Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How would you buff these addons?

This is for Knight.


  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    For me the issue with knight add-ons is that Dried Horsemeat and Map of the Realm feel mandatory for him. I don't think they can even change that since the reason it feels that way is because the assassin can get you hits with that combo.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited February 2023

    Step one would be changing the way his power works so you can select who you want to summon, not have it happen in a predictable order, with some sort of charge system tied to each of them. That way, the yellow ones give you two max charges of a certain Guard, rather than just giving you two in a row.

    Change the Iri Company Banner so that it lets you have multiple Guards at once, but with some sort of basekit demerit, on top of having to wait for the charges for all of them to come back. I'd remove the exposed stuff from Knight's Contract, but that really sounds more like the sort of effect you want to give a group banner. Actually arrange people to be trapped. Plus a general fix to the power so you can't just run straight through the guard and then they go to where they first spotted you (his power needs that in general) :p

    Greaves, Poultice, and Flint and Steel shouldn't be restricted to 1/3 to half of your power on a cycle. Also, greaves needs to increase the haste effect that's been added by default (it's currently useless because it doesn't stack) or extend it, not do its own thing.

    Not so sure on the ones that are tied up with people escaping from chase or getting hit.

    And then we have the problem that Map, Horsemeat, and Call to Arms are all various flavours of 'fix critical weaknesses in getting use out of this ability'.

    I'd want to remove exposed from Knight's Contract, but I don't know what would really replace it. If we were going full meme, have it prevent you from summoning, but you can go between bonuses from each of the guards? M1 silliness ahoy. e.g. Carnifex gives you his kick speed, Assassin means you inflict deep wound, jailer... aura read?

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Call to Arms, Map of the Realm and Dried Horsemeat are the best add-ons for him (both power increase and fun level increase). Any other add-ons are just worse because they are not key unlike these top 3 addons. Maybe if they put at least half of these effects to his base kit and nerf the addons in half then we can maybe talk about the rest of the add-ons.

  • FengShuiExe
    FengShuiExe Member Posts: 85

    its the same problem with a few other killer add ons, a lot of them just apply status effects that aren't going to matter anyways. I do think we should have just gotten add-ons to change his guards timing or chase speed.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited February 2023

    I mean if a patrol line is drawn at max distance. the time it takes for guard to enter chase is 1.5 second when the 25% buff is applied. 1 meter = 4 meter of running distance, so 1.5 meters is 6 meters of distance. Assassin moves at 4.4, he gains 0.4 meters every second for 16 seconds. across his entire running distance, he would travel 6.5 meters. In short, assassin would just hit or just miss if your running forward. Without add-on, the assassin will travel 4.8 meter of distance.

    I do not think the survivor should have counter-play toward guard if the guard successfully starts chase with survivor at max patrol distances. I think at max distances, the survivor should either a) look to avoid guard or b) utilize banner to disable guard chase. hold-w shouldn't work. the guard should hit survivor if the knight uses land his power perfectly on the survivor.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    So I think with the brown add-on it makes hitting long patrols not that difficult. It's a 50% increase for the detection range for the Assassin/Carnifex(8m base). I would agree more if there wasn't that add-on since I've had it where I felt I landed a really good guard and it didn't go into chase when I wasn't running it.

    To me the killer feels way different when running those add-ons vs not. I really don't have anything to complain about when I'm running those two and can't see how the devs could improve the killer without pushing him over the edge. Like if they made max patrol better for the guards then couldn't you do double assassin and the detection range? Seems like that would be the go-to and be super obnoxious.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    "Jailer aura read" actually sounds really neat, maybe you get the big ring around you like the jailer and if someone's in it it immediately alerts you to their presence with killer instinct or aura reveal.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Suppose I break a pallet as knight and my power is ready. The survivor will be travelling to next pallet/loop location. If I am using my power to draw long paths, then I am effectively trying to use my guard to punish hold-w. With how it currently works, the survivor has no reason to care for my guard chase because they can just keep holding forward and the guard will never hit them by running forward. I am losing distance because I am drawing a patrol path standing still and survivor is gaining distance on me because I am standing still.

    The result is that I never zero incentive to use long patrol paths because my guards are terrible at countering hold-w and the survivor has no incentives to avoid guard chases. Just tank every single guard chase and hold-w. You won't get punished. I won't get rewarded for successfully activating my ability. The gameplay for these long drawing path patrols is suppose to play like spirit. Survivor is suppose to walk and mask their footsteps to make it difficult to track. Survivor do not bother because knight's successful or failure is irrelevant. they win guard chase by ignoring ability altogether. To answer your question regarding whether double assassin+map of the realm is obnoxious. I do not see as obnoxious. It is using optimal add-on to counter shift-w which is one of biggest problems for killer in my opinion. a leading reason to why most killer are weak including knight.

    To side track a little bit, This is like same problem that pinhead with his ability. there is no incentive to dodge long range chains because you will still get to next loop and he has no incentive to hit his chains because even when he hits his chains, the chain break so quickly that almost no distance is lost. Same issue. The killer gameplay is insignificant toward outcome. Only survivor play matters. This is another example of another killer having a possible anti-shift w mechanic that is ineffective with current variables.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    The reason to get a guard on them is so you can cut them off and get a free hit. If they can just run a straight line then they will put themselves in a corner of the map or you shouldn't be using a guard there in the first place. The assassin make this very deadly since you are there for a hit and the assassin can also hit them making the chase very short.

    I can't see how the assassin getting a free hit if I do a long patrol wouldn't be obnoxious. They they changed it to reward you with only needing to zone the banner I see that as a miserable experience for survivor.

    I don't feel like Knight has the same problem as pinhead. I would go back to being able to cut players off and how it is also easy to do since your guard is basically wall hacks since they follow the survivors path. Would be curious to hear your opinion on this though.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    I disagree with the sentiment that specific addons are needed on him, namely map and horse meat, despite being strong so I'll make the assumption that you can run other addons and do well because reasonably you can.

    The Chain Mail Fragment and Broken Hilt should trigger on injuring a survivor in a hunt rather than a guard injuring as it's more consistent and doesn't punish you for going for the quick hit. There is a case for condensing these addons into one but as haemorrhage is very good on the knight I wouldn't mind trying just this to start with. Maybe changing the mangled to broken instead of changing the trigger could be fun too. Town Watch's Torch and Ironworker's Tongs are both very cute and fun but are too similar to warrant having both in the game. The Tong's are stronger but the Torch is more unique so I could go either way. As for a replacement, I wouldn't mind an addon that improves the haste for longer paths, although this is similar to the Lightweight Greaves which doesn't need a change beyond being fixed, or provides some information for kicking gen with a guard like a mini Nowhere to Hide, maybe 8m of the gen for 5 seconds. With Torch and Knight's Contract, I wouldn't mind some kind of counter/token system like with the Legions' bbf addon to help keep track of the effect.

    Gritty Lump's effect isn't even a strict benefit and there aren't really "smart" ways to use it as on average the guard staying in a place is just as good as them moving away from it. Perhaps an addon that makes the guards move to the survivor quicker after spotting them or increases how quickly you recover your power, although this is already quite short. Maybe not for the addons which is food to make the guards invigorated in lore, but a transformative addon that lowers hunt time but maybe makes the guards faster or some other benefit could be fun. Similarly, Pillaged Mead isn't useful. You still need to walk around the pallet when using the Assassin or Jailer and the Carnifex breaks them basically instantly anyway so it's no use there and kicking gens faster isn't useful here. Perhaps an addon that allows you to see the aura of the survivor during/after the hunt to help you track them, especially at longer distances.

    Finally, the Knight's Contract I'm not massive on but that addon isn't that weak. I don't like exposed on addons but if we're just looking at making weak addons better then perhaps increasing the duration of the effect could work or having it apply when the survivor enters hunt rather than on summon so the knight is more likely to be mobile when it applies. I will admit I suggested a lot of reworks which is a lot of work but many of these addons don't work well with the kit as a whole.

    The double guard addons are nice for making unique builds so they should stay and the rest of the addons I feel like are generally strong enough to keep how they are or lead to interesting enough build options to keep around as more fun options, especially the purples. If the Knight had too much of one and not the other, like the Oni not really having interesting addons or Freddy not having good ones, that would be a problem but there's a good enough balance for it to be fine.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited February 2023

    you can cut people off with all 3 guards. there is no reason to run dried meat in fact because the survivor can purposely completely avoid the guard and choose to only get hit by the killer. the only add-on you need to cut people off.. well i shouldn't say need. I should say, improves your chance for guard chase to activate is map of the realm.

    they will put themselves in a corner of the map or you shouldn't be using a guard there in the first place.

    that is skill-cap for survivor. its avoiding corners of the map and wasting the knight's time. it is super easy to go on long chase with knight because you can avoid going in the corner of the map in many situations to prologue early chases and if the knight zones you to in the corner of the map. you can force knight to hit you and avoid the guard entirely. If you are injured and have dead hard equipped, you can do this total 2 times because you can let guard purposely hit you during Dead hard giving 3 health-states. that is why knight is weak. It is easy to extend chases and shift-w counters him. His chase time too long and he has no counters to shift-w. If his guard could hit survivors on their own, he would have counter to shift-w therefore be a stronger killer that can shorten chases with his ability if he uses ability correctly and survivor misplays vs the ability.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited February 2023

    You can go without them, but you get a comical amount of "Survivor runs around patrol area or out of patrol area before it triggers" without the map, and the horse meat at least makes Carnifex annoying and Assassin threatening.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    You can but the assassin can get a hit while helping you cut off. That can help cut down the time you take to down a survivor. If you don't need to even be there then all you need to to defend the banner and someone can be getting hit on the assassin. That's why I think it would be obnoxious if that was the case.

    Knight is much like Doc where you are just going to be getting hit but the down times are why they are not A tier. I feel the area of denial and zoning is the skill that is for Knight. Letting the Knight hit you and not the guard is still value the guard gave. I find shift w to be something the Knight can help avoid being such a strong strat. If I have a guard on you I'm just looking to zone you into a corner and get my hit.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited February 2023

    sure but that is not efficient time to down. If a guard hits you, then you misplayed vs his ability and he deserved the hit.

    I feel the area of denial and zoning is the skill that is for Knight.

    this is certainly his skill-cap in how you use guard to get the m1 hit on the survivor, but I would say its currently too easy. I spotted this strength on day 2 in PTB when people thought he was bad. If I play my power perfectly with the guard, the survivor has no chance to avoid not getting hit. Because the time to down is so slow, you can get hit by the knight and feed many hooks to him but he has no chance to win multiple chases before all 5 gen pop because his power does not shorten chases. it confirms hits/downs in already favourable positions for the killer.

    If I have a guard on you I'm just looking to zone you into a corner and get my hit.

    That is what I do only with the knight. There is no reward in using his new buffs because his new buffs do nothing. Placebo low impact changes. You still only get rewarded as knight for zoning in survivors away from loops which is most effective when done in the corner of the map because the corner of the map does not allow survivors to detach to other loops. The power lacks versatility. the power is one dimensional. Knight power needs more versatility and less strength in the favourably killer positions.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I see Knight as just Doc v2. I see the low skill expression for the killer being fine since it is paired with low power. Like you said if the killer plays it correctly he will get the downs but it's not time efficient. They really can't change that unless they make him broken(uncounterable and quick) or do some kind of rework. Seems like the latter is something you wish they would do(snipe with guards that is rewarded in hits).

    I personally didn't play him until the buff because pooping a guard at every loop is just Artist v2. I've found that he is serviceable with going for more long range snipes and then trying to cut the survivor off. The buff at least helps this playstyle be actually viable. At the end of the day the killer has low skill expression so I'm fine with him being on the lower end the the roster.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I'm really not a fan of the add ons that require your guards to fail their hunts. Town Watch's Torch is particularly horrible. How long does it take to fail 3 hunts? How many times is that even going to happen in a match? Once? Maaaybe twice? And for a whopping 25 seconds of undetectable? Either it should go off every time a hunt fails or the time you get undetectable should be extended to something like 75 seconds.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I disagree about Map of the Realm since I've played tons of games with Knight and never actually used that particular add on. I do however use Dried Horsemeat in virtually all my games. So I'm inclined to agree that the chase time should be extended and this add on be changed into something else. I use both BBQ and Nurse's Calling so I can usually drop the spawn point of knights right on survivors heads. That's why I suppose I've never felt the need to run Map of the Realm.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I've found without running Map the lower detection range guards are not consistent in finding the survivor. That might be because of my playstyle though. I tend to try to cut survivors paths off and then use the speed boost to corral them.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited February 2023

    you did not miss much. your method of cutting survivors off and corralling survivors in the corner of the map is same as before buff as after the buff. This is what I mean by nothing changed in his update. he plays the same and does same thing. sniping with guards would increase his versatility in using his power. He would still have 2vs1 stuff going on but he would also have that extra layer anti hold-w layer dimension to his skill-cap when using his power that stronger killers have access to. I think he was servicable in going for long range patrols before change but he gets no reward for those patrols. survivor do not need to play around it because it is counter-play kinda braindead easy? Its just shift-w and run forward away from the guards. He becomes time inefficient in chases and he has no real skill expression to shorten those chases from shift-w because its entirely based around how survivor plays and not how well he places/uses guards vs shift-w play. Those guards statistically cannot hit the survivor if the survivor plays it correctly. I think your point is that you believe that if he can counter shift-w(snipe with guards), he will be oppressive but I think it just means that survivor needs to play better against long range patrols that does not involve just tanking guards chases and doing easy shift-w play. In other words, I do not think he will be oppressive. I think survivor will need to play better to escape him.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    How does he not get value for long range patrols if those snipes results in hits? Like if you are on one side of the map and I snipe you I can then use the guards' aura to see your pathing and use the guard to help corral you. The only thing here is that the time to down is bad. I don't find that to be an issue since there really isn't counterplay vs him.

    How does a survivor play better if I run Thrilling Tremors and hit them with a max range patrol? The counterplay there is to pre-leave gens when you hear the TR right? I don't find that to be a healthy addition to his kit. On the survivor side this killer is already miserable to play against and making longer patrols result in hits with the Knight not having to be there feels like expose Nurse. You either play stealthy or you get punished.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    How does a survivor play better if I run Thrilling Tremors and hit them with a max range patrol? The counterplay there is to pre-leave gens when you hear the TR right?

    Previous to 6.5.0, you could see green orb. the survivors counter-play toward guard chases is suppose to be running out of the detection circle and grabbing the banner. in that situation, by making orb invisible, the significance of that change that they did in 6.5.0 is that avoiding guard chases when your out of chase is harder. The knight could already land long distance guards chase prior to 6.5.0. The problem is that survivor have no reason to avoid said guard chases because hold-W counters the guard and the knight as whole.

    On the survivor side this killer is already miserable to play against and making longer patrols result in hits with the Knight not having to be there feels like expose Nurse. You either play stealthy or you get punished.

    I do not agree. I think knight is practical joke to escape against and there is no skill-ceiling to play him well nor is there skill-ceiling for knight play better. he gets auto-pilot losses vs gen efficient+shift-w teams and stomps weaker survivor plays that have weak routing in chase and poor gen efficiency. He could have more of skill-ceiling to play as him and playing vs him but the knight is currently is not there.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I do not agree. I think knight is practical joke to escape against

    He is a high C low B tier killer. You can run full slowdown since chase perks do nothing for him. Honestly feels no different in power to Dredge and Doctor. I don't see any problem with a low skill-ceiling killer when they are already high C/ low B.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    killer's should aim to be as high skill-ceiling as possible. I do not think that many killer will ever be mechanically difficult to play but I think knight in particular can be medium-skill cieling character that is similar to spirit where his skill-cieling is about tracking survivors movement with orb to place guards that win chases for him. Survivor should be all about avoiding guard chases and mind-gaming his guard placements. The knight in particular is a complicated character to balance because its based off AI and 2vs1 gameplay. balancing 2vs1 gameplay and ensure the AI is not too effective but not too ineffective is challenging with such a killer design.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i'd remove the add-on system and give the killer a 5th perk. boom. easy buff 💪🏻

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    He is working how he was designed. If a killer is suppose to be low/mid tier then they shouldn't have a high skill ceiling. High skill ceiling killers should always be the top tier ones. If they made his snipes always give a hit then you would just get your injure and then snipe with guard since you can easily track a survivor that is injured. That change would then require a rework to his power since without it he would be an A tier killer that is easy and also having little to no counterplay. He would now be a spirit-like killer and not more of a commander where you order you guards to help assist you in downing survivors.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    killer is should not aim to be low/mid tier. they should aim to be high tier always. how easy the killer is varies for how well survivor plays vs the ability. I do not believe the game to be that black and white when you say the ability has little to no counter-play. there should be grey zone. Bare in mind that survivor do not necessarily need to have 100% perfect odds in avoiding the killer power hits to neccassary escape the killer. he will still be commander type character that uses guards to assist in downing survivors. The difference is that his gameplay will be less one dimensional. He will have more instances and opportunities to get the survivor to make a mistake for his guard to get a hit.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109

    knight's addons are so lazy. likely one of, if not the worst addons in the game.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Having a variety of skill levels for killer is good. Some killers are going to require more effort than others and the ones that require more effort should always be stronger. If that isn't the case then there is no reason to even touch the harder killers since it requires more effort to play while giving less/same reward. A perfect example of this was forever Freddy vs Demo. In what world would you play Demo when Freddy was stronger and easier to play.

     he will still be commander type character that uses guards to assist in downing survivors. The difference is that his gameplay will be less one dimensional.

    I don't see how you wouldn't look to get your hit and then use a long patrol to then finish the survivor. How would you hide vs a Knight when you are injured? It would be path of least resistance where you want to injure and then long range patrol to get the free down. There wouldn't be much more in terms of skill imo, just more power. The concept of the killer simply leaves little room for counterplay and the weakness for him comes from the fact that the time to down is bad. From how I see it you would just be entirely looking for a long range patrol downs and not the concept of trying to pinch the survivors with the assistance of the guards.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Sure that is excellent point. There is always going to be killer that are 1% better than another killer. there is also something called player bias where player will favour one advantage over another even if both advantages are similar in strength when used correctly. In regard forever freddy vs demo, forever freddy was a perceived top-tier perk synergy for killer that was not particular difficult to use but had high returns in effectiveness. A strategy that is strong can still exist in a killer but perhaps should not be top tier. Just strong enough you can do well with said killer vs equally competent opponents if your competent with the killer. In other words, killer should be the best they can be. do not try compare killer with another. Like I said, there is always going to be player bias in preferred killers.

    With demo, I have mixed feeling about demo. I feel like everyone rates demo very highly as balanced killer but I also feel like he does not perform very well in my experience when playing vs him and playing as him. Its weird. I think community overrates and underrates him at the same time. The larger issue is that middle-tier killers in the game are in fact weak killers in the game because the bar is set so low for killers in the game. My opinion in regards rating of killer is that killers can have ratings that range from weaker to stronger but the amount between best and worst should be lower in my opinion. You do that by trying to make killers the best they can be. No killers will truly ever be equal to one another.

    I don't see how you wouldn't look to get your hit and then use a long patrol to then finish the survivor. How would you hide vs a Knight when you are injured? It would be path of least resistance where you want to injure and then long range patrol to get the free down.

    that is like whole spirit phase-walk argument all over again. How do you hide vs Spirit phase walk when your are injured? Your post seems to think that it is just game-over at that point. You attempt to make most distance as possible away from the knight as his orb approaches you and then you try mask your sound and footsteps to make it as difficult as possible for the killer player to track you so that placing guard is as difficult as possible. Your goal should be to predict orb pathing and avoid guard detection radius. Incoming the survivor mains that say that "Knight has no counter-play, if the killer has good headset, he can place perfectly on top of me and the guard always hits me, no counter-play, reeee".

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    Are we a joke to you? -Pyramidhead, Nemesis, Victor and his sister.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

     that is like whole spirit phase-walk argument all over again. How do you hide vs Spirit phase walk when your are injured? Your post seems to think that it is just game-over at that point.

    How do you hide from Knight when it takes around 3 seconds to do a max patrol while also having a detection range of 12-18m? It takes Spirit half the time to even get into her power and isn't just end power when you are next to survivor for hit. On top of that Knight speed is roughly double the speed Spirit has while in power.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    What? That's an inherently terrible argument.

    You can't have your game balance be based around the complexity of an ability chosen before the game starts. That's not a viable balancing strategy. "No matter how much you like playing this ability, or how good you get with it, there should be games you'll always lose because it's not as fiddly and unnecessarily difficult as this other power".

    Difficult. Should. Not. Equal. Stronger.

    It is, in fact, an abdication of game balance.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    You can't have your game balance be based around the complexity of an ability chosen before the game starts. That's not a viable balancing strategy.

    But you should and this game is balanced in that way. If Freddy is equal to B tier killers then why would I play a B tier killer that isn't Freddy? Freddy is now better because he is the same in power but easier to play. You then would just be doing power creep where the B tier killers that are harder now need to be buffed to justify their higher difficulty. This then repeats in A tier where you end back to square one.

    If the killer is more difficult it should always better than easier to play killers, that's basic balancing. If you don't do this then the easier killers are actually better since they can hit their cap at a much easier and consistent way compared to their harder counterparts.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Because you like their power and want to use it. Or their design.

    Your starting point is completely flawed. Your entire argument is based on "harder should be stronger otherwise nobody will play it", but people play a bunch of things that are more difficult without them being stronger (both in this game at times, and in others), whether because of external reasons, or they just enjoy the mechanical complexity.

    If the killer is more difficult it should always better than easier to play killers, that's basic balancing. If you don't do this then the easier killers are actually better since they can hit their cap at a much easier and consistent way compared to their harder counterparts.

    No it shouldn't. All the Killers should be in a similar ballpark. The most complex ones will probably edge it out in the end because of weird interactions and unexpected power usages, but you absolutely don't want to aim for a stratified game where you set out to punish people for not wanting to play a particular Killer.

    Think about what you're saying: if you won't play a more complicated Killer, if you don't like that power or something about the Killer, you automatically deserve to lose more games. Because your character choice is bad and has to stay bad.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,951

    Here’s how I would change the addons. I won’t do all of them but here’s my attempt.

    First off Map of the realm and horse meat will be basekit in my version so All 3 guards are buffed with this so here’s my rework

    Map of the realm-increases vision range by 2 meters(was 4)

    Dried horse meat-increases duration of hunt by 2 seconds(was 4)

    Town watches torch-When a guard detects a survivor gain the undetectable status effect for the duration of the hunt. When a hunt ends gain a additional 25 seconds of undetectable.

    Ironworkers tongs-When a guard detects a survivor, they get the oblivious effect until the hunt ends. When it ends they are oblivious for 20 seconds.

    Grim iron mask-When a guard detects a survivor, they gain blindness until the the hunt ends. When the hunt ends they have blindness for 60 seconds.

    Broken Hilt-Hitting a survivor while there in a hunt or a guard striking them will give the survivor Hemorrhage and mangled.

    Chain mail fragment-When a guard fails to catch a survivor gain a 10% speed boost until you hit a survivor or another guard detects someone.

    Knights contract-After summoning 3 guards the 4th guard that detects a survivor will instantly down that survivor If caught.

    That’s how I would mostly rework his addons.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Your entire argument is based on "harder should be stronger otherwise nobody will play it"

    Yes because that is how balancing works. It is even like that so much that you even see this in shooters. If a gun is easy to use and high dps it will always be meta. Good balance will always be harder things being the strongest when mastered while the easier being the weakest. Players usually don't gravitate towards badly balanced things(weak). I don't see what is wrong with that unless you think I mean nobody playing it in a literal sense. Obvious players will play it but if it is badly balanced most will avoid it.

    No it shouldn't. All the Killers should be in a similar ballpark

    That is incorrect. If a bump logic Blight is only slightly better than Freddy then either Freddy is broken or Blight is terrible.

    Think about what you're saying: if you won't play a more complicated Killer, if you don't like that power or something about the Killer, you automatically deserve to lose more games. 

    Yea I know what I'm saying. I mean it really is absurd to even think that Blight would be fine balance wise if he was only slightly better than m1 killers. Even if we go to Demo vs Blight there should always be a large gap there since the skill required to play both prefect are night and day different.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    spirit comes out of her power immediately and hits you. The knight comes out of his power and then summons a guard. I think reason why guards were slow in PTB was because I think the idea was to invert the cast times of those two killers. Knight can go into his power and move quicker but guard takes a while to spawn so you could potentially shift-w it while spirit has cast time to enter power but she exits the power immediately. Its just that I think people had trouble using the ability because it was a bit too difficult to start guard chase, so a lot of people thought knight sucked in the ptb. A lot of types of buffs he is been getting has been about making it easier and easier to get guards into chase in the past two changes. As I said, the problem for him is not getting guard into chase. Its him getting rewards for starting a chase. You can make argument that its too easy to get guards into a chase now but I am not entirely sure that is true more so that survivor have little reason to avoid them so everyone tanks every guard chase as it has no real significant on anywhere besides the corner of the map.

    In term of 18 meters detection range, The guards themselves are meant to have different strengths and weaknesses. In the case of Jailer, the jailer is suppose to be weak in the chase and is meant to be countered by hold-w away from him. he is corralling 2vs1 type guard which is current play-style that dominates the knight's current gameplay. The other two guards which are Assassin and Carnifex are meant to counter hold-w. The assassin favours grabbing the banner and Carnifex favours avoiding the chase because his banner spawns later. that is my interpretation of his ability. You are meant to do different counter-play to defeat each guard. with how the knight currently is, there is no reason to change your strategy vs each guard because all 3 of them are countered by shift-w and running away. that is my current problem for why I think the knight is underwhelming for a killer.

    One of the reason why I think he potencial as killer is that many killer rely on survivor to make mistakes. With the knight, there is more of reliance for knight to make mistake for you to avoid a guard chase. survivor still have some control the chase but not completely. this is why I think if knight becomes strong, survivor will dislike playing vs him. they already dislike playing vs him even though this version of the knight is cakewalk to escape from.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Nothing is broken if an easier to use thing doesn't suck. All Killers should be B-Tier to A-Tier, without absurd outliers in every direction. Difficulty of playing the Killer doesn't matter after that; people are going to pick what they like, for whatever reason that is. Yes, you're going to get the people who go straight to the best thing for winning at the least difficulty, but guess what? If the game was balanced, that wouldn't matter. Because this is an asymmetric game, and the only thing that matters is what the actual power level is.

    That is incorrect. If a bump logic Blight is only slightly better than Freddy then either Freddy is broken or Blight is terrible.

    Why? If Freddie was improved to not be so much worse than Blight, why does that mean he's broken? Or that Blight is terrible?

    Yea I know what I'm saying. I mean it really is absurd to even think that Blight would be fine balance wise if he was only slightly better than m1 killers. Even if we go to Demo vs Blight there should always be a large gap there since the skill required to play both prefect are night and day different.

    Why. Should. There. Be. A. Gap.

    You're not arguing why there should be a gap, or why this is justified. You're asserting that more difficult needs to be stronger, because it's more difficult. Your argument is a closed circle with its entire reliance being on 'people won't play the harder thing as much if it isn't'. Which doesn't even matter? Pick rate is not the be-all and end-all.

    My premise is simple: if the game can be more balanced, it will be more fun in general (not so many utter stomps on both sides, and inevitable unwinnable matches). For the game to be more balanced, there needs to not be a yawning chasm in Killer power where you can't do anything to address overall Killer gameplay because you'd buff something that doesn't need it. Therefore, more mechanically complicated Killers, by necessity, need to be somewhere in line with the easiest ones to play.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    If something that is low skill is at the same power level for something that is medium skill then something is wrong. The problem is a lot of the lower tier killers are simple; requiring them to make them more robust to really make them stronger.

    Why? If Freddie was improved to not be so much worse than Blight, why does that mean he's broken? Or that Blight is terrible?

    So Blight is very hard to play perfect while Freddy is not. You are basically making the 99.9% of players equal to the .1%. If they did this all you would see is Freddy every single game. There is no difference between a Freddy that has 1k hours on him vs 10k. That isn't the case for Blight.

    You're not arguing why there should be a gap, or why this is justified.

    The justification for there being a gap is the killers that are low tier are all super easy to play and don't have much skill expression. The higher tier killers are the complete opposite from this and makes no sense to have an easy killer be basically the same as a hard one in terms of power level. The more skilled you are the better the higher tier killers are since they allow you to express that skill while low skill killers don't have a high enough ceiling for you. Buff these lower killers doesn't make the ceiling higher just more raw power making them OP(require less effort and skill for equal outcome of other more difficult killers).

    My premise is simple: if the game can be more balanced, it will be more fun in general

    Making low tier killers win games vs better opponents isn't balanced one bit. The more skilled survivors are balanced vs the higher killers which require more skill.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    It's more that if they made snipes also give hits you can injure and then snipe for the easy down. Unlike Spirit you really can't dodge a snipe if the Knight has an idea of where you are since it's only roughly 3 seconds from start to finish to get a guard summoned 32m away. Can't really hide in those scenarios.

     As I said, the problem for him is not getting guard into chase. Its him getting rewards for starting a chase.

    I've feel like I get rewarded with long range snipes. It doesn't result in the guard getting the hit but me using the guards' aura and then doing deep cuts to pinch or corral the survivor. I feel it is worth doing long range snipes as long as the survivor isn't in the middle of the map, and I find no risk in really doing them since they are fairly high success rate.

    they already dislike playing vs him even though this version of the knight is cakewalk to escape from.

    I've been farming dc's on him. I even ended up in a game where I had two players dc after having a fun and interactive chase. I play killers like Nurse and Pinhead and I get nowhere near the amount of dc's on them compared to Knight. I think it really pushes people of the edge when I stand there watching the AI down them in a corner. 😂😂

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    that because a lot of survivor play poorly vs guard and allow you to corral the survivor in favor positions as knight. If you getting hit with his guards, then your facing really chill survivors because the guard should never hit survivor with current stats. the only time the guard should ever hit the survivor is if survivor purposely uses dead hard against the guard for sprint burst. I have done experiment where I try to get 1 hit on guard when I win the game during EGC. The end game survivor can easily outrun all 3 guards with no effort whatsoever.

    It's more that if they made snipes also give hits you can injure and then snipe for the easy down. Unlike Spirit you really can't dodge a snipe if the Knight has an idea of where you are since it's only roughly 3 seconds from start to finish to get a guard summoned 32m away. Can't really hide in those scenarios.

    I am sure you avoid guard chases. It is just that right now, why bother to avoid any guard chase when guard chases is irrelevant in most cases. Survivors only attempt to try avoid these guard chases when guard chases start to punish them.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    Map of the Realm and Gritty Lump are must-haves. What they should do is buff the detection distance and speed of the base guards because without these 2 add-ons my guards hardly have a chance of even detecting someone let alone catching them.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    that because a lot of survivor play poorly vs guard and allow you to corral the survivor in favor positions as knight.

    I feel that in certain situations that can be true. However, I really don't see how the survivor already on one side of the map can somehow not let me keep closing the distance while the guard forces their movement in predictable manners.

    It is just that right now, why bother to avoid any guard chase when guard chases is irrelevant in most cases.

    I find that I either want to use the guard to waste the survivors time or use it to help corral the survivor into an unwinnable scenario. I find that when I have a guard with me in chase I get good value from it. Even if it results in not getting a hit its getting them typically closer to edge map where I will get my hit.

     If you getting hit with his guards, then your facing really chill survivors because the guard should never hit survivor with current stats.

    I find that if the assassin is in chase with me I do see it getting hits and not feeling the survivor had to play poorly for that to happen. I would agree that the other 2 are less threating in chase in terms of actually getting a hit.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    You find value in Gritty Lump? I find that letting the guards patrol areas while I do other things really isn't the thing the killer excels at. Keep in mind Gritty does nothing to help down a survivor in chase. The speed only lets the guard patrol for the spot from where you spawned them and your location that you started the cast.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I find that when I have a guard with me in chase I get good value from it. Even if it results in not getting a hit its getting them typically closer to edge map where I will get my hit.

    Yes but this is time consuming. a big part of killer is time efficiency. getting hits quickly. It is important for killer to get rewards on each micro-action. Every second does count especially with your playing against efficient gen teams.

    I feel that in certain situations that can be true. However, I really don't see how the survivor already on one side of the map can somehow not let me keep closing the distance while the guard forces their movement in predictable manners.

    Looping is not suppose to be about 1vs1 the killer for 5 gens even though that is.... possible for weak killers on strong survivor maps. Looping is suppose to be about wasting the killer time enough to complete the generator objective. Wasting the knight's time is not hard especially since 2/3 guards are not that effective. With how current knight is, If I could just replace all my guards into jailers, I would probably just only use jailer with map of the realm. The other two guards are pretty worthless currently. Jailer enter chases the easiest and the knight is only relevant at zoning plays which this guard specializes in. Assuming other two guards would become more effective at anti-shift w, then knight could effectively use all 3 guards to maximum effect instead 1/3 of his ability. Anyhow that is my take on the knight. He is not totally rubbish. He could be more rounded killer.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    The problem with Knight is that Map of the Realm feels mandatory on him, being easily his best addon, since starting hunts otherwise is considerably harder.

    Call to Arms and Dried Horse Meat are also good, but arent addons that should be basekit.

    Regarding other addons, largely the green ones specially Chainmail Fragment and Broken Hit.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,538

    I thought it was going to just be a small list of addons to pick from but damn it's basically all of them.