Please Kill Switch The Twins

Despite the supposed fix it's still possible to get a game where you're unable to play in any meaningful way (at least one video shows it's literally impossible to play sometimes).
Please just kill switch them until they're fixed. I understand playing Twins is supposed to be unfun, but this is ridiculous.
Why should they be killswitched? I have played about 50 twins games in the last 2 weeks and have yet to see this supposed bug.
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It's kind of like that one Nurse bug that softlocked players awhile back. It has a very niche case scenario behind the bug that makes it rare to come by.
Difference here is BHVR actually killswitched Nurse (hell, even Clown got killswitched over a minor bug), but Twins remains the same. Just because it isnt "common" still doesnt excuse the lack of killswitching, it still ruins matches.
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Clown was a bit different infinite wallhacks could be abused pretty bad and gave a serious advantage.
I dont know anything about the Nurse bug but being a killer with a far higher pickrate regardless of how uncommon the bug was it would have been more common.
If twins had a higher pickrate maybe it would be killswitched but personally I'm glad its not because I get to play a killer I enjoy.
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I haven't seen a twins in 3 months lmao. Don't think it is a problem, if it was Wesker, or knight, or ghostface, then yes. But for a 1/100 chances in a match. Not high on their list. Let the 3 Twins mains have some bonuses :p
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So because people don't play the killer it's not a problem?
Seems like a really dumb reason to me.
And for a rare bug, it sure did pop up the only time I played Twins.
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I have played about 50 games as twins over the last week and a half and have yet to see the bug.
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It is performance based, it affects consoles and old pcs
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I'm on console.
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Old gen consoles specifically
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The bug is performance based. It's common on older consoles and low end PCs
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My computer runs the game just fine and I still got it.
I was lucky that switching between the two got rid of it that time, but who knows how lucky I'll be the next time it happens.