Uncounterable things

Ever since the last patch came out I've been having the literal worst games I have ever had as killer. There are SO many uncounterable things killers can't do anything about.
Survivors downed at the exit gate SHOULD NOT be able to just crawl out before your animation is done, it's ridiculous and infuriating!
Survivors should not be able to wiggle off just because you had to drop them. It's so stupid. That survivor is basically IMMUNE to being picked back up. NOW I gotta start the chase all over again.
Having four survivors wait at the exit gate t-bagging until the very last second? Annoying. Could hit them to get them out but it's not like it matter, can't pick them up!
Gens. are going to fast and I HATE having to run ALL GEN STOPPING PERKS, just to freaking win. I legit can't with this game right now, screw playing killer.
do like me
I just stopped playing and I'm not going back until the killers get their well-deserved buffs
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Also, saving a survivor with a flashbang/firecracker while killer is grabbing them from the ground is a 100% chance of success since the buffed blinding mechanic.
Killer gets stuck during the animation of grabbing and, since now blinding requires no timing, they can drop a bomb below you and you can't do anything to avoid the explosion. Doesn't even matter if you look at a wall. That's truly uncounterable and unfair.
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There is simple solution for teabagging/flahsclicking survivors. If you do without movement more than one crouch you would be exposed until get down. Or you will have smaller movement for the first 1 or 2 seconds after you start sprinting. Flashlight clickers? If you do it twice in second your flashlight will be dropped as broken. There is so many things what can be done, but BHVR don´t want it. They want toxicity.
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Really, you stopped playing? And here we were all thinking you were on that insane soloq escape streak where you didn't even have to break a sweat since your games were so chill.
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Didn't they gave a 0,4 second better window?
Unless they're bugged, because that's a possibility, then you still need to time it atleast a little bit.
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Sounds just like unfounded raging only.
I can't win my games. I took perks that carried me a lot making me win a lot of games and now that my mmr adjusted for it I get survivors able to counter all that. 60% kill rate is not enough. Make it 99%, or I am leaving the gaaaame.
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Stop caring about what the Survivors do at the end game... if you tried that's all that matters
Trust me I've had it happen more then a few times
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I legit don't see the problem with anything that you said. The last one maybe, but thats the meta right now, (3 gen/gen kick meta vs Gen rush meta).
Like are you really that mad that survivors wait at the exit gates? It's not a big deal.
Idk if you are mad facecamp with bubba and repeatedly M1 them while they are on hook, should be the killer version of that i guess.
Like it's not a big deal, people will be dumb or toxic or just want to have fun, don't let that get to your head because thats what they want
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Survivors downed at the exit gate SHOULD NOT be able to just crawl out before your animation is done, it's ridiculous and infuriating!
Dont let them get to the exit then. Skill issue.
Survivors should not be able to wiggle off just because you had to drop them. It's so stupid. That survivor is basically IMMUNE to being picked back up. NOW I gotta start the chase all over again.
Why are you droppping them? Sabo plays? I rarely see people saboing and even when they do it almost never works because you can walk to a different hook 80% of the time. The times where you do have to drop someone it typcially ends up in just having more pressure because now you have a slug and a chase. Skill issue.
Having four survivors wait at the exit gate t-bagging until the very last second? Annoying. Could hit them to get them out but it's not like it matter, can't pick them up!
Don't let them get to that point of the game if it annoys you. Skill issue.
Gens. are going to fast and I HATE having to run ALL GEN STOPPING PERKS, just to freaking win. I legit can't with this game right now, screw playing killer.
I have an 86% kill rate and 89% of my matches are either 3 or 4k matches. I seldom run any slowdowns at all. Sure pretty much all my matches are blight matches, but no one is saying you need to run 0 slowdowns. You can easily win more than half your matches running only 1 or 2 slowdowns on mid tier killers. In my last 348 matches as killer I've only gotten 4 outted 3 times, 3 outted 12 times, and 2 outted 21 timed. In other words, skill issue.
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it’s because of the increased gen efficiency and the escape rate that what I said is a problem. Listen, if I had a ######### game I at least wanna secure my one kill but bc of survivors being able to just escape after being hit at the exit gate without consequence it’s crappy.
I think making it so the survivor keeps their wiggle progress after being dropped is sorta okay BUT gaining wiggle progress is not and there’s nothing I can do about that. Preferably survivors losing wiggle progress after being on the ground for like greater than 10-15 seconds with a SLOW wiggle regression is better than nothing, also taking away the increase in wiggle progress after dropping them.
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Okay, rude. Not asking for a 4 k if I played badly or bring non-meta perks but at the very least I want to secure a 1k without all these crutches that prevent me from doing so.
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Oh yeah there’s tons of uncounterable things killer has to deal with.
Survivors just pre dropping all the pallets while their swf is gen efficient is quite annoying. Zero interaction going on there, just playing a pallet break simulator.
Or how about all the times you literally can’t hook someone because of poor hook placement or someone died and created a dead zone? Guess you just gotta deal with it.
What about all the loops with low walls or holes in the wall? Zero mind game whatsoever since they can see you the whole time. You’re just eating a time waster.
End game collapse and you’re guarding your hook with 3 up? They’re just gonna body block trade hits for the save. Bar specific killers there’s not much you can do here if the survivors know what they’re doing.
Many things that are literally uncounterable as killer are left in for years while things that require even the tiniest amount of skill on survivor is deemed too much and nerfed. Look at old PR for example, it was deemed too difficult for survivors to literally just let go of the gen as you see the hook animation, something so basic. Now whether you let go or not in time is honestly irrelevant unless they’re running DMS, which also ironically got nerfed for the same reason.
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Nothing you mentioned is a crutch. Not even close.
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Unless you're playing Blight or Nurse you have virtually zero chance against any competent team. You will just get run from pallet to pallet where you can do absolutely nothing while the other 3 finish all the generators.
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I have never seen worse ideas because people get upset over someone doing something in a game that has no effect on you.
Post-Game Chat toxicity (like actual harassment and hate speech) is more important, yet people obsess over tbagging and flashlight clicking as if it is worse when it's the most tame thing ever. People act like it's someone trying to curse their bloodline or something when it's just someone moving up and down.