Can we please lock survivor qeues like we did for killer?

I just logged onto DBD about an hour ago as I wanted to finish up some of the bone chill challenges and the two matches I've had have been last second swaps. I just wanna play demopuppy without having to deal with getting swapped on last second and being forced to play garden of joy against bnp and a rush build.
Also give us the ability to switch killers in lobby. I don’t mind facing a sweat squad, but I’d prefer to do so when properly equipped.
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Per-killer MMR precludes the option to switch killers. You could queue with a low-MMR killer then swap to Nurse.
Killers are supposed to have the advantage that they can see the survivors and their items, however. The problem is that last-second swaps can deny this advantage.
TBH the fix is pretty simple: survivors have to lock their loadout in 45 seconds. Once their loadout is locked, the killer can still change theirs for another 30 seconds. This increases the lobby timer from 1:00 to 1:15 but prevents survivors from denying the killer their knowledge advantage.
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I think this is the right approach. You can still switch, but there is a lock after a certain point so there is no last second stuff.
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Killers dodging lobbies over things like too high prestige, too many medkits, too many hours on steam profile, person wearing legacy nea, person being anonymous, private profile is just as bad as people swapping last second. Would the outcome be any different if they didn't swap and you stayed in the lobby.
I think it's fair.
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The reason I last second swap is because killers constantly dodge high prestige characters. Fix that and then you can lock it. They cherry pick their lobbies.
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Prestige: Agreed, should be hidden IMO.
Medkits: I can't possibly imagine why in 2023 DBD a killer wouldn't want to play against a full medkit lobby as an M1 killer. 🙄 This is a symptom of the game's state and isn't a problem in its own right.
Profile: I think it's reasonable not to show Steam profile links until the match is over.
Legacy Nea: I mean, they chose the skin. Maybe don't show off how many hours you have... unless you want people to know how many hours you have?
Anonymous/private: I don't think this is unreasonable given that most cheaters use anonymous mode or have private profiles.
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Same as suiciding/DCing survivor but WITHOUT leaving 4 other player in an unfun match.
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this thread is so mind-boggling.
Last second swaps are fine.
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I don´t know why this hasn´t been implemented at the same time as the killers lock. Just make the queue up button the logged button where nothing can be changed afterwards. No one needs to change the loadout for 45 seconds before the match. Pre match lobby has next to no interaction with the other players. So no need to adapt the loadout for the needs of the team.
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Then they should just not let you see the team you are going against, it's the same net effect. If they are going to let killers see the survivors before the match then it should be meaningful information.
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Doesn’t bother me. I just match them with a much sweatier play style than planned, and nobody is getting hatch.
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If I’m bringing a purple flashlight with good addons, I want to be able to actually use it. You only get like 1 every 2 prestiges. I wonder how killers would feel if survivors could see their addons before the match starts
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They can just last second swap using the preset loadouts instead of character switching there's no reason to lock survivor
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You can still see what people bring? Even if it's last second, you can still play around that.
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The game turns off the matchmaking system when a lobby dodge occurs. Instead of looking for a 'fair' match, it heavily prioritizes finding the next warm body that can fill that slot as fast as possible.
This can lead to insanely imbalanced matches. So sometimes you get a killer who just bought the game who gets put in a 3k hour SWF lobby, and sometimes you get the other way where a solo q group of newer survivors gets matched with a 5k hour nurse.
So a killer lobby dodging can potentially create an unfun match for all 5 players.
If I notice the killer dodge the lobby, I cancel as well and requeue and try to let the rest of the team know to do the same so it just closes the lobby completely. I get far more consistent games that way.