Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The new survivor Hud and Icons

The changes to the Hud are great. Thank you! I would like to suggest 2 additional changes to the hud before things go live.

1: The same way the Hud shows how recovered a teammate is on the ground. The Hud should show how much progress the gen that's being worked on has.

2: The exit gate that's being worked on should show how much progress it has as well.

Survivor with friends already has this information every game. So to give solo players this information will greatly help balance survivor.

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  • Member Posts: 1,169

    So next you want full aura 100% of the time too?

    What is it with people wanting everything? The game is already boring as is for survivors since the objective is just Holding M1 whenever you're not interacting with killer and you want to remove what little unpredictability it has...

    No you shouldn't know what % of progress things are. That will only lead to more gen rushing cause people will split up more and Killers will respond with more gen slowdown and more tunneling and more camping. You're only making things worse.

    Everytime you want to buff survivors you have to give killers equal tools or else the already negative aspects of one side will only increase.

    Stop asking for free handouts and improve your damn skill as a player. You already know that they're working on gens so freaking TRUST THEM TO FINISH THEM ASWELL, what sense would they have to not finish the gen? The only reasons you leave gens are because you're being chased or you're going to rescue someone and you know when there's someone that needs to be rescued so you can make the logical simple conclusion of : oh he left the gen he 's tryign the rescue.


  • Member Posts: 855

    Yeah... i mean... balancing towards swf is fine i guess. Making soloq as powerfull as swf is good in terms of balance. All info that swf has should be available to soloq, so gen/gate progress also, because swf has it. Basekit kindred also would be great and will not buff swf at the same time.

    Tho... i would rather keep uncertainty of the game rather than turning it into e-sport. I mean dbd is great as horror game, but more info we have - the less scary this game is. Game should be made and balanced over soloq and LACK of information, and swf should never be a thing. I would love to see swfs removed from the game, maybe let them play on some additional non-supported mode with bot killer...

    For me, game should have two modes:

    1. soloq - the default mode. All balance should be made around it.
    2. Sun/group/swf mode - here friends can group up and play however they want.

    And since game would be balanced over soloq, this means killer would be much weaker towards swf so that less killers will be choosing this mode, and thus lot of players would play soloq mode. I would love to see 1-3 months of testing this. I would love to see dbd staying in place of horror game, and even if it is not scary due to killer on its own it has some theme, climatic music, environment, and the whole uncertainty that makes it better than other asymetric games. If we will still making this game a competetive, moving it towards e-sport then it will be the same thing as VHS.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    And SWF who play without comms are also worse than SWF who play with comms...

    SWF who play with comms are the benchmark at which balance has to be aimed at. In order to level the playing field, all other demographics, including solo survivors and SWF who don't use comms, need to be brought up to that level, or as close as is reasonably possible.

    Then survivor can finally be balanced as a whole, and that balance will actually mean something.

    Let's use some abstract numbers to estimate the 'skill level' of certain lobby set ups.

    Solo = 50%

    SWF no comms = 75%

    SWF with comms = 90%

    It's currently impossible to balance killer because if you balance them in a way that they can stand level at 75%, then they're too powerful for solo, and not powerful enough for SWF. If you balance them at 50%, then SWF absolutely wipe the floor with them. This is where the game is at now with killers stuck floating between this massive gap, and where it has been for the last few years since players started to refine the systems, and is the root cause of nearly all of the game's imbalance issues.

    If you give both Solo and 'SWF without comms' a buff and end up with a playfield that looks more like:

    Solo = 80% (30% buff)

    SWF no comms = 85% (10% buff)

    SWF with comms = 90%

    Now you have a much narrower range to balance. You can safely balance killer at 85%, knowing that all 'skill levels' fall within a 10% range.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    The logic goes like this.

    If we buff solos to be on the communication levels of SWF, then killers could be buffed more so.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    "Basekit kindred also would be great and will not buff swf at the same time."

    Auras are certainly more precise information than is possible to communicate in a couple of seconds, this would be a buff to SWF.

    An alternative however could be something like 'killer instinct' for survivors. This gives you a rough direction the other survivors are in, and in order to triangulate their exact position you would need to move around a lot.

  • Member Posts: 855

    And there still will be a huge major problems of winning conditions and copetetive requiriments of the game - survivors being copetetive with eachother and killer being only an obstacle in their game. Killer have no clear winning conditions, and survivors compete with eachother of who will not be sacrificed. Listen me out please. Devs decided to balance killer over 60% killrates, wchich means they kill avarage of 2.4 survivor in a match = so in 5 matches there is 3 draws (2 kills) and 2 wins (3 kills), so avarage killer win rate is 40%, while survivors also have 40% chances, which means 20% games are "draw" but even if there is "draw" 2 survivors won, and all of them was competing eachother who will win and who will lose. Killer is moreless avarage to combined skill of survivors so weakest survivor will always loose and their escape rate will be much much lower than some other "luckier" will have better winstrike.

    First thing in balance should be giving common goal of survivors so that they always all loose or all wins, this would make survs being always "all loose" or "all wins" and killer would have clear winning condition rather than being survivors obstacle, and also this would turns survivors from coop/compete into pure coop mode.

    Tho devs said they wants sole survivors and some of them being selfish so this will never happen... and this means dbd will never be competetive 2 teams game despite ofd effort devs gives to this mechanic... which all combine means one thing - devs will destroy dbd via adjustments which do not fit to eachother. Its like building plane with car components, and trying to make wings from doors... it just... cant work. Sorry to say that, but one cant eat and have cake at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    It doesn't change the fact that this only buffs 'SWF without comms' up to the level of 'SWF with comms'. Which is the whole point.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    If you buff killers to be able to deal with SWF's then imagine the power of 1v1 killer has. Then you're forced to Buff every Solo to be equal to a SWF so now imagine the power of the 1v1 for survivors.

    You end at the same position. Every single Survivor is equal in strength to the killer and the Combination of the 4 is far greater than the power of the killer.

    This is exactly where you are now and always have been.

    Why? Because the game is a conjunction of 1v1v1v1v1 interactions. Where every survivor is treated as a single unit instead of a 4v1, either the 4 survivors accomplish something or the 4 survivors fail. Essentially every Survivor is fighting for their own escape and not the collective escape or for the escape of the rest of the team.

    Essentially Survivor is set up in a very selfish way. My Escape matters more than the team surviving. This is problematic. This is what started survivor entitlement. Survivors fight as much amongst themselves as they do against killers. And killers have their own quarrels between themselves aswell. Nurse existing perptually undercaps every other killer. She's the gatekeeper of power levels. Nothing since her creation comes close to her.

    A draw means the survivors accomplsihed only 50% of their objective, same as killer. But while killer is a single unit fighting for himself, the survivors are all either working together or trying to not be the dead one, so throwing someone else under the bus happens very frequently.

    The Solution is obvious then isn't it? Have the 4 together be as strong as the killer but individually weak so that they need to help each other. The only issue then is the PLAYER itself because players can be selfish and ruin the chances of the 4. That's why the game should rework it's BP scoring system and Emblem aswell to reflect a more team based aproach.

    If players are told, and most importantly taught, that the game is a 4v1 and that helping other survivors is the best way to help yourself then you can Balance the game to where killers feel empowered when they are chasing someone but still feel a challenge when they have to think of the match as a whole and make quick decisions. On a similar note while survivors will feel more vulnerable when interacting with the killer, they can always find hope in the strength of the team as a whole.

    If you reach this Balance then even if theres 4 skilled survivors who are good individually they are still not stronger themselves than the killer.

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