Game is Literally unplayable bring back dc penalty pls
Every game at least one player dc after first down and ruins the game when is it going to be fixed?
btw this is my first post in here hello to fellow forum members
While I'm always for having the DC penalty. Currently the game is in no state for it. I loaded into three games today with unplayable rubberbanding and was forced to DC.
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Is this an issue that just recently happened bc I played this morning and nothing seemed out of the ordinary on my end. I play on Xbox if that explains why I'm not having issues.
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It's been happening since about 21st December for all European servers.
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DC penalties are dumb because they're a solution to a problem that can be avoided by having a better game and better players. Had BHVR a clue about their game they'd have a game where people would enjoy playing it instead of being frsutrated and scared of getting camped and tunneled and abandonned after going down...
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I’ve read that it’s only for euro servers. I’m not sure, but I’ve been having an absurd amount of insta dc’s when they see I’m a good blight. Almost 1 a game.
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I had 3 crashes today. One at the very end of the match (gates open). The game never rarely crashed before. I don´t know whats going on and even verified my game files and made a fresh install. But on my last match i had to end the loading screen after 20 minutes with the task manager.
So yes, sometimes its necessary. But only as an exception. Otherwise, having no dc penalty is just horrible for everyone who wants to play a normal game.
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You do realize some people will DC no matter how 'fun' a game is, the second they begin to lose, right?
Because, to them, only winning is fun.
And you can't fix that kind of DCing mentality. Anything short of giving them cheats won't keep them from DCing.
Thus; the DC penalty. Most multiplayer games have one, and your solution is quite literally impossible to make. 'Just make the most fun game ever and people won't DC!' Sure, sure. And...any idea how to make a game so fun that no one ever wants to DC in a fit of rage?
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Ah, all they have to do is make a perfect game. Why has no one brought this up before? It's genuis.
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Also, if they DC on death hook, the hook remains for someone else to die on....