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Healthy buff for DS!
Buff ds 5/4 seconds and make it to where the perk is activated until the doors are open and when the gates open it deactivates to stop the free win I feel like it going when the last gen pops especially in solo q is a punch in the gut and happens too often off the record is too boring for me it’s just another endurance perk and not to mention the camping and the tunnelling that goes on in this game it needs looked at because a game is always gonna have a meta why make perks useless and I miss ruin ?
So bring back aggressive DS unbreakable... got it.
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DS just needs the 5 seconds back. It was fine once the endgame change went through but they nerfed it due to pick rate and nothing else really
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Ok fine... Let me throw something in.
Remove the nurse nerfs back to her being able to blink whenever without cool down.
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All it needs is the 5 seconds back, everything else is fine. “Until the gates are open” is back to being abusable again.
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keep nurse the way it is but I would bring billy back I would buff dead killer perks cause tbh I think the game was more fair sided pre all the nerfs and the camping and tunnelling now is insane ds is a fun perk and tbh if you don’t tunnel you won’t eat ds I think dead hard is fine I think iron will needs a little rework but we need a rework on these perks
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If you don’t tunnel you won’t eat a ds it’s that simple and killers like the knight are also making game unbearable with just guard spamming that’s the only thing even if you run away once he gets you I’ve been held hostage from first hook by guards a few times
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I think Decisive Strike was intentionally unjustifiably nerfed to promote use of Off The Record so that BHVR could say they changed the "you need to run perks just to not get tunneled out of the match immediately" meta without actually having to make any real changes in that area. Like how gen regression switched from passive to being centered around kicking gens, but ultimately it's all still gen regression and gen rush perks. I see Decisive Strike being bad as a feature, not as a bug, so I don't expect it to be corrected.
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I agree with the put it back to five seconds idea. Removing the end game useage got rid of arguably one of the most frustrating/annoying points of it, turning into a protection tool for the rest of the team. Having a one time five second stun is fair
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I’m hoping next patch they will with all the solo q changes because decisive strike is healthy for the game I don’t play in a swf and perks like that come in really useful for the solo q players your on about perks that get abused in swf one person on his own is not gonna abuse ds even if the whole team had ds with no coms it’s very hard to abuse unless you get 3 other high tier survivors in your lobby half of my matches I either get left on hook or camped it’s no fun for me and I don’t have any friends that are sweaty dbd players so I don’t swf
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i don’t really care about the end game just with end games removal 3s stun and it only triggering once they might as well delete Laurie from the game they done her dirty af
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Survivors can't just get more and more protection with each chapter release...Stop trying to lobby the game into a horror themed cakewalk.
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Hardly disagree. U want DS while Gates are 99% with old numbers. No thanks.
This ends in an Situation there is NOTHING the normal killer can do, which is broken and should not exist.
I think DS 4sec is the way to go, disabled after 5 gens are done.
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"If you dont tunnel you wont eat ds". Your original wording of the post was "activated until the doors were open". This implies that it would work like it did years ago where after first hook it was available whenever.
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DS should 100% stay at 3 seconds. Having both 5 second DS and current OTR in the game would be complete aids. You guys realize that DS was supposed to go back to 3 seconds after Enduring was reworked to no longer affect the DS stun right?
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It goes like this. It was old rank system and I play as Trapper, no tunnel, with 4 end game perk (Noed, BW, STBFL, Rancor).
My 3rd hook was 5 Gens complete. I got multiple hooks in a short time span, and I ate 3 DS in 1 min, because I didnt tunnel and all of them still have DS.
DS should disable when 5 Gens done. Because survivors can 99 Gate.
They could disable DS & OTR if healed. There will be no more thing such 2 hits to OTR to DS.
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No. We don't need buffs to second chance perks and we also don't need buffs to gen slow down and/or gen rush perks.
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No, that would inconvenience me tunneling out survivors after 5 gens. 3 seconds doesn’t stop me for too long.
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DS shouldn't be useable without an item in hand. The icon is using a weapon to stab the killer. This way... Franklin's demise is a hard counter.
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5 second stun yes, endgame use no
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Old Billy and Old Nurse, isn't the reason people used DS. Camping and Tunneling (a playstyle that till this day STILL exists) was and is still the reason DS even exists in the first place.
We're talking oranges and apples.
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It's already really hard countered by
Just go for a different target and the perk does -nothing-.
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Sure. And if all I can find is the same person I just hooked, because their player is bad? Or everyone else is immersed? Or just due to bad luck?
Welp, guess I need to let them go or eat DS, because Survivors don't like 'tunneling' and believe they control what is acceptable for Killers to do. And apparently 'playing well' or targeting the weakest link is 'tunneling'. Heaven forbid Killers try to win as hard as Survivors.
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The 3s stun is only ineffective against the highest mobility killers, Nurse and Blight. So if anything, this isn't an issue with DS, it's an issue with those killers.
You could get a similar effect if those killers powers went on cooldown in the event of a stun.
As for DS, the best buff it could receive would be to work on both unhooks, twice per game. This would make it a legit deterrent in cases of tunneling, as the killer would know you have it after the first unhook and know to avoid you after the second.
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Slug 'em and leave them. Or if you catch them doing -anything- that helps survivors, just pick them up, DS is already gone.
If you can't find -anyone- else, you have bigger issues than eating a stun.
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5 sec stun OK but not active till doors are open cause a 99 door is basicly open for all purposes so you would just go back to the old times where the killer is in lose lose
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DS is still strong, especially with OTR record now.
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Still a big fan of the suggestion that was made here once of stun for 3 seconds disable killer power for 6 seconds or something
5 second stuns are to harsh for the weakest killers. 3 seconds is nothing for the strongest
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and is fine to be that way the tunnel rampage needs to be adressed.
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best buff for it is the stun being at 5s up from 3, and possibly the time limit on it being removed entirely. it makes sense to remove the time limit too and wouldnt make it OP, because the argument for it is "DS is used for tunneling killers, so thats why if you do an action itll be removed" so why is the timer still there? all it does is promote leaving a player on the ground for 60s OR tunneling the survivor for 60s or more and when you finally down them, their DS is gone even though DS is used to prevent being tunneled.
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It could be a twenty second stun and it'd still be fine.
What's with this attitude of 'an anti-tunnel measure is fine, so long as it doesn't impede tunnelling'?
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Because just like camping, sometimes tunneling is the only option.
You can go to every effort to find someone else but still end up with the last hooked survivor right in front of you. You would be throwing the game to ignore them.
How comes killers are expected to throw the game in the name of good sportsmanship but the same is never expected for survivors? You don't see survivors offering themselves up for a free hook.
If you go after your only possible option, likely after you've already wasted time looking for another one, and that lands you with a 20 second set back on top, you're basically sacrificing a generator at that point.
The only option left is to slug, which apparently as of the last few months, is also as morally reprehensible as camping and tunneling.
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Thеy won't bring back 5 sеconds, but in its currеnt statе at lеast makе it 2 usеs pеr gamе likе otr.
And for a considеrablе buff makе it so thе animation is fastеr and givе somе hastе to thе survivor, in casеs whеrе killеrs usе thеir powеr to down you as soon as thе stun еnds, disablе thеir powеr for a short duration.
I am all in for thе ds buffs as thеrе is nothing to stop killеrs from tunnеling right now.
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Because just like camping, sometimes tunneling is the only option.
The only option left is to slug
So it's NOT the only option, then, is it?
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So slugging is ok now? Because I thought with how popular basekit Unbreakable was with survivors that slugging wasn't allowed.
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Cause tunneling as a concept isn't a problem, A survivor should not be immune to getting targeted after getting unhooked or they will use that as a weapon.
The concept of tunneling isn't a problem, how effective it is is.
The swing of 4 to 3 survivors need to be reduced massively and there needs to be an incentive to hook multiple different survivors. But a recently hooked survivor should not be able to stand in the killers face and not die as a result of it
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Ugh. The obligatory appeal to solo que. Every time.
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"Healthy" and active after last generator is finished are contradictory. No.
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Its effectiveness is a balance concern. But the concept itself is a gameplay concern. It's not good for one survivor to be perpetually stuck in chase and then be out of the game, nor is it good for the other three survivors to be ignored by the killer.
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There is a wide gulf between leaving someone slugged because you can't pick them up, and slugging for the 4K.
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Or take the deep wound "effect" from off the record
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Neither of those are problems.
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Guess which one is prevented by basekit Unbreakable.
It's not slugging for the 4K.
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Prevented is a very big word for something that just reduces the time investment from the survivors by a bit, and that all depends on how it ultimately gets filled in.
Unless you think that you should be allowed to let a survivor bleed to death for hitting them while they still have DS up, in which case we're back at 'anti-tunnel should not counter tunnelling' sentiments.
You make the mistake of going for the most recently unhooked target, within 60 seconds of them getting off hook and before they can do anything to help the survivors, you can ameliorate the damage tremendously by giving them a slap and leaving them on the ground. If there's a basekit way to pick yourself up, that'll possibly reduce this amelioration a bit.
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that wasn’t my main point I put either make active after the last gen pops or put the stun to 5s the wraith has a 5s burn and when you stun him in cloak eruption sets survivors back 30s not to forget when it stacks 90s gens are a thing now and it’s boring especially soloing a gen
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You are right there needs to be done something but I can't see what.
Atm there is not enough time to spread hooks in a fair way especially if you don't play one of the super mobile killers.
You could either show the killer the next target like a mini BBQ and make them somehow stronger in the next chase if they go for another target or you make gens even slower and then in turn make tunneling impossible before endgame.
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This isnt the way to do it though. Bringing back an actual no counterplay (you either eat a 5 second stun and go on for another 30-60 second chase or leave them to unbreakable to still go on a 30-60 second chase) option to "address tunneling" is just bad design.
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I prefer "until all gates are powered" over "until doors are open". The latter just creates more door 99ing.
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I'd rather that not happen because then we just go back to 2020 meta of DH/DS/Unbreakable on every single survivor and that was miserable.
It will literally create scenarios where if you run Off the Record as the 4th perk you would have to hit a survivors 5 times in order to hook them, you can technically do this now just nobody runs DS much anymore so it doesn't happen.
I know people will say "just don't tunnel" but that's not realistic. You cannot realistically 4k as killer by 12 hooking and alternating survivors every single time the game just doesn't work that way. At least not at a high level, I guess you can do it if the survivors are terrible but that's not most games.