How exactly does this challenge work now?

Sooo I guess I have some explaining to do. In an old archive, there used to be a similar challenge. This challenge also said to down survs while they're exposed. I tried to do that challenge with Michael back then, for obvious reasons. It didn't count and I wondered why so I posted it on a discord server with some people that play dbd quite a lot and someone said that it doesn't count when doing it with Michael. So I was wondering, is that actually true/still applies? Does that also apply to Ghost Face? Do I need to have them exposed by perks?
Best Answers
I was able to complete the challenge using Ghost Face after trying with Meyers and having the same issue.
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It probably has something to do with how Myers's power works, survivors themselves don't get exposed, instead it's a global effect.
Ghostface's power however should work fine, because it affects survivors individually.
I believe Michael doesn't work, yes. I've seen a lot of people complaining about that. Might be intentional but more likely it's a bug.
Perks should work tho.
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Thanks everyone for answering, I'll try but I doubt I'll get it, I'm so bad with Ghost Face
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throw in Noed, it at least almost guaranteed one exposed hit in EGC, if you don’t get enough during the match with GFs power.
could obv use other perks but Noed is the most reliable in my experience on M1 killers without anti loop
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Thanks again for the answer. I managed to do it now with Ghost Face and Haunted Ground and Dragons Grip but Noed is definitely a good idea, I'll remember it for the future