why don't the Devs give us an rework update on NURSE

Ive had it with nurses. i play with one friend everyday and every time we play she either instantly finds us and slug us or we have a team mate that DC on down or when they notice we are up against a nurse. WE NEED AN UPDATE ON HER
nurse abilities mechanics are OUTDATED and needs a whole rework. matches are ending within 5 mintues and thats pretty unfair
I honestly think they have no idea what to do with nurse but with her low overall kill rate and them working on a million other things I doubt she's a priority for them. I've given up on expecting a full rework atp and just hope she and blight get an add-on pass at some point and that might be enough.
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I think having her blink attacks count as special attacks would be a decent starting point.
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Nurse is many things.
Balanced is not a word I would use.
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balanced ..uhh questionable ... she offers a new way to play the game ? YES , it is healthier for the game? NO....
Nurse if played correctly feels like either you need to abuse exhaustion perks and insane mindgames or you DIE when doing a bad guess against a decent nurse (Good nurses are misserable to go against when they bring massive slowdown builds) remenber why Spirit was nerfed? coin-flips are not interesting or skillful to go against IMO , I would take a blight with strong addons and massive slowdown any day compared to a Nurse with 4 slowdowns.
DBD got a lot of changes over the years and Nurse just feels outdated for modern DBD , since maps are no longer insanely bigger than before , many broken thing for survivors got tweaked and toned down (insta-heals - map layouts - perks) compared to billy , makes me sad that billy got a massive Nerf but Nurse aparently is more weaker than billy , and they gave her a 3 blink addon , that basically makes the killer even more problematic against average players and new players.
I think the purple addon that makes Nurse a 4.6 killer for a while after landing a hit if it was BASEKIT could be a fun way to CHANGE nurse without completly making the killer that weaker.
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Oh, I'm one of those nurses, absolutely. Lethal pursuer, I'm on your ass in 6 seconds, it's all vision perks, all the time. Distorion helps but not enough. If you're a good nurse, you can beat anyone and unless you're up against really really good survivors, even a decently competent nurse will wreck shop against 90% of teams
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before reworking the nurse they should relegate SWF in custom matches, then balance the game around normal killers, in that way you can safely rework the nurse, putting her on line with the rest of the roster... but we both know that this will never happen so...
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Nurse does not require a nerf. Nurse requires actual skill to play well. Different playstyle to play as, and against her.
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Your average Nurse is really fun to go against, in my opinion. I think it's exciting that it's more about jukes and mindgames than just looping.
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Because her kill rates don´t reflect that. Simple as that. She has one of the lowest kill rates. If she was the unstopping killing machine everyone is claiming to face, then her kill rate would be much higher.
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Damn so much skill is needed to play her.
You can get good at Nurse in like 3 days.
Many killers are much more difficult to learn and yet they are much weaker.
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I don't see what's so outdated. Is it because people just don't like it and so its outdated? Being able to go through walls is cool and not outdated.
Loops and tiles are a better example of something that is outdated.
Nurse is in a position where any meaningful change would probably be bad. Like noed and we see what happened there.
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How would you rework her in a way to not make her useless or completely broken? She is not being touched by the devs because the way you play her is entirely different from the rest of the roster.
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Nurse is piss easy since her recoding, and certain perk combinations + add-ons make her even easier
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Nurse as-is should exist as long as SWF with discord exists.
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and yet somehow nurse has one of the lowest kill rates even tho shes easier to learn? survivor whining never ceases to amaze.
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Nurse winrate is fine, no point in wasting development time to "fix" her.
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Blink attack is M2.
Range addon should not increase speed.
It will not help against good Nurse with quad slowdown and tunnel. But thats all she can be fixed that not changing her kit.
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Nurse is fine. Unlike most other killers that you can dupe with braindead looping, she requires some honest effort to juke, which makes games against her much more exciting than the same ring-around-the-rosie simulator all other killers deal with.
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Survivors end match in 3.5 minutes = nobody cares
Killers end match in 5 minutes = survivor mains out in the streets protesting naked
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Yep let me break line of sight on shelter woods :)
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Yeah I've never seen a thread about gen rushing in my whole life, and there totally aren't tons of content creators that build their channel by pandering to killers who cry about it (even big ones that are r3allysk1llful™ at the game)
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Post proof or this never happened.
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As much as I hate her it’s worth noting that maps are what lead to her insane strength as well. If maps like shelter woods and midwich were more balanced nurse would also be more balanced as a result
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She's been the most OP killer for the longest time, but despite that she was buffed when the hit cooldown was reduced for all killers. Now breaking line of sight is even harder to do. At the very least they should restore the old hit cooldown solely for Nurse.
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This, plus a full addon rework would be the best outcome imo, keeping a few of the current addons, like the one that lets you return to original position
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Nurse should only get reworked the day SWF gets nerfed. Only nerfs I could live with in the short term would be add on pass and lethal blinks (or the 2nd blink) are special attacks.
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Let's break this down. You said every time you play against Nurse :
- instantly finds us and slug us or
- we have a team mate that DC on down or
- (DC) when they notice we are up against a nurse
So, in reply:
- This is a potential result with any killer with good mobility (Blight, Billy etc) especially if they're running Lethal Pursuer. The slugging aspect applies potentially to every killer - not a Nurse issue so no change required here.
- Wholly a survivor decision and happens with every killer - not a Nurse issue so no change required here.
- Wholly a survivor decision
Now, for 2 & 3 above I will happily concede that people DC more against a Nurse but that's on them, not BHVR. In case the response is "They only DC 'cause Nurse is broken/no fun/OP" again, that's entirely an issue of that survivor. From your statement you and your friend don't DC even though you don't like playing against Nurse so it's not like it's compulsory and there are definitely people who like playing against Nurse (they show up in most of these innumerable "NERF NURSE!" threads) so again, not really an issue that requires a rework.
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people with this wrong opinions should be happy this place its not democratic like reddit.
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Compared to other Killers which are (far) weaker than her, Nurse is not really hard to play.
Her difficulty is really overexaggerated.
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If this were true, more bad killers who only know how to camp and tunnel would switch to Nurse because she's so easy and we'd see more of her in all tiers of MMR, which isn't the case. I hardly see her at all in my games.
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Nurse is overpowered, but it's mostly perks and addons that make her that way. Making her blinks special attacks would go a long way.
Another problem is aura reading perks and map design. If she can see you all the time, it's basically a free hit against a good nurse. Distortion is such a valuable perk against nurse though, I love hearing them open a locker and losing a stack while I'm running away.
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nurse is fine
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Damn dude you always pop up to defend Nurse. You're like a flat earther.
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What killers are much more difficult to learn? Im definetly interested. Huntress requires a lot of skill to master, that I can agree with. Then theres killers that require strategy. Blight, Deathslinger, sure. Billy also perhaps. But definetly easier to play than Nurse.
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Im like a flat earther? Dont compare me with people that have nothing but ######### come out of their mouth. Nurse is not a problem. It may seem like it when you're playing with really bad soloque teammates, but it's not the case.
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As a person who mains killer, NOED and the perk that blocks the gate for a whole minute should be removed from the game, I'm not even asking for a nerf, just get rid of those participation trophy perks. You can honestly play the worst most trashiest killer in the game and these perks will give them free kills even if they haven't hooked anyone.
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Really dude what are you getting at, you play Nurse for a few days and get her blink down and develop some muscle memory and you're good to ruin countless matches. Blight requires so much more mechanical skill than Nurse.
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Noed - well you can definitely debate about that
Nwo - only blocks the gates if you hooked every survivor so it rewards not tunneling its a healthy design
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Nurse isn't that hard to learn once you get the muscle memory down. That muscle memory is what takes folks longer or shorter to learn her.....now it's not 3 days like they said but again it doesn't take that long.
Billy takes the most skills to use his power effectively. His power has much more issues when a player makes a mistake. (Play Oni to get down Billy's dash since Oni dosnt cancel out his power when he clips a object)
Blight takes a little more skill to learn how to do his charge and bounce where you want to. Again a Blight is punished more when they make a mistake.
Those two Killers alone take more time and skills to master their power.
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PyramidHead, he is quite hard to get good at. Pinhead, Blight, Hillbilly, Hag...yea
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Well most people think she is the hardest killer in the game to play so they don't even touch her. Or even if they do, the player will play two games with her, they will lose and they will never touch her again.
As for me, i personally don't enjoy playing as her.
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Survivors can prevent NoED from making it to endgame.
And No Way Out only works if the Killer hooks people, so try again.
Also, there's no such thing as a 'free kill'. If the Killer killed you; he earned the kill. 'NoEd GiVeS fReE kIlLs!' is Survivor main BS .
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Seeing all these posts from people saying Nurse is fine is really disheartening.
It is clear they have no idea why Nurse is not a balanced killer, which is fine - whatever. There are always lots of bad takes on game forums, so that in itself is not a big deal.
But, the thing is, I have a feeling the balance team thinks the same way these players do. The balance team has a history of simply mind-boggling balance decisions, and seem to buff and nerf things for no rhyme or reason.
I'm still perplexed at their decision to nerf Billy the way they did, only to make a killer (Blight) better than Billy was in almost every way. Billy's biggest issue was his strongest addon combo, and yet even Blight has several addons that are more powerful than Billy's best stuff was.
The fact there is always two to three perks on each side that are way, way, way overtuned is another sign they don’t know what they are doing. Like, how are Prove Thyself/stacking perks as an SWF team, and Eruption/Call of Brine allowed to stay the way they are for so long? It is mind-boggling. Truly.
Their balance team is just really bad. Unfortunate, but true. That's the only reason Nurse hasn't been nerfed. Or why Eruption is still busted. Or why SWF hasn't had some restrictions added like no stacking of perks/items. Or why solo queue is still in the worst state it has ever been in.
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When map designs are fixed once and for all :)
that or give me a new ranked playlist that only feature mcmillian and autohaven as the only 2 realms
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Half the dificulty is for learning her, the other depends on how good the survivors are and there are very few that are really good vs her. There is an abyss among an average mm player and someone that practices vs her a lot.
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Shelter Woods is one of the worst nurse's maps. A giant forest fulled with rocks and trees. I think worse than it just Eryie and Lerys
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I think nurse is balanced at base, but the things you can bring along side her are the most opressive ######### in the game.
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For good reason. Stopping SWFs playing natchmaking games and earning BP would tank the player count. Because ######### playing solo q, all the killer nerfs in the world won't help me if my surv teammates have the brainpower of a bucket of wallpaper paste.
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It’s great for her. Not much LOS blocking and is just a generally open map
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of course that would never happen, that would be incredibly stupid of them to basically remove SWF from the game. the population would take a huge hit, and sure, I guess that would fix Nurse since nobody would be there to play against her
the real actual solution is giving solo Q information that's roughly on par with SWF so they can buff killers to compete against this new survivor power level