Enough is enough...

Out of my last 10 games...at least in half of them (I wish I was exaggerating) killers just start to hard tunnel at 4-5 gens...

I thought it was just a bad weekend but the trend continues. I understand that you often need to tunnel for pressure but in Solo Q? When not a single gen is done? How can this be a good experience for anyone?

Either first person gets tunneled out or just DCs leaving 3 ppl in massive disadvantage.

You want to keep allowing this kind of gameplay? Fine, but AT LEAST introduce some kind of BP penalty for this in early game. Because it's just insane to me that killers get rewarded for this BS.

After 2 years of playing this game I accepted a lot of things, both on surv and killer side. But this is just crossing the line. The games are getting less and less enjoyable because of this.



  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I completely agree. It's amazing that someone's "fun game" can be over in a matter of like 2 mins. It's most definitely gotten a lot worse. I started playing about 5 years ago almost 6. And I mean there was some back then but not NEARLY as bad

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    And how would a killer differentiate between a coordinated full SWF with voicechat from a SoloQ squad at the start of the game? Should I risk the possibility for survivors to be coordinated and let them do 3 gens in less than 2 minutes because the possibility of them not being Gen Rushing?

    Having 4 survivors at 3 gens could mean a lost game, having 4 survivors at 2 gens is a lost game unless you stack up regression perks, have a good 3 gen situation and they start to pile up mistakes. As long as survivors can Gen Rush tunneling would not only be a necessity, it would be most effective to do at the start of the game to take out one survivor ASAP.

    Not only that, but most of the time tunneling is only doable if the survivors allow you to do it. While you are tunneling that one survivor there is at least two of them totally free to do gens undisturbed, and with the basekit BT unless you can hit the unhooked survivor the moment he touch the ground the chase would be longer than usual. Stop doing unsafe unhooks in front of the killer, stop going "Hero mode x 3" and going all in to the rescue, and you would see how you would make less appealing for the killer to tunnel.

    "How can this be a good experience for anyone?" The real question is "Why the killer has to sacrifice his chance of winning so it can be a good experience for you?". Stop pretending like you having fun in a competitive game is most important than people playing it optimally.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I wanna be able to end killer game play as fast as you can ours

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2023

    3 survivors can start 5 generators in less than 2 minutes, the killer has to be proactive + tunneling is possible only with the permission of the survivors, just stop unhooking when the killer moved 5 meters away

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    Easy, get into a SWF with voicechat and coordinate well. By the time the killer is going to do his second hook you would have all gens done.

    But remember me again why killers should worry about you having fun when obviously you, like all survivors, don't give a damn about theirs.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I actually solo q all of my games. I don't have a swf group to play with but when I did we weren't playing like a swat team. We actually talked about real life stuff and caught up with each other because that's when we would talk. Yall make it seem like every swf group is elite swat teams that will stomp you. Not everyone cares as much about winning as you. But when it's game after game after it gets old af. And honestly there needs to be something done with it.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Don't play a game where losing = being removed, if being removed is a flaw to you.

    Why do Survivors think 'Killers can KILL US!' is a surprising thing that needs to be MODERATED, when it's the only way for Killers to win...Oh, because it's the only way for Killers to win.

    News flash: The Killers are trying to kill you. They don't need to PM you and ask if you filled a 'fun quota' before they knock you out of the map, and they CERTAINLY don't need to play sub-optimally while Survivors take 50 second chance perks and genrush perks, queue up in SWF, & use voice chat.

    I find it hilariously hypocritical that Survivors whine 'What about OUR FUN!?' while trying the level best to win ASAP with ever advantage they can bring. As if Killers are expected to ensure Survivors have a fun game instead of trying to win, like some sort of funhouse employee.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    And please tell me..where I said "no fun is to be had by killers" I'm the survivor that when a killer farms I kill myself in the end game collapse. So don't put all survivors in that type of behavior. Because it's not true at all.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    So, another survivor main that don't play the game optimally to win but still thinks he has the right to claim for others to not play competitively in a competitive game because he is entitled to have fun. What a surprise! I didn't hear this one before...

    If you weren't playing as a "swat team", it is your fault. Gen rushing is a thing and DbD is a competitive game. You can't seriously ask for killers to play like it is not just because you don't want to play the game seriously.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Um I never once said anything about killers not having fun. I don't bm unless the killer starts it. Only time I take a item in is if I need to do a challenge. "Kill by all means" that's the mentality of killers, you slug and face camp and tunnel at 5 gens "because that's what killers do" yet killers have aura perks for EVERYTHING. BBQ, lethal, bitter, and the list goes on. They even have aura readings for add-ons. You guys have JUST as much as survivors do UNLESS it's a swf. Which I don't play my games are strictly solo q. So no I don't know what my teammates are running you see the items as I do. But I'll be running distortion so that all your aura reading perks are useless against me.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    edited January 2023

    Lol first off it's she and I'm offended that you would assume that I'm a male.

    And secondly I'm sure that if there was a poll for the player base everyone would see that it's mostly casual people that play the game. To wind down after work and just have a chill time.

    But keep assuming..

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    The moment you suggest that someone should not play in a certain way so you and others can have your "fun game". There is where you said it.

    You want to have your fun at cost of the killers fun. At least, that's how you sound with things like "I don't care to win as much as you, so you should not play to win".

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    No I never once said that. But what is the POINT in SLUGGING all 4 survivors at 5 GENS? you're not being Gen rushed, you're not being anything. I'm speaking from games that I've been having. If people don't do it. Good for you, but to those who do then yes, it's sucking the fun out of the game for everyone "but it's fun to me and now you're saying I can't have fun" if you waited 5 mins just to slug everyone maybe take a break. Disney dreamlight is fun 😊

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    "i should ruin someone else's day on the off chance they might have friends they play with" is uh, quite the argument

    SWFs load in all at once. if you don't want to go against SWFs, dodge until you get lobbies where people load in at different times - there's no dodge penalty and you won't have to risk being a complete scumbag to one person just on the 5% chance that they're in a 4-person SWF (5% of all games have 4 person swf, and i'm making the assumption that they're all comp squads, even though that's probably not true)

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    Accuse me of assuming for using correct generic grammar, proceeds to assume 100% of the player base are casuals in a ranked competitive game... k.

    Nothing more to say.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I didn't say 100%. I said you would see that most of the player base is causal but you did assume my gender which is very offensive.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    And where do you get that 5% SWF? Just curious.

    And the difference is I'm not ruining someone else day, I'm just playing optimally in a competitive game taking in count that I could encounter other people playing that way. Again, you can't expect other to not play to win just because you want to play chill and "have fun".

    Also, I said that because was the OP who suggested that tunneling at the start of the game against SoloQ is a no-no. Even if it was a no-no, the killer don't have a way to tell they are a SWF until the late game.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Honestly, use more anti-tunnel perks, expect a tunnel every time you come off hook, run AWAY from the killer, and if tunneled, loop as long as you can.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    edited January 2023

    Well... for starts, the main reward for Killers to not tunnel got deleted. That being BBQ stacks.

    For seconds, MMR got put in place. As a system, MMR encourages the players to go hard and never let up. For the Killer side that means tunneling. For Survivors it means gen rushing. For a casual game, DBD's old match making was a lot better other than emblems being real mean to some killers.

  • This game is not competitve. I don't know how anyone can think it is with all the imbalances.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    i guess i misremembered, there was a dev stream where they said the percent of 4 person SWF was around 8.5% and I thought it was something different. same ballpark though

    most people don't see dbd as a competetive game but rather a party game, and the reason they don't like people camping and tunneling is because they think someone optimizing a party game and treating public matches as if they were not only a competetive game but also a match being played for money is unfun.

    as i said, if you want to avoid SWFs, simply dodge until you get people trickling into the lobby, but given that you like to play competetively maybe you should actively seek out SWFs since that's the environment you're looking for

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    that can happen. get a swf, bring bnp, hyperficus, stake out, built to last, and congrats, the gens are done before the killer got a down.

    enjoy your next match against a 4 slowdown nurse because you did your objective well

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 421

    I always find funny that people keep telling to players that get a SWF and then complain about SFW being too strong and should be removed lmao

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    That's sound like a "you" problem. DbD, by nature and design, is a competitive game. Any zero-sum game is a competitive game. At first maybe people played it just for fun, but as time passes people would start playing to win in the most optimal way instead, and this happened even with Tetris's versus mode:

    The best example for this would be Super Smash Bros. It was planned as a 4 player party fighting game, then people started to play it competitively by playing as optimally as the game allowed them by the competitive nature of a fighting game, not just for the fun of playing it, but the fun of getting good and skilled at it. Now, unless you are with friend and wanting to have fun, the predominant way to play it is 1v1 without items.

    What you are asking is for people to stop playing competitively in a skill ranked competitive game because you want to play it like a party game just for the fun of playing and not winning. Sorry, but no.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I thought this too. I just keep laughing about it. "The only way to beat a tunneling camping slugging killer is to get yerself a nice sweaty team with comms" (proceeds to say that swf is broken and shouldnt be apart of the game)

    I'm confused 😕

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    "Ours"? You only identify with survivors?

    Bizzare. You're playing half a game you purchased. Play killer and get some perspective.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I need you to explain precisely what you mean by tunneling and the circumstances around it. The way people use the word varies wildly.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I do play killer. And honestly if I 4k, I 4k. If I get steam rolled I get steam rolled. I don't take this game THAT serious. It's not worth "sweating" over. I'm a casual dbd player, asked me 3 years ago it would be a different story. Taking a year break really changed the game for me. I think more people should do it.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    Do you realize that is the point of my comment, right? Because they are saying tunneling ends too fast a survivors and should be removed? Just saying.

    And I didn't see anyone (seriously) arguing SWF should be removed, but gen rushing with a coordinated SWF is the reason for a lot of things killers do in their game, starting with tunneling and ending with stacking gen regression perks with Eruption + CoB. So yeah, do something about the gen progression and then we can talk about tunneling and such.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Oh but people have argued that even changing said things wouldn't change the outcome. And yes there are TONS of posts about how swf is too strong and that they shouldn't be allowed to because in the start that's not what the devs wanted it to be. But gave us the options to do it. I honestly don't think that the people that really just want to slug and camp are gonna matter if gens take 10 mins and they could get 23 hooks with 18 kills. They will still do it. Just like survivors that want to ruin the killers day and bm and be stupid no sort of changes or adjustments are gonna change that.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    People are not obligated to play worse for the sake of your fun.

    That’s like if a killer complained that survivors should stop doing gens while the killer is chasing a different survivor, since it’s not fun for the killer to lose gens because they can only chase 1 person at a time. It’s utterly stupid entitlement.

    Is being on the receiving end of being tunneled fun? Probably not for most people. Is that relevant? Also no. Fun/unfun is an irrelevant byproduct and not the point in playing to win/making the smartest decision. People doing it as a strategy and not to BM aren’t doing it specifically to make it unfun for you. It just happens to be the correct play, which also just happens to be unfun for you.

    Should/Could the game be changed to buff playing without tunneling so it incentivizes those using tunneling as strategy to not do so anymore since the alternate option would be more appealing? Yeah, but that will take very huge changes to the game flow itself, as the end reward of having 1/4 eliminated ASAP is a huge incentive. So playing without tunneling would need large mechanical buffs, which in turn would require rebalancing of a lot of the game, since it is currently balanced around tunneling.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    You compete against the other side to win.

    Ergo: Competitive.

    What you meant is 'This game is not an e-sport'. Which is a different kind of competitive.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    "by nature and design" lol. lmao. the game was clearly designed and marketed as a fun party game, a lot of the early marketing in particular was centered around the idea of the KYF being a primary game mode

    I'd also point out the two games you've mentioned are symmetrical games (not asymmetrical like dbd) and are not the most modern iteration of their franchise/style. most casual tetris players likely play on their phones, some facebook app, or maybe a website if they're feeling spicy. most casual smash players will be playing ultimate (not melee) on their switch. the reason those specific games are seen as competetive is because only the competetive players are left playing it. dbd, by comparison, is still very active among all sorts of players.

    i'll also note that anecdotally, basically everyone i know who plays DBD shares my attitude that its casual, and this goes for both survivors and killers. most of the (small minority of) super sweaty players i know even recognize its a party game and that although they enjoy playing it competitively its not the only way, or even the primary way, to play

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    First of all...I'm pretty sure it's fairly easy to tell if it's soloQ or SWF

    Second of all, you could still tunnel, I just want BP penalty for it. If one person can send other back to the lobby with miserable 3k points then I don't see why killer should be rewarder for it in terms of BP.

    Also I didn't expect so many replies. Either way, not matter what ppl say, I stand my ground.

    I took a break, came back to the game a while ago and my last 3 games was just straight up hard tunneling from the start. EVERY SINGLE GAME.

    Sick of it honestly.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178


    And by BP penalty I mean a severe BP penalty, not like a slap on the wrist like it is with camping.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Then why on earth are you posting in us vs. them terms? You should know better.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    Not to mention, a 'omgwtf' level of terrible killer game is, what, 22k blood points? 16k if you don't get a single hook all game? Pretty sure you can clear 25k just by kicking gens and never injuring anyone.

    Lethal pursuer, first chase, face camped to death as survivor can be as low as like 2k if you didn't even get to touch a gen once. Couple of those in a row and it's time to take a break.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    I never said it's a flaw. I and I'm sure many other players don't mind dying. It's part of the game. Everyone knows that.

    Nobody said it needs to be moderated. What needs to be moderated or at least NOT REWARDED is killers playing like a dbag.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    Yes, by nature and design, as any zero-sum game. Being symmetrical or asymmetrical is not relevant (BTW, fighting games its what is called "Partial asymmetrical"), what is relevant is that again, someone wins, someone lose.

    And I gave you that two examples because those was two competitive "party" games that their player base turned in a high skill competitive game. That doesn't means a party game is not competitive, only that now because how it is played someone requires top play for being good at the game. So in Smash Bros you either find people to play it at low skill level as a party fun game, or if you want to play the main ranked mode you either play to get good or you would lose. And if you don't find fun in getting good at it, again, is your problem.

    And you are misunderstanding "cooperate with your friends" with "party game". One of the selling points of any team multiplayer game is cooperating with your friends, that doesn't means it is a low skill party game. Are games like Overwatch or CoD party games just because I can do a squad with friends? Your argument don't make any sense.

    Again, a zero-sum game with a ranked system where people are rewarded or punished for winning or losing, where two teams compete against each other and where you need some degree of skill to be good at it, but is not a high skill competitive game... is that really so hard to understand?

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    And what qualified 'playing like a dbag'?

    • Tunneling?

    No, no. That's just focusing on the weakest link; the person found most easily, and already injured and hooked.

    • Slugging?

    Nope! That limits players on gens (Someone has to get that fellow up). Thus slowing down the game and buying the Killer more time.

    • Camping?

    Nah. Killer has a right to secure a kill when 3 gens can pop in the first chase. Add in the fact that 2 Survivors usually camp the camping Killer instead of doing gens, and the Killer gets free slowdown, too! (Which is somehow the Killer's fault that Survivors demand free unhooks because 'fun quota')

    Yet Survivors call all 3 'playing like a dbag'. And one of their arguments is usually 'But KILLERS end the game for SOMEONE!' As if that makes ending the game (The Killer's goal) somehow bad. Because someone got sad they got killed 'too fast'.

    The flip side of that argument is that the people who say it are acting like they are owed some vague 'fun quota' before they should be killed. And if the Killer kills them too fast, then the Killer should be punished for not letting them fill this 'fun quota'.

    Which is, actually, what OP is saying; 'Boo-hoo. I got camped. That slowed the game (because duh; that's THE POINT of removing someone) unfairly! Punish Killers with BP penalties for making me sad!'


    Won't happen. Ever. You don't get to decide what is okay for YOUR OPPONENT to do and then demand punishments just because your fake rules were broken.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Efficient survivor play revolves around the tunneling and removal of generators. Efficient killer play likewise is removing one player from the game as fast as possible. Things like Borrowed time base kit have only made me tunnel harder than ever. Why? Because SWF is completely broken and has been for 6 years with no limitation. Also we have videos were it is "routine" to make one generator take 35 seconds. That's completely absurd.

    Actually their stats showed that something like 55% of players at that time played every game in a SWF.

    The 8% figure was 4 man SWF teams. In my experience a lot more people play SWF all the time now.

    This guy gets it.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2023

    No no no, we are the ones who doesn't get it. Killers aren't supposed to play to win, we should be the personal jesters of survivors and play for their fun! Didn't you hear what our survivor mains overlords said? 🤣

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    My highlight of the day is coming on the forums and reading these posts and comments. I cannot take this stuff serious.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Be it SWF or not, I don’t see why Killers have to be the one making concessions and going out of their way to change their gameplay for the sake of the Survivors.

    Even suggesting that Killers should look out for the speed of survivors loading into the lobby and adjusting their strategy around that fact makes no sense.

    Tunnelled/Camped players keep focusing on what happens after they get hooked for the first time but there’s hardly any mention of how they ended up on the hook in the first place. If the Tunnelled survivor got first hooked after 2-3 gens were done rather than 0 gens, it would be much easier for the remaining 3 survivors to finish the gens, get the unhook and body block to the escape gates if needed. Learning to loop the Killer for starters would go a long way in determining the outcome of the game rather than demanding that Killers play nicer.

    If all Killers were forced to play nice and go for 12 hook games, Survivor skill level on a whole would stagnate, there’s no reason to get better at looping for the first or second chase if they had 3 lives to work with.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    Sorry, I hate generlising but I see a poster protecting tunneling with a Nemesis picture.. why am i not .. surprised?

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    I must be really lucky because I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been tunneled in recent memory on one hand, and I'm a survivor main.

    I wouldn't even class myself as an amazing survivor because I don't' play the game intensively enough to be; but I have a good level of awareness to try and observe the killer coming and evade them or pre-empt what they're and I've tried to improve my looping in recent months and I've noticed that more often killers will leave me as soon as they see I know how to moderately loop.

    I'm honestly increasingly convinced that people who moan about experiencing tunneling so excessively just aren't as good players as they think they are - I've certainly had this reinforced to me whilst watching some streamers who make absolutely abysmal choices then blame everyone else for them.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    oh I see, you're using a different definition of "competetive" than i expected

    you meant "you are playing against someone else and not just exclusively cooperatively," not "it is an esport" which is what I assumed

    yeah the fact that you're going against other people is, imo, not reason enough to be disrespectful to someone else's experience by intentionally ending it early (for either side)

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485


    • What is 'ending it early'?
    • Where does it say Survivors are owed [x] about of fun before they can be killed?
    • Where is the rule stating Killers have to wait until [x] gens pop?
    • Where's the timer showing killers how long before they can get their first kill?
    • Where's the timer telling Survivors to slow down on gens, because they are doing them too fast?

    In short; there is no 'ending it early'. There's not being 'disrespectful' for trying to win (within the rules of the game. IE: No cheating or abusing exploits). And people need to realize that.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725
    edited January 2023

    efficient survivor gameplay revolves around splitting pressure around the map as much as possible. i can't tell you how many killer games i've won off the back of finding all the survivors grouped up.

    35 second generators are not "routine" and require ridiculous amounts of luck, setup and coordination. you see the 35 second generator but not the 5 minutes of setup to get to that point (although, that said, gen speedup perks could absolutely do with a nerf and when gens happen that fast it is a problem)

    it was that 55% of games had a SWF, not that 55% of people played in a SWF all the time, those are two very different concepts. my experience disagrees with yours with regards the percent of SWFs in the game increasing. I played about a dozen killer games last night, I had one 4-person SWF, one group of 3 with a random, and a handful where I suspected there might be a pair and two randoms, but the majority seemed to be solo queue only. Even if that were the case, the SWFs I was playing against for the most part were easy to win against still and not like the stereotypical sweaty SEAL Team 6 everyone seems to worry about