Another idea about tunneling

I came with some ideas, maybe it was already brought up, but if not, I want to bring it up to discussion.

First of all, what is tunneling. Tunneling is sole focusing on single survivor, ignoring everyone else. It is a cheap way of gameplay, because it works only on weak/solo teams and completely unfun for survivors and detrimental for killer's skill and experience.

My suggestion is to add "Fear" status effect.

After unhooking, if there are two or more alive other survivors, this survivor gets for 60 seconds:

  • 4.4 m/s speed inside killer actual terror radius
  • all perks of that survivor are disabled (maybe with exception of some healing perks, like Boon: Medstation and Inner Healing?)
  • vaulting speed effect of Resilience and old Spine Chill inside actual killer terror radius
  • any conspicuous action remove Fear status except healing yourself
  • health state change remove Fear status
  • Fear disables usage of any items except medkits inside terror radius
  • no collision with killer
  • unfinished healing degrade back to zero (like Sloppy Butcher without healing speed penalty)

My idea is that unhooked survivor is very hard to catch as a killer, but completely useless for his team. He cannot sabotage, flashlight save or bodyblock, or do something without going back to normal. He can chose to be useless, but killer would ignore him, or get to safety and heal/start repair.


  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 758

    it's a very bad idea to take strong toys only from 1 side, the killer loses his strongest tactic

    what about the survivors? what do they lose?

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    If you read what I suggested, you'll find all the answers.

    "Tactic" is not strong, completely not working on strong teams and strong survivors, also bad for game "health". Killer lose nothing, only gaining, because killer now has stimuli to play skillfuly and apply pressure.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2023

    Have you never watched a competitive game...?

    Basically all of those killers tunnel heavily. It works very well even against good teams when done right.

  • Kaffry
    Kaffry Member Posts: 52

    Tunneling a very upsetting to play against as survivor, but I think this implementation is a bit excessive.

    Id have to agree with sanees. Tunneling is a frowned upon but fair play style. Tunneling is typically implemented in my games when I am being gen rushed and have to make up for some hooks.

    If you remove tunneling from the game, survivors would have to lose something as well because it would not be balanced.

    This is coming from a survivor main btw.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Here we need to put a pin, IS DbD COMPETITVE game, or is it suitable for casual players. Because if BHVR try to sit on both chairs, it won't work.

    1. Pro-streamers almost never tunnel. I can say because I watch them frequently.
    2. Majority of players don't care about competitiveness, they play game to have fun. When you are destroyed in 2-3 minutes from the start, it is not healthy. That's from my experience too, but besides that, tunneling issue (let alone camping) is being brought up every now and then.

    I just added some ideas. Because if something make the game less fun, it has to go. Otherwise we could just down survivors number to 3 and remove all objects on the map for killer pleasure.

    This is coming from killer main btw (truth to say "killer enjoyer" because I like playing killer, but have to play survivor too for all undone achievements are only there, sadly)

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Ah, there's the "I'm a killer main but....." qualifier. Can't have a post without it.

    I also watch DBD streams on occasion. Everybody plays scummy when they have to, nice when they don't.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 417

    Tunneling is a problem, not matter if people say is a strategy.

    Camping and tunneling at endgame is something valid because what else can a killer do?

    But when you wait a long queue just for a game that ends in 3 minutes just because the killer is too lazy to play and start tunneling at the beginning is not fun and healthy for the game

    so yes, tunneling needs to be punished in a good way, in a way that survivors can exploit and abuse

  • Kaffry
    Kaffry Member Posts: 52

    Long queue? Unless you have cross play off, queues are typically less than 5 minutes, and less than 20 seconds for the side that has the BP incentive.

  • Kaffry
    Kaffry Member Posts: 52

    Queues are typically 10 seconds - 3 minutes depending on who has the match making incentives.

    If tunneling is such a huge issue, learn the tiles and don’t die immediately.

    I didn’t want to say the last part, but it needed to be said.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    That’s false lol. D3ad plays tunnels all the time if he needs pressure / somebody out of the game, and he’s one of the best killers on the game.

    There is literally nothing wrong with tunneling. It’s completely valid and EXTREMELY effective when you need it to be.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I know it’s sucks to be tunneled. I go out of my way to not tunnel people and show mercy, even if they make huge mistakes (running right back into me, etc). But people asking for changes like this is ridiculous.

    The most they should do is revert the DS nerf.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    You could easily make a Perk that is just borrowed time, but for yourself. That is basicly what you want.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited January 2023

    That's very entitled point of view, valid only if DbD-world spins ESPECIALLY around the killers and survivors are just paid entertainers to please killer. Even more effective could be start with only 3 survivors, or disable survivors run, or make them exposed initially. But when it comes to the game, game HAVE TO BE fun. So, if there is some scammy way to play, it have to be gone, no matter how effective it is. Especially that it is tactic only for bad and desperate players.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    My favorite "Git gud" statement. Works in both ways. Learn to apply pressure and macroplay. See?

    Especially when in my personal experience (not that is said by someone bla bla bla) when you die almost always as survivor and win almost always as a killer, something is not quite right.

    Again, if skill-floor for survivor is to be at least Ayrun/Naymetti/JRM level, then I want to hear it officially.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    If dbd us supposed to be miserable experience for that survivor I agree but if it's supposed to be fun game then I disagree but killers will need buffs to compensate as tunneling carries most so I quess kill rates would go down to below 50%. And it would become miserable experience for killers.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Increasing the base Gen regression will do that without having to resort to off the wall changes

    And yes before anyone says it... changes to the regression perks should happen as well

    But that being said it'll only be Overcharge and Call Of Brine... cause Ruin already does Base Gen regression and the rest of them are % based