Okay so this was random, I was taking my evening nap when I had this dream it was about deadbydaylight (play too much of this game..) and in that dream I was being chased by the Doctor, But his illusions didn't stand still like they were supposed to in the game, much like the knight and his guards they were chasing me also, only they didn't hurt you when they came near they just pretty much disappeared, but the real killer would hurt you... and yes the illusion looks exactly like the killer let me know on what you guys think.
People have actually suggested this many times. It remains a cool idea.
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Sounds kinda boring to play against tbh. I'd rather an engaging power that's threatening than play roll of the dice every time I see a killer running towards me.
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A Vampire and a Werewolf.
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I feel like you're one of those survivors that hide all match, you're already playing roll the dice every time the killer chases you already, even when you leave your fellow survivor on hook for a gen to be done is rolling the dice because you never know if they might freak out n start killing themselves, I myself like to live on that edge of the knife because it makes the game more interesting, as for engaging power... like that do you mean by that? A werewolf? Because we already have demo....
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We already have the dredge and demo plus they sound too cliche
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I feel like you're one of those guys that make baseless assumptions on forums whenever someone criticizes their idiotic suggestion, sprinkled with false dichotomies. See? We can both ad hominem, doesn't change the fact that power sounds boring as hell to go against. BHVR is already so creatively bankrupt that we got the Knight aka Artist for dummies. Let's stop here and try to come up with something engaging.