changes for DH and eruption

DH is a practically permanent third state of health therefore
dead hard will have a debuff that slows healing by 75%
this way surv still be wasting a crazy amount of killer time, but if the killer leaves surv, surv most likely have 2 health states next time
the entity will close the generator for 30 seconds
"dead hard will have a debuff that slows healing by 75%"
Maybe DH will have a DC after successful use?
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DH: making healing times worse doesn't solve the issue with DH
Eruption: yes making a applying cooldown seems to be the best way (like Oppression)
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it would be nice, but I think slowing down the healing by 75% is enough for the survivors to use less press e for win
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Dead hard is fine.
Blocking a gen when eruption activates is a lazy solution.
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free 3 state of health is not fine
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It’s not free because you have to time it and dh doesn’t work if the killer is smart.
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It's not a free health state it's an exhaustion perk that has a 40s cooldown. I don't see the problem with dead hard. The real issue is gen perks triggering other gen perks. Not only do you have pain res and eruption stacking but on top of that it is considered generator damage which triggers call of brine.
I see killers complaining about 3rd health state but when survivors complain about the current gen/aura stacking meta we get the same response nothing is broken.
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1 dh is minimum +40% of the generator (if the surv doesn't have a toolbox, prow yourself or hyperfocus, if there is even more)
+ there are many situations where the killer either has to eat DH or get a pallet, but what can I say even in tournaments with 5000h+ killers constantly eat DH
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1 dh is minimum +40% generator (if surv doesn't have a toolbox, prove or hyperfocus if there is more)
+ there are many situations when the killer either has to eat DH or get a pallet, but what can I say, even in tournaments with 5000+ killers constantly eat DH
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OR be smart. If killers that get caught out by DH constantly actually played survivor they'd know the struggle with DH. It literally gives you a 500ms chance to take a hit for a 3rd health state. People make it sound like it lasts 3s or something. It's not an easy perk to use. But again it's killer mains complaining about survivor perks and ignoring how killer sided the game currently is. I shouldn't be able to get on as killer with no perks and 2 brown addons then leave with a 4k. Yes it's more difficult VS a swf but then that's the whole point in getting better with loops. Only when you play both sides regularly can you understand how each mindeset works.
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You guys act as if DH was a "third health state" but in fact people still need to press a button for .5 seconds of endurance
It's not that hard to counter DH guys
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It takes skill
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press e does not require skills
I don't play Survivors that often, but I never have a problem with just pressing e when the killer strikes,
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I'm sure you don't with the current state of connection issues. Being 10 steps from a window after fast vaulting and still getting hit. A killer with bad ping/connection is always going to counter DH no matter what and with the amount of VPN abuse going on atm eg people from china playing on EU region (Yes I get these daily) DH becomes useless.
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I don't know, maybe I don't have such a problem because I very rarely meet Chinese players (I can't even remember when it was last time)
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You also say that press E doesn't require skills. How about killers like legion that instant;y make you lose 2 health states and inflict deep wound? On top of that the mobility increase along with constant notification where all players you haven't hit are? Or the addons that are basically a free franklins perk on top of the annoyance of everything else? Or a combination of 2 easy to get items that inflict broken and mangled? Killer mains complain about DH but don't see whaat's broken with the setups they use.
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well, if you have problems with the legion, then just "be smart" but in general it's funny to hear indignation at the m1 killer
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M1 killer? You can literally inflict deep wound cancel the ability and down someone. You say indignation but it's not hard to abuse frenzy. Or a lot of other killers mechanics. It's always killer mains that comment about the state of survivor but if you played more of both sides and found people that took the time to learn mechanics you'd have a hell of a rough time on survivor no matter what setup you used.
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everything is funnier and more fun to read your messages while the legion is stunned after the ability you will have time to run to the window / palette 100 times and he is again a weak m1 killer, for you probably michael is at stage 3 OP
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I feel at this rate we will come to the fact that the pig is OP, initially I was hoping for some constructive criticism or some ideas, but in the end we came to the conclusion that the Legion Op because you can't run without dh
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legion? Really?
I’m enjoying legion more these days just so I have to deal less with DH.
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Actually I used legion as an example. You're the killer main complaining that DH is OP when several other issues have been mentioned here not just LEGION.
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Actually no because Myers T3 actually takes a brain to play. Especially with the movement penalties at lower tiers and the fact he is literally a M1 killer and the fact that at T3 you still have to understand looping mechanics. He doesn't have crutches to make him easier to play.
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What exactly do you think call of brine does? Because i don't think it does what you think it does.
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Call of brine is a 200% generator regression boost on ANY generator damage. So Eruption, Jolt, Pain res. These all trigger it. So add the regression boost to the already stacked up to 20% instant progress loss then yes it's an issue that needs to be addressed.
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It's 500ms max, and reduced by the killer's ping. So if a killer is laggy and has 150ms latency, the server sees 'free hit' and then confirms that there was no endurance. In that scenario, the survivor only gets 350ms of reaction time. The average human reaction time is 250-350ms.
This is why survivors get the 'exhausted on the ground' issue. On the survivor's end they hit the button in time, but the server ruled in favor of the killer because of ping.
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Isn't it .25? even less time.
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Dh needs a complete rework from needing to time an ability. I don't know of any game where the devs have reaction skills in the game and don't sync the clients. When you play dbd there is always desync making a perk like dh not have any place in the game.
It is terrible game design to have a perk that removes a killers m2 or heavily restricts what a player can do. How do you play leatherface vs dh? If you injure the survivor you then can't use your m2 because they can just dh it. The best perk in the game was buffed vs certain killers.
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Dead Hard is not fine by any stretch of the imagination
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This is in FFXIV as well. It's why I quit playing it after years. In that game, it shows an orange circle for the enemies attack, on my end I'm out of it, yet I still get hit and end up dead in a corner extremely far from the orange marker, it's ridiculous.
Makes me sad this game suffers from that too and then they put a perk that requires precise timing. My ping is 30 always, usually the lowest and the game acts like I never hit the button, I spam it so much my bf is like ######### are you doing lol. I was like I HIT THE DAMN BUTTON AND ITS NOT GOING OFF lol, yet I have the exhausted effect, awesome.
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DOES it trigger Call of Brine? I thought Call of Brine specifically required you to complete the 'damage generator' action, which would make it not trigger off Pain Res, Jolt and Oppression.
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Any generator damage can trigger it. Try it in a private game. You'll see how broken it is. When Jolt, Pain res or/and eruption trigger you get points for "generator damage".
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in for honor the fast attack of some characters lasts 300ms, in order to parry it in the interval between 150-270 you need to press rmc, it will be considered difficult, but by no means impossible, professional players even often do not use fast attack so that they are not paired, so 500 ms even ping is not a problem.
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But dead hard already gives you a deep wound to mend. And it's far from an auto 3rd health state. It's hard to get that trigger consistently. I hit maybe 50% of my DH trigger attempts. And it's verybeasy to bait out.
And that's literally a buff for eruption. Its doesn't need it.
Genuinely unsure if this is just a troll post or you're actually being serious.
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People talking about how bad DH is and yet it's the most popular survivor perk in the game right now. Actually it's even more popular than Eruption is even accounting for the fact there are 4 survivors.
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"Ooh so much skill pressing E through a pallet" , That's literally the only viable way to use dead hard now...
DH is not fine for those who refuses to adapt or bait it out.
For everyone else is just a dab meme perk that makes you laugh before throwing down the clumsy survivor
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Yes it does
If that is the case, pressing m1 to down a survivor also does not require skill
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Well too bad
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If that happens, the game should just remove the exhaustion right after
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That won't happen though because killer mains already complain about people being able to loop when they don't take the time to play survivor to actually learn that aspect of the game.
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Pain Res + Eruption definitely trigger CoB. I run that combo and it’s a chef’s kiss for sporking solo queue survivors. It triggers with any kind of generator damage. :)
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It’s less than 2% more popular than Windows of Opportunity though. Hardly “tHe MoSt PoPuLaR pErK”
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So Pain res 15% loss + Eruption 10% loss + 25s incap + call of brine 2x regression speed which is 0.5% a second. While people are incapacitated and can't interact to stop the regression. Not at all broken by any means. Oh and for those I've seen being extra toxic. Stacking on jolt for another 8% regression instantly.
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Pain res, Call of brine, Nowhere to hide, Lethal pursuer, Eruption, Jolt, BBQ. Oh look wait they all complement each other and stack with no cooldown. But Dead hard is the broken thing here yup yup. Just dead hard is the problem.
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This 30s lockdown you suggested for eruption btw is why dead mans switch exists.
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I’m not going to call a build ‘toxic’ because that is ridiculous. But I can admit that the combo is quite oppressive. Solo queue (survivors in general) are at a disadvantage anyway. But I mean if BHVR’s prerogative is to deepen that, why condemn other players? It’s really a case of don’t hate the player; hate the game. If survivor players are so upset with this combo they should stop playing the game. And I assure you when that money fizzles out (because survivor mains believe it or not invest more money into DBD than killer mains) watch how quickly that combo gets nerfed. Y’all seem to forget this game is a product that exists for consumption, and money talks in every country (even Canada or wherever this studio is from). Business is business. So take your business elsewhere if you’re unhappy with the product. If you hit BHVR’s pocketbooks they’ll suddenly figure out how to reorient their game in a more fair way—I guarantee it.
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Funny how killer mains are worried about 1 perk dh. Most survivors are worried about eruption builds rather than the perk itself. You never see a killer only run eruption on its own. They always have another gen slowdown with it
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Yup. It’s no coincidence that most of the top killer perks have amazing synergy and are often combo’d for maximum effect. Like before patch 6.1 I was saying you could increase killer base mechanics (which BHVR did), increase Gen regression via kick (which BHVR did), slow down survivors (which BHVR did), weaken survivors’ base recovery (which BHVR did) and killers are still gonna run 4-Gen slowdown & tunnel & camp. And lo and behold.. lol. Because it was never really about fairness or equity. It was always about making games easier for killers. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though.
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Change that to a failed use and it's already a 10% DC rate
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Personally, anything hard meta for this long should be gutted and just left to sit in uselessness for a bit. But that's an opinion from my league roots.