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Has there ever been a perk that's as busted as current day Eruption?

I think even old Ruin Undying was nowhere near as bad. Every past OP perk I can think of on either side had some form of counterplay. Original Ruin needed you to hit all skill checks. Old Ruin could be cleansed.

Eruption has no counterplay whatsoever. It triples as a slowdown, regression, and info perk. It's a stronger slowdown perk than dedicated slowdown perks. It's a stronger regression perk than dedicated regression perks. It's a very good info perk on the level of other meta info perks.

Survivors want to do gens. An efficient survivor will spend every second not in chase on a gen. Any gen kicked by Eruption becomes a trap for survivors. Any survivor working on it will reveal their exact location to a killer on a down (which is less predictable than a pick up, like Thrilling). They're also made useless for a whole 25 seconds (which is stronger than Deadlock, which only locks one gen for 30 seconds for 4 times in a match, allowing a survivor to heal, bless totems, or cleanse). On top of this, any generator kicked will lose 10% progress instantly (which is only 5% less than Pain Resonance, which requires finding one of 4 hooks on the map and only affects a single generator).

I think it's very telling that Nightlight had Pain Res as the top killer perk last week but currently has COB and Eruption sitting at the top and still climbing. It's also very telling that the top 5 most used killer builds include COB and Eruption. This perk is absurdly strong. I understand it was necessary to give it a small buff to give it some viability (I'd argue there are other perks more deserving, like Oppression), but Eruption needs to be nerfed into the ground. It is unacceptable for this perk to continue to exist in the game in its current form.

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  • Member Posts: 7,976

    For killers i don't think

    Survivors had a couple that could stand a chance but i can't think of any killer perk that comes even close to eruption

    Also I love your name!

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I mean if the Killer has time to kick Gens then Eruption is a good perk (so is Call Of Brine)

    It has a cooldown of 30 Seconds- so every 30 seconds the Killer can kick a Gen and start Eruption

    10% regression apon downing a Survivor- yea but it's needed getting any regression at this point takes perks

    25 second of Incapacitated- yes this is a bit to much but they need to keep it in the game

  • Member Posts: 117

    Unrelenting + STBL (inicial iteration)

    Balanced Landing

    Old DS

    Selfcare + We'll Make it

    Object of obsession

    Mettle of Man

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2022

    For Killers not really, altough I consider old Undying+Ruin worse than Ecrutchion that was a combo with two perks so its not really comparable.

    For Survivors release MoM and first iteration DS were very overpowered, IMO the two more overpowered perks this game has seen ever taking on account both Survivor and Killer perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I've "only" played for three years now but the two main ones I can remember making me feel like I want to just quit the damn match when I ran into it were

    Boil Over (after the big buff but before the nerf)

    Dead Hard (before the nerf)

    As the killer, both of those situations made me want to just stop playing the match as both those perks made the game a living hell, especially in the hands of bully squads.

    Eruption is how I feel as a survivor now. Thankfully it still seems relatively rare (I imagine more killers than not get just as bored and defending three gens like their life depended on it and turning the game into a painful slog as I do as a survivor) but yeah, anytime I run into Eruption, it makes me want to stop playing the game. Which is what the above two perks did for me as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Maybe Devs could give a limitation to how many generators this perk affects ?

    Here's my idea :

    You can only trap 3 generators at a time.

    For example :

    You kick a single Gen --> if Eruption applies, all survivors working on it are incapacitated for 25 seconds and Gen 1 loses 10% progress.

    For 2 Gens, survivors are incapacitated 20 seconds and both gens lose 8% progress.

    For 3 Gens, survivors are incapacitated 15 seconds and all three gens lose 6% progress.

    If the Killer kicks a 4th gen, Gen 1 keeps regressing (cause it was kicked) but loses its trap.

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited December 2022

    Dead Hard, old Mettle of man, old object of obsession, boil over's initial rework, old balanced landing, old decisive strike, circle of healing

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    The 25 seconds is to long but it needs to stay... either as a Gen stopper or leave it as is but like 10 seconds

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    It really sucks that we'll likely have to wait another month and a half to see this perk addressed on live.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Yep, lately BHVR way of doing things is nerf busted stuff after ~6 months or so, my guess is this perk will be nerfed on January.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    That’s assuming they even change it in the midchapter. I’ve learned not to get my hopes up with this game tbh even though it’s a ridiculously busted perk that desperately needs attention

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    Believe what you want. They gutted the new thana almost immediately and flat out said they don't want people bringing the same perks every game which is exactly what is happening right now. Eruption is 100x worse than thana was so there's no way it makes it through the january update if the devs are serious about their commitment to stop a meta from taking over.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Imo Eruption is comparable to old Ruin where it could carry games regardless of skill. The difference is Ruin could be destroyed.

  • Member Posts: 869

    I must be doing something wrong because as killer I just find eruption... Not that useful... I prefer pain resonance as my regresion perk along with my standard bamboozle, enduring and spirit fury.

  • With Eruption, the gameplan is to kick every single gen you see. Then you win. You can also hold a 3 gen brainlessly by just kicking every gen and half committing to a chase until you get a down.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Honestly I can't be bothered to go stop to kick a Gen. I would rather overwhelm the survivors by chasing and hooking and shred through resources.

    The times I did try eruption I found that the extra time I took to get value out of it gave survivors time to be in a stronger position and even extend chases enough for the Gen I kicked to get finished.

    I just don't think it's that good overall, but people think it is.

    It certainly is awesome against very new players with sub 20 second chases, but those players will loose to anything.

  • Then you're one of the few people that seem to still play this game for fun instead of for winning. The fun part of this game is the chase, not pressing Spacebar on gens and half committing until you get an easy down or someone DCs, and yet it seems like that's all killers are doing nowadays.

  • Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2022

    Boil Over isn’t on the same lines of effectiveness as Eruption.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I actually think that BHVR have changed somewhat in this regard. Yes, in the past things sometimes stayed ridiculously long, but nowadays I think they react a bit sooner and take reactions more to hear. But we will see if I am right at this and I am willing and prepared to eat my own words.

  • If you half commit to chases long enough, you eventually deadzone the area around your 3 gen. At which point getting a down takes maybe 20-30 seconds if you full commit.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Honestly I wish it was easier to meet cool survivors to play with, a killer (outside custom games)

    I like winning, as much as everyone I guess, but I also want everyone to have fun and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in a dozen games that thinks this way.

    Like, I have had really enjoyable, but demanding matches against strong SWFs and streamer teams and I'm left wanting an "Ask for rematch" button. That would be cool.

  • Member Posts: 493

    Bring Built to Last, Incapacitated doesn't stop you from repairing your toolbox in a locker. 😁

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    I'm hesitant to say the perk is "the most busted ever" because there have historically been some really obvious candidates on both sides. But at least those perks led to an end of the game. Killers would still play for hooks/kills and survivors would use their perks to survive chases, finish gens, and escape.

    Unfortunately, current eruption has popularized a strategy of just kicking every gen as often as possible, even if it means dropping chase at 5 gens to do so. Downs and hooks are, at best, a side objective, and even then only if the survivors exhaust their resources or screw up. And it's not like Eruption is even an interaction between players, it just randomly disables the player while the killer is in a different time zone.

    But hopefully BHVR has listened to feedback on this and will make some changes. They removed the hatch standoff, and they recently removed the locker save/blinds that could also be abused to create extremely frustrating losing scenarios. I'm hoping they do the same with Eruption in the midchapter.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    If they fully commit and survivors don't pre run away from the 3 gens. As long as you pressure two gens, most killers cannot deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Calling other perks “less busted” than Eruption is just classic looking through the past with rose tinted glasses at its finest. Nerfing it into the ground is a horrendous idea cause the perk absolutely does not deserve to go back into complete worthlessness like it was before. Just lower the Incapacitation duration and we’re good.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Weak killers can't afford to kick gens. Strong killers don't need gen perks to win.

    If the killer is both downing people left and right and has all this time to kick gens survivors are actively contesting, it's a skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Uh...okay, hold my coffee.

    • OoO
    • Boil Over
    • Dead Hard
    • Aura reading perks while they were bugged


    It was 150x worse.

    On some maps, you'd be literally unhookable. And people would run No Mither, allowing them to essentially take the game hostage, or force the killer to waste ages slug camping.

    Eruption is annoying, but it has counterplay.

  • Define most killers, because it sounds like you're talking about bottom tier killers. Any killer with any semblance of a chase power can hold a 3 gen very successfully. Other killers like Knight can pressure a very generous 3 gen. Strong chase killers can secure a down on a pressured gen assuming they've managed to deadzone the area around it. This is, of course, assuming survivors hit every single Overcharge check, and having to hit one every 20 seconds can quickly wear you down.

    My main issue is the perk shouldn't excel in 3 separate categories over perks that specialize in one of those categories. It shouldn't be a better slowdown than Deadlock, it shouldn't be a better reg than Pain Res, it shouldn't be a better info than Tremors.

    Weak killers are the ones that need to kick gens the most, and even the weakest killers in the game can be carried by the COB Overcharge Eruption trinity and a 3 gen.

  • Member Posts: 339

    As I said, that's a skill issue. That build means the gens are wide open right from the start of the game. Have you tried running deja vu?

    Weak killers kick gens the most? When? With what time? They don't have time to do anything except run safe loops and tunnel. And that build also means they have no chase perks and should be trivial to loop on the majority of maps

    Eruption is such a non-issue if the survivors are good. You could argue it's broken on killers like Blight or Nurse but what isn't?

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Old mettle of man, old dead hard, exhaustion perks when they were on cooldown and not an exhaustion cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Not only Boil Over after the buff (the two weeks it lasted before being rightly nerfed) wasnt as effective as current Ecrutchion but it also required two specific maps to get value and it usually ended with 4 people slugged and bleeding to death.

    It was hella annoying tho, Ill give it that.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah dude fun guaranteed 3 health state chase the 2nd time you find them unless you sat around hook and I forgot.... did it count you taking a hit after it procs so then the next time you find them they have it after going from healthy to downed?

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    edited December 2022

    "less annyoing to deal with" I'd think you say this now, but probably didn't back then. Pretty sure I hated it back then especially when you had to find 4 totems. This new Eruption basically targets all reasons now why they nerfed Ruin back then. Annoying to go against, hard to counter expecially for new players and the insane pickrate. Eruption is probably not at 80% but still noticeably high to call it an unbalanced/unfair advantage

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Dead Hard, old Balanced Landing, Wake Up when it was bugged.

    Probably old Ruin and then Ruin/Undying 1.0


  • Member Posts: 2,070

    So you're saying that by bringing one particular perk, combining that with one or two other synergy perks, and picking a specific area of the map to abuse, that you can completely deny the other team ever being able to complete their primary objective?

    Wow, that sounds annoying. Good thing they nerfed both boil over and eruption within a week of those buffs going live.

    What's that? Eruption hasn't been nerfed yet and still does that on live? Huh.

    But hey, that single week of overtuned boil over sure sucked, amirite?

    Edit: autocorrect.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    Dude, it was at 18% last I checked. That's perfectly in-line for what the 'meta' perks are.

    Eruption is probably going to get gutted, because that does seem to be the pattern when it comes to killer perks (wish they made more of an effort to keep them viable, like Survivor perks - see Dead Hard versus Thana) but 18% is pretty meh.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I think it's over 20% on NightLight, which is entirely self-reported.

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