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Blight still needs nerfs

Minse Member Posts: 1
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

In the newest mid chapter patch we've seen some long awaited Nurse nerfs to not only her add-ons, but also her synergy with exposed perks. This is a good and healthy direction for the game.

Now the only killer left that really needs an add-on pass for their overtuned add-ons on top of their already strong power is Blight. Alchemist ring still somehow hasn't been touched as well as compound 33 and speed add-ons. Not only this but he really should also just be a 110 speed killer due to how lethal his power is. It's not really asking for much considering Nurse is slower than survivor speed and Blight is not much weaker than Nurse.

So with that being said, I really hope Bhvr is planning on looking at this killer next!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    So many people on these forums have been consistently saying for a long time that Blight's best addons are troublesome.

    In what way, shape, or form is this the start of 'Blight whining'?

    I don't agree his basekit should be changed. But it is a pretty consensus opinion that his addons give the already second most powerful killer in the game a huge boost in power.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    You know have said this a few times elsewhere. If nurse get's nerfed than Blight may not get touched even though he has a couple problematic add-ons. Maybe they want there to always be a killer of that power level to exist. Just a guess though. Not that I would complain if ring or c33 got nerfed hopefully they don't touch much else though especially base-kit. Actually had a guy who's been on these forums forever say to cap the maximum look-out angle and flick angle to 35 degrees 😂.

    Maybe with more blights players will actually try and learn how to play vs him.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    What about pig?

    Pig is super OP, still needs major nerfs.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    You know I actually think I saw you tell lilith about that guy when I was watching a vod a while back.

    I didn't play blight until last December so I didn't get to see him in that state, but it's genuinely hard to play any other killer when his skill ceiling is nigh unreachable and the fact that I don't have to mindlessly hold W after survivors who are mindlessly holding W.

    On a side note though, if they ever do an add-on pass do you think they should touch green speed? If there is one thing I run too much on blight it's green speed, and it's almost hard to count how many times I think "wow thanks green speed for that hit". I am really biased about it so I wanted to ask another blight main what they thought.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    While it is true that the devs swing the nerf hammer too hard at times, it is very easy to see if one perk is extremely overtuned. Currently it is Eruption. You can deny it all you want, but it is absolutely carrying killers to easy wins they don’t deserve. I've been telling players for months not to rely on it because it is obviously a busted perk. If you are disappointed at that, it's also on you.

    Same with Nurse. This has been coming for her for a long, long time. Players who knew that, and didn’t rely on using a killer who gives too much power to the user, aren't terribly disappointed.

    Basically: stop being carried by only the most OP stuff, just let yourself fall back to the mmr you should be at. You'll be much happier.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yes! That was me who brought it up in spice king’s stream.

    I love blight with a large reason being his counter to the W key. Survivors cannot do it.

    As for his speed add-on, no I don’t think it should be touched. The reason being it’s one of those addons you have to be skilled to get value out of it. If you can’t use blights rushes efficiently, the ultra speed will just send you flying somewhere. Addons such as c33 require no skill to get value out of. I could see addons like that getting hit.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    That's what I think about green speed as well.

    As for c33 you could never go for rush hits and probably be better than nemesis.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    C33 paired with AV is disgusting though. I had to make a YT on it. One of my favorite combos, especially paired with sprit fury and enduring.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Maybe his addons but his base kit is fine. I’m just worried they’re going to go way too hard and trash his addons. They only need very slight touches.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,200

    Unlike Nurse, Blight only needs an addon pass to be balanced (albeit a thorough one). There's nothing wrong with his basekit. And no he should not become a 110 killer.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,296

    i agree but (and this isn't targeted because of your name) Hugtech exploit needs to be addressed already.

    base blight when played without exploits is probably one of their best killers ever made.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,254

    Blights addons definitely need a nerf but I will go further and say Nurse also needs further nerfs and Blight needs nerfs too and not just his addons.

    But for now just like Nurse, starting with Blights more broken addons would be the way to go then see how he performs after that. But like Nurse, nerfs to addons will only really affect those using them as crutches and the people who are good with Nurse/Blight wont be affected much.

    Again Hens has great timing with this vid:

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,126

    I agree.

    I do think Blight's addons should be nerfed.

    C33 is just ######### dumb and WAY too strong for a Killer like Blight to have. I'm actually fairly okay with Iri Tag.

    Double speed is less of an issue, but I don't think they should stack, it can make a lot of tiles unwinnable for Survivors because they legitimately cannot react.

    I think the last thing that needs nerfed is Alchemist's Ring. It's dumb and rewards bad play.

    In exchange, I'd like to see a lot of his Very Rare addons buffed.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Blight is fine, just need to rework the Rat/Crow and Ring. My suggestion is making the Blighted animals not stack with each other, and give Ring the downside of fully depleting the power gauge if you miss an attack for any reason.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    You can deny it all you want, but it is absolutely carrying killers to easy wins they don’t deserve. 

    That right there, is the mentality of survivors and what killer mains are against.Getting value from a perk because you only have 4 vs 16,1 vs 4 .You certainly had to put the effort in chasing the survivor,mind you possibly fully healed but you played to the best of your ability won the chase but you shouldn't be rewarded against three survivors running prove thy self with one gen left on the board,but you as a survivor should be rewarded for stacking perks together sitting there waiting for a prompt so you can immediately run to the gate and leave if not already have someone waiting at the gate when last gen got rushed like the others?Using speed boosters such a lithe to dart to the middle the map wasting more time, while you pre slam a pallet and use your anti septic to fully heal.

    Hypothetically if I just slug you and try to get back to the gen on the other side of the map only for the gen to go off in my face because the one survivor jumped in my face and that was enough time to finish the gen, and have you and your fellow teammates jet away with adrenaline or sprint burst?it's okay to have these perks stackable for survivors but let's make them not stackable for a Nurse who runs a perk that reward's them for locating a player or a greedy survivor who insta saves , because they camped nearby and got caught after unhooking and their chase didn't last long enough for friends to finish the gen under 40's

    Wow no perks should ever give the killer value even though most likely two of the perks the killer ran didn't contribute to the match 2 perks vs 16 fully functional perks is something a killer main shouldn't be rewarded for, That is hilarious

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited January 2023

    Eruption? If you want to talk about perks carrying people to victories that they don't deserve, let's start with Circle of Healing and Windows of Opportunity. Free infinite fast self healing for an entire team that is very difficult for the killer to even do anything about consistently for 1/16 perks? Totally fun and fair! Information that makes sure you never run to a deadzone and always lets you know where that god pallet is when you need it at endgame that never turns off and always available for literally nothing with zero downsides? Certainly not a crutch at all!

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I think the next one will probably be No Way Out

    And I would say Merciless Storm needs a buff, it's only long enough time to chase survivor's away from gen,and get into a false chase because as soon as you commit Merciless Storm doesn't actually with a name like that

    The duration should be longer IMHO plus the gen is at 94 or 95 percent if the survivor player has a few seconds into the skill check's and plus they might not even fail the skill check's

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,334

    There no downside to COH, COB, Windows, eruption, etc. Most of these perks are easy to apply or activate and they all give insane value the whole trail. Strong perks and add ons will always matter more than skill.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    STBFL counterplay - send the obsession to take hits.

    PR+DMS- get up from the gen before hooking animation.

    Ruin undying - cleanse totems.

    Eruption - alt f4 everytime u can't play the game for another 25 seconds cause there's no way in hell you can guess when a survivor will go down.

    see the problem?

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    In your next post you said Windows of Opportunity is carrying people to wins they don’t deserve. Lol. Enough said.

    Of course there are things on the survivor side carrying people to wins they don't deserve (WoO is absolutely not one, and I don't even use it before you say I do). The most serious of which is just playing in an SWF. That is beside the point right now. Just because one thing is broken doesn't mean another thing isn't.

    SWF gives easy wins. So I don’t play SWF. There is almost no challenge if all 4 players are good.

    SWF should be nerfed - no stacking perks, no stacking items, probably some other things too.

    However, eruption also gives super easy wins in the vast majority of games played. It absolutely hard carries. You can deny it all you want, but it is true.

    Take a step back and think about what is good for both sides, not just the one you play the most.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Blight needs 3 changes:

    1) 110% base speed.

    2) complete rework (hillbilly style) of all his best addons. In short his best addons should probably reduce total bounces by 2 ( alchemist ring, adrenaline vial - which would become purple, compund 33, etc.

    3) removal of all "tech" (hug tech, j tech, s tech, moonwalk tech)

    How is Blight balanced compared to the lower 28 killers?

    He has stupid fast movement.

    He has very strong antiloop

    He has fast pallet breaking

    He gets fast downs

    You know when you decide to play trapper for a daily and you get a map with no grass? That type of scenario doesn't happen for blight. Every map is fine for that killer and that's completely broken when you consider that killers without mobility are severely hampered on maps larger than 9000m².

    DBD is a completely different game when you play in an efficient SWF on voice coms. DBD is a completely different game when you play Blight or Nurse compared to every other killer. Know what those three things have in common? They all need to get gutted.

    SWF needs to be changed as follows : No character, item, perk or offering repeats. Lock the team (other than their outfits) when they are in queue.

    Two man teams would almost not even be affected. Three and four man teams would be instantly balanced by the limitations and could still play with their friends. They just need to add a UI element so you can see what perks people have to facilitate SWF planning before you queue.

    -"his base-kit is extremely balanced and well made."

    The devs have confirmed that hug tech will be removed. If you mean he is a strong killer actually capable of chasing survivors well - then yes he does that. But it's not really fair to have Blight and nurse in the same game with weak killers like Doctor.

    Or maybe all the "slow" killers just need a sprint button where they can sprint once per minute for 20 seconds at Billy chainsaw sprint speed (cant use their power or attack until they have been out of the sprint for 3 seconds).

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I've never said that about windows of opportunity

    you put perks on the character to alter the gameplay weather it's easy or challenging, there made to have an effect. Are you actually playing the game? if all you want to do is gen rush and leave ?that's not playing a game,I thought survivor's wanted to play this game, that's being in chases, exploring the maps there's no time limit so you could just free roam do totems get items but instead you rather get the gens done and exit idk

    But anyway,why change one thing even if it's helping, which it's intended to do,but ignore the other issue is why this has became recently an issue when the other problem has existed for the release of the game

    You're openly admitting that the perks and items on survivor side is an issue.

    If something opposes or challenge's a power with both sides having equal opportunity one side uses their strategy as the other side does the same, are we not countering each other which creates the flow of balance .If this perk is that powerful to shut the gen rush meta down is that not a counter to an already powerful component.

    Eruption or the other regression perks, aren't really the problem.The problem is Ego's,Pride,and literally being Stubborn this how survivor's make up the notion that the perk is op , which this is also proof of how strong survivor's are.They will attack a gen at 80% if it's hit with a regression perk ,the killer comes run survivors away maybe get the down while survivor was back on gen, and this may happen until gen is fully regressed or fully completed.

    At 1 gen left which leaves two other gens open your entire team should not be alive or a third of you should be on death hook at least

    But instead of moving to next generator survivors for some reason want that gen and only when it's lowly regressed then they'll move to another gen, sorry this a new counter to stop the last gen from popping but while the killer was preoccupied with the chase someone should be on another gen of course they kick that one also but you know he has eruption or a regression perk so why would you stay on the Gen being hit by the effects in a comp or com team? Or even Solo you don't need a mic two know the have resonance overcharged and eruption.There's 1 gen left and 4 still alive but one perk is actually making the other perks work against 16 fully functional perks and that's the one thing that has to go and take away my advantage while you remain with yours? Possibly my other three aren't even effecting the gens or team which still can get a gen done with all of those factors on a killer build because of perks Nerfing Eruption want change tunneling, camping, slugging but only increase it as taken away the advantage we have .

    By yet gutting a killer or perk this showy that survivors don't care about the killer,who,they are the design of maps objects and details because they just to play generator sim

    Sorry this is long but I don't think me explaining any further would accomplish much tbh and this reply back would be only justified with alot of whataboutism. Survivor mains seem to suffer from sometype of delusion. They know they can destroy you.Which is why the repair perks were brought into the match,that's why the second chance perks were brought into the match plus the passive but very rewarding add-ons , but they refuse to adapt to new occurrences a single perk that gives killers in top MMR a chance. and provides help to low mmr killer a shot at just slowing the match down a notch and because survivors refuse to adapt a different approach the killer isn't allowed to have time.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    My point is that, even if Eruption gets nerfed to oblivion, like Thana and Ruin did, it won't even slow down the QQ - it'll be STBFL (omg how can you expect the obsession in solo queue to do anything?).

    PR+DMS was wall to wall QQ for ages.

    Ruin is not worth using anymore, but that saw tons of QQ.

    Counterplay is irrelevant. Whatever the killer meta is will be complained about until it's nerfed.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    you're right but it doesn't counter the fact that this perk is unhealthy and unfun, if survivors cry after that they can keep crying but Eruption is a huge issue even more than old ruin undying tinkerer.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    As I, and a bunch of other folks have suggested - make Eruption work on hooking rather than downs, meaning that it would be easier for solos to counter.

    Now, let's say that do that. Will this:

    A. Get people to stop complaining about it?

    B. Not put a dent in the QQ?

    CoH is a problem.

    WoO is not only not a problem, but it's absolutely essential for those of us who either have crappy eyesight or play in a room with a lot of screen glare. It's not a massively strong perk, but it's a really, really comfortable perk to have because of how stupidly dark this game can be.

    Honestly, on the survivor end of things, Fogwise in SWF is ridiculous - almost as good as prenerf OoO. And we're now starting to see straight up genrush squads emerging again with some of the insane 'do gens faster' combos.

    The WoO chap was another PH avatar, not him.

    No, Eruption doesn't do that. Eruption is annoying against solo queue, but it's balanced against SWF.

    Think of it this way.

    Survivors can choose to play in a SWF or play solo.

    Killers cannot choose not to face SWF.

    BHVR have categorically said that they will never balance SWF and solo differently.

    Therefore, the only fair route is balancing this game around SWF. Because this game doesn't have 2 sides - it has 3. With two possible match-ups (killer v solo, killer v SWF), meaning that if you balance this game around killer v solo, killers are absolutely borked against SWFs.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    I'm glad the devs aren't swayed by how you think the game should be balanced.

    Perks have always been adjusted when they greatly affect one of the 'three groups' of players.

    Object of Obsession was a huge buff to SWF, and in many cases detrimental to solo. Ruin+Undying was almost as 'annoying to solo' - quite the under statement - as current Eruption is to solo, while just being okay against SWF (sound familiar?). And it was nerfed.

    I'm not sure why you think players who choose the killer role should be spoon-fed free wins in the vast majority of their games against solos(which is what you are advocating for).

    There are lots of balance issues in the game, but the fact is as a killer unless you are facing the absolute best tournament level survivors on comms then you have the potential to win every game. Facing those survivors, however, is a statistical rarity. I am a top player on my server and the number of times I have had to face those kinds of survivors (all in a group on comms, all tournament level) is vanishingly rare. It happens, of course, but very, very rarely.

    It sucks that if four of the best survivors on comms face one of the best killer players, the survivors will have an advantage (unless the killer is full-loadout nurse/Blight). But it is much better than the alternative of what you are suggesting, that solo players just be lambs to the slaughter against equally skilled killer players.

    Let's just leave it here. You won't change my mind and I won't change yours.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You know what you left out? That blight has the highest skill ceiling of any killer. Nobody can just hop on blight and decimate teams. I have put a 1,000 hours into blight to get as good as I am.

    Hug tech is probably not going to be taken out considering it was added in an update for his collision. Second, it’s J flick and S flick (s flick has already been removed). They are not techs, they are lethal rushes utilizing extremely high DPI (again something you have to be skilled to pull off).

    The only reason you think blight needs to be gutted is because you do not know how to counter him. He has a ton of counterplay INCLUDING his “broken hug tech”.

    Blight is at the power level killers should be close to if you are experienced with their power. All other killers should be brought up in power. Since that’s not going to happen, blight is probably going to be left alone.

    Side note, hug tech is less effective than bump logic. Hug tech is simply more fun and risky for the blight if he misses. You take out hug tech, and we resort to only bump logic, survivors aren’t gonna be very happy. There is much less counter.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"Hug tech is probably not going to be taken out considering it was added in an update for his collision"

    Mandy already had a post last year about 3 months ago that said the devs are going to remove hug tech. It will be removed and it is only a matter of time as to when that happens.

    -"The only reason you think blight needs to be gutted is because you do not know how to counter him"

    Actually most people consider me a killer main (I am a centrist). I know how to play blight so I know how to counter him when he bounces. There is a severe lack of counterplay with hug tech in that you cannot do anything unless you have dead hard ready.

    -"blight has the highest skill ceiling of any killer"

    Once upon a time people said the same thing about Billy in an era where the Trapper was a monster when you tapped under the hook . Traps completely blocked a lane and they had "suck in power" that would pull you in from about 1m away. Old traps on windows got you regardless of fast/slow vault and the changes to that are nothing but a nerf.

    Billy used to have a directional flick at the end of his sprint and it got removed because it allowed for too skilled play. Blight's hug tech and moon tech allow the same level of advanced play that the devs did not intend.

    -"Blight is at the power level killers should be close to if you are experienced with their power. All other killers should be brought up in"

    This is the only statement I agree with. Blight moves fast, has fast pallet breaks and has strong antiloop. Honestly it's too much and he needs to get nerfed or else we would need to give all killers some kind of dash movement power.

    I'm actually kind of thinking that all non "movement" based killers should just be 120% speed (the term movement including all teleporters). You don't need to rework any of the maps and all the loops just got a lot more unsafe. Pig/Doctor/ Bad_Generic_Killer with 120% movement speed base would be so much closer to blight with the least amount of effort.

    -"hug tech is less effective than bump logic."

    Then you won't mind when it goes away. Remember it was confirmed by a mod that it WILL go away eventually™. Hug tech makes certain tiles like the shack far too simple. You will not be getting a hit with just bump logic vs the best players. Likewise as I said before when there are interlinked tiles then bump logic becomes far less valuable. In that scenario if you play with bump logic against a killer main who understand how blight plays then you will be in for some serious trouble. You can see perfect examples of this in Otz, Hens and Truetalent videos when they play survivor and killer.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Mandy made that post like 8 or 9 months ago. It quite likely won't happen tbh. Plus it's quite likely you don't know how to counter him very well if you are complaining about the hug tech. At worst for the survivor a hug tech is a 50/50, but most of the time the blight will be forced to flick and any long range flick has immense counter play. Plus bump logic is way more skilled than the hug tech, hug teching is really just muscle memory just like nurse. But bump logic requires the an analysis of a tile and everything around that tile, something survivors don't and sometimes can't think of because they don't know what has collision. People will rarely play around his collision and people will even rarely pluto tech Blights even though half the shacks in the game it's very easy on. Say you are playing on coldwind or red forest, if you know that the entirety of the outside of the walls don't have collision and if the blight starts a rush you can just sandwich him in-between yourself and the wall until his rush ends.

    All of blights techs that are available right now are really just variations on the hug tech, mind you quite a few things like shack just don't have collision and you don't have to hug them so I guess you could still moonrush some things technically. There are no flick techs in the game still, all of them are gone. DPI doesn't affect flicking. You brought up billy, but really any curve he goes for has too much counter play on the survivor side.

    The reason people say blight has the perfect base-kit is because both sides have potential to outplay each other at a lot of tiles. Plus you have to play tiles vs blights, there is no holding w. There's never an instance where both the killer and survivor are mindlessly holding w. Having no mobility really just gives survivors too much opportunity to beat you sheerly due to the map which is terrible design in itself.

    Yes c33 needs a rework and ring needs a nerf but everything else about him is fine really. One of the biggest issues with blight is there is just too much to learn to just naturally learn all of his counter play without playing him or watching a blight player. He's no nurse but you simply can't play tiles like you would vs an m1 killer. Thinking ahead is a big thing for both sides on blight.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    I love this player base.

    Survivors on Strong Perks for Killers:

    • They are getting wins they 'don't deserve' and using 'crutch perks'.
    • They are 'carried' by the perk, as if it somehow plays the game for them.
    • Some perks 'reward losing' (This is Survivors claiming Killers lost at 5 gens popping, as if the exit gates are a suggestion and not a goal. Yes, some Survivors are literally demanding NoEd be nerfed based on their concept of a win, and not the game's actual win-state).
    • Perks showing up every match is a sign they are OP and 'the META should be changed' because Survivors are 'bored seeing the same perks all the time'. Yes; Survivors think their opponents' choices should be changed based on how much fun THEY are having.

    Survivors on Strong Perks for Survivors:

    • Perfectly fine. Killers need to stop whining and 'git gud'.
    • And 'learn to play'.
    • Perks showing up every match is a sign they are fun perks.
    • Did we mention 'git gud'?

    Oh yeah, and Killers should never, EVER tunnel, camp, or slug. All those things somehow give Killers 50 billion kills per match and ruin the fun for Survivors. So, none of it is allowed and all of it should be punished by the game uninstalling itself and setting their SSD on fire.

    Or at least giving Survivors mechanics they can abuse at-will to screw the Killers out of kills and get free unhooks all day long. Because only Survivor fun matters.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    Blight is perfectly fine with the exception of Ring.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    So does Nurse.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Yet another player blinded by their desire for one side to be much better than the other.

    It's too bad so many players only want one side to do well.

    Before you launch into another rant, I often and repeatedly say that the best (OP) things on the survivor side need to be looked at too.

    Prove Thyself.

    Map creation, in order to lessen the number of super strong pallets/windows that can be linked together.

    Item/perk stacking in swf (removed)

    But every post you make is complaining boo hoo killers.

    I would even suggest that if you are in a group of 3 or 4 then you should only be allowed 3 perks instead of 4. But that might be too radical an idea.

    Why are there so few players who want both sides to have equal fun? I don’t understand it.

    The biggest issue in the game right now is Eruption. That is undeniable. Of course there are issues on both sides. But Eruption is by far the biggest right now, no question.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    "it's quite likely you don't know how to counter him very well if you are complaining about the hug tech."

    Most people consider me a killer main. I know how to counter the powers of all the killers I have spent time learning to play. I watch streamers play the killers I don't like so I know their limitations. Bounce play is easier to counter around strong tiles. Hug tech is harder to counter at very close distances on an unconnected loop. Have you watched the video Hens put out recently on Blight?

    Hens plays blight because hug tech cheese exists. It 100% reminds me of the old billy nonsense that most people don't even know was a thing. People say flick and Billy in the same sentence in 2022-23 and don't realize that had a completely different meaning in 2016. What you're talking about is a curve from chainsaw initiation. Billy used to have a flick where you could charge someone with a saw attack at a 90° angle and then you could flick to make the saw attack at a 180° angle at the end of the sprint. It was 100% a "tech" just like hug tech. It got removed.

    Hug tech on Blight is just dirty because you can force hits you don't deserve without bouncing. It allows you to threaten spaces you should not be able to attack without bouncing 2-3 times first and that is a huge problem. Having the option to do hug tech pressures a survivor in the same way that Nemesis can threaten a survivor on a vault. The difference is with hug tech you get movement speed and you will get a full injury.

    -"It quite likely won't happen tbh"

    I think you dont realize just how slow the devs are at making changes. These status icon changes are a 3-4 year in the works idea rework to address the idea : how do we make solo players more efficient. Nurse and Blight are way stronger than every other killer in the game. Nurse is being put in the spotlight again because the top players that use her crush everything. The same thing happens with the top Blight players.

    The same thing does not happen with : PH, Artist, Plague, Huntress,etc. There are two killers that have a complete kit : fast movement around the map, very strong anti loop and the ability to end chases quickly. These two killers end up even having 4v1 ability because they can down and injure players so quickly.

    Most killers have 0-2 of these attributes. I've been playing since the beginning and I can tell you with certainty that Blight is going to get nerfed. I feel certain you probably don't like that - probably because you play Blight often. For years people said Nurse would never get nerfed. She got nerfed for the first time last year and is on the chopping block again this year. Blight is going to go up in power relative to Nurse when she gets nerfed so he will almost certainly be next.

    But I will stop to address a key issue. Blight and Nurse need to get nerfed but so does SWF. The nerf to SWF is simple : add the rule so that there can be no repeated characters, perks, items or offerings in a SWF. This affects a two man squad to a minimal degree but limits a swf so they can't bully (but there are plenty of healing/exhaustion perks to go around). Nurse needs to lose the ability to shorten a blink by looking at the ground (the pentablink on test is insane but most of the rest is fine). Blight needs to have a rework to every addon that addresses when he gets charges back. There are about 6 addons at a glance that just aren't fair compared to what you see on most killers.

    Plant 43 Vines/Licker Tongue

    Compound Twenty-One/Adrenaline Vial

    You'll notice one of these sets is not like the other.

    NE-a Parasite/Depleted Ink Ribbon

    Alchemist's Ring/Summoning Stone

    It's very easy to see that the second best killer in the game has that status in part because his addons are completely insane by comparison. Nemesis -having an incomplete kit should be the one with strong addons. Blight addons should be near meme category because the killer's power is so damn strong.

    Licker tongue should be : if you are infected then you have a 2% movement speed penalty.

    Plant 43 vines should be : -1 vaccine (meaning the purple addon would be -2 vaccines). Or it could be something like opening a chest makes a plant come out that hurts the survivor (or puts them in a deep wound if injured).

    The parasite addon should read: if you are infected then you are oblivious.

    Zombies need to just never suck but that requires a ton of effort to even start addressing.

    Alchemist ring and Adrenaline vial should be -2 bounces.

    Compound 21 should be -1 bounce.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I know most killers have add-ons that lack in general by comparison, I mained nemesis and p-head in that past. Blight has the most diverse add-ons in the game by far.

    No I wouldn't be surprised or upset if blight got nerfed in the right way. If you have seen any of my posts about blight I advocate for nerfs to a c33 and ring. C21 is really strong for a green and it could be nerfed but It's not an s tier add-on or anything. In hens video for countering blight he actually says how good players can tell when a blight has c21 and you can play around it accordingly.

    Also last thing I will say on hug tech. Yes it does mitigate the need for multiple rushes in some places but if you watch top tier blights who are try harding, you will rarely see it used in place of raw bump logic. Examples being lilith when he has to try in his streak games and even that video otz posted of the 600+ win streak blight vs top tier survivors. If you watch the ladders game play closely you almost never see him hug tech in any of those games. Typically if you see a blight going for a hug their time would have been better spent going for bump logic regardless of the extra bumps just because the hits are so much more guaranteed and fast.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    "Yes it does mitigate the need for multiple rushes in some places but if you watch top tier blights who are try harding, you will rarely see it used in place of raw bump logic. Examples being lilith when he has to try in his streak games and even that video otz posted of the 600+ win streak blight vs top tier survivors."

    As I am reading the forums today the only streamer I see on is : LilithOmen. The first chase was bump hug bump hit. The second chase around shack was : bump bump bump hug bump hit.

    Again the issue is that having the option to hug gives you a huge increased ability to combat good looping. Without the hug tech at the shack he would have needed to completely wit for his power to reset in order to get a hit. That is the perfect example of what Blight needs to lose. The first chase could have been solved with pure bumping but the hug just made it a faster down. The second chase would have been very long with 0 tokens at shack vs a survivor with DH and the pallet still intact.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    Literally all it takes to counter hug tech is to not stay next to the surface they’re going around. Break LOS and then split off from it and they’ll slide right past you.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    At least half the shacks in the game require no hug to slide, the there are other you can't hug in the first place. And I specified when lilith needs to try hard on a win streak because generally he is just chilling trying to do cool things for chat. You can't just turn on his stream and go look he hugged.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"You can't just turn on his stream and go look he hugged."

    I happened to watch his stream before I made your post. I was not fishing for it but the first two chases I see : hug tech was used to secure downs.

    Let's talk about why hug tech is completely stupid:

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