local coffee shops for lattes because I don't have anything to do a good espresso with at home and coffee shop lattes just hit different. I do have a milk frother that I love though that makes coffee and hot chocolate extra tasty - use it mostly for hot chocolate.
My favorite brands to make at home:
Coffee: Bones, Deadsled, Godiva, and Diddly Squat Farm (to me this one tastes like a coffee/tea mix).
Tea: Twinnings Irish Breakfast is my absolute go to for hot tea. Lipton is my go to for ice tea.
Hot Chocolate: Kakawa (the best), Godiva, and one from local chocolate shop.
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I feel like alot of coffee shops like to use "dark roast" as their go to and it's impossible to hide the bitter taste with that. I enjoy coffee but hate dark roast, can fill it with all the sugar imaginable but it still tastes like burnt and bitter grossness to me. 😂
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i have a really bad habit of drinking a energy drink in the beginning of the day. leads to nosebleeds
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Ohh dang! That ain’t good
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Drink more coffee than water. Been drinking for 35 years I can't function without it.
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Could you go through a whole day without coffee??? Even on you’re day off? 😂
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^^^ this exactly, except it's probably closer to 30 years for me.
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Perhaps if I drink a lot of Monster, Redbull etc 😀 Who knows 😄
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This is the one good thing I'll say about coffee. It smells super good. Even if it tastes like muddy water :P
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No no no you can’t have any energy drinks 😂😂
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I can't drink energy drinks, they give me a really bad stomach after a couple...I can however, drink a vodka red bull, but this seems to be the exception.
I'm drinking a nicely brewed coffee currently, it's cold outside and I'm all snuggled up with a steaming mug of coffee - pretty perfect actually...ohhh and I was directed to try 10% coffee milk, I have no idea if it's actual milk or creamer, we never had this in the UK, but I've found it here in Montreal and it's so smooth in coffee! loving it.
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My boss comes to work with a bag of like 3 monsters and it makes me so worried for his health. I don’t know how anyone can drink so much of that stuff.
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I like my coffee like I like my women. Strong and bitter as hell.
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unfortunately coffee wont step on me
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Well if you rush with either then you can be burned.
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I made the terrible mistake of going to college an hours train ride away, needing me to be up well over 3 hours before it even started. Then I decided to get a job in retail while figuring out what I actually want to do in life.
I genuinely cannot function without caffeine anymore. It gave me a crippling addiction. Doesn't matter how I get it, but coffee at this point is drank for the caffeine not for the pleasure anymore.
Edit: Okay I lied when I can be asked a lovely made oat milk latte that I actually put effort into kinda slaps. Like this'll be after my 2nd cup because then I have the energy to do anything with the day, but it does kinda slap.
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I drink like 1-5 tall glasses of plain coffee a day. Sometimes I'll even add French Vanilla or Caramel Macchiato creamer with caramel syrup and whipped cream, but that's if I'm feeling extra fancy that day. I kinda have a coffee problem XD.
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It's a good problem to have! And that caramel macchiato creamer sounds pretty delish!
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It's -7 outside and I am drinking an iced coffee, do I still count?
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I've gotten re-addicted to it after giving it up for a while. Gonna try to give it up again. It's a gate way drug for me that leads to eating too much and having to pee all the time. I like QT's (gas station) Vienna Roast with Hazelnut creamer. It's my go to when I'm in a hurry. Dunkin' is my favorite with just cream and sugar. I don't care for Panera or Starbucks, they both taste bleh to me.
@Jocelynbee That counts. Heck, I eat ice cream this time of year with no issues 😅
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choccy milk gang where u at
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Cold weather is best weather for iced coffee - it stops the ice from melting and watering down the coffee.