Killers should be able to keep their addons if they 4k

A 4k is (technically) the built-in win condition, and survivors keep their items and add-ons for escaping, which is theirs. Why not killers? Just a thought I had.
also thought that if 2 map offerings are played (1 on each side), then only the one that got picked should be used. Just dont really like using my only midwich offering only for the dweets coldwind to beat me out lol.
any other thoughts on just general killer QOL changes? I'd personally like to see body blocking when not carrying a survivor removed, as you cant do anything about it in endgame.
Survivors keep their add-ons for escaping? Since when?
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I always thought that would be a nice addition to Overwhelming Presence, to make that perk the Ace in the Hole for killer, plus give an underused perk more value.
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Pretty sure that got removed way back in 2020 or 2019.
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Bad idea.
Can't wait to keep my Iri Uroborous Vial forever.
Reward Killers for not using addons instead
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sorry, typo. meant just the items mb. since addons are the killer equivalent, just thought it'd be a nice change
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Technically the killers power is the equivalent since both that and Items are modified by add ons
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Killers don't have an item slot, thus they don't have an equivelent to survivors. Survivors don't keep their addons even if they escape, so killers shouldn't keep theirs even if they win. Also a 4K is extremely luck based, you have to find hatch before the survivor. If killers got a 2.5 BP bonus regardless of deviousness points for a 4k, that would be a welcome change though.
I guess the equivalent to the item slot is their power, they get to keep that...
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You need to have 'Ace in the hole' equipped to retain the item's addons as survivors. And it is a bad chest perk that barely sees any play
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The fact that survivors don't keep their add-ons notwithstanding, I like this idea but I'd make it 3k+ instead of 4k. If I absolutely steamroll a team due to bad matchmaking, I don't want to have to choose between keeping my add-ons and giving someone hatch. A built-in reason to actively avoid sowing goodwill is IMO bad for the community at large.
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Would be busted for powerful addons...
Plus you find plenty in the bloodweb, so at some point you'd have even more of a useless hoard in your inventory.
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Some people have problems ^^
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Just use the bloodweb. I’ve got 4-5 hundred alc rings on blight, and more than a thousand each of both speeds and adrenaline vile. I used to pop black wards for stuff like that, now they literally don’t come off my build lmao. Use 1 addon, make 120k bp, get 2-3 more of them. You’ll literally never run out.
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So we will see even more slugging to ensure the 4k and also make using the bloodweb even more useless than it currently is for long term players? I don't think that's the best idea, sorry.
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im aware, it was a typo meant to say they keep items
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I don’t agree. However, high value killer addons are much more scarce after the prestige update. We used to be able to sit at level 50 and see better addons more often. Now we have to sift through like 30 levels of garbage before we see anything good.
I’d like to see better addons show up in lower levels, the higher your prestige is.
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That's already in the game, that you get rarer addons the higher your prestige. But like you mentioned, Iri and higher dont start showing up till later in the bloodweb levels, and the Bloodweb level resets.
But with higher prestige you'll get loads of green addons, I've found, even at lower levels.
Once you hit P100 you'll get both Level 50 bloodwebs, AND rare addons in them. Compound interest.