Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

"Safe unhook"

Member Posts: 55
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Let's just remove these bloodpoints. This discussion is now a debate about tunneling and camping.

Let's make the unhooked survivor teleport. No protection hit possible, nor tunneling and without any punishment for the killer.

Or, we can make actions for survivors slower, so killers don't feel the need to tunnel anymore, for whatever the reason they want. But, if the killer really tunnel and kill someone, I think punishment should not be the worst option...

So let's try this : perhaps slowered actions for survivors, and when someone's unhooked, they get 30s-45s acting as a ghost ; can't interact with anything, can't see anything gbaout the killer, half-invisible (maybe totally invisible to other survivors), and can't take any hits. If you still manage as a killer to tunnel until you kill someone without hooking any other guy, you get a punishment.

Now, about genrushing : as gens are the whole goal of survivors, you should do it whenever you have nothing to do, ect, so I don't think we can make survivors not genrush. However, we can slower actions. I thought healings could take more time (it would perhaps change selfcare a bit, for reduction on healing bonus perks), and gens could also take more time to complete, and not just a bit (the most harsh gen slowdown perks would need a little nerf).

You so I'm sure everyone notices ; genrush is affected by the slower actions, but also by the 30s-45s ghost form, where you can't repair gens, nor help other, and everything.

Also, if you have options that could make the safe unhook bps go back, why not share it

Post edited by Jacho on

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  • Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2023

    developers have already tried to punish killers for camping and this has always led to abuse from the survivors

    better come up with a reason not to camp / tunnel, and not a punishment for it

  • Member Posts: 485

    No. People need to stop asking for punishments. Punishments are spiteful and NOT FIXES.

    Such as a bit lower speed when chasing someone that has been unhooked

    Oh good. So now the unhooked can bodyblock with BT AND slow me down! No! Gods no!

    or a blind effect when hooking the same survivor again

    Again; No! Because, AGAIN, Survivors will bodyblock with BT and be secure in the knowledge that I literally CANNOT HOOK THEM without being punished. Easy to abuse. No!

    Survivors need to understand that tunneling is just the Killer version of playing efficiently.

    Until Survivors are punished for focusing gens; Killers cannot, should not, and WILL NOT BE punished for tunneling. Ever.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Bad boy timeout box. When the killer does anything survivors don't like they can initiate a vote that requires 2/4 survivors to agree. If the vote passes then the killer is transported to a cage in the middle of the map for five minutes where the survivors can go and bag and laugh at them for being a bad person.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    They tried two flavors of the same thing 6 years ago and then just left it to DS to take care of the problem. Just because the former didn't work it doesn't mean something else won't. And also the game itself has changed a lot since then.

    And while it would be necessary to give a good reason to not camp, it would also be concurrently necessary to estabilish a big disadvantage if you do. There's nothing spiteful about it. If they made gens take 5 min each, killers would have all the freedom to go for chases. But guess what they would have even more reasons to stay at the hook, because while the incentive to leave would be there, there wouldn't be any penalty if they didn't.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    To add on

    Such as a bit lower speed when chasing someone that has been unhooked

    Oh good. So now the unhooked can bodyblock with BT AND slow me down! No! Gods no!

    Especially with how weird the game can be with chases, it could slow you down even if youre chasing the other guy just cause you started running first and got the chase.

    or a blind effect when hooking the same survivor again

    Again; No! Because, AGAIN, Survivors will bodyblock with BT and be secure in the knowledge that I literally CANNOT HOOK THEM without being punished. Easy to abuse. No!

    If I just downed you, I know where the hook is. Doesn't matter anyway. If anything more reason to slug if I don't know, and if I can't see gens after hooking I aint going anywhere.

  • Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2023

    no one likes to stand at a hook for 20 minutes, camping and digging tunnels is a completely boring tactic that killers use to either defeat sweaty swfs or punish toxics

    if the killer is not forced to be within 1 hook = -3 generator, then the camp will be much less

  • Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2023

  • Member Posts: 3,589

    Giving the Killer a debuff on unhook is not the way to go imo. If the Killer goes for the Unhooker, they will still be debuffed for doing so, this will just lead to more tunneling since they are punished regardless of who they go for.

  • Member Posts: 485

    when someone's unhooked, they get 30s-45s acting as a ghost ; can't interact with anything, half-invisible (maybe totally invisible to other survivors), and can't take any hits.

    Oh yes. Because Survivors think they control the entire game; Let's just give them functional immunity. 🤦‍♂️ Now SWFs can have their unhooked friend sprint around the map, giving away where traps are and what the Killer is doing, and the Killer literally has 0 input!

    I can't see that being abused to get free escapes in the end game. /s

    Let's make the unhooked survivor teleport then.

    Again; no. Why should Survivors get superpowers and immunity and literally un-counterable, abuseable mechanics just because they don't like losing?

    There would be no such thing as an 'unsafe unhook'. Just unhook your friend, watch them teleport away, take a hit, then Dead Hard away!

    Survivors need to man up and stop whining that the Killer is trying to win as hard as they are.

    I will say it again; Until Survivors are punished/forced off gens for 'genrushing', there should be no mechanics preventing 'killrushing'. They are two sides of the same coin; Each side attempting to win. And 'But my fun!' is NOT, ever, will never be, a valid excuse to kneecap one side.

    Functional immunity and teleporting. You can't make this stuff up. 🤦‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 55

    Let's then remove any killer things while in ghost so they can't give any information. And sorry I didn't write this, I had a big issue with unuploading messages, but I'll write it now : effect if not in engame, nor in less than a three survivors left.

    Genrushing is an issue I forgot, but again ; slower survivors actions (maybe healing, which is extremely short (and perhaps a better selfcare), and a bit longer gens).

    Now, I don't think I should tell this, but... Are you playing only to win at all costs ? If so, you're an ass. What's the point of a game now ?

  • Member Posts: 55

    I rewrote my whole post for you. There was also the "effect not here if there's endgame or more than two survivors left" that I forot to write in my comment because of an issue I don't want to talk about.

    And now, I don't feel like I should say that, but... Are you playing games only to win at all costs ? If so, you're bad. What's the point of a game then... ?

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    For the record, one anti camping measure has ever been tried. (Pausing the hook timer when the killer is to close to the hook) That was several years ago when the game was still new, and I can't even find patch notes that indicate this was even live instead of a PTB test.

    While I generally agree that incentives, like the old BBQ points bonus, are better than punishment, it's not as if the devs have thoroughly exhausted every possibility for dealing with the issue.

    They took one deeply flawed swing at the problem and then stopped.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Lets also punish survivors for getting their objective done quickly

    If 2 or more gens pop within 60s of each other, all survivors that completed those gens get downed

  • Member Posts: 485

    I'm bad because I play a PvP game to compete against my opponents and want to win just as much as they do?

    I wish I could say this is the first time I've had someone insult me for not putting Survivor fun above my gameplay, but it's not.

  • Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2023

    You understood wrong :

    1. I'm talking about any side crushing any other side to get fun. Everyone should get more or less (but yeah, in PvP, equalisation is hard)
    2. You're bad when you have options and choose the more harsh way (the one that crushes the opposite team for your good). In that case, I think you're selfish, though that's a way like any other.

    And, sorry for answering, I really wanted to talk.

  • Member Posts: 485

    Once again, you're claiming I'm selfish for trying to win instead of thinking about my opponent's fun.

    Which is just another way to say 'Killers should stop trying to win if it makes Survivors unhappy'.

    This is still the only game I've ever seen where one side tells the other 'Stop trying to win, we don't like it.'

    And to make the message more hypocritical; Survivors will go in SWFs, bring 4 META perks each, bring purple medkits and bring BNPs, while still saying 'Killers should think of OUR FUN! Stop trying so hard! You're being SELFISH!'

  • Member Posts: 55

    Did you see what I wrote ? I talked about both sides.

    Both sides are selfish, always putting 2, 3, 4 peta perks- I saw enough of them myself. Did you think I was only criticizing killers (precisely you) ? I'm talking about almost everyone. Lots of people was selfish, then others saw these asses too much and started playing meta as well, complaining about the other side doing the same. To me, killers should stop wishing to win at all costs and playing harsh, but survivors as well !

    Facts ; you perhaps are an ass, but everyone is as well, and I want it to stop. That's why we need measures against tunneling AND against genrushing.

    Now, I'll try not to answer to you anymore, I think we both have enough of this.

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