Boil Over needs ANOTHER Nerf

It's not a fun Perk to go against and really just needs to get its values nerfed before it becomes a problem again. What needs to be done is just this:
- Nerf: The wiggle intensity increase is reduced from 60%/70%/80% to 40%/50%/60%.
This just puts it back in line with its 5.7.0 version that everyone still despises, but not as much as its current 6.5.0 version. We need this change before it becomes a big issue again.
Don’t change it if u can’t find a hook after playing this game awhile then it’s your fault not the games. Even with the perk the killer can literally carry you half the distance of the map.
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I haven’t had any issues with it.
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Is this serious? The perk is already bad as it is. Do you want to make it unusable for good? This can only be a joke.
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The release version of Iron Grasp made it 60% longer for someone to wiggle free. The current version is 12% because survivors hated it so much.
Boil Over should be no stronger than Iron Grasp. It should increase wiggle movements by 12%.
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If boil over affected the time that you will wiggle free then yes.
However it just affects the swaying. (and aura reading).
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Doors. Doors, and extra wiggle on great wiggle checks.
I think it's a thing that tends to affect console players way more, but there's a distinct problem when a perk can effectively make it a difficult task to walk through a doorway. And there's at least one doorway on every map (shack), with most obviously having way more.
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Giving any wiggle% increase out without needing another person would conpletely break the game.
The point I am making is that survivors HATED old IG. It made wiggling pointless and it's not fair to say that the old perk was oppressive and the new BO is't oppressive when it has almost the same values for a reversed stat.
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It's a trash perk that only works by synergizing it with sabo or wiggle off builds but you know what? If they have to sacrifice so many gen and second chance perks for that I'm fine with that.
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If anything, I think Boil Over needs a buff. Currently, I don't feel like it's a perk very exciting to bring into a match...
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Boil over never helps against semi-competent killer. Never (pc only experience). The perk is meme. You can counter any wiggling very easily by looking left-right in opposite rhythm to what wiggling does. BO is a joke. About as strong as corrective actions. The only difference/value from the perk is hiding the aura of nearby hook - which also works only on weak killers that are not aware of their surroundings. In very exceptional case falling wiggle bonus helps but that one is so damn rare, because any competent killer knows BO is in play.
I sincirely don't understand why so many survivors bring the perk. It makes so little sense.
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I actually agree with this. Boil over cost me two hooks on the swamp map last night. I imagine it works the same on any map with somewhat wonky collision. I play on PC and the 100% boil over never gave me any problems, oddly enough.
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Git gud if you cant deal with wiggle? Lol
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I am sincirely shocked to hear it.
Without any irony I love it when survs bring the perk against me (because they could have brought real perk instead). In all the time I can remember, BO cost me exactly 1 hook and that one was still more because of hook sabotage and less about actually hitting into hook from slightly wrong side at very last moment
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It’s unfairly punishing for console players as even with the controller improvements that apparently came with this latest patch, Boil Over prevents me from moving forward even in open cornfield with no obstructions.
It’s super frustrating and unfun to play against when I can’t even control my character.
I enjoy playing both sides but have switched to Survivor only until there are some changes so it’s not so oppressive against controller and console users like myself.
I feel it should get a complete rework, as it is people say it does nothing against PC killers and specifically targets console killers to make their experience miserable.
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Boil wouldn't be an issue if they would just put at least one hook on 2nd floor areas. It's mostly bad map design, not a bad perk design.
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Boil Over is either obnoxiously annoying, or dangerously broken. There's no in between, and no way for it to be in between.