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Skill-based Matchmaking System with Multiplayer

I was wondering how the SBMM System works with Friends. I seem to be getting people way better than I and somehow they always seem to be on a call with one another. So I was wondering if the sbmm score was taken from the best or worst player?


  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    I'm afraid, no one knows for sure. Someone from devs/cms told it's an average number but I doubt it's a literal average, must be some formula involved.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    I've also noticed that when 4 good players play together, they more often get a hundred hours of killer than if you play solo then killers that have a thousand hours, but well, bhvr is apparently not even able to solve something like that in by displaying the mmr (with icons such as bronze, silver, gold etc) then you would limit it People who are in the diamond area can't play swf with silver players because the skill level differs too much

    And what also makes it easier for people who are "less experienced" to be matched with experienced people is that the soft cap has been lowered so much that the MMR is just a ruin, you become like in the old days (red ranks) with everything and matched to everyone, Nea who has 5k hrs and stalls the killer for minutes or Claud who is afraid with her 200 hrs and is hiding at the edge of the map, in addition there has been no soft cap for days, so I will with my 8k, done in lobbies where people 20, 50,80 h newcomers (mostly the killers too) whether it was done intentionally or unintentionally by bhvr is out of test try, i don't care dbd is uninstalled xD i don't give it to me, i mean games I play 4man swf then it's absolutely boring, I play killer then they dcing or k-self on the hook because they are not up to me (ofc unexpierence newbis) nah thanks bhvr better i go, if I can quote someone "play something else" yesyes i do :))

  • TNT44777
    TNT44777 Member Posts: 3

    My biggest Problem is that my perks are often uncommon to rare and then there are people who dead hard every time with every perk very rare and having the best perk combs in the game. Another thing I hate is that either I get matched with players who are trash (REALLY TRASH) or people who are just way too good(WAY TOO GOOD).