Random Change Ideas for all Killers

Before you flame me, I don't actually think anyone needs anything reworked too badly, but I figured I'd open up a discussion for everyone to suggest ONE change they'd make to EVERY KILLER, but you can also make Survivor perk change ideas (simply because Survivors are mostly just glorified skins). Will there be OP things below? Absolutely. Is that a bad thing? Nope, because any idea can lead to a good idea if you think about it long enough, so I invite everyone to offer ONE change to each Killer in the game when you find this post, I'll post mine first so you know I'm in this too.
Two simple rules: Every Killer from when you posted must be there, and don't flambe someone just because they came up with a bad idea or something OP. This is mostly for fun and in the hopes the devs see this and actually take a second to rework some things that might actually be unfun in-game.
Trapper - Give him all of his bear traps at the start of the trial. It's annoying to go find them to move them when I can only carry two at a time (I'm assuming that's still how it works, I don't play trapper that often.)
Nurse - Second Blink Special Attack. This rewards skilled Survivors against bad Nurses, but also lets AMAZING Nurses still dominate the field.
Huntress - Reverse Iri Coin for the Iri Head add-on? Admittedly, I don't know what to change about Huntress, so I'm just taking SpookyLoopz idea here since I can't think of something.
Wraith - Maybe a spectral rarity (an unused rarity for offerings) add-on that allows the Wraith to attack through cloaking with a cooldown on re-cloaking? Again, not sure how to change him.
Hillbilly - Increase the overheat mechanic time. It is a bit more punishing than it should be according to people who play him, so instead of removing it outright (like many suggest) I think a simple increase in the amount of time will reward good play and still keep bad play punishing.
Michael Myers - Maybe let Survivors slowly regain stalk points throughout the match? Like there's a small delay from being stalked that gives you some leeway before you start to regain those stalk points.
Hag - Increase the range around a hook that she can't place traps in. I'm pretty sure she already has this, but it's too short if it is there, and way too short if it isn't there anyway!
Doctor - Illusionary Windows. You heard me. Make potential vault locations appear and disappear when you wander the map. Is anything real when you're facing the Doctor? >:3
Bubba - Definitely increase the range of charging up the chainsaw when near a hook. I've been downed by camping Bubbas way too many times no matter how adorable Bubba is. I mean, not lorewise, just gamer-wise.
Freddy - Picking only one change? Uh... make his traps actually do something? From what I gather they don't actually do anything and that's kinda stupid.
Pig - Maybe give her an additional trap since AFK Pig is no longer a strategy? Might give her a little more slowdown potential.
Clown - The only change I can think of is making it so his bottles work similarly to Trickster's knives, but that's dumb, even if it is the only thing I can think of.
Trickster - Apparently his showtime or whatever it is fades away? Why? I mean, maybe increase the amount of knives that need to land to trigger it, but why not let people trigger it themselves?
Spirit - Intermittent phasing while phase-walking. Gives you an additional parameter to make add-ons with and makes going up against her a titch easier.
Ghost Face - Remove his red-stain. Hims a spooky boi, let 'im spook.
Legion - Make it clearer that Oblivious removes Killer Instinct. It isn't a change to them really, but it would be a welcome one.
Plague - Maybe the fountains can auto-cleanse themselves after about 90-120 seconds?
Deathslinger - Increase the struggle time by a single second. Chaos.
Blight - Improve turning based on input device. A deadzone for controller so we can stop on a dime a bit easier (we still won't) and a soft drag for m&k so they don't have to shove their mouse across the desk a million times to get a good flick.
Oni - Make it a little less obvious that he's got his power. That charge up time into beast mode is a bit too long for a Survivor to know the Oni is saving it.
Demogorgon - Bring back. I want it.
Executioner - Give him a full overlook with his add-ons. From what I hear there isn't much diversity among them.
Twins - Let Victor charge up his little pounce a bit faster, just a bit. I don't think it would fix them, but c'mon.
Nemesis - Make zombies actually affected by perks that make sense. There are two that hide failed skill check sounds, but apparently one doesn't alert zombies while the other does??
Cenobite - Could you make it so that three chains pulls you off of objectives while less than that doesn't outright pull you off? They could still prevent you from doing the action, but they shouldn't yank you off of it. This way you can sorta do gens while a Chain Hunt is active, even if it is a bit tedious.
Artist - Make a haemorrhage effect for swatting away the crows. That's it, that's all I can think of.
Dredge - Dim the Survivor Nightfall aura to other Survivors by about 50% so it's a little scarier to roam around in it. Could that be the Dredge? I have no idea, but I'm not sticking around to find out!
Onryo - Conspicuous actions should slowly build Condemned. Again, taking from SpookyLoopz since I've no other ideas to help her.
Mastermind - Give him a dash indicator distance so players can semi-plan their dashes.
Knight - Hide that little ball of light that tells us where the Knight is going for patrol. He can't see us, so why should we see him?
I do not work for Behaviour, and I don't 100% agree with all of my changes or think any of them are exactly enough to do anything. This is just a discussion to bring the devs attention to some Killers that might need a bit more attention than a courtesy glance. Comment your ideas and constructively critique each other and me. Please pin this Devs, you might need it.
Ok, this sounds fun. Here i go:
Trapper: Let him start the game with all traps, but make a radius so traps cant be placed to close to each other (aka, no more trapper puting a bear trap in all exits from killer shack.
Wraith: Visual indicator of the lightburn, just to better judge if you can decloak in time or need to protect yourself
Hillbilly: Rework the add-ons
Nurse: Second blink cant go through walls, blink attacks special attacks. Stunning removes all charges
Myers: Increase pallet breaking speed at tier 2 and 3, survivors regain some stalk points after each hook (10 points maybe)
Hag: Traps to close to hooked survivors are destroyed (10m) and cant be placed next to them either
Doctor: Terror radius increase from 32m to 40m, make the illusionary doctors move, illusion pallets basekit
Huntress: Better hitboxes on the hatchets, rework iri head to be a instadown from a distance (20m), but only reducing the number of hatchets by 2
Bubba: Reduce chainsaw charges when near a hooked survivor
Freddy: Dream hexes that give freddy aura reading on the survivor that interacted with it for 20 seconds
Pig: Terror radius 24m, better crouch speed, dash attack now vaults pallets and windows, survivors can now instantly remove a bear trap on any box, but they become broken for the rest of the trial
Clown: Remove the blinding effect of the bottles, give a speed boost to actions when invigorated (vault, breaking pallet, picking up survivors, reduced stun duration)
Spirit: Make the passive phase only appen when she has her power ready (when not recharging), make her phase slightly during phase walk, loose charges after a stun
Legion: Reduce the mending time, make him able to see blood during feral frenzy (similar to victor or bloodhound)
Plague: Visual indicator for when a survivor is immune to damage after a corrupt vomit, no more fake infections (survivor in your screen acts like the vile hit, but the game doesnt register), better pool placement, maybe prioretize close to gens and on base floors of maps, remove corrupt after any stun, not just pallet.
Ghostface: Better crouch speed
Demogorgon: Being able to buy him, reduce slightly the hitbox of the shred (make it similar to wesker), ability to replace portals and maybe limit some of the map wide cues that he using his power, maybe only if you are within 40m of him you can hear the sound cues
Oni: Better passive blood rate
Deathslinger: Terror radius 24m, and some better add-ons
Executioner: Add-on rework
Blight: Nerf most of his problematic add-ons, bigger cooldown if he misses a letal rush swing, loose tokens after a stun
Twins: Ability to switch back to charlotte during the post hit cooldown, increase the regrow duration from 6 to 12 seconds. Victor immediately appears on charlotte after a hook, inability to switch between charlotte and victor when one of them is closer then 12m from a hooked survivor.
Trickster: Remove main event timer, make it so you can activate main event while a survivor is hooked, effect lingers for 8 seconds
Nemesis: Make so zombies loose collision with survivors after a hit (from nemesis or zombie), make it so tier 3 nemesis always injures a survivor even if not infected
Cenobite: Chains dont target a survivor with the box
Artist: Better add-ons, stuning artist removes all current placed or swarmed crows.
Sadako: Survivors now spread condemed to others when placing a tape (1 point for others), reduce the cooldown on tvs after teleport, increase the cooldown if survivor do the tapes, being close to a active tv increases condemnation passive (lets say half of speed as if you were carrying a tape). Fully condemed survivors are no longer moriable unless in last hook, but they are exposed. Loose 3 points of codemed if down by Sadako while fully condemed
Dredge: Less darkness, i want see something, some maps are just horrible.
Wesker: Make the infection restart from 0 after a hook, instead of 50%
Knight: Allow him to select each guard by using tokens (1 of each) after all tokens are consumed all tokens are refreshed immediately.
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This is a very haphazard mix of buffs and compensatory nerfs to killers who absolutely just need flat buffs. A few standouts are your nurse, doctor and Freddy ideas. All of those are really interesting.
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Nerfs? i wasn't really trying to nerf them, well besides the camping/tunneling aspect, nurse, blight and spirit. Was i really that bad?
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I love how one of Demo changes is "being able to buy him" 🤣🤣🤣
Executioner: ABSOLUTE YES.
Doctor: Moving illusionary doctors would be pretty cool!
Sadako: I'd love having a shorter CD for TVs. The Mori thing is interesting, similar to PH in a way.
Knight: could you elaborate? Like every guard has a token and u cannot use them again after using the other 2, but you can choose their order at will?
Twins: I'd like to be able to recall Victor anytime tbh. But getting him back after a hook would help too i guess. Still excited to see their promised update.
Clown: as a yellow bottle enjoyer, yes 😁
Pig: Definately seeing her ambush improved would bring joy to me, i hate having an ability that can't be used half the time against decent ppl.
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No no no. Not bad at all. Some good ideas I've not seen before. I just don't think, for example, neutering legion's game delay for seeing blood is needed. The blood is far less consequential so it's overall a nerf. Like restricting trapper being able to trap up areas he's traditionally strong at in exchange for not having to pick up all traps at the start. It'd feel really clunky to not be able to use your power within an arbitrary range.
I especially like the nurse one. It's a very simple nerf that tones her down while keeping the core of the killer intact. Very simple and smart. Oh yeah, giving survs feedback on when spirit can phase is very clever as well.
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I wholly expect people who respond to this to always put Demogorgon's change to "Let me buy him!!!" 😂
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Ok, thanks. I guess you are right on legion, but sometimes i wish i could be mending less time, but i guess he needs it, the ability to see blood was so he could track better in feral frenzy, since right now he doesn't se scratch marks or blood and i guess it kinda feets with the all feral frenzy motif. Trapper well i just think that basement trapper would be to strong if he had all traps from the beginning , like trapping an entire 3 gen or the killer shack and making situations really unpleasant, but honestly i just want him to not be able to trap all 3 exits from shack, either that or some other idea to nerf that playstyle, but someone might have better ideas. Maybe deactivate traps near hooked survivors and make so he can't place them near that hooked survivors?
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Sure, the knight change, basically you can choose which guard you send, but you need to use them all. Basically you start with 1 token for each guard, when you choose one it spends the token, you cant use that guard again. When all guards have 0 tokens, you get refunded to 1 token each. Basically just gives you the ability to choose the order of the guards, but you still need to use all 3. You can't just rely on your favorite or the one that is buffed by one of their add ons.
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About the twins, unfortunately for a change like that they would need a total rework, being able to call victor any time he attaches to a survivor, will turn twins into victor the killer, as there would be no use in using Charlotte. Maybe that option will come in their future rework, but they would need big changes to the core of their kits, i just wanted so suggest a simple change to help with the annoying post hit cooldown, so you can hook survivors and waisting less time
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I can completely understand that mending isn't very exciting but legion can't work otherwise. For hit and run you either need incredible speed like mach one or the survs need to get slowed down.
For trapper I can also understand why it's seems to strong when he traps shack but let's be real he has absolutely nothing else just traps he needs to be as oppressive with then as he can I guess
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Yeah, i know trapper is a really outdated design now compared to new killers, but i can imagine that if the devs ever give him consistency like everyone wants, and even i want, if the traps themselves dont get nerfed somehow, he will become too oppressive. I could see him ending the game the moment he downs someone close to shack. Right now he needs a ton of setup to make that play. Ultimately trapper is just way to polarizing of a design, you destroy or get destroyed, right now he gets destroyed.
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I kinda like the sadako idea but making them not moriable doesn't really put them in danger, especially if they are already injured
I'd personally say go with the above buffs but nerf ring drawing and iri tape as those are what makes the condemn playstyle so strong
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Trapper: Give him all the beartraps. The survivors need a new item to deactivate traps, that can be found in chests. (it can be a screwdriver or something like that).
Wraith: I think he is perfect right now.
Hillbilly: Buff his chainsaw movement somehow. Incrase his fov extremly while rushing maybe.
Nurse: Too broken. Incrase the cooldown or just delete the second blink completely.
Huntress: Do not need anything.
Hag: Working perfectly.
Doctor: I think he is one of the weakest killers rn in the game. While the survivor is affected, make fake plates, doors, barricades, lockers, windows and even fake survivors who are screaming if you go close to them. The fake doctors should walk around to be more scary because you don't know it is real or not. The main plan: make the doctors power a horror movie.
Cannibal: A littlebit more time to charge the chainsaw but otherwise he is ok.
Nightmare: Make his traps less visible, and if they go across it make them very very slow for 2 or 3 seconds. Also make a visual rework for the character himself because he looks outdated and not scary at all. He is too small as well.
Clown: The slowing bottles are ok but the other is bad. Rework needed. For example it should make a very big place covered where it lands and if the survivor goes in it make him almost fully blind. He wont see anything only in his 1 meter radius. (everything else is black like while the Dredge hunt).
Spirit: She is ok, maybe a little nerf needed. The survivors should hear her a little bit sooner if she is coming while using Yamaoka's haunting.
Plague: Very broken. If a survivor is affected but is not in the injured state yet and using a pool to clean himself, don't make the pool corrupted. Only if the same pool gets another uninjured survivor's disease. In a nutshell: 2 sick but not injured survivor need to make a pool corrupted.
Ghostface: Way faster movement while night shroud is active, but the survivors need less time to deactive the killers power.
Executioner: He is ok, maybe the Rites of judgement on the ground should slow down a littlebit the survivors when they go across it.
Blight: While rushing, incrase his fov greatly and make more obious where the killer can slam into things on the map. Im very often just slide down from a wall instead of slam to it.
Nemesis: Buff the tentacle attack. Make it easier to hit, wider range required. And buff the zombies too, make the faster, they should run instead of walking.
Cenobite: While using his main ability: the more far the survivor you hit with it, the more time they need to get released from it. Often while im chasing a survivor and using my special attack, the time while i catch him with it is enough for them to go far enough, so when i get there, he is rescued and the distance between him and me is the same like it was. In a nutshell: make harder to get released from the chain if the killer is far from the survivor.
Artist: perfect.
Knight: just make the ai smarter and the bots a little bit faster because i think they are the same fast as the survivors so the survivors who are chased by my guards, are just need to run straight without using any brain and the ai wont catch them because they are same fast.
Mastermind: he is ok, maybe incrase the cooldown on his ability.
Dredge: I think he is ok too.
Onryo: I dont know how she works so...
Trickster: Too strong. Doesn't requies any skill to hit the survivors with the blades. Throw the much slowly or another soultion: while he is throwing the blades, every time he throws one blade, his screen gets more and more darker (like he is tired) until he doesnt see anything after the 20th blade. And when he finished throwing them, he needs to slow down and get an animation because he is tired of throwing. (like the nurse after blink)
Twins: they are ok, maybe: when Viktor catch a survivor, his sister must see through walls where the hitted survivor is.
Deathslinger: he is ok.
Oni: absolutely ok, maybe make him a little bit controllable while he is rushing.
Legion: fine.
Pig: Very fun to play against it. I think she could use here dash while running, not just only while crouching.
Myers: He is ok but delete Judith's tombstone.
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I guess kinda depends on what you want, to make condemnation a prevalent mechanic or just a passive threat (aka a pig bear trap), i was going for the first camp so trying to make full condemnations more easy, just think it would create a different gameplay. Because right now i think sadako is kinda boring to go against because it just feels like she doesn't have a power. But i think the devs can be creative with the assets and lore of the character to create something a little more unique
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Trapper: Ey i like this idea of having a special item for trapper, like vaccines and sprays. Would they have many uses or break after disarming the trap?
Plague: So injured survivors can always use the pools or ONLY the first uninjured survivor can use the pool without corrupting it?
Blight: Definately the collision is weird, as you say, many times i slide instead of bumping. Everytime I chase some and slide I'm like "byeee have a nice day" 🤣
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Trapper: probably break after disarming. Trapper needs to be better!
Plague: It's hard to explain because it's in my head and yeah... so if the vomit on you is 100% and you have the broken status effect and use the pool to clean yourself, the pool will turn. But if you have the vomit on you but not 100% and you dont have the broken status effect and you clean yourself, the pool won't turn, only after the next time someone clean himself on it. So there is 2 way to turn the pool: 2 survivor who is infected, but doesn't have the broken status effect or 1 survivor who is infected and has the broken status effect. And it's in the whole match so not only the first one.
Blight: Literally the same as me. Bye have a nice day and then I sit back in my chair and almost start crying because the guy who i chased already on the other side of the map. :D
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Mabye but that's asking a lot for the devs. I mean they're pretty hesitant on even changing some values for sadako for some reason
For me, going against her isn't really boring but I haven't had the privilege to go against a condemn only sadako unfortunately