
llCannibal3ll Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seems like Franklin's needs to go. I know its not a part of meta builds so people arent too concerned with it. However, with perks that hinder our ability to use items like; sloppy butcher, lightborn, etc. and status effects like; broken, deep wound, blindness, etc. its seems a little wild to me that Franklin's still exists. Think about your casual player that isnt farming BP. They arent going to have the time or willingness to farm the Blood Tree to get back those items they lost just because they took a M1, which is GOING to happen in 99% of games they play. Some may disagree, but the game in its current state (someone who plays survivor solo q exclusively) is stacked soooo heavily in the killers favor while it just feels like all the edges survivors have ever gotten either get taken away or nerfed.

Note I understand that this game is played competitively both professionally and from home and that it shouldnt be changed because of a solo q survivors opinion. Im just talking about Franklin's. Thats it lol


  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Items are meant to be thrown away, and it helps killers that don't want to deal with annoying medkits, toolbox, flashlights, etc. When they are stack with the best kinds of rarities and addons which makes them unbelievable op. Toolboxes that can last forever, med-kits that can heal very quickly, flashlights that burn you quickly.

    Plus, if you dislikes Franklin's Demise so much, bring Built to Last, get a item and hide in a locker. You can get your charges back; and if you are certain the killer is running Franklin's, drop your item. The best counter to Franklin's once you know it is in play, is to simply leave it on the ground in which his m1 attack have no effect. Don't complain about it, if you can learn it most easy to counter method. Also, Don't be ignorant and go fetch it when they hit you, there is a small good chance thw killer will come back, knowing you have pick up your favorite item!

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    The inevitable appeal to solo queue because they were inconvenienced by a perk one time. A true DBD forum classic.

    Also just drop your item, lol

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    ironic considering bubba is being removed like demo and as a result franklins will become a free perk for everyone

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    The person who made the post is right. If you're playing solo and the killer has Franklin's, you know it's the same old sh*t. It's going to be an unfun match. This player base is not hard to figure out.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Sloppy butcher makes medkits much less useful and sometimes completely useless. It also has a bunch of other nice side effects and synergies.

    Should we remove that perk too? Franklin’s takes up an entire perk slot and all it does is make the survivor drop their currently held item. It’s okay, but it’s not an Eruption or a scourge hook...

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Botany + Selfcare or COH for healing

    PTS/Hyperfocus/Saboteur for toolbox related actions

    Flashbang/Blast Mine for blinding the Killer

    If every Survivor got hit once and lost their item, the Survivors still have 4 perks apiece to work with while the Killer only has 3 perks until someone picks up an item again.

    This isn’t a 1v1, it’s a 1v4