Prediction for Nurse on 6.5.0 Live

SmolBlob Member Posts: 399
edited January 2023 in General Discussions
  1. Nurse builds will swap to full slowdown.
  2. As a result, Nurse’s kill rates will go up at least slightly, because quadruple slowdown is much easier to succeed with than Exposed, as well as much stronger.
  3. As a result, people will complain even more about Nurse when the actual problem is stacking slowdown perks/certain slowdowns being too strong.
  4. There will be people who miss Exposed Nurse builds because they were way easier to counter (just leave the area/run Distortion to block auras/don’t be close to a recent slug/spread out/hide if she’s nearby/etc) and comparatively weaker, and typically took up at least half her build (Starstruck + Agitation), sometimes more if there are aura perks to assist.
  5. Quadruple slowdown will make facing Nurse tremendously more painful than before for people, as it is way more difficult to counter and way stronger, especially in solo when people can’t communicate to avoid Incapacitated from Eruption.
