Killers - How Often Do You Get Given A Mercy Kill?

In about 900 odd hours of killer, I've had 3 survivors give me a kill on a blowout game, including my last game.
Curious if other killers have seen similar?
It is interesting that the game's etiquette is for the killer to give the last survivor an out, but the opposite doesn't hold.
A couple of times. It usually ends up with them being killed by EGC in the exit gate. xD
I'd give hatch more often but... well, not being able to play for over a week messed up getting grade and I want BP, so that's out. That, and an overwhelming majority of Survivors I've run into automatically try to wriggle free even if we're near a hook and everyone else is dead. Can't give mercy if you won't give me chance to show it IS mercy.
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I would appreciate the gesture, but I wouldn't accept it. If I didn't get any Kills, I didn't deserve them.
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I've offered myself as sacrifice far more than it has been offered to me lol
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Sometime over the summer I had a really bad game that I just gave up and went into the basement. I was still nearby and I could hear the survivors behind me. It was like they were giving me a group hug and let themself die to EGC. That's probably the only time I remember.
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The thing is, while a killer can give the last surv an out without actually losing anything, a surv giving you a kill does lose something. In the 1v1 a killer and survivor have when it comes to match outcomes the hatch is neutral. Giving the kill is a loss for the survivor. The closest thing survs can do as a gesture of goodwill is getting hit and downed out the gate for the score events (and sacrificing their iri survival emblem in much the same way the killer sacrifices their iri emblem from the 4k upon giving hatch).
That being said, every now and again when I mess around as killer some survs refuse to leave. It happened most as M2 only zooming Billy I think. Had the cutest matching Jake and Kate in Cowboy -style outfits who absolutely refused to leave.
Vice versa once in a blue moon I feel really bad for a killer and sign them to put me on a hook. 99.9% seemed rather offended by the gesture promptly downed me and carried me all the way into the gate. At that point I figure I should respect the killers pride and crawl out instead of insisting on dying to egc.
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It's been a while since I've been given a pity kill as killer and depending on my mood, E.G if I've had several ######### games in a row, if I'll feel insulted or grateful.
That said, I do appreciate it when a survivor recognises that I got screwed over by MMR or RNG. I always make a point of thanking them in the post-game too, if given the chance.
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Yeah that's the annoying thing. Too much of a survivor's grade and BP comes from escaping.
Like...I understand why it is, but I'll often give a killer a kill if I know I pipped and they had a really crap game. me it's showing respect. Like 'yeah, you got completely boned by this map but you played well, so I'll at least make sure you safety pip'.
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Never, not even once.
The number of survivors who will let you get one final hit at the exit gates has also gone way down over time, too. Now, survivors will just teabag at the gates and if you go for a parting smack, they'll jump forward (or deadhard through) to deny you even that.
This is in comparison to the 50%+ instances of the killer (myself or others) giving the last survivor the hatch, instead of locking the 4k.
It's a culture difference.
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Never a single one in the years I've played DBD. I used to give the last Survivor Hatch or Exit Gate if the match went by badly or people DC'd/gave up...did so this week as well, but I rarely do so anymore. Survivors never extend the same courtesy to me, feel less inclined to put much of that energy into things
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In over 1.3k hours, I can count on one hand the number of mercy kills that have been given to me.
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I don't remember ever getting one.
Don't really hold it against someone for not giving a pity hatch/ kill, though-- they earned the kill, and the game doesn't care if they never even got hit 'till they got in front of the gate, they died, so they lost. Plus missing out on a fat chunk of BP.
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I get offered kills all the time, but they tend to be of the following:
1.) Survivor that wants out of this f'ing game and is crouching at a hook and pointing at it.
2.) I was screwing around and memeing and the Survivor refuses to leave and dances around me until the entity kills them.
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I've offered myself for sacrifice quite a bit. Most recently had a spoon Myers who got some good jump scares in and had a really fun game. He carried me to the exit, but I crawled back in to let him use the Mori he brought. It's the kind of player interaction I miss, tbh.
I care about escaping far less if I had fun throughout the match, especially if the killer has a sense of humor. The slow turn some killers do after a blast mine gets me every time. Good back and forth in chase, or even the 'look around' when clearly that hit was due to lag.
I've offered myself far, far less since 6.1 though. Feels like every game is a sweaty comp tunnel fest now and fun interactions are few and far between. And if you're slugging for the 4k like almost every killer does now, I'm going to do my best to either escape or run you for the entire EGC duration.
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If i can boop the snoot, i will give a mercy kill.
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Im about to hit 2k hours and have never seen a mercy kill offered to me nor any sign of empathy, but its ok, since I do not show any mercy either, we are playing by the same rules.
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Here an old thread of mine to the topic, if someone wants to compare opinions from back then to today.
(Please don't revive that corpse)
Edit: Oh and @topic, very rarely. But ironically had one a few days after making my own thread. A little female streamer that played with her swf, trashed my oni and refused to let me carry her out. But they weren't toxic, two of her teammates were just way above my league and I played intentionally fair and "bad". She was quite sweet in the vod and apologetic when she saw that i had given up (making M2 rounds around the map as oni, working on my pathing and sniping a down, but didn't pick up or chase at that point anymore).
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It happened to me probably like 5 times mostly from very wholesome SWFs. In 1400 hours on killer. I mean, I don't expect a survivor to kill themself for me. I'm happy with a gg or wp, or the even rarer honest advice. Instead I get my fair share of survivors with offerings for Eyrie that are salty no matter what. But the few nice people I do encounter, I really really appreciate.
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Not counting friendly games, it's happened a few times, now that I think of it.
First time, as I just started playing killer and got trolled a bit by a team with flashligths, they took pity and let themselves die.
Or a P93 who I didn't dodge despite having never played the killer I was on (and that it showed).
On the other side, as survivor, I always offer a kill if it's a rough 4E (gates already opened so that my team can escape). It does not happen often as I'm not very good at survivor and neither are my teammates generally.
Killers generally appreciate the offer but rarely take it.
There was only one time where it got me in trouble, a Doctor for who this was the first hook and who decided to hit me on hook repeatedly, obviously very grateful of the gesture. /s
Team got me off the hook and I left. But that's an outlier.
Post edited by HugTheHag on0 -
Playing since 2017, not sure about my hours only as killer but...
For the ~1000 survs i let go by hatch or even through the gates, i got maybe 30 survs who offered themselves intentionally.
Last time was just 2 days ago. I was playing Bubba, 1 DCd early and i felt bad for the 2 last survs. Ended up with us opening the gates in a line which was really cute. And they let themselfes killed by the Entity as they wouldn't leave me. It's really rare, but when it happens, it can be really heart-warming. Depends ofc. If i already lost as killer i just want them to leave as quick as possible, as just 1 pitty kill won't give you anything anyway and could be missunderstood as another way to "ensure dominance" or mocking the killer.
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Is this regarding blowout games only? When I do friendly meme killer matches, whole groups of survivors will wiggle dance with me after a slug race before the entity kills them. Or it’ll be like after showing them how to play survivor whackamole in dead dawg.
Eventually, I’ll hit the exit but they won’t wanna leave.
In normal games, it’s much rarer, but usually happens when someone catches on that I am sparing their life so they can keep playing.
From the other perspective, seeing a killer stop and back up instead of giving a hit in chase after I make a big mistake with few gens left is something I’ll let them kill me for at the end.
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If I’m the last survivor and the killer is obviously letting me either have hatch or the door, I always go to a hook and point at it to offer them to get the kill. Always.
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I've never had a mercy kill. I've had a few spite "kills" though. Offered the hatch and they would rather DC than accept my charity.
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Too much survivor BP comes from escaping, in a landscape where it's almost impossible for a killer to have less BP at the end of a match even with 2 - 3 escapes survivors have absolutely been conditioned to leave for that BP.
On-top of that, survivors blood webs are just awful, the pure amount of useless addons getting exactly what you want can take 4 - 5 bloodwebs.
As for now, a killer giving hatch 99% of the time it's because they've already killed the other survivors, and thus will ultimately end up with a lot more BP regardless of giving hatch.
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Pretty much never other than when I am learning a killer and I do absolutely horribly.
The only one I really remember well is when I was first learning Nurse and couldn't hit a survivor standing still. However I would not take the pity kill and I would never do so, I know it is meant well but it is actually more humiliating than anything as its like you are so pathetic even your opponents pity you lol
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Very, very rarely. Been playing since fall 2018, and I've only gotten 2-3. And one of those was me not realising it was a pity kill.
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I get about one every 1000 hours.
The first one was while I was struggling.
The other ones were from relatively new survivors (a few hundred of hours) who didn't realize I was trying my best to not kill them. (So cute xD)
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Mercy kills? I dont even get mercy hits at the exit gates anymore.
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Like I said, I'd appreciate the gesture. However, at this point in my DBD career, I have very high standards.
I'd rather take the L
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
Now and then.
The problem is, I intentionally play in a way that I don't kill anyone. I just want 8 hooks and then let everyone go. But since I don't farm but play seriously until I have 8 hooks, the survivors don't know that. And when we're in endgame and I didn't have a kill, there were times when some stayed no matter how hard I tried to make them go. I do not know why either. Maybe because I never slug, camp or tunnel (because I don't want to kill anyone and try to avoid people committing hook suicide or dc) and that's why people seem to enjoy the matches with me and want to gift me kills when I haven't had any whens the gates are open. It´s cute xD
I do it myself from time to time too. Just not that often. In solo queue, every escape counts, because the lower your MMR, the worse and more frustrating the matches.
That's why I have to like the killer very much in order for me to do that. There once was a Billy. He really struggled (which I can understand, I suck with billy myself) and yet he played totally fair. I was so impressed that I just wanted to make him happy. He did the same what I always do as a killer, he tried to get me to leave and didn't wanted to sacrifice me, but I stayed with him until the timer ran out.
After that we had a very sweet chat. I will never forget you, Billy !
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Too many killers complain that standing in an exit gate is toxic.
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it's the people standing in the exit gate when I'm on the other side of the map that are annoying.
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(hold W towards them, it fixes this issue!)
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Or they could just leave. Sometimes I don't even know which gate they went to.
There's also the people that won't leave once everyone else has left through one exit gate and will stand around in the other until you come over.
Weird waste of all our time, that.
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They still stand at the exit gates, but don't let me hit them before they go
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When I play killer I tend to farm or meme around more than play serious. Before SBMM when matchmaking was based off ranks I had survivors giving me kills fairly often since they'd rank up anyway. Now it rarely happens and usually it's because the survivor messed up timing leaving before EGC ended - they'll be in the exit just inches from leaving.
As survivor it's the same thing - I used to give killers kills all the time. Nice killers, killers that were obviously struggling, farming killers, dying trying to boop the snoot, etc. I'd do it because with rank matchmaking I either pipped/safety pipped that match or odds were I could earn that pip back the next match. Now that I'll lose MMR and be more likely to get worse teammates if I die (which will lead to me dying more and dropping more with worse teammates) I am less likely to give a killer a kill with SBMM.
There is a big difference between killer giving survivor hatch v survivor giving killer a kill. If you give the last survivor hatch it doesn't hurt your MMR and you will still go up in MMR thanks to the 3k, but if a survivor gives you a kill they are hurting their MMR and they are likely to get worse teammates in their next round.
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Don't you find that you've then crashed your MMR, and are facing players so new that it becomes boring?
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Not often, when matches go bad.
I'll give hatch. since it's a wash on MMR, but getting a pity Kill is kinda like getting spit in the face. They get an MMR hit, and I get punished with an MMR boost from a match that went poorly anyway.
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When it starts to get boring, I´ll do the killer rift challenges, that involve killing. ;)
But I always try to keep MMR at a level that I can play relaxed without sweating. I have absolutely zero desire to reach high mmr where every match is exhausting and unfun.
I know this may be incomprehensible to many KIller players (and I don't blame them, I'm just different) but I have the most fun in DBD knowing that all 5 players involved in the match were having fun together, and each of us can go out of the match with a high number of BP. That means more to me than absolute victory. I'm just not competitive.
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I think you might be my soulmate... !
Joking aside, that's my philosophy as well, and how I have the most fun too. =)
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As survivor MMR is based on escapes, it’s less of a mercy and more that they don’t want their MMR to increase, or want to decrease it for easier games I feel.
The couple times I’ve had it happen it’s been where they are obvious way better than me and I try to drop them out the exit gate so another player doesn’t have to experience the same as me; or I’ll let the EGC kill them which afaik doesn’t raise or lower their MMR.
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If a killer really struggled, I usually give a mercy kill, especially if they didn't kill anyone. Or if they were just fun. =)
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Been a while since Ive done it and its been a while since some one else has done it
Main reason? Its the biggest chunk of BP as Survivor
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Literally never
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Although I don’t actually play killer myself (I can’t get used to first person POV in any game) I have a lot of friends who do and I know it isn’t easy when new or that period when things don’t go right for whatever reason.
If there is any game where it is really obvious that the killer is a baby, if it is with friends we’ll all give the kill after gates are open (unless one or more in the group really need the Pips) or at the very least let them farm for two hooks each. As I often use for the people, I end up being the obsession so I know they’ll get extra blood points from me so I point to let my friends know I’ll be willing to get killed.
The exception being if the killer has hard tunnelled/camped unnecessarily or BM’d on hook.
In fact probably half of my friends on my friend list are those I met when they were killer and some of whom friend requested me when I would do this. A lot if these friends play in mini-SWFs in survivor too (not comms). Or as I like to call it DWF as we die together quite often (I’m an eternal potato).
Unfortunately I play on Nintendo Switch (yes I know.. lol) so can’t communicate or chat in any way but I like to think we form good friendships this way.
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That's very cute ! <3
Making friends from people on the opposite side is so nice ! I've made a few friends that way from all around EU. One of them after a devastating game where I was so bad he felt compelled to offer to coach me... Now he's on break from DbD, but we're still playing together every week on other games =D
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A couple of times during the week, it's kinda of weird,it's mostly girl's also 😅
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Although I don’t actually play killer myself (I can’t get used to first person POV in any game) I have a lot of friends who do and I know it isn’t easy when new or that period when things don’t go right for whatever reason.
If there is any game where it is really obvious that the killer is a baby, or if it was a killer who gave a really good game/intense but fun match, then if it is with friends we’ll all give the kill after gates are open (unless one or more in the group really need the Pips) or at the very least let them farm for two hooks each. As I often use for the people, I end up being the obsession so I know they’ll get extra blood points from me so I point to let my friends know I’ll be willing to get killed.
The exception being if the killer has hard tunnelled/camped unnecessarily or BM’d on hook.
In fact probably half of my friends on my friend list are those I met when they were killer and some of whom friend requested me when I would do this. A lot if these friends play in mini-SWFs in survivor too (not comms). Or as I like to call it DWF as we die together quite often (I’m an eternal potato).
Unfortunately I play on Nintendo Switch (yes I know.. lol) so can’t communicate or chat in any way but I like to think we form good friendships this way.
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No, I've gotten a mercy kill once on my first match playing dredge. Probably since I played badly. But that's it, all I get are teabags at the gate.
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I've never been given a mercy kill and i really don't want to tbh,,,I will give up a mercy kill if i suspect they are doin adept killer and i'm the last survivor cuz i very well know how hard it is with some killers,,,
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A couple of times. Both times were not because I had a bad match. It was because the players had usernames simping for Mikey. They were names like Mori me Myers and Daddy Myers wife. They wanted to die to him.