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How to stop killers from slugging for the 4k.

Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178

I'm a killer-main with about 6.5k hours in this game. I never, ever slug for the 4k. It takes too long, the match is already over, I've already won, an extra killer means nothing to me. I'd rather have the match end so I can leave and go to the next game.

Slugging for the 4k is a big boring waste of time for everyone, and I see far too many killers do it. My proposed change is simple: when two survivors are left, they both have basekit Unbreakable. Simple as that. Did 2 survivors die at 2 gens and the killer slugs you for the 4k so he can find your teammate in a locker while you bleedout? Now you have basekit Unbreakable. This forces the killer to either hook you, or you get to go and do more gens while he searches for your teammate.

I think this change needs to happen because matches just take too long in solo-que already. This would speed things up, make the ques shorter and just be an overall good change to make the game healthier.

Now if we could find a way to force survivors out of a match when everyone is safe and at the exit gates, I'd love to hear some suggestions.

Post edited by Rizzo on


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited January 2023

    I don't do it either, but I will defend people's choice to play however they want. It's fine.

  • Johnagon_Infinity
    Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178

    I'm not sure if you're grasping the fact I'm not critiquing the playstyle but lobbying for fundamental changes to mechanics for the sake of game-health.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 606

    Wouldn't something like this make the game take longer since the killer would have to do another chase to get you again after they get your buddy?

  • Johnagon_Infinity
    Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2023

    No, this would force the killer to hook you, instead of leaving you slugged for 4-minutes while he searches for your last teammate.

    The existence of the hatch mechanic is not why killers slug for the 4k. Removing hatch would not all of a sudden make killers stop slugging for the 4k. That doesn't make sense. Killers slug for the 4k because they want to kill all four survivors. The problem that comes along is that now a player is going to spend the next 4 minutes on the ground while the killer is searching for the last survivor, downing them, hooking them, and then finding the slug again.

    Giving two-survivors basekit unbreakable when it's a 2v1 scenario is hardly a "huge buff". Literally any 2v1 scenario is easily winnable by any killer in the game on any map. If you really wanted to expedite the process, when 2 survivors are left, the struggle phase can be 200% faster. This would mean the sole survivor would have to greatly prioritize unhooking his friend, or find a place to wait and find hatch.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 606

    Well, he'd knock you down, go for your buddy, you get up, your buddy gets knocked down, then the killer comes for you again, your buddy gets up, killer knocks you down again, then goes and knocks your buddy down, then hooks both of you anyway unless the hatch spawns on top of this just seems like it would make the match last longer.

  • Johnagon_Infinity
    Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178

    That is one scenario, sure. But the alternative is you lie motionless on the ground for four minutes, getting zero killer-interaction while you alt-tab out of the game or look at your phone. And if you're consistently being slugged by the killer, at least you're still getting blood points.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    First your statement on a 2v1 is dependant on game situation, at 4-5 gens left your right, with one gen left and the last survivor on it at over 50% progress your very wrong.

    Expediting the struggle phase isn't fair to survivors either because in a 1 gen remaining scenario every second of gen progress is crucial if you are actually trying to finish the match and get 2 escapes.

    Not all killers are the same, while it would not get rid of all slugging for the 4k it would definitely reduce it. While yes at its core its about killing all 4 survivors, there are several subdivisions within that reason.

    1. They just want the 4k as you said

    2. Adept challenges will require a 4k after the next update, and even now in the emblem system is almost required at gold/iri ranks

    3. Trying to pip up, looking specifically at the devout emblem, a 3k can be worth as low as a silver emblem which at higher ranks can lead to a depip, or be the difference between a safety pip and a pip even in the lower ranks.

    The current issue is the killer can be completely screwed over regardless of why they are going for the 4k, by the hatch spawning right next to the last survivor with no chance to contest the escape, essentially sacrificing their objective simply by not slugging for the 4k.

    Now I will give an example of a more balanced endgame. Once there is 1 survivor remaining, EGC starts with a 3 min timer (3 min is in case of NWO, allowing for 2 min after it expires), at this time doors are powered, hatch will spawn in closed and a key will spawn at the top of the basement stairs.

    To balance this certain changes will need to happen regarding spawns,

    Maps with non dedicated door spawns will have a min/max amount of seperation that will be affected by a killers mobility (Basically a higher mobility killer like Blight would have a larger patrol area)

    Hatch spawn would use logic similar to pinheads box with a min/max distance based on endgame objects (So it cant spawn too close to either door, the killer/survivor, or the Key, and also so it doesnt spawn so far off in a corner that it cant be contested at all)

    Pink and purple keys can still open hatch, if the dedicated key at basement stairs is picked up a loud noise notification is triggered, there would be no notfication for keys found in chests or brought in from prematch lobby.

    This would create a tactical endgame, as opposed to having to worry about hooking the second to last survivor, them dying right away and having hatch spawn right next to the last survivor for a free escape.

    With an endgame like this you could let the slugged survivor sacrifice themself with no penalty because the final survivor will actually have to use gameplay to escape, and completely eliminate slugging for the 4k unless the 2nd last survivor wants to stay in the game, but if that option is used it would count as the killer puttng them on the hook so it cant be used just to deprive the killer of emblem progress.

    With the current endgame I do also support the slugged survivor being able to leave, and have a husk remain in the match to allow the game to progress to its natural conclusion of hatch not spawning until the survivor is hooked/dead. Both players would be notified that the slug has left and if the slug is picked up they would be instantly hooked on the closest hook, so the killer cant prolong the game indefinitely by carrying the survivor, and would prevent it from being used to spawn hatch faster for the last survivor. This would be a quality of life example of a fix, because there is no reason for the player getting to leave having an effect on the outcome of the game.

  • LestForce
    LestForce Member Posts: 31

    This opinion has never been productive to any conversation.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096
    edited January 2023

    No reason to try and stop slugging for 4 kills. If the people don't like being slugged, they can leave. That's why I'd leave if I cannot hit a survivor because the devs think being able to loop for 5 minutes with no way if getting hit is okay...which does actually need to be changed actually...

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 606

    Well I'm not sure what to say, John, slugging is one of the best tools the killer has to counter the gen rush. So If you're getting into some higher mmr stuff and especially against M1 killers, with how underpowered they are at this point, you can expect to get slugged a lot. And there's also the deal about how the killer is supposed to be an evil sob and is supposed to try to get everybody killed. Remember, John - DbD isn't a game, it's a random horror movie generator

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