Survivor personal perks

Triplehoo Member Posts: 745
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been pondering this for a while and I need to get it out of my system. I've been thinking that since every survivor has their own, personal perks, why not make it so that out of the four perkslots, one of the slots is locked so that you'd need to use one of the three characters own personal perks?

I mean, on killer side I can understand that they are allowed to use all the other killers perks since they are still "locked" to their own abilities, but survivors are nothing but reskins of one another. Why not make them be more like their personalities are being told in their bios like killers by requiring them to use one of their own personal perks?

Do you think that would somehow shuffle the survivor meta? What are you thoughts?


  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    Most meta perks are coincidentally also on really popular survivors, and one perk slot isn't a lot, so I don't think this would change much of anything.

    It'd honestly just be a buff to killers by making it easier to guess a couple survivor perks. It'd hurt a few characters too, like Elodie and Yun-jin would become even less popular.

    Were you to do this change it should be done for flavor, not because it'd change the survivor meta.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
    edited January 2023

    This would only hurt character variety. The meta wont change at all because you just play a character with 1 meta perk and have free reign on all the others while characters like ace would be left in the dirt because they have no good perks.


    You would also easily be able to tell 1 of the perks that people are running on most survivors which isn''t good I think

    In most cases the following would become true:

    Adams have deli

    Meg has sprint burst or she has adrenaline.

    Dwights have prove thyself

    Neas have BL

    Bills have UB

    Davids have DH

    Lauries have DS

    Fengs have lithe

    Jeffs have distorion

    Ashs have mettle

    Janes have head on

    Kates have WoO

    Zarinas have OTR

    Mikalea has COH

    Johnas have overcome

    Rebecca has reassurance

    Vittorio has fogwise.

    Any unmentioned character would become much rarer.

    This would heavily encourage 6 second swapping the lobby so the killer doesn't counter pick perks

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    The killer is fine, he has the ability and some of them have several.

    the killer has 4 perks + ability. Yes, it's worth paying for and I have all the killers

    It is necessary to give each survivor their own passive in the amount of 1-3% to something then they will make sense, but at the moment it is a stupid skin that does not give anything

    the survivor has 4 perks + NOTHING (just a stupid skin) for this reason I stopped buying survivors

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 762

    killer is already fighting 4 perks vs 20

    do you want it to be 4 vs 24 ?

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    Look at the perks of the survivors 95% of them are useless giving +5% here +8% there +12 healing. The developers lost their creative zest and there will no longer be such unique perks as DH / DS / boon / and I am not against perks that give progress in the treatment or repair of generators, the main thing is that they are not like the same perk only with a different percentage and conditions, since they can simply be combined into one perk and nothing will change.

    Also, after the last patches, they generally killed all the perks that were more or less attractive and kept almost from the start of the game. Playing as a survivor with or without perks makes no difference. So adding passive abilities to the character is another incentive to buy survivors and try to make an even more unique build.

    Why should I buy a trash skin that gives nothing?

    I repeat, I buy killers because each perk is VERY STRONG and they have unique gameplay and do not sit at the factory bored like bots, plus each killer has several abilities and the survivors don’t even have a difference and as I said for the survivors I no longer I will give no money and even for free I will not agree to these skins, because if there are perks, then why this garbage skin?

  • Emankcin
    Emankcin Member Posts: 19

    Fighting and winning almost all the time, you forgot to add.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 762

    hmm, hyperfocus that reduces repair time to at least 70 seconds is useless, DH that is able to win at least 15 seconds (45% for a generator) seems to be weak too

    coh which allows you to heal infinitely, while if the killer decides to put out the totem, then he will spend more time than the blessing

    potential energy that completely destroys the game from the 3rd generator is also probably useless

    the ability to stand up on your own is also probably useless

    poor survivors

    killers have all OP perks like predator, or any skill that causes blindness, or dying light that gives more bonuses to survivors than killer

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2023

    Quantity does not mean quality. Look at how many perks the survivors have and you will understand that 95% of them are garbage

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 762

    look at the perks of killers and you will understand the same thing

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    Every day I play as killers and I know that there is 10 times more choice there))) Moreover, there are a lot of builds / killers for which it is interesting to do something, but there is no such thing for survivors.

    They are all useless skins and a maximum build of 1-2, the rest is rubbish. Now, if the survivors differed in built-in passives of 1-5%, then YES it was possible to come up with something interesting. Everyone who will now whine, I will say that the killers have 4 perks + abilities 1-3 pieces and the survivors have nothing