Should distortion recharge while in chase?

Currently distortion recharges while the killer is chasing you. Should it work like this or is it too cheesy?
Considering Distortion is something you don't really use in chase and is made for avoiding chases to begin with, I'd say it's fine.
It would be a bit of a clunky design to have to run up to the killer, hide within their terror radius, while you potentially have no Distortion and therefore no protection from aura reading, in order to charge it up for later.
I wouldn't mind it pausing in chase if it charged a bit quicker out of it though.
Post edited by Seraphor on3 -
No it shouldn’t. I love Distortion and love using it but it feels way too easy to get tokens now. Unless I’m against a stealth killer or one with a small terror radius it feels like I NEVER run out. It should just be while in the terror radius without being chased like how Diversion works.
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Should? Probably not, but at the end of the day, it doesn't harm too much (off hand all we can think of is wraith and t2 wall hack Myers)
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I don't think they should change it cause it's not like it's meta or anything. If it ain't fixed don't broke it
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Distortion is a decent perk as is and doesn't need a nerf.
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I think the way it works right now is fine. Considering it gets burned away in seconds with several aura revealing perks and add ons. I still find myself in games where I have no tokens for a while. Then when I have tokens again I"m in chase so its of no use unless the killer has I'm all Ears.
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Personally I don't like it because it denies chases. It's like would you rather me run slow down instead of aura reading? In terms of power level it's really not deserving of a nerf. If it ever becomes used often/meta killers will just stack slow down more than they do now. I use slow down rarely and if I do it's pain res about 1 in 4 games, that will change to 100% of games if I start seeing 2 plus distortions every match.
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It's already so weak as is. I like to run it, but 85% of my games it never activates even once. If anything it needs a buff. Make it work against screams and gen pings (things that show your gen while you are working on it).
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I didn't want to open a thread myself because distortion is truly a hidden gem and it's really on the limit of 'too strong's because of all the information it gives for free and its a ability to negate entire killer builds
I wouldn't say it's broken, not at all, but consider that distortion gives information even when it's not working. Start the trial, 3 full tokens, ok no LP. Killer kicks gen, still 3 tokens, no Nowhere to hide. And so on. It's not a gamble taking this perk into the trial because it is helpful even while not getting actual use out of it.
It's really too easy to recharge tokens against some killers, while with others it's very difficult, making it also uneven. If i were to change it, I'd make tokens recharge based on how much a survivor worked on gens.
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bro i see it every other game
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No joke. I don't even use aura detection and I see a lot of people using the perk.
It seems very dumb that distortion charges mid chase. Anyone who remembers sprint burst with a 20 second cooldown that recharged before exhaustion was put into the game will surely agree.
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I honestly prefer it to more push for stealth so no