For people that want Nurse nerfed



  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Maybe, but do you really think that Jolt and Sloppy will become top tier regression perks that nurse would need to be prevented from using? And considering how long Ruin lasted in its former state I would not bet that those perks will get changed soon...

    It took them 2.5 years to change hex ruin from the 200% regression to the current one...

    January 2020 to July 2022...

    So if we base it on the current state I think there are like 5+ slowdonwn perks people will run over jolt and sloppy: No way out, Deadlock, Eruption, Overcharge, Call of Brine, Pain Res, DMS and probably some more. I full agree on removing exposed effect from her, even though it probably won't happen since then those perks would be unusable on nurse, which the developers probably don't want. There are probably like 10+ exposed perks and then another 10 (I guess, that need basic attacks) that would not be usable on nurse if her blinks were special attacks. Therefore I highly doubt they would change exposed to not work on her, even less all perks that need basic attacks...

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    It's just the way her power works, what you're pointing out would be weaknesses, introduced by a nerf. Which would make her less effective. I mean how many other killers can reliably down and hit a survivor through a solid wall? And it wouldn't be impossible, if you can successfully predict the survivor's movement then you still hit them. Mind games.

    The point is, my whole reasoning of suggesting that she goes down to 1 blink is so she can't just blink through a wall figure where surv is, blink again and hit them. Atm in the hands of a decent nurse player she is impossible to avoid. Because the second blink gives her a backup attempt that she really doesn't need.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    So why does nurse have to be changed if we could just ... Buff the actually clunky or "weak" killers?

    There was a thread a few days ago, about the theoretical situation that all killers except nurse were buffed to be on blights level. No one there actually thought about the theoretical situation and kept repeating the "lets gut her or break her even more" ideas.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    She can still be delayed long enough for gens to be done... Also what kind of mind games? I mean... When you are behind a wall and she is on the other side what are you mind gaming here? Your just hoping she guess wrong at that point... mind games in book need some form of input you give the other side to interpret... When she has no clue where but behind the wall what are you mindgaming?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It question is what are we balancing around on both sides? If we are buffing around average solo survivors than every killer A tier and above needs to be nerfed and all weaker killers are somewhat fine and don't need changes... If we are balancing around a 4 man veteran swf with coms then nurse is basically fine and every other killer in the game needs to be brought to A tier level of power... Which is basically impossible, how in the world are you gonna make basic M1 killers that strong?

    I would like to go a middle way... in the sense of giving most killers, if possible such a high skill ceiling to reach that their true strength would not be usable for the average killer player... Like Huntress or Blight for example... Because that would mean somewhat of a balance between equally strong players... If done correctly...

    But yeah, I don't think we should really gut all really strong killers but try to buff everything below B tier to B tier and give all A and S tier killers mechanics that are really demanding to master... The skill you need to master a killer should reflect how good the killer is... The hardest killer in the game should be one of the strongest killers in the game... Which works for Blight, but not for Billy.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Can we agree that in a comp setting with perk and item and addon restriction the Nurse does not always win? Correct me if you disagree... So if we nerf/remove the range addons (that are not allowed in comp as far as I know) then if the survivors are as good as a comp nurse and are not limited in what they bring they would be more likely to win than the nurse? (Given that it's currently 50 50 or so ... somewhat balanced I guess)

    What I want to say with that is when comp players go against a comp Nurse and both parties can win in a comp setting, if we remove limitations I would think the best stuff survivors can bring is stronger than the best stuff the nurse can bring...

    The question is now what do we balance around? Because I would say in a comp setting Nurse is balanced with all those restrictions, and if we remove the stuff from her that is not allowed in comp for being too opressive, than I think she can be dealt with... The question is just how good does a survivor have to be to be equal to the nurse...

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    In a comp setting? So basically against some of the best Survivors in the game, with certain restrictions in place? I suppose so. I wouldn't know, I dont really watch the comp streams.

    Tbh it's not comps I'm worried about. The game needs to be fun for the majority of the playerbase. And if a killer is an auto win at the start of a match because the killer player is decent with them and the survs aren't god tier players then it isn't balanced.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,660

    I think survivors should be able to see where the nurse is blinking, so reverse plaid flannel. Because the most common complaint about the nurse is that it feels like she has no counterplay.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That's my question... How good does the survivor need to play to get gens done and leave against a decent nurse? You will often face autowins on both sides... Because of matchamking putting together people that mastered a strong killer against weak survivors or playing a terrible map as a weak killer... What is important for me in that regard is if we match players of equal skill together is it somewhat balanced who wins... If yes it's fine and matchmaking is the only problem for not matching people properly... if not we need to rebalance... And I don't think that's the case... If it is possible at the highest skill level on both sides I don't think it is guaranteed to be unbalanced at lower skill levels...

    So once again... Do you think the average survivor players can win against an average nurse, that gets juked by line of sight breaking and other stuff you can do about nurse...

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,465

    I HATE Nurse. When I think about playing against a Nurse, my heart starts pumping so fast and hard. And I get so angry that I clench my teeth till they start hurting. I begin hyperventilating as my eyes fill with tears. Sometimes I can't hold it in and just scream, as loudly as I can and slam my mouse into my desk when I hear that first screech of the match. Often after the match is finally over, I begin crying and scratching my arms as hard as I can,. Then I lie down on my bed and I try to slow the rate of my breath. I just ######### hate Nurse so much.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That would not really help much to be honest... First of all you already know how far the nurse will blink based on the time she holds her blink and if her fist is clenched, then you can just flick at the last second same as slinger or huntress... To blink somewhere else... You might have enough time to run away from the spot if it is her first blink and it is fully charged... But it won't do anything against her second blink if she knows what she is doing... So it might even be a false friend in the sense that survivor might rely to much on the unsafe destination of her blink and not take into account that she can flick...

    Most players just have no clue what to do about nurse, but don't even take the time to learn the stuff you could do or search for guides... I played nurse for a few months in the beginning of this, basically completely learning her from the start until somewhat okayish, that alone helped me a lot to understand what works against nurse... And like I said before, there are guides on what to do about her...

    This one for example... I find it very helpfull, and I really like going against nurse, because breaking line of sight and so on is really fun to me.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So you are either memeing here or you should seriously consider quitting the game, because that is not healthy dude... That's just not worth it dude xD

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Is there such thing as an average nurse though? I cannot remember ever having an even game involving a nurse. Either survs rofl stomp her because she can't hit blinks or she is dropping every surv in seconds.

    She is really a one trick pony. And that trick is too effective, the whole point of the game for killer is get to surv and hit them as fast as possible. And a skilled nurse can do that extremely quickly.

    Her power isn't that versatile and currently is very hard to counterplay effectively with the 2nd blink. I'm saying weaken it a bit and maybe buff her move speed so she can M1 a little more effective.

    Give her one blink, and maybe something conditional around it, perhaps undetectable until she hits a surv or a base movement speed increase after getting a blink hit. Make the blink harder but reward her for it or make it easier to hit that.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,660

    Nurse does have counterplay but it's far more complex and less effective than any other killer counterplay in the game. Does not make sense to me where there's a killer like dredge where all you have to do is lock the lockers at the right time and the effectiveness of his power is minimised and then there's nurse where you have to imagine the point of view of the player and predict what the nurse player is predicting about you. So it does not really surprise me when most players aren't interested in playing against something so demanding and unusual, winning at that point is just not worth the effort.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Ofc there is something like an average nurse... Already just because of how averages work... And most nurses are average, most can be delayed and fall for one or the other trick... She cannot hit her blinks effectively if you broke line of sight, if you make her guess that will help a lot.

    I don't like the idea of making her M1 possible because if she is faster than the survivor she does not solely rely on her blinks for traveling making breaking line of not as effective anymore. I would not change too much about her core concept, but just crank down her addons and make exposed not work.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think the differences in how to play against every single killer make it fun... I don't want to have 30 m1 killers in the game that only differ in the way their build in game delay works... And I like that parts of the map that are usually useless against killer work for her... But they should impelement more edge map and high wall tiles in maps... The won't really do much for most other killers, but will help against nurse.