Idea for a secondary objective for survivors

Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Generator speeds are kinda getting out of control, mainly for the survivors side. Part of this is because they have an abundance of gen speed perks and items/addon's that allow them to do gens at ridiculous speeds (*Ahem* Commodious Toolbox and Brand New Part) but another part of it is because survivors do not have a mandatory secondary objective.

Implementing a secondary objective for survivors could help gen speeds and tone down Early Game a bit, while also providing a (somewhat) new gameplay experience. That being said, here's an idea for a secondary objective:

Survivors could gather parts for gens (1 part per gen) and install them in order to start repairing that generator.

Generator Parts

- In order to start repairing, 1 Generator Part must be installed onto a generator.

- 8 generator parts spawn on the map randomly

- Grabbing a Generator Part will not take up your item slot, but will be put into the in game inventory (similar to Sadako's Tapes)

- Installing a generator part will take 30 seconds.

- Survivors who get interrupted while installing a Generator Part will still have the install progress on the gen when they return.

- If a Gen has install progress already, other survivors can finish installing the part.


- Toolboxes can now be used to install Generator Parts.

- Brand New Part is now used to progress Generator Part installing instead of Gen Progress.

- Maps can highlight the Auras of Generator Parts (Both Green and Red Maps)

- New perks can be created to help with Generator Part installing.


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited February 2023

    I really don't think a secondary objective would be good now. I think camping and tunneling along with killers bringing slowdown builds would make survivor unbearable.

    Imagine needing to find a generator part when a survivor is on a hook getting camped with other slow down perks.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Fair point. If this were to be implemented, perks for both sides would have to be adjusted.

    But with that said, something needs to be done to help Early Game, and new things need implemented to survivor to make the role a little more interactive/fun. Anything would be better than what we have now.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I really don't think there is anything you can do to the early game drastically without throwing everything out of balance.

    What we have now isn't that bad imo

  • EyelessJacky
    EyelessJacky Member Posts: 3

    its not a bad idea........but its just completing the objective we have now with 4 gen slowdown perks sucks and we barely make it out.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,079

    They would probably need to do a sequel to implement changes that drastic, its not as simple as pushing some buttons.

    Legit, just remove the inta progress of BNPs its a stupid mechanic

  • DrewCarn
    DrewCarn Member Posts: 12

    Even with the new changes I think this should be considered, and as a 50/50 player trust me I feel the pain of 4 slowdowns. But if the devs could get a handle on toning those down a bit or if there is a meta change to where not every killer is running that kind of build, I do think an early game objective should be implemented just like we needed an endgame timer to speed up the end of matches.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 715

    Exactly, The reasons no killer or Survivors is going to run Non Meta perks, is that the base game is not going to have any momentum to win (by kills/Escapes). Killer's needs to stack slowdown/regression perks as the Survivor's objectives speed is much faster and difficult to pressure in early game. Survivors need to stack Gen Repair/2nd chances/exhaustion perks to maximize the survivability and objectives speed to open the exit gates and flee. There is no middle ground, and no significant changes to meta, as it will always be the same; with doing some massive overhaul to the base game first.

    Survivors need a 2nd Objective, as Killer have so many objectives to complete their overall goal of killing. (Hunting, chasing, downing/hooking, pressure Survivors off gen, etc.) Killer's need built lethality/speed/slowdown in their killer power; so that they do need to win by stacking slowdown perks; we need Killer's to buff similar to the strongest level of killer's such as Nurse and Blight.

    They can nerfs those perks all they want, but no matter what; the game conditions them to play "toxic" by efficiency at what needs to be done to maximize their chances to win, and run the best builds to ensure victory. If only Killers/survivors have another win conditions such as maximize hooks or ensure your chase and interaction with the killer saves your team is rewarding; only then we can less needs for these perks.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 381

    I have always thought, that if DBD switched to a Friday the 13th style of gamemode, where the survivors must survive X amount of time and they can do objectives to reduce that time, the game could be more fun.

    Like imagine in Lampkin Lane, going between houses finding car batteries or calling the police.

    Or on Temple of Purgation, finding ancient tablets that complete a ritual to open a secret exit.

    Or on Meat Plant, actually playing a SAW game to open doors.

    The main idea is that the Survivors must actually do things to survive, like scavenge, hide, be resourceful.

    With the game being time based, the devs could cap HOW much time can be reduced by objectives and guarantee that Matches last a minimum amount of time.