Knight is the single worst killer BHVR has ever released

There is absolutely nothing engaging about playing against this killer. His most effective playstyle consists of playing against Artist except more dumbed down and more simplified, along with camping every single objective possible with the most braindead power to use anyone's ever seen. I have no idea how this killer ever made it past play testing in the current state he's in.


  • BullMTL
    BullMTL Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Completely agree!

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    Release legion was worse but the knight is 100% in 2nd place

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,970

    I agree, Knight is able to camp generators EXTREMLY efficient.

    But Survivors could just equip Deja Vu and not three gen themselves.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,506

    I am very surprised how many people think he is bad. But judging by the streamers who think the same, a lot of people absolutely do not understand how to play for him.

    Personally, this is the most chill killer for me, I rest while playing for him. The favorite part of playing for him is that you don't have to loop every pallet and building.

    Yes, he is not a S or A tier, but he is, perhaps, a confident B tier, but certainly not the worst killer in the game.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    You evidently misunderstand what I meant when I said worst. I didn't mean worst in the sense that he is bad to play as, I mean worst as in he's the worst to play AGAINST.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 372

    I swear that every Knight I face is just a camping/tunneling machine and people defends that playstyle

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,191

    And if The Knight camps a 3-gen from the start of the match then what are we suppose to do?

    The only counter is bringing generator repair perks, and if people prepare for this strategy every match (and since people run other killers) it would hurt every other Killer by proxy... all because of a single boring strategy people hate... just think about that for a moment.

    And it's not like counter-setups are an uncommon thing either, back when Hens released his video of him holding people hostage with The Knight, I saw a lot of people doing it in my matches for the next week or so, so I brought BNPs every match which by proxy hurt people that were not playing The Knight. It just sucks to be in that type of situation, ya know?

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    Wish I could disagree with you............................but I just can't bring myself to do that...

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    It's kinda crazy, i posted a prediction post saying the exact same 1 day after the PTB. Sometimes i think bhvr just has an idea or concept that they want and never stop to ask if they should.

    To add insult, he comes after Wesker, one of the best killers they released in while to play as and against.

    Honestly, for knight either completely rework him, which won't happen right away since he is new, or just stop trying to balance him so we can all forget this mess, it worked with Twins.

  • Vicarious
    Vicarious Member Posts: 9

    He's my favorite to play against, and he's pretty fun to play as too! His strategies are pretty simple and fair. He struggles on some maps and excels on others. Easy mid-tier killer, and it's adorable how much negativity he gets when there are killers like Cenobite, Cannibal, Shape, Plague... I'm always excited for this guy!

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    The problem with Knioght is that he almost have no power. Yes, there are situations where he can suprise survivor, cut their way of escape with a guard and attack from the other side. I often put my guards behind pallete, and go in front of it, most survivors just stand there and have nowhere to go, because from both sides they are screwed... The problem is that if they see knight using their power, survs should just run away, not wait to throw a palette - this totally disables knight power

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91

    Is it because running around in circles doesn't work against him?

    I will tactfully keep silent about the fact that all killers with standard speed suffer in such situations. Being able to drive a survivor away from a strong construct is the Knight's primary advantage, but this does not make this character too strong.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Cenobite? What is the issue with Pinhead? Cannibal? One of the most fun killers to loop in the game. I love how Bubbas never drop chase. Myers? Really? Myers without Tombstone piece/inf t3 is a pushover. Plague? You mean M1 killer that wastes most of her time trying to puke on you while you greed every pallet in the game?

    Maybe you just haven't played against a Knight using his power optimally.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    No, it's because once his power detects you, and activating his power takes very little input from him, you are guaranteed to take a hit assuming he doesn't screw up. It's like a dumbed down version of artist. I never said he was too strong, I said he was the worst killer to go up against. Artist can shut down loops also, but Artist is actually engaging to go up against, because any hit she lands with her birds is due to her input entirely. If she shuts down a pallet/loop, you can try to bait out the bird and force a whiff, or you can try to circle around it, OR you can even just hold down W away from the loop. Thing is, it's all on her to place her bird correctly, and there is counterplay.

    Knight, on the other hand, only has to put down a guard at a tile and cut you off from the other side. It's a mind-numbing playstyle, and it's not engaging to play as, or against. It gives too much reward for very little effort.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    You know that knoght do not see you while creating a path? If you see him using his power, just go to another tile, and thats it - you caountered his power entirely. Until time of his guard is over he CAN'T use his power again, and if he do, they you just move to the next tile. You dont need to use palletes if he is using his power, and he became just m1 killer worse than a trapper since you always knows where his traps are.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    You do realize that his power functions like Spirit, where he can hear and see indications of where you are (grass moving etc.), yes? If he puts it down right, he is guaranteed to aggro his guard on to you, which means all he needs to do is path properly (cut you off) to ensure a hit. It doesn't matter if you run to a different tile, if a guard is chasing you, holding down W is the only thing you can do, which means you're effectively not looping, and if he paths properly, he guarantees a hit.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    Yes, i play roght now as knight.

    And im telling you how to counter me. If you dont want to use that, dont do that, but do not throw arguments from the hat.

    If You see Knight using his power you can see where path is going and at any time you can just run away, especially that he cant move indefinitely. Do not enter dead zones, and do not stare at knight charging his power while near the palete since its a dead zone at this time. Just run away and he is forced to chase as m1 killer, move away of the tile where his guard is and he has no power.

  • Vicarious
    Vicarious Member Posts: 9

    You are the only person I have ever heard praise Bubba, that's wild... I'm glad you enjoy the game so much lol

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Fam, I also have the Knight and I've played him quite extensively. I'm not just pulling my opinions out of a hat and some second-hand experience. I've played against him extensively as survivor, and AS him. My Knight is at p10, and his optimal playstyle is incredibly boring to go up against and to play as. Dropping a guard instantly literally can't be reacted to by a survivor, assuming you managed to zone them to the unsafe side of a pallet/tile so they can't just hold W away. You can guarantee hits at every tile if you zone correctly and put down a guard, and you can do this with minimal effort; which is the primary motivator behind my hatred of this killer.

    I'd prefer to go against a Bubba than a lot of the cast. Sure, there's a chance I'll get facecamped and hit on hook, especially if I loop him for a long time, but Bubbas never ever drop chase, I love that so much about them.