Am I missing something with the Knight?

Am I wrong is assuming he plays like a bottom 3 killer? I find little to no use of his power in most situations. I've been told my multiple survivors during end game chat that he isn't "as bad as I make it out to be", and that I just need to practice more. I've played a tonne of games with him the past few days and I have no idea what to do to consistently get more than like, 3-5 hooks per game.
Have you ever tried running 4 slowdowns? Or 3 with Nowhere to Hide?
Running those and camping a three gen works extremely well, although it is pretty boring.
Hens333 has a video on how to hold the game hostage with it, you can watch that to understand yhe basics. Just, dont hold the game hostage...
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Yes, the only games that aren't absolutely awful are CoB/Eruption games which I'm trying to steer away from since I find it boring from both sides. I've been mainly using a hex focused build with Plaything, Pentimento and Face the Darkness (+ Corrupt) which I think is decent, but pretty inconsistent. Nothing seems to beat a mix of CoB/Eruption/Deadlock/Pain Resonance when it comes to slowdown.
I do enjoy Hens' videos but for some reason I've avoided that one, I'll give it a watch.
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I just posted something about an hour ago about how you can run Knight with one gen regression perk and see success in regular play if you want to read it.
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well we can't decide since we can't see how you play him.
but knight imo is a macro killer if you gonna play him only like a chase killer it ain't gonna go well. you need to use guards often to do things for you especially the things they're good at 1- assassin for chases 2- jailer for patrolling an area 3- carnifex to break things midchase or out of chase to save you time they all however can be good in other areas like if you want to keep a survivor busy for long you can also chase him with carnifex ( since he chases the longest) you can use them to break gens forcing survivors away from them to give you decent kick regression and time to go pressure it or using other guards to break pallets as it stops survivors from vaulting them even if it takes longer.
in chase:- instadropping a guard at every loop is very predictable and causes Survivors to hold W so unless it's a short loop or a loop at a corner it's better to draw long path ahead of the survivors to a guarantee a detection cuz as soon as they see you in the animation they're holding w away from you. if it's a second floor building you can drop a guard at the vault/drop location and guards Will fly up there so fast if they detect a survivor or will detect them when they drop.
you can also protect your hooks/totems with guards (obviously). in short there are a ton of stuff you can do with knight think of him like a less aggressive twins, you can't count on your guards to get hits for you as much as victor but they're definitely a great pressure tool.
also choy made a guide that can help you
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I don't actually use eruption and win 75%÷ of my games, although it is still COB, overcharge, pain res, and nowhere to hide.
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He feels like a very macro heavy Killer.
Macro gameplay is one of the hardest things to master in DBD. He has a high skill cap without actually having a high skill cap power.
Basically, if you play him like Artist, you will probably lose. Play him more like Hag or Trapper.
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If you've ever gone rabbit huntin, this will make sense. He's a flanking killer. You wanna use the guards to push survivors where you wanna go, ideally before you're in chase. If you know where the survivors will run to get away from the guards, you want to come in from a flanking route so they run straight into you. This will probably be a little easier once the ptb changes go live. Think of your guards as a distraction....harass people with em to push them towards you or away from objectives. If they get a hit, cool that's a nice bonus. If you set your patrol routes to just try and get the guard to hit, you're gonna have a rough time.
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well said that's really what he is.
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Nah it's you. He obviously keeps getting buffs because he's S+ tier.
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He is maybe not good in high MMR but new to normal players struggle heavily to deal with a two men chase.
Like @xfireturtlex said. They often run from the guard directly into your arms if you come from the other side.
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ah good I'm not completely insane like I thought
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Some survivors will say that you did good... cause they got the win
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I felt that at first but after watching a guide I find the Map of the Realm add-on (common) which increases Guard's detection radius is a MUST, it improves his power so much and as well as that Call to Arms is nice because you can make paths before survivors react or I hear most people say Dried Horsemeat is best along side Map of the Realm because it increases some of the Guard's hunt time from 12 to 16 which is quite substantial!
Other than that I like the perks Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch, Star Struck and Agitation.
Here is the YouTube guide I watched: