Wow Thanks for the Nurse Nerf Bhvr. She went from S++ to S+



  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Pallet Freddy is a far bigger joke than Snare-Freddy.

    Freddy is the worst killer in the game. And I have to know it, Im a Freddy-Main.

    So why Im Freddy-Main? Because I like the character and the movies, thats it.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Dear Lord a genuine Freddy main.....I'm so sorry for but no I love Freddy as a Character besides Demo

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Dude. They even announced that they didn't want to change her entirely but tackle the main issue (exposed) and some of her problematic addons. Jenners with Torn Bookmark is not even that good anymore since they changed the way how Jenners works. The only problematic addon combination they created is Jenners Last Breath with Campbells Last Breath but it's not nearly as oppressive as the range addons used to be. Her power lost a good amount of perk synergizes and before you come with the stacked gen perks argument, that is a problem by itself and not specifically a problem Nurse created. And Nurse existed for a long time. Her mechanics are a part of the game. Changing is now is kinda pointless. Because if the gut her people will just complain about Blight being too oppressive. And after him it's going to be Spirit. Then Artist. There are a lot of meaningful changes outside of balancing Nurse directly that would make it more fair to face her.

    What would maybe another meaningful change is to block all aura reading while she is charging her power.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    Most people a TV

    Wasn’t fine before still isn’t fine now. Next topic!

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    for complete rework i meant changing her power, not modifying just some numbers to her actual basekit

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "Let's just forget the part that she still ignores the game mechanic"

    She ignores CERTAINS mechanics.

    But it still has some counterplay.

    She could already be in trouble in 6.4.

    She can be even more so now, in 6.5.

    It's up to you to make sure that you are able to get her into trouble. You and your team.

    "that someone who plays her for longer then 30 minutes can still win most games undeserved"

    After 30 minutes, the player may be able to win against survivors who are as good as potatoes. Yes, probably, definitely.

    But make him play against a team that is at least organized and competent, and come back to me with the results of the game.

    "and that she got New broken addons now"

    The only broken addon it has isn't even an addon, it's actually the immutable nature of some community members to constantly complain about something that gets them in trouble, without trying to challenge themselves and/or improve.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I propose you a personalized game in 1V1, you as a survivor, me as a nurse.

    And I could tell you in a few seconds how good or not you are against the nurse.

    Not that I'm a perfect nurse, or that I'm of a level worthy of competition, but I have enough hours with the nurse to very quickly see roughly what level the survivor I'm facing is at.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "the core game rules"

    That's actually what's kind of comical.

    You just don't want a killer to come up with anything other than a stupid M1 course, because it requires too much thought ...

    I'm sorry if I have to force you to think a little bit more than, "I run, I go through the window, I go around the wall, I run, I go through the window, I go around the wall, I run, I go through the window, I go around the wall ... oh, shoot ... the window is blocked ... oh, there's another window, I run, I go through the window ..." 😁

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Unpop opinion but if nurse "breaks the game's core mechanics" so do pyramid head and artist that can shoot through walls too (would like to see you dodge their attacks too if they're using aura perks)

    Nurse needed the nerf, but she doesn't need a rework

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Many things in this game "ignore game mechanics", dude.

    Huntress ignores having to get in close.

    Nemesis ignores the protection of an immediate pallet drop.

    Plague ignores healing and medkits.

    Artist bird's can reveal Survivors on gens and go through walls and solid objects.

    Wraith and Ghostface can remove the terror radius.

    And so on, and so on, and so on.... /Waynecampbell.gif

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Look at how they "trashed" Legion sometime. Or rather, how they made one of the dumbest Killers in the game actually fair to play against.

    Oh, you mean Nurse would be a Killer with actual counterplay, that gives the Survivors actual agency in a chase? What a concept.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    She already has counter play but most Survivors don't want to learn how to deal with her. There are many ways to deal with her, many places where her Blink dosnt work as it normally does where you can lose her.

    It takes just as long to learn how to deal with her as it does to learn how to play her.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited January 2023

    Really? Because comp players would disagree. Hens said so in his latest video, against a Nurse who knows what she's doing, there's just about nothing you can do. All you can really do is die far away from any generators that are being worked on.

    All of her "counterplay" is so heavily tilted in her favor that it barely helps against an experienced Nurse.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    And you propose this challenge because...? Seriously, I don't understand what you mean or the point that you want made with that request, as for me since people always complained about her power being unfair because it will bypass every defense that survivors have, I proposed a complete rework due to the nature of her power. Again I'm not considering individual skill and/or personal fun in that case but the killer itself generally speaking: it's not normal having a killer that can IGNORE every kind of defense and counterplay that survivors have (without including perks into the equation)

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    So you'll listen to a streamer while other streamers have said the counters and had videos of them. Many of us have used said counters and survived and how are her counters titled in her favor? So she can't blink through large rocks or Trees forcing her to Blink to the left or right or Blink short in her favor....or that if you run across a hill ramp while she's Blinking she will follow the ground and stop dead unable to get past the incline......those are only a few of the counters to her.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited January 2023

    How many tournaments have those other streamers won? Yes, those are just a few of the many "counters" that are still next to useless against a Nurse who knows what she's doing. If it was that easy, she wouldn't be the strongest Killer in the game. And you wouldn't have tournament-level players saying "Yeah, no, basically all you can do is die".

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I totally agree that the nurse is a killer who ignores the "classic" defense mechanics of the game.

    But ... how is that a problem ? 😲

    Everyone knows that against the nurse, the usual methods are NOT the ones that work, and that you have to play in a different way.

    Whether you like the concept or not, that's one thing, but it doesn't change the fact that it's always been like that and honestly, what's the problem?

    You can be someone who does NOT like the nurse's gamedesign, but that doesn't make your opinion a universal truth. Many players find it very interesting to play against her, even against good nurses 🙂

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    What is important is not what a player can say, but what he can do.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Correct. And against a good Nurse, a player can do just about nothing. Glad we agree.

  • Anteares051
    Anteares051 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2023

    They just did some of the most significant, and despite what you think, impactful nerfs to the Nurse in years, and this communities reaction is "So, here's my idea for some more Nurse nerfs" Yes, we get it, you just want the killer removed from the game and no one to play her, like Spirit, then you'll move onto Blight and we'll go down the list.

    I think this game has so many new players that struggle with the large killer pool, too many of them simply never took the time or had any interest in learning how to play against a Nurse. Of course if you have even one bad player and the Nurse spots them, you're very likely to lose. Some people who are quite simply bad at the game believe every Nurse they run into is a god, but the problem here is two things, not just one.

    The changes to her range and recharge are already massive, which target the more barely average Nurse's who were carried by them. That will result in less Nurse players in general. The special changes result in less sweaty Nurse's using it to snowball. At the end of the day all it really means is this once super aggressive killer is going to 3 gen you like every other killer in the game. As much as I disliked Nurse previously, at least they rarely ever tunneled or camped . I had more scumbag killers on literally any other killer.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    So this player is not a good player.

    And a team which can do just nothing against a good Nurse is not a good team.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited January 2023

    Bruh.... Just say you've never invested the time to play her during and after the last PTB

    Post edited by AJStyIez on
  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited January 2023

    Lol its 2023 and people are still doing mental gymnastics to hatemonger Nurse even after she's received the nerfs that the majority of both sides agreed upon....

    Its hilarious how still to this day people will say SWF and top-end Survivor gameplay is fine to go against because "Its very rare to go against a coordinated SWF (It literally isn't though) and the majority don't play at that level" but want Nurse completely gutted only because the top-end Killers can dominate with her. I said this on the forum last year and its crazy that it turned out to be true.. You guys never wanted fair Nurse nerfs or a rework, you guys just want her either removed from the game entirely or given a completely different power that makes her uniform with the other bullyable Killers in the middle of the pack. Comp players have also said that old Spirit was fine and that the game is historically Survivor-sided at the top, I don't recall many people quoting them on those topics though. If anything, comp players have been historically shamed/ignored by most Survivors because their views on the game contradict each-other

    Whenever comp players have said something that benefits Killer they're just "comp players in a non-comp game, who cares what they think? Their style doesn't apply to public lobbies" but the second they say something that average Survivors can relate to they're all of a sudden the voice for the entire community

    Post edited by AJStyIez on
  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    "Nerfs that the majority of both sides agreed upon". A fine example of what often happens when you try to please everyone with a compromise: You end up pleasing no one.

    What is this "You guys" you're using? You think I'm a Survivor main? You haven't seen my threads complaining about Dead Hard or suggesting Killer buffs to discourage tunneling, I take it.

    I complain about Nurse because bad game design is bad game design, regardless of whether or not it's on my team. Nurse is a relic of a time when the devs gave practically no consideration at all to balance or counterplay when designing a new mechanic.

    And I bring up comp players because the main argument to defend Nurse is that you just need to "git gud" if you don't like playing against her or die to her. Well, comp players have gotten gud in every sense of the term, and you'll find plenty of them echoing the same sentiment as everyone else.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited January 2023

    Again, you just proved exactly what me and many others have been saying for so long. Allow me to point out how

    A) "A fine example of what often happens when you try to please everyone with a compromise: You end up pleasing no one."

    That's an extremely interesting point considering the fact that the whole foundation of the Nurse drama is that people were mad BHVR didn't wanna "please everyone with a compromise" for a lengthy amount of time.. But now all of a sudden when they finally did it its still not enough. That just reinforces what was already obvious years ago: Some people will never co-sign any change to Nurse regardless of how legit it is unless she just fell from S tier to B-D tier over-night. They don't solely have an issue with her because "she's a step above everybody else", they have an issue with her simply because her power is something they just don't want to play against even if it was nerfed another 5 times straight. As long as she can blink and remove some agency from the Survivors people will cry foul because they can't camp safe pallets and use mediocre pathing against her like they can for others

    Sidenote) "What is this "You guys" you're using? You think I'm a Survivor main? You haven't seen my threads complaining about Dead Hard or suggesting Killer buffs to discourage tunneling, I take it."

    "You guys" describes anybody that is still using the same talking Anti-Nurse talking points in 2023 that have been rebuttal'd since 2018 era of DBD. It doesn't matter which side they main, they all sound the same on this topic See B) for details on this

    B) Comp player's have gotten gud in every sense of the term, and you'll find plenty of them echoing the same sentiment as everybody else

    They've never said anything more than what should already be common sense for any grown adult that's played DBD between 2016-2022: The top percentile players can make her feel too oppressive.. You know exactly how the best Survivors in the world make SWF too oppressive for anybody that isn't a comp hug-teching/moonrushing Blight or 8k hour comp Nurse. The overwhelming majority of DBD players echo the "You can't change all Survivors' gameplay just based off the top %, what about the casuals and and the regular people that aren't aiming to play at that level 24/7? Games should be balanced for the majority" sentiment

    They somehow abandon that same logic when it comes to whatever they've grown a hatred for (Nurse in this case). Sorry, but your average Prestige 5 public Nurse that the majority of people will come across are not lacking counter-play in any shape or fashion. If they are, PLEASE explain to everyone why an average 1-5k hour SWF is not viewed in the same light as Hen's SWF then. Either Nurse and SWF are both too much across the entire board or they're both fine for the majority and problematic at the top-end. You can't have your cake and eat it too, which one is it?

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    the second nerf should be being unable to see auras while charging power, that would be also punishing broken aura builds wich btw are indeed broken on nurse.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    u just defined DBD and the one killer who ignores it, find the problem and yes is Nurse.

  • Mondhirsch
    Mondhirsch Member Posts: 237

    But it takes even more time to Balance everything around her EVERYTIME something new comes out or something old changes.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    It's the definition of the DbD YOU'd like, with all same M1 killers you could loop classical way.

    But sorry, there is another different patern's killer you have to deal with.

    Can you ?

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    1) I dunno where you've been, but people have been demanding way more than a slap on the wrist or a "compromise" for Nurse, and they've been doing so for years. Nurse has been through plenty of slaps on the wrist before, and the complaints continued unabated. And why wouldn't they? What made her S-tier or unfun to play against has never been changed.

    Nurse could be trash-tier for all the good it would do, honestly. She's just not fun to play against. Much like pre-rework Legion, her power effectively removes all agency from the Survivor playing against her.

    2) It really doesn't take a top percentile player to make Nurse oppressive, though. Once you've got the muscle memory down, you're free to terrorize the enemy team and there's not much they can do, aside from stepping up their macro play. Otherwise, Nurse would be a rarity in high MMR.

    Yeah, a good Nurse and a good SWF are both oppressive. Especially if that 1-5k-hour SWF brings great items and is going up against a Killer that isn't S-tier. Big surprise, when one side brings out the most broken, unfun tools available and the other side doesn't, the game becomes a frustrating chore for the opposing side.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Who cares what era the nurse is from?

    We should stop using this argument all the time.

    The real question is: is the nurse too strong?

    She wasn't in 6.4.

    And so she is not in 6.5.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited January 2023

    Wow, you actually supported both of my points while expanding on your own! Its as if I've seen this same conversation play out for the past 5+ years and know exactly how it goes already

    I've been here maining Survivor and playing against/as the Nurse players you're speaking about. You literally just supported my stance with this one: People have been demanding for Nurse to have her entire basekit gutted or removed from the game entirely for years and what exactly does that achieve? BHVR and content creators have asked people publicly for the same amount of years to give suggestions and people have. The universal responses to Nurse have been:

    A - Remove exposed status synergy or alter most or all of the problematic addons since you can't really take away her blinks without defeating the purpose of her existence. Buff SoloQ and other tiers to close the gap at the top-end

    B - Gut her kit, Give her a brand new power that doesn't "break the game", Delete her from the game or Insert other vague and unrealistic suggestions that don't make sense

    You guys have been saying changes like the ones we got are a 'slap on the Wrist' yet in the past 6 years none of you have EVER presented more viable changes across all levels of play than the ones mentioned above that were universally compromised upon. Exactly like I said, there's only two camps of people... A & B ^^^^^ I'm going to take it that you fall under B, the crowd that will literally not be satisfied unless they make it so that the Nurse can only blink twice per 60 seconds and never through walls and floors (aka a clone of the bottom half of the roster)

    Also, It doesn't take a professional comp Nurse to cause people trouble (Correct, I agree with you), just like it doesn't take a Hen's-level SWF to wreak havoc on more than half of the Killer roster either. A LOT of you conveniently leave that second part out though which was exactly my point. They both create the same exact feedback-loop yet one is demonized while the other is downplayed with excuses and hyperbole. You don't need a tournament trophy from BotB/DBDLeague and a map-callout cheat-sheet from Hens in order to be an efficient SWF that plays at a good level in public lobbies. If one is universally accepted as 'nature of the beast' then why is the other not? Deep down people know the answer to that, they don't always say it out loud though

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    If the literal best Killer in the game isn't too strong, then nothing is. What kind of insane logic is that?

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    "Nurse could be trash-tier for all the good it would do, honestly. She's just not fun to play against."

    Here we go.

    The incessant complaints against the nurse were never intended to highlight any hypothetical imbalance or "over-power".

    These complaints are only a reflection of the selfishness of a certain number of players who can't stand the fact that a killer poses a bit more of a problem for them than a silly M1 killer they can loop in Shack.

    These same players would simply like DbD to be full of killers that they can loop without worrying, so that they can finish the game congratulating each other, and feeling like they are good.

    Except that the problem these players have is that the naughty nurse asks them to be better, which is a problem for some who prefer to wallow in their hypocrisy and laziness.

    The nurse doesn't have her range addons anymore.

    She doesn't have her recharge addons anymore.

    She can no longer one-shot.

    She can't use Jolt, K.O., Franklin, etc.

    Her back-blink addon has become completely useless.

    And you still dare to come and cry about her?

    Actually, that's good, because you're just proving that you're just bad.

    Hypocritical and bad at the game.

    Unable to want to improve, preferring to come crying on the forum, very judiciously evading any questions or remarks that bring these facts to light.

    Evade what?

    Oh, I don't know, but every time someone asks you to have the COURAGE to show how you play against her, strangely, no one does? Well then? What are you afraid of? Isn't that strange?

    "Once you've got the muscle memory down, you're free to terrorize the enemy team and there's not much they can do"

    Again, thank you, because it shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

    Like many other players, you reduce KNOWING how to play the nurse to UNDERSTANDING how she works.

    As I have always said, after a few games, any player will have understood HOW the nurse works.

    But to be able to put that into practice against good, even very good teams, that's another matter.

    But after all, since you are so sure of yourself, show us ... I would be very curious to see your results against the most monstrous survivors of DbD (or even against very good survivors, because I think that from your words, it would be more than enough to put you in trouble).

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    Don't talk about "nonsense logic", because that's exactly what you just used.

    There will always be one killer stronger than another.

    The nurse is the most powerful killer, that's no secret.

    But that doesn't mean that she is too strong.

    She is the best killer AND she's fine (like she was in 6.4.0). Except for the players who are bad against her, and who prefer to cry rather than question themselves. 

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Okay? I'm sure my arguments sound quite similar to a lot of other people's arguments, considering how long Nurse has been in the game in her current state. And I'm sure a lot of people, including me, have been demanding her kit be overhauled. I missed the part where that's wrong or a problem.

    If you just can't stand to have Nurse receive a different power entirely, fine. Just make it limited-use like Oni's. Oni would be just as rage-inducing, if not more so, if he could use Demon Dash/Demon Strike whenever he wanted. And you'd hardly even have to write any new code; just make Spasmodic Breath basekit.

    Again, at what point have I ignored or downplayed the power of a high-level SWF? It's something that Killer mains have been complaining about for years. The solo queue buffs brought solos closer to the level of SWFs, but at some point, we're gonna need another round of Killer buffs to offset the power of a competent Survivor team, especially against mid- to low-tier Killers.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "And I'm sure a lot of people, including me, have been demanding her kit be overhauled. I missed the part where that's wrong or a problem."

    I don't think anyone has claimed otherwise.

    But the fact that some people complain that the nurse is too strong, and continue to do so now, after the arrival of 6.5, doesn't mean that it's true at all.

    It just means that these people are bad in DbD when it comes to dealing with the nurse.

    It's as simple as that.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Plenty of players who are much better than you or me have said that Nurse is busted. Who are you to call tournament-winning players bad?

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Just like CoH fell out of the meta after 4 about that big old dead hard nerf that took it from the #1 most used survivor perk to the #1 most used survivor perk

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Thank you, this is exactly what I just tried to illustrate with my last 2 replies to them. People have all these harsh opinions for Nurse, but ask them to present VIABLE changes that work for ALL levels of play and they stay quiet scratching their head until they eventually ignore the question or move the goalpost

    Ask them why their perspective should be validated and they'll tell you "She literally breaks the game". Uhh, we can sit here and point out 1-2 things about almost every Killer on the roster that "bReAk" the game in the form of addons or kits but they conveniently have no issue with that at all. You know why? Because even with those mechanics in place they can still maintain a positive W/L ratio against those Killers regardless of who's playing them

    The Nurse hatemongering saga is a microcosm of what we see a lot in real life these days. People do all this preaching/advocating for 'balance' and 'equality' but based off their own words, actions and attitude you can easily tell its not really about either of those two things. A lot of these players that come to Nurse threads to recite the same 1-3 arguments using selfishness and bias under the guise of 'fairness for the majority'. If they truly cared about balance they would seek it and speak on it across all aspects of DBD but a lot of them don't. They don't care if Nurse is actually balanced or not, they just care whether or not they can loop her consistently the way they can with the rest of the roster. No matter how many nerfs she receives and how impactful they are they won't stop complaining until the answer to that question is overwhelmingly yes with minimal effort on their part

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    And so? If someone better than you says something, does that make him a Messiah?

    However, it proves that as soon as someone says something that suits you, you are very happy to make an argument out of it.

    The problem is that you, on your side, your argument is: "I have heard people say that the nurse is too strong."

    That's fine, but that's just an OPINION.

    I, on the other hand, say, "Even the best nurses in DbD could be challenged by competent survivors in 6.4."

    And that is a FACT.

    I would go even longer.

    I can prove without worries what I advance, and it is not even me who will do it.

    Just watch the tournament videos, or find out a bit about what happens when the best nurses play against the best survivors, or when really good nurses play against really good survivors.

    Just look at Supaalf (him, because it was a very intense / interesting YT moment about that) being put in trouble by Hens and his team, while he (Supaalf) was however using the 2 range addons as well as COB / Overcharge / POP / Corrupt, and Hens and his team were playing with limitations of tournament.

    These are the elements that support the FACTS.

    And on your side ?

    Elements to support your OPINIONS?

    Videos of you playing against nurses?

    Videos of you pulverizing great teams with your nurse?

    Something ?

    Anything other than words?

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    I would add the following.

    If those people who constantly cry about the so-called "balance" of the game weren't so hypocritical, they would put as much energy into topics asking BUFF for the weakest killers as in those asking to nerf the nurse.

    But this is very strange...

    When it comes to crying about the nurse, and asking that she be nerfed, every day, there, everyone is there.

    On the other hand, when it comes to proposing improvements concerning the weakest killers in the game, where are they, these valiant knights who supposedly defend what they call "equality"?

    They don't care about equality.

    This word is only a masquerade.

    A simple excuse to be able to cry more and more.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Did I not present a viable change that works for all levels of play? Spasmodic Breath basekit. Maybe the numbers would need to be adjusted, but it would make Nurse feel a lot more "fair" to play against, even if her power still ignores most of the game's mechanics. Because much like Oni or Legion, the fact that half the time, you're just playing against a normal M1 Killer makes it a lot more bearable when they do something crazy that you had no real way to avoid.

    Nurse is unique in just how little works against her. Pallets? Blink. Windows? Blink. Walls? Blink. Hold W? Blink. Everything Survivors could normally do against a Killer will barely slow a Nurse down. Similar to why pre-rework Legion was so despised, despite them being absolute garbage.

    Again, please point out where I showed disinterest in balancing the game for both sides, so I can correct that. I want the game to be fun for both sides, because if Survivors are satisfied with the way the game plays, then Killer queue times will be shorter. And if Killer is fun to play, then, well, I'll have more fun.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    "Did I not present a viable change that works for all levels of play? Spasmodic Breath basekit. Maybe the numbers would need to be adjusted, but it would make Nurse feel a lot more "fair" to play against, even if her power still ignores most of the game's mechanics."

    That's what they say.

    What you're suggesting is to completely destroy the nurse's gamedesign, in order to bring it in line with the level of the players who are bad against her.

    It is doubly selfish. On the one hand you want to please those who are just bad, and on the other hand you offer a solution that would take away all the fun of playing the nurse.

    "Because much like Oni or Legion, the fact that half the time, you're just playing against a normal M1 Killer makes it a lot more bearable when they do something crazy that you had no real way to avoid."

    Again, you show that you are one of the people who can't play against the nurse.

    You're literally asking for her to be an M1 killer at times.

    Sorry, but the game doesn't have to be balanced around the lack of skill of people refusing to improve.

    Also, just talking about the power of the nurse as, I quote, "something impossible to avoid" shows just how high you are when it comes to confronting the nurse.

    So yes, it's not Dan who wants to, but the simple fact that he exists is the proof, if one were needed, that all the arguments that the nurse has no counter-game are just a bunch of meaningless words.

    "I want the game to be fun for both sides"

    That's the whole problem.

    Do not mix balance and fun.

    Even if you don't find it fun to play against the nurse; and that, you have every right to do so; it only reflects a preference in terms of personal amusement. It's juste an OPINION, and not a FACT.

    It doesn't reflect a balance issue.

    The nurse is the strongest killer in the game BUT she is not too strong.

    You CAN not to like playing against her.

    You CAN not to know how to play against her.

    You CAN play with mates who don't know how to play against her.

    You CAN be around people who don't know how to play against her.

    You CAN be in one or more teams that don't know how to play against it.

    But that doesn't mean she's too strong, and/or that the problem is her.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Exactly how does adding a limitation to Nurse's power "completely destroy" her game design? Was Legion's game design completely destroyed when they lost the ability to down with Feral Frenzy?

    So if the strongest Killer in the game isn't too strong, a Killer that renders the chasing skills of tournament-level players largely irrelevant, then what exactly DOES constitute "too strong" for you? Why should I humor you when you move the goalposts?

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Its not a personal attack on you so apologies if I was putting you in the crosshair, its just the culmination of 5+ years on the same topic. I've been here for every variation of Nurse and the most busted stuff for both Survivor and the rest of the Killer roster - I've seen and heard every possible opinion from both sides on the major DBD topics and its just history repeating itself. The changes we received were universally agreed upon regardless of individual's preferred roles, most people were perfectly fine with getting the Nurse changed again and the second they realized she's still S tier they have been perpetuating the feedback-loop all over

    I understand fully that she is 120/100 compared to Trapper's 25/100 and Blights 100/100 and I've never disagreed that the gap exists and its too wide. The difference between my stance and perhaps yours and others is that I've historically proposed that her and any Blight-level characters stay around 100/100 while others are brought closer to that point and Survivors are unified in the form of QoL features such as the recent SoloQ HUD additions. I feel like other players don't agree or understand how this makes sense and they instead propose that she goes from 120/100 immediately to 75/100 or lower AND then we still buff Survivors as a whole and weaker Killers. I will ALWAYS stand against that particular perspective because its selfish and overdramatic in me and other's opinions due to the flipside

    The DBD community over the years has routinely claimed that certain things need to be left alone or treated with extra caution because they want to prioritize the majority (Survivors outnumber Killers both in-game and IRL). The problem here is that the majority/minority have never fluctuated or swapped places in DBD, its always been the same structure simply due to the asymmetrical nature. For every Killer-exclusive player in the world there are dozens of Survivors. With that being said, If we're ALWAYS prioritizing the majority then how can we then consider the foundation of this topic to be "Balance" and "fairness"??

    Its a slippery slope and when you give an inch, people will ALWAYS take a mile and that's why I'm so harshly against it. I'm a Survivor main myself and although several thousand of my hours have gone to Killer my first love will always be Survivor and everything involved in it. I guess I can consider it a weird variation of 'tough love'. I love Survivor so much in DBD that I find it offensive when Devs cater TOO much to us, not everybody is doodoo or in need of training wheels

    At what point do the community and Devs draw a line in the sand and say people simply have to adapt to the Nurse's gameplay loop? Is it when she gets a 4th patch and Spasmodic Breath is basekit or is it when she has Spasmodic Breath basekit AND shes banned from using aura reading perks? You see where I'm going with this? At some point people have to accept the fact that her power is simply meant to be played differently as and against. I recall many Oni OP complaints too and I have no doubt that if she operated more like him it still wouldn't change the community's perception. I legitimately believe people will not be satisfied until she is just removed from the game or D/C tier

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    I'm really starting to believe that survivors won't stop complaining about the Nurse until she's loopable

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Two things can be true: a killer is the best but not in need of a nerf. By your logic, there essentially can never be a best killer. Citing hens isn’t particularly compelling because I guarantee you can find tourney players who disagree- being a tourney player doesn’t make them infallible.

    Lastly, killers should have an advantage in the chase. You are totally wrong that Nurse has no counterplay, but, in general, the game is supposed to make the killer more powerful than one survivor. The bs that m1 killers have to put up with should not be the standard. If you don’t agree, you should just play bot matches.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Honestly, I think Blight is a pretty good example of what a top-tier Killer SHOULD look like. His power is pretty disgusting in the right hands, but he still plays by the rules of the game for the most part. I haven't seen him get anywhere near the level of complaints that pre-nerf Spirit did, despite being in the exact same position as the second-best Killer in the game, and the most popular in high MMR. The only things I'd say are really worth looking into at all are his addons, not his basekit.

    I really haven't seen the dynamic you're talking about in DbD discourse. It's usually been a constant back-and-forth between Survivor and Killer mains. Killers will get buffed in one update, then nerfed in the next. Survivors get buffed in one update, nerfed in the next. Moris are nerfed, then keys are nerfed. Killers get basekit buffs, then Survivors get solo queue buffs.

    Well, you'll notice that the complaints about Spirit have largely ceased since her nerfs, and they didn't just move on to Blight as one might expect, him being the new second-best Killer and all. No, almost all of the complaints are centered around Nurse exclusively now. Survivors will probably find something new to complain about (My bets are on perks or tunneling), but at the end of the day, people hate Nurse for a reason. She ends chases in a ridiculously short timeframe, and nothing can stand in her way. Take steps to address the reasons people hate her, and the hate decreases accordingly.