When will the community accept that SWFs are bad for the games health?

Zaydin Member Posts: 275
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The game as it was originally designed and launched was balanced around the fact that survivors couldn't directly communicate with each other. Allowing survivors to group up and communicate over voice comms beforehand breaks the games balance with a sickening crack and swings games heavily in survivors favor.

Nothing is more miserable for me as a Killer than going up against a full SWF constantly communicating over Discord, Xbox Party chat, etc since they can coordinate heals, unhooks, generators, etc. There is nothing I as a killer can do to counter that level of coordination.

I know SWFs aren't going anywhere but bare minimum I would like to be told as a killer at least how many survivors in the lobby are part of a premade group so I can decide if I want to go through that kind of pain or not. EIther that or increased BP incentives for killers, like an extra 25k BP per premade player in the group; starts at 50k with 2, 75k with 3 and 100k extra BP for a full SWF.



  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    100k extra BP not including points accumulated during the match is enticing even if it ends up being a 4 man escape

    Expect opposition from swf players though

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    It's already much easier getting bloodpoints playing killer... 25k per survivor is extremely excessive.

    Plus communication can't fix bad players. Most swf are not a big threat to killers.

    And even if comms carry the group... so what ? They'll rise to an mmr with killers that can handle them.

    So mmr is the problem, not swf as a whole...

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275
    edited January 2023

    SWFs break the games balance and it screws over both killers and solo queue players because survivor buffs have to factor in the huge advantages a full SWF can have over even experienced killers and whether the buffs will give SWFs an even larger advantage.

    Given most SWFs I run into seem more interested in torturing me as the Killer rather than playing the game, there's a reason I feel the way I do. I don't expect to get 4Ks every game but when I start feeling like the survivors are doing more to torment me than properly play the game? I have little incentive to keep playing.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly, I would be down with buff SoloQ survivors to be on the same level as SWF when it comes to equal information; if it leads to better survivors performance and showcase their greatest success rate; in which in turn will allows us to make crucial balance changes for all killers in general, both for the majority of the weak/averages killers whom cannot do well in 4v1 vs. The strongest killers whom can do both 1v1 and 4v1.

    Yeah, it sucks that stealth killers are not always going to get the element of surprise in high rank games but, if solo que get sort of the same information gathering/situational awareness as SWF. Then, it is possible that the devs can focused on making very important changes and quality of life improvement for most killers.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    I wouldn’t say it breaks game balance on a huge scale but it does skew the odds towards swf quite a bit especially when offerings and loaded items are thrown into the mix

    I think implementing a swf tag is a good idea, just curious on the rationale for not implementing it. Sure BHVR may have planned for swf to be implemented in DBD from the start, but the fact remains that some Killer players dislike going up against swf and not much has been done to improve their game experience.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    You are absolutely wrong. This game would have died so fast if you couldn't play with your friends.

    How can people think that a multiplayer game with teamplay elements would have survived without that feature.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2023

    I suspect no SWF tag has been implemented because SWF of 3 or more would never get a game, most times I wouldn't want to play with them. Too much work, too little fun and generally they are vile in end game chat, regardless of outcome.

    Aside from the attitudes, it looks like their plan is to balance around them. That seems like a positive turn.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    "There is nothing I as a killer can do to counter that level of coordination."

    Yes there is something you can do, it's called learn how to play

    How many hours do you have on your shoulders ? 10, 20, 100 ? You're still in the school playground mate and i have said dozen of time, learn the game, learn from your mistakes, record your gameplay and review them, learn the game with an easy killer then move up with the difficult one. Also, BP are kinda useless once you have unlocked all the perks you need

    It's not only you, many suvivors or killer cry for nerf that or that and claim "it's impossible to win" but the truth is you lack skills and there's no shame in that, you just have to pratice more. Some games are more difficult than others, sometimes you'll 4k sometimes you get 4 people out in less than five minutes, SWF are just people like you and me, they are no Gods, they can lose or win, they can do mistakes like you or me.

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    Funny thing is that the gap between killer and suvivors in general where forgotten, launches 2 up to 3 gen perks to survivor, none regression to killer + nerf to the old ones, new killer perks - info/expose, where aura reading theres no slot on builds to you endure in the game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,125

    Exactly. The Official DBD discord even has rooms for people to play together on comms. If they weren't keen on it several years ago, they certainly are now

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    These posts always crack me up. 😂

    OP acts like just because they are SWF they are a demon team that stomps every lobby they come into. Many times you don’t even know they are SWF because they play casually and don’t seem any better than an uncoordinated solo q group.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    What is perfect about what you say is that it is not only completely accurate, but that we can replace the term "SWF" with the term "Nurse" without problems.

    I think the point is that some players just don't want to admit that in the game there are survivors, or killers, who have raised the level of mastery and involvement to the point that they have become experts.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Back when I played SWF we got our butts kicked all the time and that was with using discord and 3/4 of us having years of experience with the game. The thing with SWF is a lot of people like playing games like this with their friends which if anything brought more people to the game over time. So no, I would not say SWF is bad for the game. If they somehow got rid of SWF it would do more harm to the game than good. It would appease a small part of the playerbase who take issue with it but would cause the majority of players to give major backlash over it. Any game that lets you play it with your friends is offering something good, not bad.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    The Nurse just got a fairly substantial nerf given how many perks no longer combo with her Blink Strikes now that they are no longer counted as basic attacks.

    SWFs, meanwhile, go untouched.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    It was always intended that players could play together, it is part of the game's basekit, so what could be more normal?

    Especially since SWF =/= power.

    4 survivors can be in SWF and still be bad in the game.

    The question is simple: what would you like to do about SWF?