You promised you would address future meta. The update significantly improved survivor variety.

But this killer meta BRINE - ERUPTION - OVERCHARGE is so pathetic. Literally every game I see 2 to 3 of these perks combined. What a MASSIVE problem you have created and its still gone unaddressed. I haven't even complained about Pain Res which you can see is EQUALLY used.

You said you would address new metas. So? You're not? You lied? Because we're all waiting.



  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I would say the same for Boon: CoH, Prove Thyself, or even new Off The Record. But, you are missing the point, Devs do not regularly do updates every so often, unless it is a mid-chapter update; and even if they touch; they are not also addressing main problems plaguing the game such as Camping/Tunneling by killers, imbalance huge map designs/tiles, solo que vs. SWF teams, etc.

    The devs have yet to offer any significant solutions besides bandfix with new perks; and they not addressed the current meta for killer which is that they need gen slowdown/regression builds to keep Pressure on all Survivors. Most average or weak killers do not have any slowdown built into their power, and the ones that do are high tier killers like pig, pinhead, etc.

    I would be totally down with nerfs to regression perks if it means buffing basic killer's with slowdown in their power.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    Survivors are guilty of the exact same

    Dead hard and CoH are in every single game I'm in. Ironic since DH was one of the nerfed perks.

    But let's address this, hmm?

    Alright, why is this meta? The meta still seems geared towards regression.

    Are the perks op? Do games still feel too fast without them DESPITE the increased gen time? Do they need to touch base regression?

    If the perks are going to be changed, how do we change them? Are they too appealing, other perks not appealing enough, or both?

    It's a very complicated process that can't just be done in a week. Or a month, even. Hold your horses.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Would my opinion that only Eruption actually needs to be changed be unpopular?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    he fought onepumpwillies. he is one-trick Onryo player. no one play billy.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2022

    I think this is reasonable. It's the only one that urgently needs to be changed as it's the only one that's flat out broken. A few others might be a tad OP but they aren't actively hurting the game in the same way eruption is. Eruption is ridiculous and just feels awful to go against in addition to being insanely overpowered.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    The fact the devs have left such a broken exploit in their game is quite disgusting. And yes this is an exploit. Just because it is working as intended does not mean this is not a broken mechanic. There's a reason all of the killers are using this build. It's because it is borderline cheating.

    There are literal videos of killers locking players in an hour long game until the lobby self destructs. HOW WAS THIS NOT KILL SWITCHED IMMEDIATELY? That is UNREASONALBE. This should have been addressed that day.

    I had a 3 day weekend for the holiday and this is only HALF of screenshots I took. I'm too exhausted to keep editing more evidence

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    You know what... I'm posting the rest of the screenshots.

    This is so pathetic that I have to do this

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    You really are clowning yourself in the public.

    Saying the ability to lock a game for an HOUR until a lobby force shuts down is not an exploit.

    You kind of exposed yourself as cowardly killer that needs broken mechanics to win. Like there's no way you look good defending this lol but go off sis.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Nowhere did I say I used it. You're just flailing and screaming that people 'exploited' based on your hurt feelings because you lost.

    But you do you. Just don't be surprised when no one gets banned for using a perk combo just because a Survivor got salty.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Only slowdown meta users in these screenshots, hence no Billies. Too Gigachad to be meta slaves.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    OnePumpWillie - always playing the condemn-style :-)

    Wait 2 weeks, then there comes P100-Freddy! I am sure no one has this sht killer at this P besides me 🤣.

    Of course he was in 0 pictures..

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,749

    Please keep the conversation civil and respectful. We appreciate your cooperation!

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 375

    I think all that's needed is to make the incapacitated effect last the same time, OR until someone gets hooked, since downing them triggers it.

    On the other hand, you could change it to a different debuff, or just seal the gen for X time after it blows.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 629

    The perks you mentioned are not so common and not so strong, but the one that you didn’t name needs a nerf and absolutely in every match

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    Yeah, it's not like killers need those perks to counter the progression builds + "looping" builds with WoO everybody is using so SWF don't do all the gens in less than 4 minutes. And you can "nerf" one meta, but now there is another meta... what are you talking about?

    And who is saying that Eruption or CoB is not meta? There is practically not other discussion topic in this forum that isn't "Gen rush vs Gen regress" meta and how Eruption + CoB should be nerfed! No, really, what are you talking about?


    So diverse. Much wow...

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 504

    Don't you have to edit out the names of the people on screenshots?

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    >The update significantly improved survivor variety.

    LMAO, yeah, of course. Still 4 DH almost every game. But now + adrenalines in almost every game. Absolutely broken CoH still in every game. Prove You'reonlygoodatm1 Thyself in every game. OTR friend's back in every second game (with crying at tunneling in postgame chat obviously kek)

    Survivor main moment

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly, they are meta regardless of how you put it... Survivor hate Gen Regression/Slowdown meta, Killers hate Genrushing/2nd chances based meta! Why can't we all just Aggreed that they both suck, and needs Changes, and you shouldn't defend the "meta" perks just because one side has something similar to theirs.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Question for you, have you being living under a Rock or never played in high matchmaking making lobbies, they are just so common as my killer builds.

    "Also, what perks are you referring to that I didn't named yet". I didn't bother listing them all, as I assumed we all knows what perks are busted in high ranks and not.

    If you are a new/free to play (the kind that doesn't pay for dlcs) player, then obviously some of these perks are not common! But, there is also the other possibility that you are not good at the game, and you clearly are not maximize the massive impact these meta perks can bring to the match.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    This is countered by the fact that survivors have a base kit -400% regression speed. So yes, for a grand total of 30 seconds, it's possible for the killer to regress generators at the same speed a survivors. I'm not going to shed a tear over this

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 629

    I said that the perks that you mentioned are not found more often in survivor builds, most often it is DH, Opportunity. The circle of healing does not create problems, adrenaline too, if you nerf the first two perks, then in general everything will calm down. Killers only have a problem with the Eruption perk.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,060


    You circled power struggle and blast mine.

    Having so much trouble with meme build that you're rage posting on the forums about it?

    You seen to think this is some gotcha post, but you either have no idea what 'meta' perks are, or you let your 6 year old pick out the 'pretty icons' for you.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    I circled every perk in common of the four random games to argue the "oh so much diverse, much wow" point of the OP. I didn't even pretend to just show the meta perks being used, just that there is no such diversity as everybody is using the same perks in different builds as killers do with Eruption + CoB as show by his own "receipts" as he called them.

    Also, if you looked just a couple comments more you would see I did a post with two images showing the most used / meta perks. But whatever dude, you do you.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    No one here is not saying to nerf survivor meta. THIS POST IS NOT FOR THAT.

    So again. Brine, Overcharge, and Eruption need to be nerfed.

    BTW survivor perks have never locked a game for an hour until the lobby force shuts down. This isn't JUST about meta pick rates.

    This is literally about being broken.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    You said it like it's just the perks fault there:

    The first and biggest mistake, as the streamer says in the 4:40, is let the killer to have 3 gen close by. By the way he is talking they wasn't a full SWF, but right now an squad of 4 is pretty good at doing the middle gens so the killer end with each one of the 3 gens in a corner of the map.

    The second mistake: They are 4, but they are not coordinating to do the gens. In the 7:40 the killer was chasing someone and the generator was 1/4 fixed. Two survivors only needs 52.94 seconds to do one full gen, 46.04 with PT, and a lot of progress was done. By the time he came back 2/3 of the gen was done. If someone was "pressuring the gen with him" like the streamer survivor said (maybe if he had PT so the others could see the aura of the gen he was repairing), that gen would be done by the time he got there. And later, at 8:25 it happened again, were he is chasing one survivor and the streamer is alone repairing. And again in 12:00. And yet again in 13:10. Where are the other two survivors? That's four wasted opportunities to do the last gen.

    So, your "example" of how those perk could lock a game is one case where survivors wasn't playing optimally, with the one killer that can pressure a gen without even being there by leaving a guard, and when they have 4 chances to complete the gen but wasn't able because they weren't even trying.

    If something proves that video is that even against the killer that benefits the most of that strat and perks, if you can't get out of a 3 gen situation with 4 survivors still standing it's either a skill issue or a lack of coordination. But it's better to blame the perks than your own actions, I guess.