Is time for 3 gens to leave.

3 gens shouldnt be possible, there never should be 3 gens in a couple of mts from eachother, is extremely easy to camp hem with the new meta perks, besides many killers decide to camp them from the very start wich creates a long ass game extremely boring, and im not that patient to lose 30 mins or more for a dbd game wich btw only winnable in 4 man swf. time to leave for 3 gens.
Ah yes, all gens should be super far apart instead of addressing perk balance. This is a well thought out and not at all hasty plan that completely misses how maps with spread-out gens like that because of size already penalise low-movement Killers a ton.
And now you want to arbitrarily space them out further.
Haha, no.
26 -
I think OP didnt complain about 3 Gens that caused by survivors, but Killers that just stay at 3 Gens to force 3 Gens. This is why as Trapper main, I want alot of buff for him but starts with all traps should not be a thing.
To OP. I dont think Devs will ever do anything, but something something basekit. For now the only thing you can beat Knight 3 Gens is 4 Potential Energy, quietly move to one of 3 Gens, instantly slam 80 charges on it.
Think about it, they always make Killer's power/perks and Survvior's perks that counter each other.
Feng's Technician counter hard Doctor's skill check.
Twin's Hoarder counter Elodie's Appraisal.
Adam's Diversion to create scratch mark against Spirit.
I bet Devs knew too well that Knight is good at 3 Gens, and give Vitto Potential Energy
Eruption just add more salt onto it.
2 -
exactly im not talking about survivors messing up im talkign about RNG making it free.
7 -
I agree but it’s also a very hard issue to fix. If 3 even remotely close gens exist some killers will just camp them the whole game regardless
0 -
See, the part I was being snarky about was the suggestion that 3 gens should never be close to prevent 3 gens from even being possible.
People are way too keen to suggest massive changes to map gen that would make far more problems and always backfire by harming the people not using all the regression perks, rather than addressing the immediate cause of 'people being able to hold a 3 gen against up to 4 survivors for a whole match'. Big sweeping changes that aren't thought through are exasperating.
5 -
If theres a three gen the survivors havent done their job right; they gave the killer a three gen. You've basically screwed yourself over and blamed anything but yourself. Pathetic.
13 -
Sure if every Killer has the mobility of Nurse and Blight. Otherwise, no. Or we can just fix the gen regression perks that create the problem instead.
3 -
I don't think you can break up 3-gens without royally screwing up the rest of the game. Gens do need to be close enough together that the killer can reasonably pressure them.
But with the hyper-regression meta, maybe some new perk should be able to very slowly cement progress so it's not an infinite battle of attrition. Or, like someone else suggested: BNPs should be able to cement progress, instead of adding a free crapton of it.
4 -
Yeah, I wish 3 gens didn't come up as well. I hate blaming killers for playstyles that shouldn't even be an option. It also feels really annoying when playing killer - like there is a clear place from the start of the map that I should defend if I want to keep the survivors from getting out, but it creates a really unfair match if I do.
1 -
You do know some killer's force a 3 gen by not leaving the area, right? It's not the fault of the survivors. This really shouldn't be a thing.
12 -
I guess what a lot of people are missing here is, that 3 gening has always been THE killer strategy, same as focusing/staying on gens for survivors, but its only with the 6.1 patch and the gen kick meta-perks that the wider killer population started using it.
Mind you, Eruption/CoB/Overcharge is a pretty scummy and probably unhealthy combination that should be addressed (I next to never use Eruption), but 3-gening just seemed to have become a problem once everyone started doing it.
Remember the day patch 6.1 dropped? Playing killer on that day was like an all-you-can-kill-buffet, because nearly all the survivors were in a sort of stupor, running around headlessly without their DH safety net and just dying without contributing to anything. During that time everyone was in such a shock that they forgot to do gens, because that extra 10s somewhat convinced people that doing gens was impossible now. I vividly remember that survivor games where I did 3-4 gens myself, a couple of times even all 5. But since then most survivors adapted and focus on whats important to their role: finishing gens. I am hardly pressed to not find survivors jumping on a gen the second I turn my back the them, even if I can hear them, because it is now accepted knowledge that "you have to stick to your gens".
And its sorta the same with 3-gening. This has always been a very valid tactic, but only recently have killers as a whole woken up to it. Since forever I can remember I have sorta soft-3-gened, ie identified the strongest 3-gen at the start and kept the survivors away from those, while roaming and hunting normally, just mostly ignoring gens in the far corners of the map. This strategy worked most of the time and often lead to a strong 3 gen in the end game ... but sometimes some survivor would sneak in and break it up at 2 gens remaining and well, thats just live. But now with the gen-kick-meta you got killers who can defend a 3-gen against a full 4-man team of survivors for 40+min, and thats a bit uncool. But in this case the strong gen-kicking synergy has to go, not the killers ability to play smart and defend smart.
6 -
Someone needs to make one of those trader offer memes. Something like:
Survivors receive an even Gen spread on every map.
Killers receive all maps being reworked to the size of Dead Dawg or Coal Tower.
3 -
This has always been a thing and was never an issue until gen kick meta came and buffed what was already the strongest strategy out of proportion. Nerf Gen kick perks but leave gen spawns as they are otherwise you may as well delete killers like Trapper and Myers from the game because all you're gonna do is punish the low tier killers with no mobility while Nurse and Blight wouldn't care one bit.
0 -
I just love it that this gets parroted so much.
If the Killer decides they want to keep a 3-Gen, there is not much the Survivors can do about that when it comes to other Gens. What does it matter when Gens outside of the 3-Gen get 99ed instead of finished, when you cannot repair the Gens in the 3-Gen due to bad gamedesign?
And there are some 3-Gens which are really hard to solve, the one on Dead Dawg around the scaffold or the one on Haddonfield around the Main Building, just as two examples.
5 -
I had a game that went on for a full hour yesterday on Shelter Woods. Three generators spawn very close to each other in the corner of the map with barely anything but a few trees and a few rocks around them. The Knight never left that part of the map and with a boon set up at the opposite corner it turned into complete stalemate. We almost got one done a couple of times but the Knight just kept sending his guards to the furthest gen he wasn't at and then going to it afterwards with Eruption, COB, Jolt and the aura perk that shows people around a gen. If he did down one of the survivors, everything was back to zero. It was so stupid and not the first game like this against the Knight. Surely playing like this isn't fun for the killer either?
7 -
Just wait for some people to come to you, telling you it is your fault that you put a Boon up on the other side of the Map and that the Knight was not totally holding the game hostage.
"Surely playing like this isn't fun for the killer either?"
It probably isnt, but since MMR is up and it is basically confirmed that a 4K is a win (since it is based on Kills and Escapes), many Killers seem to prioritize 4Ks over actually having fun. And the result is some Knight-Player holding the game hostage until the Time Limit, just because they cannot stand the thought that they might not get a 4K.
4 -
I tried the 3 gen Knight strat by just protecting three gens from start of the game with regression perks and my ghosts. There was nothing the survivors could do. The game would not have ended unless I let them do the last gen, which I did. The three gen Knight strat is pretty dirty and worth complaining about if you play survivor.
I won't do it again just had to try lol
5 -
Sure, they should be a in-house rule where the gens cant spawn 6 meters away from each other in the same or adjacent room (looking at you, Lery's)
I believe there should also be a LoS blocker between gens that are within a certain distance from each other. Like how in Garden of Joy you cannot see gens easily because of the tall bushes.
1 -
Then u have to give standard M1-Killers like Trapper or Pig Teleports. All of them. Without 3gens, u need massive buffs to M1-Killers.
8 -
The POST wasn't rational to begin with. Your entire argument is a complaint with no solution provided.
8 -
If something that hasn't ever changed never was a problem suddenly becomes a problem after something else happened it's usually the something else that needs changing. Not the the thing that was fine before
3 -
3 gens should be a thing if survivors have created it. The amount of times i see groups of survivors hop from one gen to the next closest one straight away is quite staggering.
Although, I will say that gen placement recently has been stupid in that a killer can defend a three gen from the beginning of the match they're that close together which shouldn't be allowed.
4 -
Everytime this comes up, I present my reworked Insidious.
Insidious: when staying motionless for 9/8/7 seconds, the killers terror radius disappears and they get teleported into an unobserved dark corner of the map within 16m of a random survivor. This perk starts on cooldown and has a 90s cooldown.
This would be so beautiful and thematic on Myers, Clow and their likes and in one fell swoop eliminate most of the problems the M1 killers face. It would allow them to do their thing and occasionally pressure a gen accross the map, without giving them too much control over it.
2 -
Had a game on Crotus Prenn Disturbed Ward that had the worst placement I've seen. One gen in the main building, one very close to the building on one side and the other five on the other side, as close to the killer shack as would be possible. The game went on an age, although it was a decent team for Solo Q and we eventually got 5 gens done in 40 minutes. I don't think the killer was intentionally trying for the 3 gen but with the spawn it gave it was impossible to stop it happening. If he had camped it from the start, doubt we'd have got more than 3 gens completed!
0 -
I've noticed the borgo tends to have some really poor gen placement too considering how massive it is. Normally there's one in the shack, one in the immediate cluster of bushes and fences outside and another further left towards the edge of the map. All within sight of each other - considering this map was created for the Knight you'd think they'd be more spread out. Some variations if the Auto haven Wreckers are terrible at the moment too.
0 -
I already clowned on a post exactly like this before, but I’ll put it in less words: Haha, no. Problem here is the current meta, especially Eruption, and that’s what should probably be looked at if we want to try to stop hour long matches.
2 -
Gotta love how:
- The 3gen needs to be inpossible
- Slugging needs punishments
- Camping needs punishments
- Tunneling is unfair
- Nurse needs nerfs
- NoED should be removed
- And more
So...How, exactly, are Killers supposed to win, when Survivors expect 'fair play' and demand 'think about my fun' and demand 12 hook matches while bringing 4-man SWFs kitted out with META perks and using discord?
8 -
Its called Deja Vu, use it.
4 -
Survivors 3 genning themselves is entirely the survivors fault, and Deja Vu can help against that.
What is being talked about here is when from the start of the game a killer (very often The Knight, but not always), sits in an area probably no bigger than 10% of the entire map that contains 3 generators and refuses to leave it for anything. Deja Vu won't help you in this situation! The game will end after an hour when the lobby auto closes, or when the survivors get so bored that they simply can't be bothered any more, normally around the 45 minute mark, unless they are super masochistic!
It's happening more and more by the day and together with the awful servers right now in the UK, the game isn't fun for anyone here at the moment.
8 -
Its one of this perks that older and more experienced players scoff at as "training wheels" perks or "babies first perk", but it shows you the most dangerous 3-gen at any time ... well, each time a gen is done, but that's good enough. Its not as "fun" or "glamorous" as other, more flashy perks, but it performs a very reliable function.
People often want to play with the meta perks or their own set of feel-good perks, and then demand all kind of stuff to be nerfed or gutted, when there are already perks doing the job. Mind you, this doesn't apply to every such instance, BUT if some aspect really grinds your gears, then by all means equip a perk that counters this.
Survivors have been laughing in the killers face since the introduction of Shattered Hope "lol, if you hate boons so much, just equip this perk" and some do so, while others say "nah ... what if the survivors don't use boons? Then the perk will be wasted". Yeah, tough luck, but thats why this perks are strong when they counter the opposition and useless when they don't and why we have a generalist boring meta and people refuse to play the more situational perks.
If you really hate 3-gens then just play with Deja Vu at all times. Its that simple :)
6 -
Legitimately, skill issue
4 -
People love to say “Survivors getting 3 genned is entirely their fault.” as if killers aren’t in control of the match and can set up a 3 gen from the start of the match. Do you guys think for yourselves at all?
5 -
And the problem is the perk and character interactions that can fuel this.
Not 'gens are close enough together a 3-gen can exist'. Trying to change the maps to 'solve' a particular interaction is going to cause far more problems than it fixes.
3 -
some got it some didnt get it yet even when i sayed it TWICE, im not talking about survivors messing im talking about RNG generation, there are certain maps where literally u get 3 bgens FOR FREE survivors are not messing up killers FROM TEH GET GO localize the 3 gen and start playing a very long ass game with overcharge eruption and COB protecting the 3 gen till survivors get bored and dont want to play anymore THAT SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE, if survivors mess up thats a different stroy but when you get 3 gens in a ocuple of mts from eachother and the killers plays 50% of the map or even less actually, 20% in many scenarios like Dead dawg saloon and some other small maps THATS A PROBLEM, OR RPD with the 2 gens at the middle, another BIG MISTAKE and u wont convince me of that being hard to fix because is as simple as moving the gen to another area. litreally, just that
1 -
The fact that killer needs a strong 3 gen setup to stand a chance against 4-man SWF is exactly why 3 gen needs to remain in the game
1 -
Actually you have it backwards, the fundamental game has too many issues and needs to be addressed first before perks come into play. The problem is, if both sides had 0 perks, then the survivors will win most of the time because gen regression and 3-genning is basically required for the killer to stand a chance.
1 -
Even if you look at it the other way round, you don't change game design to balance out the effect of perks. So, in this instance, you obviously don't change map spawns to spread out generators so that Knight+genkicking can't hold a three gen, because then you're making the game design an even bigger problem.
0 -
I think that 45 minutes mark should be when match ends automatically ideally even earlier but then survivors could just hide and some games take bit longer. Currently match ends at 65 minutes mark but that is already way way too long.
0 -
Solo queue needs communication improvements, but otherwise, if survivors can’t break a 3-gen, that is literally their fault. A 3-gen is a losing game of attrition for killer. Why? Because literally all it takes is Survivor 1 on Gen 1 and Survivor 2 on Gen 2. If killer chases Survivor 1, Survivor 2 progresses Gen 2, and vice-versa. If the others also help, it’s just a coffin in the nail for the 3-gen. Survivor 3 is on Gen 3, and Survivor 4 gets on whichever gen the killer chased a different survivor off of.
0 -
Just add another generator to each map.
Killer's get their spot to defend but it's not too op.
I always hear- killers need 3 gen/tunneling/camping / slugging to win but if survivors do their objective in a uncoordinated manner then they deserve to lose.
Until deja vu is basekit or the survivors get voicechat you can't argue 3 gens are their fault.
2 -
Partially correct in my opinion. 3 gens are definitely the survivors' fault but it does require coordination to solve. One of my highest escape percentage builds is OTR, Prove Thyself, Situational Awareness and Deja Vu. A lot of survivors don't like it because Deja Vu is a 'baby perk' and you can't afford to clown on the Killer as there are no chase perks (and OTR is just anti-tunneling insurance). However, I escape noticeably more with this build.
The other build I had with a high rate of escape is OTR, Potential Energy, Hyperfocus, Stakeout and a Commodious with a map offering to a known 3 gen map. Why that works is maps like RPD can be good for survivors if the 3 gen is busted but, over 80% of the time, I only see survivors work on the safer gens and we get 3 genned.
That is 100% the survivors' (as a group) fault. It is well-known some maps have 3 gens by default and the 3 gen should be busted first. It doesn't matter if the Killer is patrolling it; until that 3 gen is busted there's no chance of escape so bust the 3 gen or die trying.
The issue is that it's hard to coordinate. That part isn't the Survivors fault but it wasn't so hard to beat before until Eruption gave the 25 second Incapacitation. That needs to change.
But 3 gens need to stay. There are less than 10 Killers that would be viable in normal play, not comp play, not high MMR play, just normal play if 3 gens didn't exist. That's not fair or acceptable to change maps from a bad map for most Killers to an automatic loss with virtually no chance for most of the Killer roster which is what would happen if 3 gen were removed.
1 -
I actually suggested a way to do that before and would change the boring Gen repair
Basically Gens would stop repairs at the 25, 50, and 75 marks. Them Survivors would have to find a a part to continue repairs past that mark. But once the part was put in it can't regress past that mark.
BNPs would be used in place of going out looking for the part.
1 -
i love how people dont read and keep on not reading. im not talking about survivors creating a 3 gen because being dumb, im talking about RNG creating A 3 GEN FOR FREE FROM THE GET GO, when the killer sees his 3 gen and will guard it the hole game for a very long ass game were nothing can be done with the current meta, is wrong, poorly designed and MUST be adressed.
tell me how your dumb suggestions like using deja vu is gonna change that, or changing the meta could when literally there will always be perks to regress gens and camp them with certain killers will make it a Nightmare like the Knight, Doc, artist, and to lesser extent huntress and plague
3 -
Many maps are already too big, three gens being near each other is always gonna be a thing.
Maaaaybe BHVR could add an 8th gen but I'm not sure that would be a great idea.
2 -
Without the ability to stop people from working on the 3-gen for nearly 30s (and add fast regression at the same time) every time someone goes down, it doesn't matter. It's only this combination that turns it into oppressive against four survivors; with any other set of regression perks--even triggering Jolt smack bang in the middle--a group of four Survivors can break the 3-gen setup.
Ergo, your conclusion is false. The map design doesn't need to change because a Killer might hold a 3-gen without these perks against a bad group, or if someone goes down. If anything, the problem most maps have is that they're too big and a big chunk of Killers can't effectively patrol gens or get anywhere in a reasonable time; fixing that would actually push gens together. And on smaller maps, they literally can't be further apart (especially those with more static features like Dead Dawg) because the map doesn't have space to sprinkle gens more tiles apart.
2 -
try breaking a 3 gen with a solo group agaisnt a decent killer, good luck, your arguments are fantasy not the reality, there is a difference.
2 -
This game will never be balanced around solo, otherwise SWF would be uber broken. The killer can't choose if survivors are going to be solo or SWF, but survivors can choose how they want to play. As long as survivor can play SWF, the game should be balanced around SWF.
4 -
"A killer should be unable to patrol 3 nearby generators because solo queue with no game awareness or information can be absolute potato" is not a point to balance around. If the solo queue is that bad and that disorganised that they can't win against minimal regression, then they deserve to lose. Again, do not change the map generation to try and fix how Knight and meta perks are currently interacting.
4 -
The fact that 3-gens are possible, is brilliant. It actually requires survivors to strategize a little, and not just hop on the first gen they see.
3 -
Is time for genrush to leave
Genrush shouldn't be possible, 3 gens popping at the same time is unbalanced, extremely easy to blast through them with meta perks, many survivors camp them while hidden, waiting for the killer to leave to immediately return to it, which creates extremely short and frustrating 3 minute matches, which can only really be countered by nurse and blight with the best perks. Time to leave for genrush