About that Gen Progression % bug...

Yeah, they should not add that, i feel that the new buffs to Solo Q were good enough, adding Gen Progress on top of it would be too much, specially since this buffs even SWF.
Even SWF dont get constant info on gen progress, it just feels that this would be giving too much information to the survivors for free.
I swf all the time. You know how easily I can get progress report?
"What's your gen at?"
"About x%"
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Yeah, but not everyone is constantly saying their progress 24/7.
This update basically tells you that for free.
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And? You don't need that information constantly, but it doesn't change anything if you do have it constantly. If someone gets pushed off a high progress gen, they call it out over voice comms "my gen is at 95% in XYZ, I'm being chased". Now, solo Q has access to that same info, where they'll see the gen progress, and the chase bars. And SWF still comes out ahead because they can call out the exact location of the gen whereas solo Q has to do play detective to find it.
I find it so baffling that so many people are upset that solo Q is slowly being brought up to the level of SWF.
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And after crying that solo Q was a nightmare to play to boot. I don't understand the logic either...
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Thats because that information is not constantly relevant.
It can easily be called out at any time it is relevant.
If the progress each gen was at relevant all the time then SWFs would call it out all the time, but its only relevant at key points.
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Those HUD icons are small and they're on the side of the screen. They're not like the health bars in most shooters, easily readable within peripheral vision. This new survivor information is there, yes, but it's easily missed. It will still be preferable for my friend to say what percentage his gen is at. Hell, I still prefer glancing at his screen to see how far he's recovered: it's faster to read his own large recovery bar than the small circle in my HUD.
When he's working on the last gen or opening an exit gate and the info is relevant, he is calling out the progress the entire time.
tells you that for free.
When people talk about SWF, one of the common complaints is all the info they get "for free." I've seen that phrase used constantly when discussing comms. But now that there are HUD icons, it's "SWF have to call it out" while the HUD info is "for free." It makes no sense. Is it only okay for this info to be shared vocally? Do we really need to require survivors to hit a button to have an automated voice tell them the gen progress?
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it's ok let's just wait and see how it performs
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Honestly it would be really helpful for solo queue. For end game, adren plays, breaking 3 gen. That information is really important in SWF. Yes this one is constant, but you don't need the information also constantly, just in the right time.
It could work, but it is a massive buff for solos that is for sure. But if the intention is for solo to have a power level similar to SWF they absolutely need to give that.
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No, they only tell each other their gen progress when it actually matters. In cases where it doesn't matter they don't, but the gen progress icon for solo survivors won't matter in those cases as well, only in the cases where swf would also have the ability to share their generator progress.
This is definitely another good change to reduce the balance gap between swf and solo survivors.
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I also think it would be very useful to solo queue considering it tells your other teammates what your gen is at, but if you see that 2 people are working on a generator at 2 different completion percentages, you could put 2 & 2 together and realize they are on separate gens which I would find very useful.