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Can You Finally Nerf Cannibal's Camping?

If you're going to nerf The Knight's ability to camp Survivors with his guards by holding the orbs near hooked Survivors, then I think it's time you finally nerfed Cannibal's ability to just completely remove the ability for anyone to save their teammate from the hook.

I would love it if, in 6.5.1 or 6.6.0, if The Cannibal were to have the following changes:

  • Nerf: The Cannibal can no longer put Survivors into the Dying State while within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor. This effect also lingers for 15 seconds if The Cannibal is within 16 meters of the hooked Survivor.
  • Nerf: The Cannibal will now instantly cancel his chainsaw sweep upon hitting a Survivor within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor. This will also consume all of his chainsaw sweep tokens.
  • Nerf: The Cannibal now recharges all chainsaw tokens 50% slower than before if he hits a Survivor within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor.

The Cannibal's ability to camp hooks has been a problem in this game ever since his release, and since you're doing something about Knight's ability to camp, and finally changing a years-long problem in The Nurse, I think it's about time you finally did something about the other most problematic Killer for this game.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967
    edited January 2023

    I doubt it’ll happen they’ve allowed leather face camping for 5 years now

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Maybe slowing his power recovery, but the rest is just overkill.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    And they allowed Nurse to be this strong for 6 years now and look what's happening.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Hahaha! Hahahahaha, no!

    Survivors would just pack that perk that pauses hook states, then dry-hump the hook to punish the Cannibal.

    Why is it every suggestion to 'fix' camping is nothing more than a massive punishment that Survivors can abuse maliciously?

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    I would have preferred Cannibal getting one extra buff, if you want to do one massive nerf to his camping potionial. But not your way, here's what I will do.

    Buff: Leatherface h as a Lepochain addon (a recycled addon from Hillbilly), that gives the Chainsaw killer, the ability to break through drop pallets and continue to Chainsaw sweep through them and hit the Survivor by only one health state damage. This addon is now basekit into his power, and will help Bubba overperform in looping, especially agaisnt Survivors whom predrop pallets.

    Nerf: Standing within 8 meters of a hook survivor, or 16 meters near the basement hook survivor will now degrade the Killer's Chainsaw tokens and will make his Chainsaw overheat and unusable. This change would make the killer m1 focus, and really on his mallet to camp somewhat effective; or be much better off to go away and keep his Chainsaw running. The rate in which the Chainsaw decays, 10 seconds per charge; so in 30 seconds he has no Chainsaw power if he vamps within proximity of a hook survivor.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    If the Survivors are just dancing around the hook instead of unhooking, they're not doing gens and most likely giving Bubba free hits. I fail to see Bubba's disadvantage in this situation.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    It would be ONE Survivor, while TWO do gens.

    And they would run to the hook the second Bubba started his chainsaw sweep. Suddenly, Bubba has 0 charges, they regenerate slowly, and he's recovering from a hit that did NOTHING, giving the chainsaw-immune Survivor ample time to unhook and bolt.

    This idea is horrible and easily abused, like every 'fix' Survivors come up with. If you 'fail to see' the disadvantage, it's because you're ignoring it to give Survivors a mechanic they can maliciously abuse at will.

    Here's the real fix for Survivors: If a Killer is camping; Give the hooked Survivor extra BP for being a distraction while the other 3 do gens and leave.

    Killers will soon learn to stop camping the MOMENT Survivors stop rewarding it with this 'I deserve unhooks because I want them' mentality. Survivors keep rewarding camping, then scream about how 'unfair' it is that the Killer is not forced to 12 hook while they run every second chance perk + BNPs + voice comms. 🤦‍♂️

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    The cooldown of Chainsaw Sweep is not so long that Bubba can't just M1 the unhooker afterwards.

    Also, you are aware that hook timers are shorter than gen times? It takes 2 minutes for someone to die on hook. In the time it takes that person to die, the Survivors can do 4 gens- maybe. To prevent the Killer from getting a 2K by facecamping, they have to do at least one unhook.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Are you aware that your 'maybe' does not take into account skillchecks and perks?

    Survivors run gen-speed perks in this meta. Killers have almost NOTHING that speeds up hook states. So turn your 'maybe' into 'Survivors will, 99% of the time, do 4-5 gens if the Killer camps once.'

    And you can't tell me I'm wrong; 3 gens usually pop in the first chase. If the Survivors can't do 2 more during the 2 minute camp, then that's their problem.

    Once again, this idea is an easily abused joke meant to spitefully punish Killers and soothe bruised egos while giving Survivors a mechanic they can invoke at will, instead of actually fix the issue in a balanced, well-thought-out way.

  • Hrofn
    Hrofn Member Posts: 8

    Survivors really are on something else when they think of how to get revenge on killers.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951

    Why cant I defend my hooks now?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Regardless of the actual details of the solution, they likely won't anything because they thought they fixed it with the rework, except they actually buffed it, because not only he can still completely deny the unhook, but he can also double hit through bt/endurance now.

    Watch the teaser of the rework. They showed Bubba holding up a chainsaw when camping in the basement and go in a tantrum. As if that meant he couldn't facecamp anymore. That's what happens when you don't playtest.

    Meanwhile, basically all new killers had something that made sure they couldn't bash unhooks into oblivion (PH, twins, artist, trickster, knight, etc.)

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Or maybe the Killer gets lucky and gets their first down early in a deadzone.

    Why do you seem to care so much about hook timers? They barely come into play unless you're facecamping at the first hook, i.e. performing the most brainless Killer strategy possible. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't think the Killer deserves to be rewarded for standing in one place and staring at the hooked Survivor all match.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Or maybe the Killer gets lucky and gets their first down early in a deadzone.

    Rofl. Sure. Almost never happens. Not an excuse for a broken idea like OP's.

    Why do you seem to care so much about hook timers?

    Where did I mention hook timers?

    • I pointed out that 3 gens pop in the first chase, which is true.
    • I also mentioned OP's idea is easily abused. Which is true.
    • I pointed out this idea exists to punish Killers over bruised egos instead of fixing the problem. Which is true.
    • I also mentioned Survivors can punish camping by doing gens. Which is true.

    So where did I mention hook timers? Call me old-fashioned, but I don't believe Killers should have their powers taken away for 15 freaking seconds because the Survivor led them to the hook and decided to grind on it like their name is 'Candi'.

    I'll say it again; This idea is terrible in every way. It exists simply to slap Killers in the face because the writer was upset they could not get free unhooks, and now thinks 'Kneecap Killers with a mechanic I can invoke at will just by running to the hook' is a proper response.

    Let me go point by point:

    • Nerf: The Cannibal can no longer put Survivors into the Dying State while within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor. This effect also lingers for 15 seconds if The Cannibal is within 16 meters of the hooked Survivor.

    Brokenly OP and easily abused; Run at the hook while the Cannibal is in a Chainsaw Sprint. Now the Survivor has FIFTEEN SECONDS of insta-down immunity.

    • Nerf: The Cannibal will now instantly cancel his chainsaw sweep upon hitting a Survivor within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor. This will also consume all of his chainsaw sweep tokens.

    Brokenly OP. The Killer's entire kit is put on cooldown and he's forced out of it because his target dry-humped a hooked Survivor.

    • Nerf: The Cannibal now recharges all chainsaw tokens 50% slower than before if he hits a Survivor within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor.

    Once again; brokenly OP. His kit now recharges slower simply because his target ran AT a hooked Survivor.

    Every part of that idea is easily abused by licking hooked Survivors while the Cannibal is mid-sprint. It's nothing but rage and spite to 'punish' a Killer instead of thinking about ANY balance in the slightest.

    Horrible idea in every way, shape, and form.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    the only one of these changes that would be good is the second one. Otherwise, survivors can just loop around a hooked survivor and negate your power

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited January 2023

    Unless your name is Bubba and you have an on-demand instadown. Hello?

    If 3 gens are consistently popping before the end of your first chase, you're just bad. Even assuming all of the survivors are repairing 100% optimally (Which they often aren't), getting ran for 90 seconds in your first chase every time is the mark of someone who doesn't know how to chase.

    To "exploit" these nerfs, the Survivor must run the Killer next to their hooked teammate without rescuing them. Which is one of the worst things a Survivor can do. The Killer essentially gets the benefits of camping without the downsides; they get to farm hits on the Survivor they're chasing while still denying the unhook.

    Artist can't use her power next to hooks, period. And yet she remains one of the strongest Killers in the game. Because power or no, only an idiot would purposely run the Killer next to the hook.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    If 3 gens are consistently popping before the end of your first chase, you're just bad.

    Yeah, sure. It's always 'A Killer is just bad' and 'Git gud' for Killers, but 'Give us broken BS mechanics' for Survivors.

    To "exploit" these nerfs, the Survivor must run the Killer next to their hooked teammate without rescuing them. Which is one of the worst things a Survivor can do.

    Except it would stop being 'the worst thing' because now the Survivor has forced the Cannibal into 'Screw your power for 15+ seconds' exploits and can tank a hit while unhooking their friend, who is ALSO safe because the chainsaw is powered off for 15+ seconds.

    Artist can't use her power next to hooks, period. And yet she remains one of the strongest Killers in the game.

    Almost like you can't compare 2 different powers. Not that that stops Survivors from attempting the mental gymnastics to demand exploits like this BS.

    Because power or no, only an idiot would purposely run the Killer next to the hook.

    That would change if this idea were implemented, at which point it would become a tactic to turn off the Cannibal's power by running around the hook.

    NOTHING you said negates any of my points. The idea is terrible, abuseable, and spiteful. You have not actually addressed any of that. You have only said 'Well, nuh-uh!'.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited January 2023

    Bubba can literally spam instadowns in front of the hook. There is NOTHING the survivors can do to rescue against a facecamping Bubba. It sounds to me like you've just gotten accustomed to turning off your brain and facecamping to death.

    So, best-case scenario for the survivor, they tanked a hit and then unhooked, and then went down. That's called hook trading, and it's something that EVERY Killer has to deal with, and it's really not that bad for the Killer. It means they get another down in without having to commit to a full chase, or waste any time carrying the Survivor to the hook.

    How exactly is Artist's power so fundamentally different from Bubba's that weakening/disabling it near the hook is fine for her, but not for Bubba? Her power causes the exact same problems at hooks; she can go through health states so quickly that it'd be almost impossible to rescue against a camping Artist.

    Whether against a Bubba or a powerless M1 Killer, running them near the hook is one of the worst things you can do, and Artist stands as proof of this. You act like Bubba doesn't have an M1.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    None of that is an excuse to turn Bubba into a M1 Killer for 15+ seconds just because the Survivor ran in range of a hooked Survivor while he was using his chainsaw.

    The idea is bad. No amount of verbal or mental acrobatics will excuse an easily-abused mechanic meant to spite Bubba. Stop trying.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    According to you, the guy who loses 3 gens every match before they can get a single down.

    If you can't deal with not being able to instadown a Survivor after they make a stupid play, the problem is you.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    If you can't deal with a Killer camping and just do gens & leave, the problem is you.

    I'm not the one demanding a BS, abuseable mechanic that Survivors can activate at-will.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    This thread is calling for the removal of a BS, abusable mechanic that Killers can activate at-will. But you've evidently become so accustomed to facecamping on Bubba that you can't imagine the game without it.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    No, it's calling for a BS abuseable mechanic.

    But entitled Survivors always acts like the game revolves around their perspective, and attack anyone who speaks up.

    Fun fact, buddy: I don't play Bubba. I mostly derp around as Trapper. I'm just impartial enough to see a broken idea when I see it. But keep screaming for spiteful 'fixes' because you can't win.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited January 2023

    And I've already explained why it's not BS or abuseable, as it requires Survivors to make some extremely poor plays to get mileage out of it, which have little chance of paying off.

    Fun fact: I'm not a Survivor main. I main Knight. I'm just impartial enough to know a decent idea when I see it. But keep screeching with rage at the thought of Killers receiving even the slightest nerf.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    Last I checked, Bubba has a perfectly good sledghammer.

    How is it every other killer camps again?

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Clearly you DON'T know a good idea, because this idea is terrible.

    And I don't screech at every Killer nerf, but have fun pretending you're a Killer main while pushing an idea Survivors would abuse to high hell.

    Last I checked, ideas that allow Survivors to almost at-will turn off a Killer power for 15+ seconds are complete garbage.

    Survivors would run to the hook, let themselves get hit, then unhook while Bubba is in the cooldown animation where he can't even swing his hammer.

    It should not be this difficult for people to see. The idea is spiteful BS.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    So now you're calling me a liar? Before I mained Knight, I mained Doctor, which is why I have this profile pic.

    I've spent most of my recent time on this forum complaining about Dead Hard, explaining why Killers tunnel from a Killer's POV, asking for mechanics that reward the Killer for not tunneling, and asking for buffs to the Knight. But oh, I must have faked all those other posts I made.

    If you're wondering why it's so hard for other people to see the problem with this change, maybe the problem is with you. Pinhead's box can be disabled for well over 15 seconds, and the risk to Survivors is almost nonexistent.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209
    edited January 2023

    Many powers deactivate around the hook. Artist for instance has almost an identical system to the one being suggested here.

    You think... a killer can't hit a survivor a second time while they're unhooking? Are you for real? Even an M1 killer who camps can guarantee a hook trade. M1 killers successfully camp all the time.

    Personally I would simplify the restriction even more and just have Bubba unable to rev up the chainsaw within 10m of the hook. No chance of hitting a survivor with the chainsaw but not downing them, because if you're too close you simply can't hit them with the chainsaw at all. This forces you to M1 right off the bat instead of being caught out with a gimped chainsaw. If you really want to use your chainsaw, you start your sweep 10m away and then sprint in toward the hook. This gives survivors ample time to react, and if you play it right you could still hit one, but they have time to split up and for one to get away.