Can we PLEASE hide the prestige number in the lobbies?!

I’m getting so sick and tired of last second switching and Killers BMing me for it! If I stay my P100 survivor, all the Killers dodge (only strong Killers with Iri add-on stay). I got slugged for 4 min yesterday 2x and today 1x. So can we please change this BHVR? It’s getting to the point where I’m forced to play my low prestige survivors cuz I can’t play my favorite survivor.
I don't understand why they didn't add this option to anonymous mode by default
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So killers can dodge all the survivors who have chosen to hide their prestige?
Why would you P100 if not to show it off?
You're playing survivor, so you can just swap to another identical character with a different skin to hide your prestige.
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Yeah, it really bothers me too at times and I have seen it encourage lobby dodging on Twitch.
sorta predicted this :
Post edited by Emeal on3 -
So what's the point of prestiging a survivor if you need to switch to another one in order to avoid being dodged?
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I generally agree. I don't personally dodge or change my playstyle (well maybe a little since I'll assume basic mindgames don't work on them and skip those), but I know others do.
The killer already gets too much information in the pre-game lobby. They don't need the prestige level too. Save that for post-game.
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"Why would you P100 if not to show it off?"
Prestiging is not an option if you want to keep unlocking stuff for your character.
Also if someone has gotten a character to p100 and wants to hide it, then they clearly didn't do it to show off. Or at least not during matchmaking.
I will likely never hit p100 on any character but would still like an anonymous mode that hides it (including a real one for console players).
Finally, OP specifically addressed your point about swapping characters at the last second in the very first sentence of the post.
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What to much info do we get in your eyes?
We can see items and names wich can be blocked
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Tbf it should be hidden by default. Then every survivor looks equal to killers and lobby dodging won't be an issue. It's frustrating because I have a prestige 100 friend and whenever we play with them the games are frustrating.
We get a looot of killers dodging our lobbies. And they have a tendency to get tunneled very hard and facecamped. Ironically they are good but not the mad cap super looper you'd expect from a prestige 100. Killer doesn't need that info. They already get enough from skins and items that they see in the lobby.
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I must be one of the few people who don't mind prestige being on by default.
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agreed. Prestige should be visible to the others in a premade lobby - but in the timed match-lobby it should not be there. Everyone's prestige gets revealed at the end of the trial.
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You unlock everything by P10. Even add ons and offerings, I have tons on my P10 characters.
P100 takes serious dedication, I've been trying for P100 David and Ghostface, and I'm currently up to P14 on each... you don't P100 by accident.
Also, I didnt suggest swapping characters at the last second, I suggested swapping characters, period.
Play your P9 Meg if you dont want people to see your shameful P100 Feng. I guarantee you that P9 Meg has a ton of BNPs and BPS anyway. This is effectively the same thing as hiding your prestige.
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Indeed, why would you spend 500 hours in your bloodweb only to be ashamed of your accomplishment.
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This. I've been saying it since the prestige crests dropped.
I'm not ashamed of my prestige in the slightest. But I am tired of it altering gameplay. Stuff like getting dodged by both survivors and killers as well as abnormal gameplay in matches. I just want to play the game.
I have a P69 Jeff but most of the time I'm playing a P3 Rebecca.
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This is something that has been discussed within the is also something that I will bring up again in the new year after the holiday period as it seems a lot of our players want the Prestige number to be hidden.
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Survivors only see killers prestige at the end of the match, should be the same for both sides
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Yea I don’t think it should be visible in the lobby, at least not to the killer. I don’t mind if teammates can see it. It should stay visible after the game is over though.
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Thank you Mandy! That would be awesome and I'm hoping we can get the option to hide prestige levels soon! 🙏
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I hope this is an optional feature if implemented. Or for it to simply be hidden only in lobby and shown in endgame only like with killers. What would be the point in me grinding as a survivor and prestiging to p100 if i cant show my dedication and love for a character i worked so hard for.
When you see my p100 David, i want to show my fellow players how much this character means to me. How i am treated/perform in game honestly just depends on gameplay mechanics that can be readily adjusted if needed which i hope the next midchapter will alleviate for solo q players.
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I play with a bunch of high prestige players. I would say we got dodged about 4 times in a row on average. Killers shouldn't be able to cherry pick their lobbies. they can already see my items why my prestige? Let them see my prestige but AFTER the match.
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I would agree with showing it in the end screen so you can show off your prestige levels a bit.
This isn't down to me though but I can certainly represent the general feeling from the community on this.
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Just to mention that i like to see what i go against (and not dodge i mean here). Not everybody has a problem with that.
Prestige numbers will naturally go higher in the future as the system is there longer.
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Ohh can you show a screenshot of it in here of your P100 David? I’m also a David main but I P100 Leon/Chris and Carlos first cuz I get to play as 3 different survivors and I love Leon so much ❤️❤️ I’ll post it too if you post it first ;)
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Looks like I'm the only one playing against survivors with 100 prestige on brown addons?
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I would rather wish that Survivor shouldn't be able to swap characters at the last second. If anything, there should be like a 30 halfway timer in which the Survivors are locked in place, front switching characters. If the killer is stuck with only switch builds and perk load out for the rest of the timer, Survivor need to same treatment but for only 30 seconds so that the killer can have some time to changes
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A long time ago, prestige kinda meant something.
Nowadays ? It's just a bloodpoints dumpster.
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Prestige lvl should be hide* by default, with na option of showing if someone want to.
- - Tho prestige untill lvl 9 should be visible, and hidden means that is not showing above lvl 9.
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The ability to swap prestige level through icharacter swapping, as well as perk builds; as I don't think you can change perk/items builds loadouts in lobby while countdown active.
Picture this, you are a killer and you can see the Survivors items and characters be all random and seem "normal" at first; but then at the last 10 or less on the countdown; the Survivors all of a sudden swap their characters to be all 4 man swf with Flashlights or toolbox; they all dress the exact same as to make it difficult for you to identify the one or two Survivors that you could possibly tunnel or kill faster when necessary (As SWF can literally trades hooks and keep everyone alive by pretending to be the "Imposter" and eat the hook state for a weak link teammate); and because they last second swap builds and items, the killer has no to barely any time to react and swap build, addons, or even a offering to help combat the possibly swf "bully" team or genrush squad.
Plus, the addition of prestige skins, you can literally used the prestige number of your least played or not max put Survivor, and swap to your Survivors main whom definitely is max put or very high level prestige name, for the single purpose to rub the killer that you are "good" at this game.
Me, personally; I do not care about prestige numbers, as it just a skin to me; and tells me that you spend billions of BPs to max out out and farms all those bloodweb items and addons. But I do care about the fact that killer's cannot swap characters anymore while survivors can. There needs to be a lock on for every player, regardless of whom they Played; for certain period of time as I say the halfway period timer for 60 seconds or 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds are left, no player can change or revert their choice of loadout and characters builds.
Or simply revert the changes and let killer's swap builds again like they used to.
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I think items is too much and names, while they can be blocked, I don't really see why the killer should see them.
I can imagine that seeing the survivors and their cosmetics could be useful for just getting an understanding of the other team is useful just because it's 4v1 and it helps build a mental model of the other team, but I don't really get why the killer should see items as it seems similar to the killer being perks and I personally find it strange that the killer can creep on player profiles before the match starts.
I guess what is the affirmative case for why the killer should see these things?