Insane healing tech

Got a video showcasing how you can full heal a survivor in under 2 seconds, or even just barely over 2 seconds when they are suffering from Sloppy Butcher.
The basic build is having two survivors run the following perks.
We'll Make It
Desperate Measures
Botany Knowledge
Than both survivors bring an Emergency Medkit with Surgical Sutures and Medical Scissors
Than you need a 3rd survivor to run Boon Circle of Healing.
If every survivor is injured and both survivors with the heal build manage to get We'll Make It, and heal the Injured survivor with the Medkit, you can do so in under 2 seconds, or just barely over 2 if they have sloppy.
I have a video to showcase this.
Also I will note, you can replace botany with We're Gonna Live Forever and maybe do a pickup in under 1 second with this scenario.
Let me know what you guys think 🙂
This is why perks on the survivor side should be exclusive. And the same goes for add-ons, btw.
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Could you not have come up with a better way to record? I know consoles can clip, lol.
Anyway, it does kind of show how out of hand the stacking can get on some things. Healing and gen repair especially should not be able to stack so many things (to the point where you somehow have more effects going on than the Killer has perks and addons total).
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This combination requires that the 3 people have certain perks (two of which have all slots filled), certain items and specific circumstances - the killer cannot destroy the totem, the first aid kit must have charges, everyone must be injured.
These are not things that occur in the regular games.
Post edited by EQWashu on22 -
Honestly, it takes so much circonstances and preparation, it better have a good payoff.
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This is a group testing the limits of perks, items, add ons, etc. This is not something you'd see in regular play. No one is dedicating their perk slots to 2 second heals lol
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I think the more important takeaway is that it emphasises how much effects can be stacked. Yeah, nobody's going to stack for 2s heals. But stacking a couple of those--a purple medkit, someone bringing CoH, maybe having We'll Make It--and suddenly you're healing at 3x normal speed.
For 2 perks across an entire team and one item.
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Nope but I see 3 or 4 dead hard's pretty much every single game. I see double iri cogs every 4 to 5 games...
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True. Makes me think of the video of the guy selfcaring through pentimento sloppy & coulrophobia, for like a minute long heal haha
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tried to use a better video, this is direct game footage, but dbd makes you convert to gif, my hands are tied lol.
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That still requires that just the right people are getting unhooks. As someone who runs a healy-dealy build often, I can tell you that it's not nearly as reliable as it sounds. There's plenty of matches where injured survivors don't actually get a chance to heal, or don't find me for healing, despite using Empathic Connection.
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These are not things that occur in the regular games.
There just needs to be a popular streamer who points this out and this will become the next favorite build for SWF.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Yeah, but that's the SWF/Solo divide for you.
And let's be fair, if there was some thought put into limiting speed-up stacking (of repair speeds or healing), would it really affect solo queue players much at all?
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These things seem really powerfull at first glance but experienced players know that the amount of hoops you have to jump through more often then not just isn't worth the effort.
It's a cute meme build. But very unreliable. Amazing when you can pull it off though.
Less when you face plague who you can't heal against, Legion who undoes all you did in a matter of seconds, chainsaw bros who can down you despite the healing, stalking bros idem, exposed perks, etc etc.
See the problem? As far as power goes a single well used dead hard will save you much more time then this entire build together and "heals" you passivily after 40 seconds
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I don't think we should be changing or nerfing things because of these extremely niche conditions.
I imagine this won't happen in a major of matches
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Can we stop with survivor's nerfs for a sec ok?
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So the devs should buff this instead?
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I agree that healing stacking does need some kind of diminishing returns. I'm also not a big fan of CoH as is. I personally think boons should have a charges system (2 at base in my opinion), and that the healing from CoH should be brought down to self-care levels of healing.
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They didn’t say that?
Post edited by BoxGhost on9 -
This is more gimmicky than anything. Not very practical since multiple people need to be in on it and even then its very situational
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Bring it on.
SWFs setting all this crap up aren't doing gens. Anything that distracts from working on gens is a-ok with me. And you're forgetting all of the prep time that goes into these 2s heals, which is way more time spent than saved on the heal itself. And it pretty much requires the killer to cooperate with how situational it is.
I'll take this over hyperfocus / stake out / prove thyself builds any day.
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Killers: I'm so sick of gen rushing, endurance, and exhaustion perks every game!
Survivors: Stacks 4 completely off meta perks and a single circle of healing.
Killers: Wait, no.
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There should be a buff speed limit
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This would be just another variant of Sabo squads that have no intention of completing gens.
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Both increases and slowdowns to healing and repair speeds should have a hard cap. There's literally zero reason for this to not be a thing already.
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Ok and? These guys will die pretty freaking fast considering the setup requires 2 un-hooks to even work, oh for shame, a 10 minute match because the survivors spent the entire game saving each other and hiding / grouping up all injured to heal one survivor in 2 seconds, lmao.
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Why do I never see survivors run this in matches I play? Seems oddly specific to SWF.
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If you don't 100% pick a side it means you absolutely 100% want it nerfed/buffed, lmao this forum.
Don't care about pain res? Damn you obviously want it buffed.
Don't care about ridiculously specific healing situations that essentially require the killer to go along with it? Clearly you want it buffed!
Don't care about Dead Hard? I guess you want it buffed
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I'd rather survivors waste their perk allocation bringing this combo than bringing 4x DH, Prove, Adrenaline, OTR, Hyperfocus Stakeout, and so on.
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Showcases how bad BHVR is at internally testing stuff, some other extremely fun examples of this.
* Soul guard + we'll make it + swf = impossible to down survivors stacking in a pile just healing each other up. BHVR had to nerf it by putting a cool down on soul guard endurance
* Initial CoH on PTB was allowed to stack with itself meaning 2 CoH close enough together allowed +200% healing. BHVR had to nerf it by removing boon ability to stack
* Healing in general being too stackable, this can be seen in the 6.1.0 'remake' of botany knowledge that reduces healing items effectiveness if you run it.
* Endurance in 6.1.0 PTB stacking allowing survivors to take 4+ hits before going down.
All of the above can be argued "it's too niche, they shouldn't have been touched", but based on the past, BHVR does (eventually) react to the ability for the survivor team to stack perks and items to pull off some silly scenarios. For what it's worth killers haven't really had an equivalent recently but I imagine we might see something done for gen kick perks in the same vein of it's too strong when its stacked
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You're not 100% correct about that, whether they were hacking or not I'm not sure but the point is the same, I had a killer game literally yesterday where survivors were healing in 2 seconds, usually in my face, taking hits for each other, mettle of man 3 of them, reactive healing 3 of them, one person dedicated to the gens, I could do nothing.
People will dedicate a whole squad build just to screw with a killer, not many people, but people.
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Am I blind or are we on page 2 and no one mentioned the one being healed should bring Leader so it's even quicker?
That being said. I'm 99% sure any match a swf goes into with that set-up will result into either a 4k or 3k+hatch. So, while it's kinda insane that stuff can be stacked to this degree it's absolutely not useful, effective or viable.
How could a viable version look like in a swf? - Have someone with Botany + Desperate + Streetwise + Distortion + Ranger medkit with charges and/or speed (+16 & +8 +5% or +15%, I'd say). They will be hiding and gen-jockying all game, essentially --- and will heal whoever comes to them to get a heal. Ideally 1-2 people have coh, so the designated healer can always remain very close to a boon to heal people up. Have everyone except the healer run Leader. Have 1-2 others run Desperate. Have 1-2 people run Mettle. Have someone run WGLF. Between people tanking, healing up and Desperate+Leader getting even past maxed STBFL this should get you max healing action. - Of course this swf would still have to have excellent coordination and call outs and the gen jockey would have to be pretty good at stealthing while the others would have to be pretty good at chase, hit tanking and preserving resources.
(edit: the mettle of man-ers could also take reactive Healing)
Chances of actually running into that? - Maybe... one in a thousand?
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Nice, now BHVR is gonna nerf all healing perks because of some exploit that will happen once every 1000 games
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well, it would be fair to remove the ability to heal in 2 seconds, given that the minimum chase time is 30 seconds
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Did you know you can run Nemesis and Rancor and mori an entire team of survivors without ever hooking anyone!? "INsAnE kiLlEr tEcH!"
Never mind the amount of absurdly specific circumstances involved. Killer OP
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This is actually a good test for how experienced you are at the game.
If you think this is busted you have a lot left to learn about the game
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As someone who likes to run mega-healy builds: This stuff is not nearly as effective as it's made out to be. It saves a little bit of time on every hook, but rarely does more than that, unless the killer tries to maintain injury on everyone.
And the only killers that might want to do that are Plague and Legion. And it doesn't work against Plague for obvious reasons, and it doesn't work against Legion because Legion's power cooldown is shorter than those heals anyway.
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Interesting... Doesn't happen in normal games huh... Sure, it's not that particular setup but this is pretty god damn atrocious. There is simply no way to deal with something like this.
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If reactive healing is involved everyone can heal themselves at that speed or faster if you're an altruistic group, running reactive healing, mettle of man and a medkit in a swf can be hell for the killer and especially if you throw a sabo in the mix with all that, just think if everyone is injured but one survivor and the uninjured survivor tanks a hit then everyone is automatically 50 percent healed in the area and if you can quick heal and keep taking aggro in a precise manner then it almost impossible because people will be able to tap themselves healed after two aggro hits, go test this and bring a video back I promise you'll agree
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@The_Krapper Someone already did that to me, I've seen it :\
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If they are that good at the game that they can pull off a build like that, they would have won regardless.
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Well yeah pretty much, I killed one of them, but the point i was making was just that people WILL dedicate an entire game and multiple builds to such a bully mechanic as the one I presented (which btw even without we'll make it still leads to 3-4 second heals, I tested a lot of permutations not just shown in that video). and that they will even have a dedicated gen repairer too.