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I don't get it...
- Why are hooks so close to each other?? It encourages camping & tunneling!!! If it's not balanced, make hooks further apart and increase wiggle to balance it out.
- Why do 60% of killers have no terror radius?? If that's the case, survivors shouldn't have scratch marks OR instead, give us a perk that allows us to leave no scratch marks behind with a CD.
- A lot of survivor perks are countered with blindness... why bother making those perks to begin with? They're useless. Every perk you bring in should count for SOMETHING, otherwise, it's a used perk taking up space doing nothing. These counters are ridiculous and make the game NOT FUN! We put in a lot of game time/hours leveling our characters just to find out that the perk we wanted DOESN'T WORK!!!
- Killers that can instantly kill you or 1 shot you? NOT FUN. I just die on the hook. If ONE survivor alone can't do an instant generator, instant open chest, instant anything, killers shouldn't either. Then, you add into account that hooks are so close to each other, smaller maps, it's easy for killers and solo survivors it's a nightmare. In matches where killers just one shot me, I kill myself on hook and move on to the next game which makes me feel really bad for the rest of my solo survivor team but if I'm not having fun, forget it... it's not worth it.
- Create a special slot for both killers and survivors such as a specialty perk slot. For survivors, create unique customization which allows the survivor to become proficient in a particular ability such as healing, totem finder/cleanser, or some sort of buffs that each survivor can bring into the game with their 4 added perks. The same thing goes for killers, killers can have a unique perk slot where it gives them haste, or added buffs to down survivors. So, in the end, you have ONE special ability/specialty and your 4 added perks. OR make exhaustion perks ONE special ability with 4 perks that you can bring into the game.
This is a very cool discussion about stuff in the PTB.
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This whole post screams new player entitlement
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Yes, I am a new player lol thank you for pointing out the obvious.
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What perks even cause blindness? Third seal? Gone in the first thirty seconds of the match and requires you to hit every survivor to get use out of it. Fearmonger? Lasts five seconds when you get off the gen. Pointless for countering Windows which is the primary use of blindness.
This reads like the unhinged comments on DBD Twitter.
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- Hook spread has no effect on tunneling whatsoever, and it only really affects camping if two players went down at once (it makes it easier to camp them both). But when you have two survivors hooked even remotely close to each other, proxying them both is objectively the correct play. This is not a hook spread problem, this is a "survivors threw by being too altruistic" problem.
- 60%? Not even close. 20% of the roster has built-in stealth. There are some perks and add-ons that can give some stealth (undetectable / oblivious) to any killer, but their use is usually very situational and some can be completely countered by e.g. cleansing the hex totem.
- The only perks that grant "permanent" blindness are hexes, which can be cleansed. Others, such as Fearmonger, have specific activation criteria and are also not in effect the whole game.
- The killer has four survivors to manage. "The killer can one-shot down so survivors should be able to do instant generators" belies a lack of understanding of asymmetric games. The two sides are not supposed to have equal abilities, and survivors are not expected to run the killer for 5 generators. (Also, survivors have plenty of tools to speed up generator repairs. If all four survivors bring in a toolbox with a BNP, together they can repair a single generator in 5 seconds. Prove Thyself and Hyperfocus exist.)
- I'm not sure how this addresses any of your other complaints. A perk giving the killer permanent haste from the beginning of the match is not what you want, trust me. Perks for healing (Botany Knowledge) and finding totems (Small Game, Detective's Hunch) already exist. I honestly can't figure out what your point here is or how you think it would actually help. To me, it seems like it would make the game even harder to balance.
I can understand that you're a frustrated new player, but you're lashing out without actually learning the game. Most of your frustration could be addressed by simply practicing, learning what perks exist and synergize with each other, and -- this is a big one -- playing the other side. For a few weeks, alternate between killer and survivor every match. I strongly suspect you will come out of your killer matches with a better perspective, and playing the game from the "other side" will help you play survivor better as you watch what good survivors do in chase and learn the limitations of the killers' various powers.
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How many hours have you in DbD ?
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been watching dbd on youtube/twitch for years, but decided to play recently. 200 hrs on record lol
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You're talking about SWFs, I play as a solo survivor. Have you?? Have you seen the groups you get put in with? I can admit I still have to learn a lot about the game but, I focus on gens, I can unhook safely, I can cleanse do totems, heal, take hits for my teammates, etc. I suck at looping the killer. Most solo queue is a disaster. It's not fun when you have killers that can one-shot you within the FIRST MINUTE of the game as a solo survivor. Now, if you're talking about swfs players, I totally understand where you're coming from and would agree with you but as a solo survivor who just wants to play alone, you encounter a lot of situations where killers have the upper hand in the end. I just got out of a game where it was Myers, of course, he can one shot within 2 mins of the game with his power, first person to get hooked decided to kill themselves, leaving 3 vs 1 killer with instant kills, with 5 gens to still do. How is that fun? Who benefits at the end of it? The killer with 4 kills! Survivors leave with less than 5k blood points. Then, you have tunneling/camping killers who still just sit there by the hook or still end up chasing whomever they hooked after they were rescued. The rest of the solo survivors aren't doing gens in solo queues. They're either walking around aimlessly, crouching by hooks or running towards the person that's hooked! lol... it's a mess.
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The more you play, the more you will know / understand the game; and the more you will see why what you initially thought in your post does not represent a problem 😊
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1- Hooks need to be close because wiggling out is something that should only be done in very specific scenarios. Though i agree that some maps have VERY close hooks spawn like Dead Dawg Saloon, but they usually are fine.
2- Some killers have powers that require them to use stealth.
3- not a lot of perks. Although it can be bothersome on certain maps and with some obnoxious builds, blindness is usually a niche debuff.
5- it would be nice, i guess. But it would be madness to balance. Think that BHVR currently struggles a lot to keep this game in a balanced state with 4 perks only.
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You are right about the hooks being too close. They do need to be spaced out a little. And we were all new players at some point.
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Bro, play some killer then come back.
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True, I agree but camping/tunneling and one shotting survivors within the first 3mins of the game isn't a problem? If they wanna balance it out, then get rid of gen rushing perks. I'd be fine with that as long as a killer can't 1 shot me down. It's ridiculous in solo queue as survivor and NOT fun. People generally kill themselves on first hook b/c of getting 1 shotted down and it leaves 3 people to do 5 gens, which is NOT going to happen in solo queue. Then, the only one that benefits from that is the killer with 4 kills and all the bloodpoints while survivors who decided to stay in-game leave out with less than 5k bloodpoints.
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I don't find playing killer fun, I like playing as survivor. I have played as killer and although I do see issues that killers are mentioning but again, the issue here is playing as solo survivor against killers who tunnel/camp and can one-shot you down within the FIRST 3mins of the game. NOT FUN.
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- Are they? That really depends on RNG. Some maps (Swamp, Eyrie, Badham, Midwich etc.) are notorious for having 1 hook for a huge area, or sometimes areas where you simply...cannot hook anyone.
- What? The only killers with no TR are Wraith and...I guess Sadako and Ghostface, but that's part of their kit. None of these killers are close to powerful. Not sure what the complaint is here.
- Blindness is one of the most useless status effects in the game - the only survivor perks it counters are aura reading. I'm guessing this is a complaint about Fearmonger, which likely means you are newer (not an insult, but Fearmonger is a base perk and so you only really see it on newer killers). Important stuff, like survivors being hooked are not hurt by blindness at all. Also - uhh...if you want to see what it's like to have your entire kit countered, play some killer.
- The only killer that can instantly kill you is Sadako, and that takes some doing. Exposed killers are balanced around this mechanic, and there are ways to offset it. The hooks are not close together at all. Also - suiciding because you got downed is just incredibly bad sportsmanship and one of the things that makes solo queue so miserable.
- That's a cute idea, but likely a bit ambitious as it would completely change the balance of the game.
I get the sense that you are a little newer - and that's completely fine. But...honestly, I'd strongly recommend playing some killer too, as not only will you get a sense of how to counter these complaints, but you'll see that most of them are a complete non issue.
Tunneling/camping is unfortunate - but understand that killers don't know if they're going to be facing a team of organized loop monsters or a bunch of solos, and sort of have to play mean in case it's the former.
Why are you going down so fast though? If it's a Myers, you can loop him all day and he has a TR when he can instadown. A Ghostface? Just look out for him and reveal him by looking at him, or run away.
Have you tried hooking a survivor on Midwich or Badham? There are spots where it's almost impossible as is.
Think of it this way.
Survivors can choose to play in SWFs or play solo.
Killers cannot choose not to face SWFs.
Thus, killers need to play every game, at least to start, as if it was a comp squad - and sadly, by the time you realize that you were actually facing a chill group or solos, it's a bit late.
Now...I'll generally try to dial back once I realize that - but after you get crushed by a comp squad who probably deliberately tanked their MMR and tell you to uninstall in postgame/leave nasty messages on your Steam wall, you're going to want to avoid that - and sometimes that means playing hard.
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You're talking about SWFs
Not necessarily. But SWF has to be taken into account in issues of balance because it is a thing that exists.
I play as a solo survivor. Have you??
I can count on one hand the number of times I've played with friends. When I play survivor, it's pretty much exclusively solo.
Most solo queue is a disaster.
No argument here, but nothing you said is directly related to solo vs SWF so I'm not really even sure why you're bringing it up.
It's not fun when you have killers that can one-shot you within the FIRST MINUTE of the game as a solo survivor.
In most solo games someone is going down within the first minute, one-shot or not.
I just got out of a game where it was Myers, of course, he can one shot within 2 mins of the game with his power
Meyers is a D-tier M1 killer, among the weakest 5 killers in the game. I mean, if you are going down to him then it's probably because...
I suck at looping the killer.
Oh. Yeah, that's probably it.
I'm not great at it either, to be honest. Which is why when I go down to a killer, I try to get better at looping instead of complaining on the forums.
first person to get hooked decided to kill themselves, leaving 3 vs 1 killer with instant kills, with 5 gens to still do
The rest of the solo survivors aren't doing gens in solo queues. They're either walking around aimlessly, crouching by hooks or running towards the person that's hooked! lol... it's a mess.
Yep that's solo queue.
It's also not the fault of the killer's one-shot down ability, it's the fault of your teammates, so you should put the blame where it belongs instead of blaming the killer that you got bad teammates with impulse control issues.
How is that fun? Who benefits at the end of it? The killer with 4 kills!
I main killer and there has not been a single game with a DC/suicide at 5 gens where I've felt good about the situation. Fun comes from challenge, and a 3v1 is not a challenge. Steamrolls aren't fun in either direction.
The killer shouldn't even be getting that much BP after such a match. DC's don't count as kills for the purposes of tome challenges, either.
There definitely are some killers who revel in the ease of a 3v1 after a DC but I doubt they are the majority. Most killers you see who play oppressively after a DC are probably just trying to end the match as quickly as possible so that everyone in the match can move on to a better one. If I had the option to quickly end the match with all other survivors escaping in a way that didn't give me a DC penalty, I would take it much of the time.
Then, you have tunneling/camping killers who still just sit there by the hook or still end up chasing whomever they hooked after they were rescued.
This happens sometimes in my games as well. If they're camping, do gens and go for a hook trade when they are close to the next stage. If they're tunneling, try to body block and force aggro onto yourself. It won't always work, and there's not a whole lot you can do about it when it doesn't other than to try to just do gens.
I'm still missing the connection between what you wrote here and your original post. The one-shot down is the only connection I see.
Basically it seems like you're just very frustrated with the game, and solo queue in particular, which is not exactly a unique perspective, but the complaints in your original post make very little sense to players with experience. Nobody who has played this game for more than a few months thinks blindness perks or stealth killers are OP. If you actually are this frustrated with the game then just play something else.
I reiterate my suggestion to play killer for a few weeks and see if it's as easy as you seem to think it is.
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A few minor corrections. I don't disagree with your overall point, just supplying additional info.
The only killers with no TR are Wraith and...I guess Sadako and Ghostface
T1 Meyers, Pig while crouched, Spirit while phasing (TR stays at the husk), Twins while controlling Victor, and Dredge during nightfall. Arguably Freddy while asleep, though there is a lullaby (like demanifested Sadako).
The only killer that can instantly kill you is Sadako
Tombstone Meyers has entered the chat.
Devour is also a thing, but requires 5 hooks and can be cleansed.
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- Hooks spawn within 12m of each other. On most maps this means the killer has a hook they can reach after they down a survivor unless hooks have been destroyed. This is intentional, because forcing the killer to have to slug survivors because they can't reach a hook is far worse for the game as a whole.
- It's not 60%. There's 30 killers and the killers with innate abilities to go lose their TRs are: Wraith, Ghostface, Sadako, Pig, Myers (T1 only), Demogorgon (from portal), Freddy (dream world inflicts oblivious), Twins (when controlling victor), Pinhead (holding the box inflicts oblivious), Dredge (during nightfall). 10 out of 30 is 33%. That said, Freddy and Sadako both have lullabys and you can hear Demogorgon teleport so you still know they are there. There are undetectable/oblivious addons and perks which can cause killers for a limited time lose their TRs, but I doubt you are facing them that often.
- Yes blindness counters aura reading. This is intentional.
- Some killers power and some perks allow killers to down survivors from healthy. This really isn't a huge issue. You have an exposed status on your screen and there's an effect showing you've been exposed and the chainsaw killers are pretty obvious with their chainsaws.
- Survivors don't need more perks. They already have a numbers advantage.
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Entitled survivor main mindset at its purest form... this post is a thing of beauty.
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Thank you :)
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Eh...technically I guess. I wasn't including addons or minor gimmicks.
That...was absolutely not what he was doing.
He's saying that with a bit more experience, you'll see why these aren't really valid complaints.