Adept achievements bugged?



  • LuckyJewel
    LuckyJewel Member Posts: 124

    I had the same problem here on PS5 and i used to adept onryo for the 3rd time please help PSN name Digital_Jewel

  • ChickenShitModifier

    With the new update the adept killer achievement got easier to unlock because for a merciless killer title you just need a 4k (and no longer a double pip). Now it happened to me the second time since the update went live that even though I managed to get "merciless Killer" I did not unlock the adept achievement. This happened a few days ago with Trapper and now with Plague.

  • Boiting
    Boiting Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2023

    Yeah the exact same thing happened to me last game with artist, when i got a 4k i was expecting the achievement to appear but it was still locked.

    Post edited by Jocelynbee on
  • vinczezo
    vinczezo Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2023

    Same to me with canniball.

    Post edited by Jocelynbee on
  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33

    Is this still not fixed?

  • MurderAssassin
    MurderAssassin Member Posts: 1

    I didn't get the achievement for Nea (adept) and I've qualified maybe 3 or 4 times over. I've gotten over 2 pips, gone through exits and hatch in those matches

    Steam ID: 76561198087192466

  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33


  • johanneswalter
    johanneswalter Member Posts: 4

    I didnt get the Pig adept yesterday even though i 4K'd.

    Steam ID: 76561198125171464

  • cloakeddeath96
    cloakeddeath96 Member Posts: 1

    I have had the same problem on PS5, did trapper got merciless 3 times, twice was with double pip. Nothing. Tried Huntress, got on the first one. Tried Hillbilly got one and no trophy. Then tried hag and got it. Seems like it only wants to give the trophy when it feels like it. Lol.

  • Drean
    Drean Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2023

    I had the same problem with dredge twice. The only thing I did was take a screenshot of one of the games, but only the score

    Steam ID64: 76561198148922488

    Post edited by Drean on
  • Slazzuh
    Slazzuh Member Posts: 8

    Glad to see I'm somehow not the only one that got this issue. 4k as Oni and no adept

    Platform: Steam

    Steam ID: 76561198404351844

  • YOZZii
    YOZZii Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2023

    I had about 10ish attempts at adept trapper, 5 or 6 were double pip but all were 4k, still nothing.

    i was on PS5 and my ID/PSN is Y-O-Z-Z-i-i if you guys still want it.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853
    edited January 2023

    Here's my Steam ID: 76561198216996841

    This same bug happened to me with Hag and Plague.

  • ThaBatPope
    ThaBatPope Member Posts: 2

    Problem happened for me on Nemesis on PC (steam).

    Got 4 kills, double pip and hooked 3 survivors 3 times and the last guy once.

    Steam 64 ID is 76561198007206295

  • Funspaxx
    Funspaxx Member Posts: 3

    Mastermind Adept with 4K and double pip and got no Achievement

    Steam, PC , Steam ID 76561198387042270

  • MiserythePug
    MiserythePug Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Shape and Wraith for me

    PS4 ID/PSN Dyinginmisery

  • ColorOfTheLight
    ColorOfTheLight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I didn't get adept on shape after double pip and 4k,

    Platform : PC (steam)

    Steam Id64 76561198165563056

  • Mogeko
    Mogeko Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Hello! Same issue with Nemesis, and, mabye, Dredge

    Steam id 76561198226103568

  • EduuYouurPartner
    EduuYouurPartner Member Posts: 1

    I got this same issue as well, I'm on PS5 and got 4 kills as Legion but didn't get it. My PSN ID is EduuYouurPartner.

  • Corvo724
    Corvo724 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1


    So I've attempted three different adepts - I've tried The Cenobite twice, The Artist and The Executioner all with 4k and Merciless but I did not receive the adept challenge. This began on the 24th, just wasn't sure where to go or if it was a delay. Please assist, thank you!

    Platform: PC (Steam)

    Steam ID64: 76561199153443781

  • Allyrion
    Allyrion Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2023

    On 29/01: I managed to get Adept Huntress, Clown, Plague and Trapper. But I did not get the Adept Nightmare and Wraith (after 4k and merciless).

    On 30/01: I did the Adept Doctor but did not get the achievement either (and with The Shape, if a disconnected player counts).

    On 31/01: I did the Adept Deathslinger but did not get the achievement.

    Platform: PC (STEAM)

    Steam ID64: 76561198016677900

    Post edited by Allyrion on
  • Nitronyx
    Nitronyx Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2023

    I got a 4K and Merciless rating with The Cannibal and no achievement at all. Please fix the achievements unlocking ASAP!!

    Platform: PC (Steam)

    Steam ID64: 76561198040893371

  • Mogeko
    Mogeko Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Good time! Today get similar bug with The Dredge

    Used 3 his perks 4k and the same, no achievement

    Steam id 76561198226103568

  • HanaumaSurf
    HanaumaSurf Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Yeah, I've got the same issue. I managed to get adept Pig and put in a support ticket about not getting the achievement.

    My platform is Steam on PC

    Steam ID64: 76561198299204835

  • hydrathebat
    hydrathebat Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Steam ID64: 76561198021178190

    Don't know if this falls under the same bug. Got merciless with Onryo and Dredge but no adept. In both of these matches, I had disconnects on their last hook.

  • Allyrion
    Allyrion Member Posts: 3

    Will we get the missing achievements afterwards or should we stop trying until the bug is fixed? :-)

  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33

    Yeah it would be good to know if these will unlock once it’s fixed, or if we should stop going for achievements until this is fixed (which will be when?)

  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33

    Unfortunately this is still broken after the update today

  • Spoonman03
    Spoonman03 Member Posts: 2

    I got a Merciless Killer game as Trapper and didn't get the adept, I made a post about it a few days ago

    Steam ID: 76561198139477415

  • MaxSubtlety
    MaxSubtlety Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2023

    Same here. I've been experiencing this for a week or two, but it was not resolved by today's patch.

    This makes my third game as The Knight where I met all the criteria for the Adept Achievement and did not get it. Very frustrating.

    In this week, I have gotten the achievement for Shape and Mastermind (although one game with Mastermind where I should've unlocked it, I did not). However, as I said, I've played three games with Knight that met all the necessary conditions; no achievement. One other killer that I definitely should've unlocked it for is Cannibal. I don't know if that matters, but what I'm trying to explain is that it's an inconsistent bug that affects multiple killers, but not all the time.

    Steam ID: 76561197967880994

  • DragSwagged
    DragSwagged Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I had the same problem with not receiving my achievements for The Nightmare. Here is my

    Steam ID64: 76561198281552413

  • JohnSsuitepee
    JohnSsuitepee Member Posts: 21

    Just had this affect me during a Trapper game that concluded a few minutes ago. I hooked all 4 survivors by the end of the game, but no adept.

    Platform: PC (Steam)

    Steam ID: 76561197965550005

    Steam ID64: 5284277

  • NightingaleFlow
    NightingaleFlow Member Posts: 8

    Just ran into this issue again. I Adepted Huntress earlier with no problem, but then I got Merciless/4k with Freddy and it didn’t pop.

    Platform: PS4

    Name: NightingaleFlow

  • zorasknight
    zorasknight Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    had a 4k, said it was merciless moments ago as hag on eyrie of crows using only her three perks. my steam ID is: 76561198038589572

  • Thunder_Chief
    Thunder_Chief Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2023

    Mandy, I didn't get Adept Hillbilly today. I have screenshots of match results if needed. Thanks!

    Since you mentioned you have enough accounts for now, I will provide my Steam ID if requested. Or I can file a support ticket. Will monitor this thread.

  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33

    Are we ever going to get an update on this? It’s quite a significant bug

  • Dalfurious
    Dalfurious Member Posts: 6

    I can confirm I did a match yesterday with just the The Doctor's main perks and got a 4k and didn't get the achievement either.

    Platform: Xbox

    Gamertag: Dalfurious

  • Venus_Paradise
    Venus_Paradise Member Posts: 5

    I had two pinhead matches today, 4k double pip on both and neither counted. (I had two other killer adepts; onryo & Knight, that did count earlier though?? wacky)

    Platform: Steam

    My Steam Id: 76561198959339046

  • Allyrion
    Allyrion Member Posts: 3

    The "Tools of the Trade" achievement also seems to be bugged. I've had 3 successful games so far but only 1 triggered a point in the achievement. I am currently on 1/5 for this achievement (only the first game counted, the next 2 merciless victories did not trigger it).

  • AdmiralX
    AdmiralX Member Posts: 7

    It was one match with a double pip, 3 players dead and 1 dc. After that, i did another one with just a 4k and a single pip.

  • Sibil
    Sibil Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2023

    Steam id: 76561198029727654

    Had 4 kills, double pip but for some reason "ruthless killer" and no knight adept achivment :(

  • SiNevesh
    SiNevesh Member Posts: 1

    Having the same issue. I managed to unlock adept Nemesis, but got two 4K matches on Knight with no success, one of which was a 2 pip. Also got a 2 pip, 4 iridescent 4K on Pyramid Head with no luck.

    Steam ID: 76561198021996469

  • wishidbeen
    wishidbeen Member Posts: 1

    Had this happen 3 games all requirements met on Artist and did NOT grant it on any 3

    then had ringu DID grant it

    then knight did NOT grant it with all requirements.

    Steam 76561198026071322

  • TwistedMercy
    TwistedMercy Member Posts: 1

    I was awarded my Huntress Adept lastnight but was not given my Shape Adept today.

    Steam ID: 76561198160699489

  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33

    Do we have any news on this and whether there is an estimated fix date? It is stopping me from getting platinum

  • Ghosted_Waffles
    Ghosted_Waffles Member Posts: 4

    This happened with me on Doctor and Oni. I restarted my Doctor run and got it, though.

  • IndigoA
    IndigoA Member Posts: 33

    Did you do anything different between matches?

  • BioScorp
    BioScorp Member Posts: 8

    I get the bug again. How is this bug still in the game bhvr pls fix it or release a statement so people would not suffer trying to do it because in patch note you mention it was fixed

  • LegonnaireLoomis

    Hello, I also didn't get my adept despite meeting all requirements with Wesker. I'm "CrashKeysInc" on Xbox. Thank you for looking at these

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