Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Killers… don’t make a crutch for yourself.

Killer main to killer main, be careful of relying too heavily on this eruption & CoB combo. It’s bound to be nerfed. Especially if you are a less experienced killer, don’t get too comfortable. Remember the last meta shakeup? Many survivors were runnin around clueless without Dead hard and it was a slaughter for a couple weeks.

The same thing is bound to happen if y’all get too complacent with this current meta. When I’m playing survivor (incentive isn’t on killer) I see a lot of killers running full regression builds that are slowing us down just enough to maybe get a 2k, but they are absolutely lacking in chase. Once this change happens, those 2k’s will turn into GGEZ’s for the survivors.

I’m not saying don’t run it.. run whatever you want (I hate kicking gens so I don’t run any gen kicking perks). Just don’t get crutched on it and sabotage yourself for when it gets taken out from under you.



  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I prefer CoB + OC anyway.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162
    edited January 2023

    I 100% agree. I tried out the Eruption/CoB/Overcharge combo, and while it is very strong and can even give weaker killers like Clown a run for their money, I stopped using it after a couple trial runs to see what all the fuzz was about.

    Yes, it is very strong, and yes it is very hard to break up and yes, it will eventually get nerfed. Be me, a Pyramid Head main who uses only info perks to get as many cheap shots at sitting ducks in the bushes :) LethalPursuer/AwakenedAwareness/NowhereToHide/IamAllEars. This build works so well with the old Pyramid boi, just get into that first chase, take note where the other survivors at gens are and never let go of your pressure. Its a very aggressive build thats aided a lot by my experience in the game, but it got no regression or slowdown, so if you mess up a chase and are left stranded, then you might not regain your footing. But I guess not playing all the meta perks eventually made me the better killer with much better situational awareness.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You misinterpret what I said. I didn’t say flat out don’t run it. I said do not develop a crutch for perks. Your performance should not rely solely on perks, it should be supplemented with them. Veterans killers than run these perks get easy wins, inexperienced killers are also winning games SOLELY because of these perks, and that is setting them up for failure. By all means, run the perks, but do not RELY on them for wins.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    they're the only perks that make you lose distance or ditch chases in order to kick gens, it's better to run dms+scourage with info perks to get them out of the gens for dms to work(if they know the counterplay) than to rely on these unhealthy perk combo that was never seen before and soon will never be seen again.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,205

    I wouldn't consider Eruption to be some kind of 'training wheels' for newbie killers. It takes good timing and map sense to manage your gens and secure the Eruption trigger. It's not a newbie perk. But once you have that timing and secured downs sorted out, it's absolutely oppressive.

    Auto regression, things like Jolt, Thrilling, Pain Res, etc. are much more newbie friendly.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    You should have mentioned DMS + PS. That was ‘nerfed’ then reversed pretty soon after.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    When I’m running my sweaty blight, it’s DMS, pain res, and discordance. Don’t have to stop and kick gens, I’m always in chase, and it’s slows them down pretty good.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I would agree to an extent. We’ve came across killers running the full set up, and never got any value because they could not get downs fast enough to proc eruption. But semi decent killers are being carried into lobbies they shouldn’t be in, and it’s going to bite them when they lose these perks and they are still in those lobbies. Many survivors quit when it happened to them because they could not perform nearly as well, and Q times were horrendous. Just don’t want it to happen again.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Pop used to be the meta and it's the same thing lol. I don't know why people act like killers never kicked gens before, they did it less sure because Pop was the only real reason to do so but Pop was very popular not that long ago and it's still not that bad and I'm actually surprised people go with Overcharge over Pop more often.

    Also you only need to kick the gen once to apply it and only if it has significant progress you don't just kick the gen over chasing every single time lol.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,636

    Personally this is not how i would recommend people play live service games but suit yourself.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Dead Hard took 4 years to nerf because it didn't work for 3 of them.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,521

    On the other hand, if DBD isn't your job or you're not training for that big esport tournament so have to be in tip top shape, use the tools available while they are available and if/when the tools change move to the new tools.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,440

    Nah, I already play a meme killer without addons and slowdown, and if people manage to give me 4ks im convinced you can play perkless trapper without using traps and still win against some teams, no need to run meta everytime.

  • ProGamerMD
    ProGamerMD Member Posts: 26

    If your objective is to win, then you should run the strongest perks. No need to handicap yourself because of some arbitrary code of conduct.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    Very true. Since this combo has become meta I've also noticed an increase in complaints about the best perks being hidden behind a pay wall. Some do say they're referring to Nemesis, Sadako, and Pinhead, but even the ones who don't it's pretty clear that's what they're referring to. I'm always tempted to say they should hold onto their money because they'll regret spending it if there's a nerf incoming. Which there probably is.

    Most players were in agreement that old DH was a crutch perk and those players wouldn't do as well without it, so killers would do well not to fall into the same perk trap.

  • whispersenthusiast
    whispersenthusiast Member Posts: 106

    You'd have a point if 80% of killers with these perks didn't just defend a 3 gen from the start of the game. Sure you need to get a down (which usually means winning a chase) to proc eruption, but not the other perks. So they just stand around and kick gens for 30-40 minutes. That definitely does not help them learn the game.

    Imo new killers should absolutely run slowdown perks, but stopping to kick gens before taking a chase is a bad habit to learn (especially if/when Eruption gets nerfed). Running passive slowdown is way better for that purpose.

    That said obviously you can run whatever you want, old or new player alike, but there's definitely going to be a LOT of salt if these perk combos get nerfed.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    I stuck with my trusty Lightborn, BBQ (rest in piece old friend 😢) and a variety of passive action speed up perks:

    iron maiden for locker checks, brutal force for kicks and pallets, bamboozle for the windows and one or two others, depending on what i had on the respective killer.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2023

    I'm hoping that you're absolutely, 100% wrong.

    And I believe you're absolutely, 100% wrong, too. After all, when they nerfed Ruin into the ground, their stated reason wasn't because it was too strong, it was specifically because they wanted to switch up the meta. Their point wasn't to destroy any semblance of a meta altogether.

    If they do get rid of the current meta perks, they'll replace them with something else.


    It depends. I tried a few games on a fresh EGS account a few days back, and I was able to exactly that, 4K everyone as perkless, addonless, beartrapless Trapper before two gens were done.

    But that's just because my MMR was so low. If all you're doing is memeing around, then of course you're not seeing better players.

    Well, yeah, sure, if you're playing Spirit or Nurse. Ghostface needs all the help he can get.

    Some of the perks that are downright oppressive on good killers just manage to make lesser killers viable. That's the problem DBD is fundamentally dealing with whenever someone wants to nerf of buff some of these perks.

    Side rant:

    Dead Hard is still an S-tier perk on survivors, and it's become the bane of my existence again in DBD now that survivors know how to use it. It's not as terrible as it used to be, but I still see it every game again, and screwing up against it one time can cost an extra 30-45 seconds in a single chase, which can mean the entire game if you're an M1 killer without an accessible instadown.

    So. I really don't wanna hear any talk about nerfing killer meta perks just as the survivor meta picks up again, anyhow.

    On the other hand, perks that killers were freaking out about (OTR, I'm looking at you) turned out to be underpowered.

    Anyways, I hate how Ruin, which took another perk slot (Undying) to even be debatably S-tier was nerfed to F-tier with or without Undying, while the uncounterable SSS-tier survivor perk was just nerfed to S-tier. I mean, fine, whatever, killers did get some basekit buffs along with that, but I don't think we need killer perk nerfs, and certainly not without some new perks to replace them.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I mean, yeah, you are not wrong, but on the other hand, when something is clearly busted and uniformely hated, maybe you shouldn't play it every match? On the other hand, killers complaints didn't made droves of survivors quit using DH, I guess altruism is not the way to go. So eventually Eruption will get nuked, it stands to see if it will be a somewhat fair and constructive nerf, or just extermination from orbit.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,222

    Yes and no regarding the lower tier killers. You might need a bit more regression, but quad slowdown and purple/Iri is complete overkill and just teaches killers bad habits on any killer.

  • Brix
    Brix Member Posts: 128

    I dont even use these perks since i find this way of playing unfun. I like pain res,Jolt,Surveilance with Face the darkness on low TR killers like Myers with Rabbit. Im sure not winning all the time like i may would with kick gens build but i have fun doing builds which arent seen all the time.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    CoB and Eruption aren't even in need of nerf. Nerfing it would be just going with the casual players wishes once more. This game without gen regression simply isn't functional and even if CoB and Eruption get nerfed people will probably just stack other forms of gen defense.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,133

    People already stack other forms of gen defense. Anyways COB and Eruption are in dire need of a change. Two perks shouldn’t be allow players to make games last up to an hour.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I wouldn’t quite go that far, but the fact that gen perks getting nerfed is always taken negatively by the killer community goes to show a huge flaw in this game which is how necessary gen perks are in order for killers to stand a chance. People reacted the same way with og Ruin’s nerf, and Undying’s rework, so I’d expect the same response when this perk(s) inevitably gets addressed. I honestly feel the same way despite knowing full well they’re not very healthy perks, but I must say, losing them (especially CoB) would really hurt especially when these perks not requiring much effort to control gens is precisely why they’re so good, more so on the weaker killers who will struggle to get downs as quickly as stronger killers, since they’re really the ones that need these perks the most. Not to mention when our other gen perks have been nerfed to no longer be as effective as they were before.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I just played against a demo who brought haddonfield, along with CoB, erupt, pain res, and overcharge. He did nothing but patrol the three gen. Game eventually ended because we got bored. It was entirely impossible to complete one of the 3.

    He was absolutely terrible in chase, but he was hard carried by his perks. This should not be a thing.

    This gen kick meta most certainly needs a nerf, and anybody who thinks otherwise is probably one of the killers who cannot win without them. I am not one of them, and I would love to see this combo destroyed so when I DO play survivor, it’s not the stale ass “3 gen or nothing” play style every single game.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    edited January 2023

    I'm sorry, but losing because of a 3 gen is no excuse. Even with Call of Brine, regression is only half of the speed a solo repairing, meaning that for every 2 seconds of regression you would only need one to undo the damage. On a 3 gen scenario, all you have to do is brute force it and when you get hit you go to the other side of the map to heal, which can get really efficient with CoH. If the killer follows you, your teammates finish the gen, if he comes back to the 3 gen just rinse and repeat until the 3 gen is broken. Regression is always slower than progression, so your case is merely a skill issue.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Lmao ok buddy. With multiple thousand hours in the game, I don’t think it’s a skill issue.

    When the gens are within spitting distance and they will do nothing but run back and forth kicking gens, you will not be able to break the 3 gen. Especially on a killer like demo that places portals on top of the gens.

    Those 4 stacked perks most definitely are not slower regression than anything we could put out.

    You saying this just shows you’re most likely the kind of killer that cannot survive matches without 4 regression perks. Feel bad for you son.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    Running to the other side of the map in a corner to heal is merely a skill issue. That's where survivors lose attrition against a good killer.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    If he is simply going from gen to gen means that he isn't downing anyone, because if we are talking about survivors with game awareness they should stay healthy before trying to brute force through a 3 gen, that's because if the killer hits them then they can go running to the other side of the map to heal again. If the demo followed someone then good survivors would finish the last gen.

    Therefore, since in this situation he shouldn't be downing anyone, then he is only making use only of Call of Brine since other gen regression perks only reward the killer when someone goes down. But again, if the Demo is downing someone and progressing his objective then it is because he is commiting to the chase, which should give plenty of time to break the 3 gen and if he is not then eventually good survivors will also do the last gen since regression is slower and he is only making use of Call of Brine.

    And well, you may have thousands of hours in the game, but determination isn't the same as getting results lmao

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Well that’s the beauty of solo q and RNG with your teammates skills isn’t it.

  • Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm finding that the CoB+OC+Eruption meta doesn't work well on killers like Ghostface unless you're running Deadlock along with it, and then you've got no chase perks.

    I'm preferring Deadlock/Jolt/PR/STBFL. The gen regression isn't as strong on its own, but you can just focus on chase instead of kicking gens, and STBFL soft counters bodyblocking and DH.

    Most of my Ghsotie games are ending in 3 or 4 kills with zero gens left.

    Gen-kicking meta does better on Michael and some other M1s for some reason.

    Jesus, the tone of the forums on this subject sure has changed since my little break.

    Just a couple of months ago, there were entire threads full of people complaining that CoB and Eruption were terrible perks. I was one of the only people arguing that they were viable.

    If those perks need a nerf, then they need to give Dead Hard the treatment the devs gave Ruin. One perk shouldn't be able to make every chase last an extra minute. After all, it's currently in the same place as Eruption in the sense that it's S-tier, but completely counterable and only causes trouble for the other side if you outplay them with it.

    Camping a 3-gen from the start of the game was a strategy long before the 6.1.0 meta changes.

    For the sake of clarity, what are you arguing here? That there shouldn't be any good killer gen regression perks at all?

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    But that's the thing, if the problem is your teammates... Why attack the regression perks when the problem is the matchmaking?

    DbD survivor is a team based game and you're not going to carry everyone solo, that's just how it works. I do play other team based games like League of Legends, Pokemon Unite and Overwatch but I do know how to differentiate when I lost because of my teammates, because of game balance or because of my lack of skill and each of these problems have completely different solutions which should not mix together.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    because regression perks are also part of the problem, mainly Eruption.

    i feel most are weak and only benefit from stacking, but regression perks shouldn’t be stackable with Eruption when it has a 25s incapacitated timer.

    they really can’t do much more to matchmaking except maybe adding a competitive mode where MMR comes in play and remove MMR from pubs so it’s balanced, but it still wouldn’t be the saving grace for the current meta.

    current meta hurts inexperienced players, and it also prolongs the game to a stalemate until people had enough. as i said, changing matchmaking wouldn’t solve the underlying issue with the current meta, killers would just see more SWFs/competent-like survivors and just complain because "me kick gen, me camp 3 gen, me make game last 2 hours long" won’t work for them.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    If you read my original post, it’s quite clear what my point is.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    The incapacitated timer can be countered if you have an idea of when the survivor is gonna go down. Aura perks like Fogwise, Bonds, Inner Focus and many others can give you an idea of when the next survivor is going down. If you think that using a perk to help counter another perk is bad, be aware that it is perfectly normal to use stuff to counter the meta, just like Stridor was only used to counter Iron Will (when Spirit was good) and how the Original Pain add-on is the only reliable counter in the game to Off the Record, which by itself justifies its use. Also, Eruption only benefits the killer if they are getting a down, so the reward is perfectly healthy since it encourages going for chases (something that a killer who is only focused on keeping a 3 gen won't do).

    About the "hurting inexperienced players argument" the only thing that I have to say is that, well... Yeah, you're gong to have a hard time against strong loadouts when you're new, that's is true for literally everything that is half decent, but eventually you're going to learn how to play around it, that's how multiplayer games work.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited January 2023

    They literally said they are going to take a more active approach to making sure a meta gets out of control. See how fast thana got nerfed. Eruption isn't going to make it for four years. It won't even make it past the january update. The videos of people holding games hostage until the time limit expired were the final nail for the gen kick meta.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Lmaoooo. You did not just say “have an idea of when a survivor is going down”. 😂😂 in solo q?!

    You’ve gotta be trolling.

  • Okay, fair.

    I honestly missed the part where you pointed out that full gen regression perks have problems in chase, which is an excellent point, but anything you said applies to any future meta as much as it does the current one. I ran Ruin/Undying on a lot of killers before that got nerfed, I run Eruption+CoB+Overcharge on a lot of killers now, and if they nerf that, I'll run whatever they replace it with.

    There will always be an anti-gen meta. Not having one would make the majority of killers unplayable past the soft cap.

    Holding games hostage? I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as "holding it hostage" if you can still repair the gens. If you're not letting the killer down you, why should the killer let you repair the last gen? It's a two-way street.

    Eruption needs downs to work. If the killer spent all game camping a potential 3-gen, then there are four of you alive and unharmed by the time the game really begins, and it's on you if you can't get that gen done. Two of you working on the farthest gens and the other two trading off taking hits will usually do it.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,615

    never use it since i considered it trash (it's good only when you face average survivors who are greedy: when you start to face competent loopers or people that will just play safe and drop the pallets whenever they can this combo become USELESS)