Eruption is not too strong. You are too weak

Sorry but it's just facts. Survivors always have something to cry about
First it was original ruin
Then it was Pop
Then it was ruin plus undying
Then it was dead man switch plus pain Resonance
Then it was merciless storm
Then it was dead man switch plus pain Resonance in a weaker Version
And now it's the kick gen perks but mostly Eruption
Stop crying about any perk that get's used a bit more often because it's the strongest right now
Same for killers who cry about every survivor perk that is meta
No ❤️
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You forgot Forever Freddy. 🤣
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Sounds like you're ranting and not offering any valid argument on why Eruption is fine. That's cool because I couldn't think of any either.
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Nah. The strongest tools on both sides are too strong. It's not just Eruption, and it's not just Dead Hard either.
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Why is there so much Eruption copium? Its not THE most broken thing in the game by any means but its usage rate and the long duration debuff creates a predictable/frustrating gameplay loop especially when you're already having to/expected to compensate for any and all deficiencies your teammates might have. Its okay to use Eruption especially with how efficient GOOD Survivors are on gens, but there's no need to do damage control for it and pretend like its all white noise
It reminds me of when DH was still E for distance and people said it was a 'Skill issue' and 'entitlement' if Killers weren't jumping in joy after seeing it 3-4 times in every single lobby
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It's not to do with 'weakness', it's the fact that both killer and survivor have a small contingency of ridiculous perks that, to be quite frank, shouldn't be in the game because they're so OP - followed by the 95% of other perks which are mediocre/situational at best, and outright useless at worst.
The controversy around Eruption is exactly the same as all the hate old DH (and new DH to a lesser extent) got. It's the fact that going against the same 4 perks every game becomes very stale and predictable.
If they look at another meta shake-up in the future, I hope they fine-tune some of the current meta perks to make them slightly weaker, and then buff some of the underused perks in order to provide some variety again, because, let's be real, survivors have a clear-cut current meta (DH, OTR, CoH, and Adrenaline), and so do killers (CoB, Eruption, Overcharge, etc.). You occasionally see slight variations, but generally see at the very least three of the aforementioned perks in every. single. game.
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I feel like is arguing against rebalancing more people having a problem with eruption. Which like every live service Multiplayer game buff and nerf things all the time so this thread makes no sense lol.
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I'd be interested to see if OP plays survivor and has to deal with eruption from the other side. Because they certainly sound like a killer main. One who likes to run eruption and win lots of games.
Eruption is difficult enough for SWFs to counter and is downright crippling for solo q teams. Who have no way to tell if the chased surv is about to go down or not. It'd maybe be more tolerable if it didn't stack with CoB. That combo is straight filthy and basically lets a killer for a gen from 90% regression down to less that 50 by simply kicking a gen and downing a surv.
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When theres no counter play on the killer side i.e., locker saves devs fix it yet when theres no counter play on the survivor side (having no clue when a solo queue surv is going to get downed) then it's ok?
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I've experienced both and Dead Hard generates a very similar feeling to what eruption creates. Except eruption doesn't force me to chase and mind game someone for that additional 30 seconds.
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That's completely fair to say imo.
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I play killer and surv roughly equally. As killer I find deadhard annoying but easy to counter once I'm aware of it. Few things more satisfying than seeing a survivor dab after they run at you then laying them out flat. Sure a really good surv can force you into a no win situation on a pallet but that isn't easy. It requires good timing and reactions, hell even a bit of latency can prevent it from working. One slip up and you're on the floor bleeding out. I run DH a lot and miss probably over 50% of my triggers.
Eruption on the other hand? Yikes. As surv it makes me want to DC. The initial blowup is bad enough, but the incapacitation is way too long and forces much more regression that can't be stopped. I've run it as killer a couple times and those games were an absolute cakewalk. It ruins solo q games because without VC it's usually impossible to tell when the chase target will go down.
And tbh eruption technically costs the survivor more than 30 secs when you add up the progress lost to the explosion, and the double whammy of progress both halted and lost by the gen regressing while surv is incapacitated.
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Yeah, for a perk that's apparently easily counterable and perfectly fine it sure does have a lot of hardcore defenders and people across social media upset that it's being nerfed. I mean, I too feel like fighting on behalf of apparent mediocre perks to be a valuable use of my time. Oh wait, I don't, because no one spends valuable time defending actual mediocre perks.
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Who complained about Merciless Storm?
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Honestly the whole complaining about pain reso and dead mans was just not logical. You literally see the aura of a survivor before they are considered "hooked" by the game. Like sure they lose the aura after they get picked up but you know the general location to it and as soon as you see them get flung off the killers shoulder you let go.
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Which is why Fearmonger is a slept on part of the PR+DMS combo. Not only do you cuck exhaustion perks, you force survivors to let go shortly after a down.
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I was actually watching DbD league and I was shocked to see comp squads in the GRAND FINALS getting hit with Eruption.
The special skill checks are ass on previous generation consoles.
There was also an issue with its interaction with pain res, were you could get the skill checks for a long time. Nothing really that couldn't be fixed with simple straightforward logic, or not changed at all even. But then, enter BHVR.
The problem was not pain res. The problem has always been DMS on a handful of killers specifically who can push survivors off multiple gens in a matter of seconds.
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Most of the survivors want easy games. They want to finish all the generators and then mess around when the game is over. That's not very fun for the killer.
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You literally can’t play against Eruption. SWF or not. Even in a chat you can’t accurately call out and expect ppl to react fast enough. I doubt even Pro players can do that.
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Dead Hard isn't too strong, you're just too weak.
Boons aren't too strong, you're just too weak.
Sorry, but it's just the facts. Killers always have something to cry about 🙄🙄🙄
(or eruption is a problem, as are other things, and we can respect the fact that a perk that deletes solo queue from ever being viable and prevents people from playing the video game is probably not healthy..? nah lets just make another thread providing nothing constructive just to insult a portion of the player base)
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Pain Resonance is strong because it can tell the killer which generator affected by it. but after mid chapter rework, Pain Resonance is fine now even if combo with Fearmonger or Deadman Switch.
sorry for broken english
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what i mean, if killer know which generator affected by Pain Resonance, he will come to the generator and the survivor will be forced to let go of the generator and it triggers DeadMan Switch.
i think that the reason Pain Resonance + DeadMan Switch is strong before midchapter
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The "weak players" won. Eruption is getting nerfed whatever you say.
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ain't no way this isn't bait. either way, eruption's getting looked into, so big dubs.
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The only argument AGAINST Eruption is "Incapacitation is boring so get rid of it".
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the eruption literally regresses only 5% it takes the killer 2 seconds to kick the generator during that time the survivors do 8% of the other generators so that 8% is just compensation for the killer kicking the generator, after which the generator regresses by 5% in 20 seconds, with taking into account the fact that the minimum chase time is 30 seconds, then the eruption is even weak ( just so you understand 1 dh wins at least 45% for generators)
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I didn't actually know that math, thank you.
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If a survivor affected by Eruption
- 9sec instant lost
- 25sec that Gen cant progress
- 6sec that Gen regressed because that survivor cant do Gen
The total is 40sec lost, for a single survivor that affected.
If a survivor isnt affected by Eruption (only possible for Swf)
- 9sec instant lost
The gaps that this perk affect between Solo & Swf is 31sec of Gen. Solo gets hurt x4 than Swf.
Despite this perk is relatively weak against Swf, many Killers use it. Not because its strong against Swf, its because Killers know that the perk works 90% of the match that only Solo.
Post edited by C3Tooth on8 -
Eruption is just unhealthy for the game. Same as DS and DH used to be.
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That's just not true and I'm kinda of sick of talking about it but.... There's no reliable counterplay to Eruption for solo players. If you can not see the chase you don't know when to get off the gen. If you choose not to work on the gen at all or leave that gen (if possible) the perk still gets value.
Post edited by th3syst3m on6 -
What do you mean DH used to be unhealthy for the game?
It is wasting just as much time as it did before. Good players are using it with almost the same frequency they did before.
Eruption needs to be changed not nerfed. Add a new generator status where the generator cannot be interacted with by anyone. The generator regresses at a hyper increased rate and nobody can stop it.
This way the survivor can either stand idle waiting 30+ seconds for that status to end, heal, do a totem or run to a different generator.
Eruption can then work equally well on swf and solo players. It can still be a strong perk for killers and not be crippling to play against.
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Personal take I guess but that sounds more enjoyable than sitting around for 25 seconds doing nothing. Neither are great at the moment though.
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Old DH had no counter. Current DH does so it is no longer problematic imo. As for Eruption I've made my suggestion as to what to do with it before but I'll repeat it here. Increase the regression to 15% and block the gen for 25 seconds. You have almost the exact same amount of regression that way without the incapacitated effect which is the actual problem.
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I can count on one hand how many times ive been affected by eruption. I get cheesed by dead hard multiple times every match as killer.
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Your hand must have a lot of fingers on it then lol. In all seriousness, yes, dead hard sees a LOT of use. But it doesn't give as much of an advantage as eruption. And it doesn't mean it's broken.
And it's kind of necessary for survs to run some kind of exhaustion perk because they need to be able to extend chases. You won't find many, if any survivors who don't run either: DH, lithe, balanced landing, sprint burst or maybe head on at a stretch.
Do I run dead hard pretty much every match? Yes. Does it help me every match? No. It's easy to bait out and hard to time. Eruption on the other hand, easy to trigger and serious value. unless it's an extremely well coordinated swf then it's almost impossible to avoid the incapacitation without just not doing the gen which essentially leads to the same result.
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Eruption isn't necessarily OP, it's effect is strong don't get me wrong, but the main issue with it is that there just isn't any realistic counterplay for survivors who aren't all on comms.
Even now with the updated HUD where you can see if someone is injured and in chase, you can't tell survivors "just don't do gens when someone is injured and in chase" because that takes away far too much time on gens. Someone injured could still run the killer for ages, especially with Dead Hard being such a popular perk. Conversely someone injured could go down in three seconds, you have no way of knowing, and that's the problem.
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good bait
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Well, that, and the fact that the status effect it inflicts is literally just 'quit playing' for, what is it, 25 seconds?
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BHVR should adapt what most arena mmo's are doing: identify the 5 most popular perks on both side and nerf them by mostly tweaking the numbers and buff the 5 least played perks. Monitor for gross gamebreaking stuff, but otherwise let everything stick. Rinse and repeat every month, while ignoring last month changed perks in the process which perks to buff/nerf next.
Then you get a fluid and changing meta with the player base constantly evaluating what's strong now and finding new and interesting ways to use what they got.
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Not everything gets to have "counterplay". And this fact this perk has it at all is more than a lot of perks offer. You have options. You just don't like them.
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I dont think guarantee 40sec of losing Gen is a good way to change. Eruption is in a weird place to balance.
- Time to setup
- Gaps of time the perk save is huge
The risk of lot of time to setup + risk of time saved is little (against Swf) is why the perk may save 1 Gen on a single down (sadly only affect Solo)
Like if you spend 10 hours to drive and 100$ buying Lotto, with the risk that you get nothing, or 100.000$ (how the perk currently is)
Compare to you spend 10 hours to drive and 100$ buying Lotto, that you know you will get 50.000$ everytime (how you suggest the perk)
The perk would be still madly strong.
Consider PainRes + Deadman combo is strong, that requires Fearmonger so Survivors cant see if teammate being carried to hook. That takes 3 perks slot and still leave alot of ways to counter. Eruption is a single perk, equally strong that can combo with others to make it even stronger.
Or compare to Grim Embrace. Requires 4 unique hooks to get 40sec stall. If you makes Eruption block all Gens on a down, its already far stronger than Grim Embrace, and this is not mention that Eruption works multiple times in a match.
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Thats exactly the point. The killers that are coping saying Eruption is okay are the same the survivors saying skill issue over E for distance. The entitlement shifts but NO ONE want to talk about it
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That's pretty hypocritical to say
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The difference between eruption and dead hard is that survivors will be fine when dead hard gets nerfed. The survivors who are good enough to hit perfect dead hards will still destroy with sprint burst. I predict that people will immediately start crying about the other exhaustion perks once dead hard gets nerfed. Some killers on the other hand are awful and get hard carried by eruption. People know they're going to get exposed when it gets nerfed. It's like the below average survivors crying about losing old dead hard all over again. I can only speak from my experience but there are far more people who crutch on eruption than dead hard. Dead Hard at least requires some degree of skill to pull off consistently. Compare that to a brain dead perk where you kick gens for 30 minutes until all the resources on the map are gone.
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You forgot Thana and Overcharge. Eruption isn't too strong. But it's very annoying for solos. It doesn't need a nerf, but it does need a tweak.
If they do decide to give it the Ruin or Thana treatment, I'm throwing bones.
If a perk has complete, 100% reliable counterplay then that's a useless perk. And I trust this isn't one of the numerous 'nah who cares about killer players, just delete a perk so anyone that bought that killer just has two for him now' posts's how I'm finding Eruption.
- I run Empathy baseline, and I can...generally dodge Eruption about 40%- 50% of the time.
- Other people, from what I'm seeing, aren't even trying to dodge it. They're greeding 100% and getting clouted.
- Yes, it gets value. Are you saying it...shouldn't get value? Wouldn't that be a pointless perk?
Post edited by StarLost on0 -
The Sprint Burst/Lithe thing has been predicted hundreds, if not thousands of times in the pre-patch 6.1 circus, but it never came to fruition. For a short time in history, we enjoyed a time were there was a colorful mixed bag of exhaustion perks and everything was seen in game. People went wild with all kinda builds and it was an exciting and fun time.
Sure, intelligent usage of Sprint Burst can be pretty annoying, but it's nowhere in the same heartsinking, confidence destroying and fun-sucking ballpark that is DHs favorite hunt. SB and Lithe happen at the start of a chase or even before one happens and the killer can decide if its worth their time to commit or look somewhere else, whereas DH literally happens in the 14 frames before your triumph after a long and arduous chase, taking it all away.
There will always be singular peeps who get so destroyed be SB that they come crying, but that's just whiny loosers tat you always have on both sides. But if you honestly think that a so-called Sprint Burst meta could be anything 1/4 as obnoxious as DH, then you need a reality check.
An intelligent use of Sprint Burst is just irritating, while an honest to God 99ed Sprint Burst mid-chase gives you pause and grudgingly respect that survivor. Compare that to mindlessly looping a piece of junk 3 times, just to press E and do it all again or move away. Riviting gameplay and the hight of tactical acumen, right?
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same, I always have respect for people with 99% sprint, this person wisely used his actions, guessed the moment and played from the perk, while dh is press e if the killer uses m2 or swings m1 congratulations you won
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What makes me more mad about killers using the current meta so much is that I don't use meta perks as a survivor. Everyone's goal is always to win and doesn't care how they get it especially camping bubbas. Why not try just having fun using different perks to actually challenge yourself?
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There are two issues with that:
- BHVR is not proactive at monitoring for any issues, let alone gamebreaking ones, nor at acting upon those issues. We've had broken totem spots both for killers and survivors, perks that were bugged for ages, exploits, spots where survivors couldn't get picked up, afk Pig, afk Pinhead etc. Those are all examples that stayed, or still are in the game for months at hand and sometimes even years.
- Some of those perks are blocked behind a paywall. So, that rises a moral hazard issue where dlc perks could get intentionally overtuned on rotation and left as is until that cow is milked dry. The whole Eruption affair comes dangerously close to represent an example of such practice.