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Blight and Spirit need their addons heavily nerfed



  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    tell me you’ve never played blight, without telling me you’ve never played blight. Adrenaline vile COMPLETELY changes blight’s rushes. The only addons that maybe needs a look is c33 and alch ring.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,613

    yes, because as i said those data aren't a worth thing to take into account... example: i can do a match without doing a single hook but in the end doing a 4k due to bloodwarden (this is a complete win for the data, it won't take into consideration HOW survivors lose and how the entire match was played) or i can do 8 hooks but in the end i'll get 0k because i gave them a free escape on purpose instead of killing them (this is a complete defeat due to the statistics)... saying that you are considering worth stats is like supporting the ridicolous theory that "dbd is like hockey" if you know what i mean...

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,613

    it's not really a dumb excuse tbh... in order to hear something you have to turn up the audio to RIDICOLOUS levels, at point that when a chase is starting the chase music will literally murder your ears (a reason why i don't use this killer). A solution will be to improve the audio heared/giving more clues where survivors are while phasing in order to avoid this annoying situation, after that a complete rework of those addons would be the right thing to do

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 132

    There is no point to talk with someone who " loves " to exploit bugs in DBD.

    If you think that recharging 1 token=1 second is fine, then I don´t know what to tell you, you probably main this busted addon. (wouldn't surprise me) .

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
    edited January 2023

    Are we just gonna ignore the fact that it decreases rushing turn rate by more than half?

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 132

    Go watch Lilith or Hens, playing this addon. That turn rate does nothing, or try it yourself. And try to do bump logic instead of exploiting.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Dried Cherry Blossom is important for accessibility reasons

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Are we going to ignore that you can use hug tech and make the turn rate irrelevant?

    Blight has some of the most broken addons in the game and they definitely need nerfing.

    Blight has about 6 broken addons. Alchemist ring and Adrenaline vial should both have the same penalty : -2 charges.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2023

    I don't really have any qualms about facing either killer using any addons so I don't see the issue. Is it a harder game? Of course. They've all been totally winnable if we play well. Never have I been like wow that guy was actually bad and only won because of those addons, just rarely if at all a thing.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    1) You cannot just hug tech anywhere.

    2) Hug teching does not take away the turn rate…

    3) Hug tech is the most counterable move of blight, and if you don’t know that, then you just are not an experienced survivors and it’s a skill issue. Setting up for a hug tech is the most obvious thing. Guess what… if he sets up for a hug tech… LEAVE THE LOOP!

    6 broken addons?? What?! Please go hop on blight and share your gameplay using these “broken addons”.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    You could literally pull people off gens without the survivors even knowing you were coming. What are you even talking about?

    Her best addon removed that whistling sound when she was phasing. Now that was broken and shows how little the devs understand their own game.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    It doesn’t matter how much skill is required. If it makes the killer feel oppressive (like there’s no way you can win) then it’s overpowered.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    What addon is so oppressive that you “can’t win”?? BESIDES C33.

    How does it not matter how much skill is involved? I’ve put probably close to 1100 hours into blight now. What may seem overpowered when I’m using it, will get another blight bullied because they cannot use it effectively.

    If somebody put the time to PERFECT trapper, and they use his addons beautifully, do those need to get nerfed too?

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"Considering that killer is currently in the strongest state it has ever been"

    This is a false pretense. Let's look at one killer specifically: Billy. Billy was arguably the most power killer in the game around 2018 when we had what some people called "super bloodlust". Map design was much better at the time. Survivors had much weaker perks - there was no dead hard.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    blight? yea please neuter like 90% of his addons but spirit only really needs mdr and cherry blossom removed

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Nice strawman argument with trapper. Does Trapper have movement speed? No. Does Trapper have strong antiloop on any loop he approaches? No - he only has the ability to turn off loops via setup (which in turn can be disabled). Does Trapper have a power that relies completely on an opponent making a mistake? Yes - he does. This becomes interesting when we look and find only 2 DBD killers that work in the reverse. Nurse and Blight can force hits with their power because it is so strong; they are the only killers that do not rely on survivor mistakes to get hits.

    Do you care how much time anyone has in Billy? Look what happened to him. That will happen to Blight. Right now the Nurse is getting it and it will be his turn when they take apart the spaghetti code to remove hug tech. It's not a question of : will hug tech get removed? It is a question of "when" it will get removed.

    There's no need to call me out based on what I can do so let's remove ourselves from the equation. Let me show you what can be achieved by a skilled Blight player. You say hug tech is weak and counterable. The problem is that as long as it exists as an option then Blight potentially has a catch 22 move that can correct for a mistake by using his power in a way unintended by the developers. I call it a catch 22 move because with certain addons it is nearly uncounterable due to the speed blight has in loops at close range.

    And this:

    The best two killers in the game have the majority of strong addons all killers. This is completely stupid. Most killers follow a pattern that can be explained most simply with Clown. Without his extreme best addon (pinky finger) he sucks vs skilled survivors.

    Imagine for example if Blight's power stopped breaking pallets. Imagine if he needed a pink addon to do that (like legion Iri button). That one small change would remove Blight from S tier down to A tier. It's probably a good idea to be honest.

    In case you don't know the formula for any DBD killer is supposed to be that they are just "ok" without addons. This was a fundamental change in design philosophy around 2018 under the direction of Horvath and Mclean. Nurse and Billy both were seen as too strong because they could play all day and not use addons. And when you put instant saw on Billy it was just terrifying to most players. Mega chain blink nurse was exactly the same.

  • WhiteTower
    WhiteTower Member Posts: 17

    I made a page called "changes i would like to see in game" where i nerfed both blight, nurse and spirit addons, check it out and tell me what do you think!

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Ok buddy. We’ll just have to disagree. There are not many skilled blights on the game. If you cannot counter him, it’s a skill issue.

    The hug tech is the most counterable “tech” he has. You say it becomes uncounterable with speed addons. The blight literally has to bounce a couple times to get the speed going… then has to wait a second to get close to the tile. LEAVE THE F*CKING TILE. It is quite literally THAT easy. Sooooo many survivors just sit there and wait, and then they get hit and complain about it. Leave. The. Tile.

    We must maintain strong killers, not nerf them. (Nurse does not count)

    Otherwise it’s just gonna be a stomp fest against killers. Strong S - tier killers keep checks and balances. We need more S-tier killers.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"If you cannot counter him, it’s a skill issue."

    Where did I say anything about having trouble countering blight? Don't assume.

    -"You say it becomes uncounterable with speed addons. The blight literally has to bounce a couple times to get the speed going"

    No I said he can create catch 22 events. Nurse can do the exact same thing at close range. A single bounce can make it so a survivor can't go around a loop again. Other killers just cant do that without a range attack.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You literally said the words “uncounterable”. I’m telling you that simply isn’t true, and if you think it is… that is a skill issue.

  • DarkMyst
    DarkMyst Member Posts: 232

    Let's please remember to focus the conversation on the game, and NOT other players.

    I've removed some comments here for just being blatantly personal and insulting. By all means, disagree and discuss the game, but please leave the personal attacks out of it going forwar.d

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    they can't even nerf the nurse at the moment in pbt she's still strong. I played 3000 only on the nurse and it’s just funny to me from such posts that the nurse is weakened (they win on her without perks and you improved her add-ons and it’s just ridiculous). Guys, she remained strong despite the fact that for some reason you improved the add-ons for the nurse ahahah

    I agree with this post because there are addons that make an unbalanced killing machine out of a killer