Freddy is in such a sad state atm

Its pretty sad to see the state Freddy is currently in. He has one of not the most boring power in the entire game. Hes not really fun to play as. (love playing against him eventho its been so long since ive seen him.) hes IMO the most neglected character in the game. Wish my old main could get some love. A more interesting fun power, redesign and some cool cosmetics would be nice.

How do you feel about his current state?



  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited February 2023

    His power is not really interesting on both sides and he is on the weaker side in terms of power level. According to community stats, he is also one of the least picked killers too. His addons are one of the worst addons for any Killer. He needs full rework (again).

    Best thing I can say about him is that he has Night Vision (Dream World is bright), so you can see well all the time which is nice. That's like the most unique thing he has compare to the other killers.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    They need to re-work him again...

    But IDK how to make him fun... so yes, I'm sorry

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Its horrible. I prestiged him to P100, but he is boring in comparison to others. AND WEAK.

    He loses his main power as the game continues (Begin: 7 Teleport-Options, Endgame: 0 ....).

    He gets slowdowned for placing a slowdown. Like WHAT?

    His addons are terribly bad besides the Paint Brush and maybe the Masterpiece and Sketch.

    Overall a bad designed killer. He needs AT LEAST an Addon-Pass and a revert Snare-Speed back to 4,6m/s.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    As u said, at the VERY LEAST + Addon-Pass.

    I would say a rework is the only way to save him.

    BUT: I do not have faith in the devs. At this point, it would be better to just delete him entirely, he is just so bad. Killrate? Dont bother me with this. Even current Twins (!) are more fun (and this means EVERYTHING).

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Well a new Freddy-Movie is on the way. MAYBE we will see cosmetics at least once. Forgotten Killer!

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,868

    I just wanna play Old Freddy again lol

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    I think he's fun still and decent enough but he definitely feels half-assed. Especially after the unwarranted nerfs he got. There's so much cool things they could do with him, starting with the obvious which is to make Dream Pallets a basekit ability.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    When I first played this game, half the survivor posts were bitching about Freddy. Now, his only real power is teleporting. Pallets are fun. . . But decent survivors don’t fall for that. Just amazing to see a killer get nerfed so hard to the ground. They just needed to tweak his oppressive add-ons.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"Its pretty sad to see the state Freddy is currently in"

    The top 5% of Freddy players seem to be getting a 62% kill rate. His kit got nerfed but he can still do some neat tricks like now he can put snares across a vault or pallet and he could not do that before.

    HIs snare count was too high before but the speed of the snare should not have been touched. Roll back that one part and he would be fine.

    If you're a dream pallet freddy player then I can imagine your pain.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    Thats wrong. Freddy has a medium Killrate (59,5 - 60,0 %) at the Top 5%. On average, he was on 4th place with 62%.

    Thats because he is a Noobstamper with his non-directional Lullaby (All MMR). I assume on Low-MMR he has a 90+% Killrate, because they dont know how to handle a killer without Terror-Radius and Fake-Pallets actually work, because they throw everything without looking behind. Just throw and run, no looping, no nothing.

    Just to make it clear: A Killrate of 59,5 - 60% means a 2K most of the time. I can really imagine as a P100 Freddy Main how a 2K gets achieved. Tunneling and a final Camp, nothing else.

    Besides that, he has nothing to offer. He cannot stand a chance on higher levels.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    I don't get why people consider him boring. Weak? Sure, but boring? I enjoy the teleports, faking teleports, etc. Love faking a teleport twice and then popping on the third and the survivors are right there.

    Dream pallets are great when they work. Definitely one of those - okay as long as not SWF type things.

    In a video Otz referred to him as 'if you have an ADHD like brain, this killer is awesome' - there's lots of minor things you have to constantly be doing with him.

    Also, that shadow he casts is awesome.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Yes I accept this opinion and I like faking a lot, too (I just say Dead Mans Switch). However, he feels clunky in chase, his addons are really bad besides the Paint Brush and thats it.

    His chase is boring, his power gets weaker with every finished gen and thats something I dont like at all. Addons, Teleport gets weaker and weaker, Antiloop is bad (and situational thanks to Alarm-Clock-Immunity) and I could say more (for example Snares are bugged a lot in the past).

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165

    I honestly think If you are fan of the movies and you buy him you deserve to get a refund

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    The worst tragedy of all for me is the model being so ugly, and his lack of voice lines.

    I would unironically be willing to put up with playing him if he had good voice lines

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Maybe we get something when he gets his own unique Chase Music together with some Changes to his kit. MAYBE.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    The most neglected character in the game? I don't know about that. Twins have a game breaking bug and then there's Haddie.

    However I agree that he is in dire need of a rework. I'd take his old power over what he has now because it's simply boring. He doesn't have a high skill ceiling because there isn't much you can do with him and everything he does someone else does better. His anti-loop is a watered down version of Clown's, Sadako has a superior teleport (and there would also be Dredge) and his side gimmick is the worst in the game. Sadako's condemned, Pinhead's box and Dredge's nightfall are all way better.

    The only things he has going for him are the unique visuals and his animations. These are weirdly satisfying.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    He definitely needs a buff, he's currently like a jack of all trades master of none. Which isn't great for a dbd killer.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Disagree. Fake-Teleports are unique, OG-Freddy was a punchingball for survivors, waking up by failing skillchecks on purpose, sitting on the gen in front of Freddy while he is waiting out the 7sec till he gets the right to basic hit someone XD.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    The concept of the dreamworld so the OG freddy seemed interesting to me, i just hope they find a way to bring it back with better execution.

    In Theory, calmly working on a gen, to hearing some weird lullaby and then be summoned to some hellish fake out dream world getting chased sounds fun and scary as heck. Especially if you cant know wether or not he is after you when you suddenly fall asleep.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"He cannot stand a chance on higher levels."

    Freddy's real strength was that he can teleport and has low-mid antiloop. This allows for him to use gen protection/regression perks better than almost any other killer.

    There are a number of good regression perks right now but the best combo requires you to kick the gens.

    Freddy has much better chance of winning vs good survivors than a number of killers. For example he is an entire tier ahead of Doctor as well as clown (without pinky).

    -"The concept of the dreamworld so the OG freddy seemed interesting to me"

    It was beyond stupid. It was both incredibly weak and massively overpowered at the same time. To preface this you need to understand that Freddy came relatively soon after Doctor. Before the doctor there was no aura reading in the game. That marked a huge shift that started to delete the stealth playstyle as a viable option. You also need to know that long long ago the game had massive fog that made seeing anything really hard past 20m. This is a picture from a friend of mine.

    Old freddy had to tag you with his power in order to be able to hit you. So imagine needing to get within about 7m and then you use the power (which might have snared you when you tapped it - cant remember). And then after 7 seconds the target fell asleep. Then you could hit them.

    Meanwhile anyone outside of something like 24m was always visible to you. Is that not beyond stupid? So there was no escaping a freddy.

    Other stupid things included being able to fail a skill check to wake yourself up.

    It was dumb not to mention bad and needs to stay away forever.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I do not agree. I think freddy is up there with top 3 worst killer in the game. only trapper and myer base-kit is worse but trapper and myer at least have strong add-on. trapper has iri stone and myer has tombstone add-on's. Clown is also pretty weak at base-kit but once again, he at least has pinky finger which is pretty good add-on for him until dev nerf it to the ground and put -2 bottles permanent on it, then clown will get his permanent pseudo deletion. Freddy has zero good add-on and no real redeeming qualities while having really bad base-kit. Doc has really good 1vs1. he requires a lot of precision and map knowledge to use his shock therapy but if you master his shock therapy, he is very effective tunneller. Current freddy is pretty bad everything. He has bad stealth outside of dream world. He needs m1 hits to activate his ability so people that stay awake make him an m1 killer. His anti-loop when you are in dream world barely works when the pallet is not dropped. pre-dropping pallets makes his snares kinda rubbish. Other killer that have mobility to use gen regression do it better than he does. None of his add-on do anything particularly relevant to help him win. If someone told me freddy was worst killer in dbd, I would believe them. Freddy prophecy of being F-tier killer that excels at legit nothing ended up becoming true. I agree with popular opinion for once. he is F-tier. F-tier for Freddy tier.

    In his previous form, I do not think he needed rework because he had redeaming qualities with unlimited wall hack, lower tr for 115% m/s and a massive action speed debuff but he had a lot of drawback in his ability for all these advantages. The drawback were really bad but the positives at least outweigh the negatives. Current freddy has negatives for using his power and barely any positives so I'd argue that current freddy is worse then original freddy. Freddy legit needs rework now but he is unlikely to get one because he already got one. Weaker player did not like facing forever freddy. He was to oppressive for weaker players /shrug.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    Freddy can only teleport when there are gens left. He gets weaker and weaker with every gen completed. In the end, he has nothing.

    He has a cooldown at the beginning of the match. When its full, the first gen ist already at 70% or even more if survs use Toolboxes and Speed-Up-Perks (in my matches most of the time this count for 2-3 gens - I have started using Tinkerer again for this information, so that I can use massive Fake-Teleports to buy at least some seconds midchase to save 1-2 of them, either with PR+DM+Tinkerer+Corrupt (all nerfed btw. - my "old build") or CoB, Eruption, Overcharge, Tinkerer-Build. The oldest build Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, Pop is dead anyway. I tried BBQ, but against the rise of Distortion, its not useful at all. I also tried the classic Enduring/Spirit Fury/(Hubris) Build with Deadlock and NOED or Corrupt, I tried Skillcheck-Otzdarva-Crap, which is totally useless against good survivors btw., I tried Endgame-Builds, I tried things like Make your Choice.

    But guess what: The new - best Freddy-Build in my opinion (Eruption, CoB, Overcharge, Tinkerer) - will receive nerfs near future too. Great!!

    Is there any killer which abilities gets weaker as more as the game continues?

    I agree his only bet is gen-perks, but guess what: they ALL get nerfed (mentioned above, they are Pain Res, DMS, Pop, Ruin, (Tinkerer), Opression has a 80sec cooldown... uff, only Eruption and CoB is worth and guess what - these will receive nerfs too. Just a "little to oppressive", right? - I love it when devs write this 3 words in their Patch-Notes).

    What addons do he has compared to your mentioned Clown or Doc? He can weaken himself by using Fake Pallets instead of Snares. Hmm.... Doc gets them on top of his kit. He has 0 addons which benefits his snares or his Dreamworld at all.

    Clown gets more bottles, faster cooldown, longer Slowdown-Duration, the normal stuff. Doc gets faster Tiers, longer distance etc.

    And Freddy? He can hear things louder. No Snares will last 1 sec longer, no extra tokens, no speed-up by placing them like he was before his overnerfs etc. All he has is copy+paste addons like Woolshirt, Green and Blue-Dress all doing the same, 3 Pallet-Addons, all doing the same... etc. There is nothing in his addon-pass which helps his abilities besides Masterpiece and Sketch to be honest (and if survs are awake, they do nothing lol).

    As a Freddy-Main (dont know why i endure this myself), I think you need to bring Red Paint Brush every single game, so that his snares can do something, I guess. The important stuff is: my Teleport is faster ready for me. The massive downside: they run to their clocks. What happens there? They get full immunity against my ability for 30sec, even when I hit them.

    So basically I am a normal M1-Killer with no consistent power in the chase, while the special ability I need to focus my build around gets weaker and weaker with every gen I lose.

    Should I laugh or cry?

    But Marik, play another killer.

    I do, I played Freddy one time since 6.5.0 came out, learning Oni currently. He is the exakt opposite. You get REWARDED for winning mindgames etc with high mobility and an One-Shot. Not like Blight having everything for free, no, rewards!

    But Freddy? He hasnt even an One-Shot. He is a weaker Clown with a Teleport, which you lose by time. Feels like money you loan and needs to pay back.

    Bottom 3, he is in a terrible state. Woth more than 300 games as Freddy alone, I think I can say this with confidence. Nerfs over Nerfs over Nerfs (Basekit or since 6.1.0 every perk he needs to work with. He cant even use all perks in the roaster, because he has no TR in Dream, so things like "Skillcheck-Doc" with Coulrophobia arent possible by default.)

    Post edited by Marik1987 on
  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Freddy's current state is definitely really sad, he has the worst of everything in the game.

    Worst slowdown

    Worst teleportation

    Worst anti-loop

    Worst stealth.

    I bet somehow they could give him a ranged attack and it would be the worst one in the game.

  • Seegson
    Seegson Member Posts: 48

    When freddy was fun? When he had to wait 7 seconds before hitting a survivor? Or when survivors could wake up mid chase by using self care? Or when he was given snares and all they did was make the survivors screams cause the slow is worse then clown's? Or when he had add-ons that slowed down the game and his only tactics was to bore survivors that they will give up? Or when he uses pallets that are useless against survivors that have half a brain cell and can remember where the real pallets are? He us just a boring killer and nothing will change it

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 687

    Nah, I know this part

    It was for that my question

    " plus he will not get cosmetics cause the license holders are not willing to cooperate with bhvr anymore"

    What do you mean? what happen?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I miss old Freddy, say what you want powerwise but he was so much fun to play with how you could dip in and out of chases because you knew where people were.

    It really wouldn't have taken much effort to iron out his kinks. Reworking him was the worst thing that has happened to this game and i'm glad they never did a full scale rework like that ever again

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 367

    Agree. he should be able to have both.

    Yea the add ons are horrible and nothing is really creative when it comes to them. i only use the brown addon to give dream pallets. Also congrats on p100 freddy!

    Yea but with a few updates. i just want him to be unique and not feel really boring.

    Yup i only use dream pallets lol. more fun than snares imo. (when they work lol)

    Fair. however ive seen way more haddies and twins players than freddy.

    yup basically this

    about the holders, i think ive heard that bhvr and them have never had a great relationship. but now since rights have been giving back it causes mess. i don't know the full context so sorry if it dosen't make sence.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 687

    No problem, so just like always, Basic question of rights, surprising then that, with what is happening with Netflix, and that Bubba almost suffered the same fate, that Freddy was not ejected from the roster by the rights holders

    I just wonder how they could then at first, have the rights, and what caused the dispute

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"I think freddy is up there with top 3 worst killer in the game"

    First off I do not agree MM is one of the worst killers in the game. If we picked some really good players ( and took away their voice coms during the game) I feel like I could do way better with MM than most people's favorite killer streamer could do with Doctor.

    In this day and age I only play MM using extra stalk+ either purple tombstone or infinite T3. With those addons he is easily an A tier killer if you understand how to use that kit. If you don't want to take my word for it ( I mained MM for 2 years) go watch coconut's video.

    I don't agree Trapper is in the bottom three either. Why? He is "ok" with bloody coil. You play corrupt+ some gen regerssion and bloody coil. You can pick where you three gen and then you control that the entire game. Your power physically turns loops off and that is very hard to get around. If bloody coil became base Kit trapper would jump up to B tier instantly.

    -"Doc has really good 1vs1. he requires a lot of precision and map knowledge to use his shock therapy"

    I'm going to assign you some homework. Watch Truetalent and Otz play against doctor. Watch them play as doctor. You will discover that Doctor's main kit power is detection. The anti loop was literally an afterthought as he didn't have it when he came out. Doc's power can be completely ruined by latency (just like all grabs in DBD). Both these very experienced players when against good survivors need about 6 shocks to get a hit. That is a garbage tier power for anti loop.

    "Freddy can only teleport when there are gens left. He gets weaker and weaker with every gen completed. In the end, he has nothing."

    While you're not wrong about this it means Freddy can 3 gen better than 90% of the killers.

    "There is nothing in his addon-pass which helps his abilities besides Masterpiece and Sketch"

    Once again you are not wrong. Freddy had some brutal addons. The devs went medieval on his kit AND his addons - freddy was brutalized.

    Reducing his total snares was fair. Reducing their snare power was not necessary.

    Nobody even bothers to learn the "dangerous" freddy addons because that's not a thing anymore. Swing chains/paintbrush live on only in memory.

    Freddy with old tinkerer was a monster with multiple gen regression perks.

    Freddy is now severely limited by someone running We'll make it OR CoH. He had very good at hit and run gen defense and that's mostly dead.

    The problem with killer reworks is that Freddy was only punished and killers like Legion/Pig/GF got a number of positive changes. Pig lost her abusive gear combo - yay. Pig now no longer can have everyone remove traps on the first try. That's an amazing QoL change.

    The reality is that we have come to a point in the road with balance where we are either talking about Blight/Nurse and SWF or we are talking about everything else. Nobody really gives any F's in chat for the last category. But the big other three elephants in the room are what are ruining the game.

    Who then is worse than Freddy? Doctor and Ring are the most obvious killers. If you don't play the condemn/no hook game then Ring is a worse version of freddy. Like legion she gets the first hit easy and then is in an even worse position. Since we are on the topic - Legion with Iri button and Julie's mixtape is crazy strong. A lot of people say : legion sucks. Again I'll say I could beat Otz or True on "the Game" if they play best doctor build and I play best legion build. Clown with no pinky is worse than freddy but Clown has the option for "Maximum effort".

    Largely speaking Wraith is probably worse than freddy on most of the maps. Sometimes I play wraith but if I do you can bet I have purple move speed and purple aura vision. Freddy probably just needs to have some decent addon choices and he would be "ok".

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I disagree. Sadako, especially with Iri-Tape, is a fine killer. Not the best, not the worst. I win 9/10 games with her. Especially on indoor-maps she is a beast.

    But: you need Old Newspaper for your mindgames.

    Legion is weak on big maps, but strong on smaller ones, especially with the yellow Pill Bottle and the other yellow Addon (dont remember the name - it gives u 0,3 speedup every hit).

    If u ask me for the 3 worst killers in the game in terms of their Power in Basekit + with addons, I would say Trapper is still the worst killer, IF U ARE NOT ABLE TO GET A BASEMENT-HOOK. If u get Basement, Trapper is good at defending (especially with new deadhard cannot be used to pass the traps).

    2nd worst is Freddy with the reasons I wrote down earlier.

    3rd worst for me is Trickster. Annoying killer, but especially on a lot of maps like Coldwinn, Red Forest etc. just weak.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Show me your Basekit-Freddy in your stream 10 games a row at the daytime, when the good survivors are on.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Play what u want 😁. Would u deny my points? If yes, Id like to see what u have to write.

    In one point i agree with you in some videos: Sadako is not that bad other dudes say.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    When I play Nemesis I am most playing people with 3000-5000 hours. I run across a lot of people who tell me: I play high MMR. I can watch their games and instantly realize - no they don't. This is the dunning kruger effect.

    If you are telling me that you play freddy and win 10 games in a row with meme builds then you are not playing high mmr. This might be true if you are playing in an incredibly weak DBD region that has a very limited player base. I think we all know which continent checks all those boxes.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    - Losing the special ability with every gen you lose (so becoming weaker as more the game continues)

    - Addons suck (besides Paint Brush and maybe Nancys Masterpiece/Sketch)

    - a lot of Perks are unusable, becausd he has no TR in dream (Coulrophobia, Starstruck f.e.)

    - "his" perks all get or got nerfed

    - Basic M1-Killer with no ability when they use clocks, because of immunity to fall asleep

    That should be enough at the moment. I have more issues. P100 Freddy-Main btw. 2.400h in the game. Im sure u have more, but thats my opinion on Freddy.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    The old freddy DESIGN was better and more in line with what freddy. The mechanics is what needed to be tweaked. What if they did things like, while falling asleep survivors can't work on gens (so during those 7 seconds, they can't just sit there and do the gen in your face) Make it so you have to go to the clocks to wake up (which didn't exist) or have another survivor wake you up, failing skill checks won't work. Make it so sleeping survivors do gens slower (or are hindered) to encourage them to wake themselves up.

    There's tons of ways to tweak things, but the point is that the idea of old freddy was better than the current one, even if the numbers and mechanics were bad.

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    Any comment on this from BHVR would be great. Was hoping to see this thread with a big red tab bar. But nope.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    BHVR is silent about Freddy since Ive entered the game. It feels forgotten.

    Havent even seen a Q&A for over a whole YEAR where I could ask about when they will at least take a look at his addons... :-(

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I am well aware about these stats. You are manouvring around my tasks I told you with these.

    What are your answers to my things Im critizising about Freddy?

    Also, these stats are a joke. Nurse at last place and u take these stats serious, just because a Freddy beats the noobs who dont know how to face a killer with no TR? Dont forget these are stats for all consoles.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    I agree with this. I main him because of the movies (the old). But Mindgames and Macro is the same as on any other killer. Nothing special. All 4,6m/s killers are able to benefit from mindgames.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    There are several things I would like to see done with Freddy. Outside of the gameplay stuff, getting some Robert Englund voice lines would be amazing.

    1. Ability to have both snares and pallets at same time.

    2. He needs a full add on pass again.

    3. His teleport has 2 major issues, his best add on is the one that makes everyone start asleep, partly because his teleport charges sooo slow at the start of the match, so I would make his initial charge faster.

    The other issue is his teleport gets weaker as he is losing the game, I would suggest that he be allowed to teleport to completed gens and when he does he should come out with an undetectable effect, nothing crazy like 4-5 seconds, this could be really cool for ambushing a gen from another gen, or ambushing at a boon near a completed gen.

    4. Sleep is somewhat lackluster. Alarm clocks should only give immunity to falling asleep over time, not when getting hit by Freddy. I also think he should get some base effects/add ons like the ones that doctor has for madness but for sleeping survivors, to still incentivize waking up.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023


    With these changes, he would become B-Tier and thats totally fine.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Best part on current Freddy: Coldwind Farm and Eyrie look good. 😆

  • yauniqua
    yauniqua Member Posts: 151

    were you around for freddy-pop or forever freddy???????

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
    edited February 2023

    Idk about his basekit but they should definitely buff/rework some of his add-ons. Like why is one of his ultra-rare add-ons just blocking the exit gate for a measly 15 seconds? 💀

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    In this day and age I only play MM using extra stalk+ either purple tombstone or infinite T3. With those addons he is easily an A tier killer if you understand how to use that kit. If you don't want to take my word for it ( I mained MM for 2 years) go watch coconut's video.

    I think almost everyone just plays J.Myer+Tombstone piece Myers. I am also laughing when you said that its only "A-tier". That implies that you don't think its S-tier because these add-on with proper build is easily top #1 top #2 build in entire game that only starstruck nurse could rival in term of power-level. Recently since addition of Pinhead and addition of Nemesis, Their perks have elevated Tombstone piece Myer to unprecedented level of power. Previously, Tombstone piece was meme build for Myers where the objective of the build was to find obsession, escape chase 3 times, become 130% then stalk everyone else and instant kill people after reaching 99% EV2. This strategy sounds simple because it is however finding obsession was pretty difficult in a timely manner. if you were facing a Myers, a lot people know his PWYF perk and would hide against it in case he had the add-on. If you didn't finish stalking people before 5 gens were done, then you'd lose with 0-1 kills. Simple killer to beat, right? That is until Nemesis & Pinhead comes along. Lethal Pursuer and Deadlock really ascended this build because they took away weakness of his add-on. With Lethal pursuer+PWYF+Corrupt+Deadlock, Lethal allows you to find obsession right at the start of the trial and CI+Deadlock are such powerful early game slowdown perks that its almost impossible for you to use all 5 generators with this amount of early game delay that these two perk provide. For how easy it is to find obsession, get 3 stacks, stalk everyone and instant kill 2 people with his purple add-on, you would have to be completely new to lose with this build. I am pretty sure that most player could probably go on 100+ win streaks with this add-on combination and perk combination. Its that absurdly strong. Its very hard to counter. The odds that 4 soloq player have distortion to counter Lethal and play perfectly to avoid his instant kill mori is very low.

    That is kinda why I said that Myers has lowest skill-floor & lowest skill-ceiling in the game. he is all raw power and not much else. Judith tombstone is also strong with myer's but its overall weaker then tombstone piece because the ability to mori 2 people in 1 ev3 is rare because survivor can just jump in lockers. The 9% slowdown is also large disadvantage for chaining instant moris with add-on. So yes Myer with instant kill mori is very likely an S-tier killer. Not a very skillful S-tier but I digress.

    I think corrupt and bloody coil is somewhat overrated. Corrupt intervention is a perk to to safe guard a bad start but when it comes to trapper. he always has bad start and him having good start is meaningless. its wasted perk slot. bloody coil is an easy to counter against trapper. you can disable traps with injured characters. he has normal TR. he cannot stealth you when your disarming traps. he has no anti-shift w tools or gap-close skills. his chase is reliant on you not knowing where his traps are but in swf, you can follow him around and disable any traps he does set. in chase, his setup time is long so the application of using his power in chase is non-existent. this is why iri stone is good for him. it takes away his weakness which is people disablign his traps and following him around. it allows him to put traps at pallets or windows without risk of survivor disabling his traps. if you disable his traps with said add-on, the add-on will re-arm them for him so your wasting your time trying disable traps. it makes him good 3 gen-lock character as he can turn an entire area into deadzone with the add-on. 3 gen-locking has never been easier then now with current gen-kick meta perks. With overcharge/cob/eruption/stbfl, his play-style has never been stronger then now. he plays the game at 1 gen and he either loses or wins based off your ability to break 3 gen. with current strength of these perks, trapper is arguably just as good at holding endless 3 gens as hens showcases with knight with 60 minute games.

    As I said, doctor has good 1vs1. the doctor that tru3 or otz faces are not good doctor's. A common strategy for vs doctor is pre-dropping pallets but thanks to his green range electrode add-on, he can prevent survivor from pre-drop pallets which is typically weakness for m1 killers. doc has other weakness though. He has no gap-closing or lethality so hold-w with health-states or bodyblocking is strong but i am not entirely sure how common this is in soloq. swf can easily abuse this but its uncommon soloq. to cover this weakness, doctor is big user of STBFL despite having no ability to preserve stacks, its his only option vs bodyblocking and health-state hold-w gameplay. a lot of killer are forced to break safe pallets and god pallets but doctor's ability to apply shock therapy to prevent them from being dropped allows him to counter just about any loop. At least when I play doctor, most of pallets remain standing against me. I barely break pallets as him because I can prevent most of them from being dropped and if they are dropped, I usually get hit for letting survivors drop pallets. Because how good his 1vs1 is at disregarding survivor's skill-level at looping, You can tunnel people with doctor indiscriminately. No survivor will ever be able to loop you for 5 generator if you use his shock therapy perfectly. He is not time efficient at tunneling as other top-tier killers but he is consistent at winning the chase. His biggest enemy like most killer is gen-speed. As long you successfully tunnel 1 survivor out of the game by 4 generator completion, you are very likely to close out the match as doctor. His madness slowdown and tracking can easily close out 3vs1 without much contest.. I would not say he is top tier but he is far from worst killer in the game. I used to main him for like first 3 years of dbd back when he was a lot worse. After his update, he was a lot stronger. I still play him occasionally but I have other interests in other killers more so then him.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Ironically, the bug whereby dropping dream pallets recharged Spirit Fury was an interesting idea. That way Survivors would be much more wary of dropping pallets and it would buff pallet Freddy’s chase potential.

    For the sake of balance, dropping a dream pallet could just recharge half a charge on Spirit Fury so 4 dream pallets dropped or 2 normal pallets being broken would be required for one use of Spirit Fury

  • Wylrin
    Wylrin Member Posts: 98

    Any time I think about the state Freddy's in, I take a moment to remind myself that this is 2010 remake Freddy that is being tortured and not the original 1984 Freddy, which is enough to get a chuckle out of me, I'll admit. X3

    In all seriousness, though, I agree that Freddy needs... something. I don't pretend to know what that something should be, but he definitely needs something.

    People have already touched on his addons being underwhelming, to put it mildly, and I definitely agree. Though there are some neat things you can do. Pair Surveillance with Outdoor Rope and you basically become a gen jockey sonar detector... assuming anyone's actually in the dream world.

    Why are the alarm clocks even a thing? Even if they didn't grant the 30 second immunity to Freddy's power, why should it be so easy to escape the dream world? Against a horror icon that amplifies his lethality by keeping you asleep, being able to wake up by yoinking a magic clock just sounds silly. I really like the mechanic of the wake up action taking longer and longer each time. If the clocks weren't a thing, that might actually come into play. Every time someone wakes you up, it becomes progressively more and more of a struggle to escape the place that's trying to kill you. I feel like that would fit thematically, a never-ending nightmare that, while possible to escape, is increasingly more and more difficult to as Freddy tightens his hold on you.

    I honestly preferred the original Freddy power over the current one. I don't claim to know what's best for Freddy, but if he returned to his original state with tweaks to improve his performance in modern Dead by Daylight, I'd be ecstatic.

    Speaking of original Freddy's power from strictly a lore perspective and not a gameplay one, everything Freddy did just made sense. Pulling survivors into the dream world manually gave their transition into the nightmarish landscape more meaning. It wasn't just a side effect of smacking a survivor, it was its own action that ended up serving multiple purposes once they succumbed to sleep. Being able to see survivors outside of his direct area of influence also made perfect sense. You're in his world. He's going to be very much attuned to what's going on in his own plane. It also gives Freddy a sort of feeling of power. If you're a survivor and escaped a chase with Freddy, it can be generally understood that he knows where you are, he knows everything. It gave the impression - real or not - that if you escaped Freddy, it was because he was playing with you and was coming for you later. Of course, from a gameplay perspective we know that Freddy might just have other priorities right at that moment. But just the feel of "escaping" him knowing full well that escape from his immediate vicinity does not mean escape from the Nightmare was something I felt was unique.

    I could go on and on, but I feel like anything else I'd have to add would just be reiterating what's been discussed at length already.