Why is the game leaning killer based when there are 4 other people trying to have fun?

So, are ya'll not reading/ paying attention to the comments about killers. How is it that killers keep getting buffs and keep trolling survivors and no one does anything about it. I have had to repeatedly report killers for trolling, not participating in regular game play, and unsportsman- like conduct and it doesn't seem like it does any good (and I know other players that have to do the same thing)? How is it that you are supporting a single player per match (one persons money) when there are 4 other people that are playing to have fun (x4 the funds).

This game is entirely Killer sided. Wiggle progression has been repeated reduced, on top of hooks being practically on top of each other. There are zero repercussions for killers face/proximity camping. Survivors should still me able to attempt to get off the hook during first faze if they haven't been hooked yet. Survivor is meant to be played in a teamwork mindset, however killers are allowed to slug and bate other survivors, which completely negates the motive for teamwork or any sort of co-op maneuvers.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    There was an experiment - supaalf - one of best nurse players doing his incredible 550 winstreak on nurse vs Hens's group one of best SWF groups there are against each other. You guessed it, supaalf won (at 3 gens to be done).

    The game is slightly killer sided at all levels. Like don't take me wrong - the game can be very survivor sided at specific instances taking into account builds, maps, RNG, etc. But overall, it's killers that have the upper hand right now - not the SWF

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 758

    and there were also videos where the SWF without strong genrush builds makes 200 victories in a row

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    Can you tell us, then... when these challanges started? And if it was pre nerf or after buffs? Hmmmmmm...

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    "Leaning Killer when there are 4 other people (players) trying to have fun"

    Well... having to play Killer when the other 4 are in a SWF, have the 4 strongest perks on a Map they picked

    Is that meant to be fun???

    While we are on the subject... even learning a "new" Killer is even harder against (the example above)

    The toxicity that comes from those Survivors is enough to either A) make that player stop playing the game or B) give up on trying to learn the "new" Killer and go back to the "tried and true"

    Also the phrase "having fun" has different meanings depending on who you ask

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    Basekit Borrowed Time, Off the Record, HUD-Informations for free, especially Gen-Progress, Gen-Progress-Speed-Up-Perks like Hyperfocus or Potential Energy in the last 2 chapters, Eruption-Nerf incoming, all Gen-Regression-Perks like Ruin or Pop dead. Anti-Camping-Perk called Reassurance came out. Should I move on in my list of "Killers getting buffs and no one does anything about trolling noob-survivors?

    Oh dont forget Basekit Unbreakable is already tested and will, in some sort, come out.

    Survivors get META-PERKS for free and Killers receive a 50% Brutal Strenght. Totally Killer-sided! Cant laugh as loud as I would like.

    Sure its pure Killer-Buffs in the patches, right?

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    A Nurse-Main pre-nerf won? Wow what a surprise. A Pre-Nerf-Nurse in the hands of a Nurse-Main was unbeatable. But what about Trapper, Freddy, Myers, Ghostface, Trickster, Clown, Pig, Sadako, Knight etc.

    Dont compare Nurse with everything else!

    If I read Nurse, I need to smile. She has nothing to do with Killer-Gameplay, because she doesnt care about the fckin mechanics of the game.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604
    edited February 2023

    Also what Buffs actually helped Killer at all

    The kicking of "stuff" being faster and recovery apon getting stunned (I think) and faster hit recovery???

    Obviously it wasn't enough

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    that happens when Gens need 150sec to get finished. Before this, Gens will fly thanks to buffed Speed-Ups and new Gen-Speed-Up-Perks. Wanna bet?

  • Rogue_Element
    Rogue_Element Member Posts: 14

    I fully agree with this. I've said time and time again that this game is entirely bias in the killer's favor. For example, the killer gets to see the survivor line up in the 2nd lobby, items held, prestige levels, etc. This gives them a (huge) unfair advantage as they are able to bail out of the lobby if they don't want to go up against the prestige levels they see, but survivors don't get to see what prestige level the killer is until the end of the trial. This meant (because the matchmaking in this game is abysmal) that at prestige 25 I was pitted against a prestige 100 killer without the option (that the killer had) to bail from the lobby and not go up against them. Killer's can also see your screen name, again this is a grossly unfair advantage. I've had the misfortune of coming up against the worst campers and tunnellers this game has to offer. Sadly the thumbs down button appears to be just there for show as it doesn't seem to have any impact at all. There's one particular gamer who plays as the Wraith, and his camping (literally face to face with the hooked survivor) makes playing against him painfully frustrating. I hit the block button against his name, but that apparently only blocks communication from him. Three times, THREE times! I've had to endure being in a game with this clown because unlike him playing as a (cheap) killer, us survivors can't see the killer's screen name and therefore, don't have the same option to bail when we end up with someone we don't want to play with. Then of course, there are all the perks killer's get that make the game way more difficult for survivors. Having completed a trial recently, I had to wait a minute and a half to access the gate switch that was covered by the entity. Once I'd opened the gate I discovered that I had to wait an additional 40 seconds because the killer had another perk activated to block the exit. That's a full 2 minutes and 10 seconds that we were trapped in the game, despite having completed all of our objectives to get out. I literally yelled in frustration at how unfair that was, not only did it give the killer ample opportunity to get us all, but it literally wasted our time by barring us from exiting the trial. Survivors also suffer penalties like the exhausted status, broken status, deo wound, etc that have no counter part for the killers. Camping killers also don't endure crows circling around them for remaining in one place for an extended time. In fact, it's the distinct lack of penalties that allow killers to camp and tunnel. Even though this cheap tactic robs survivors of their objective points. Yep, this is definitely a one sided game!

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 629

    I always see killers this, killers that, but it's rare that someone plays on the side of the killers and knows that there are a lot of SWF groups that even camping and tunneling won't work against. About those who try to have fun with the game, they usually play toxic, run in groups with flashlights, after unhooking they run after you to use the DS, and then whine that they were tunneled, I don’t understand these. Sawing hooks and killing all the survivors of the ground, so that later I can whine in the chat that they were slammed, I don’t understand either, they even write reports on me for this.

    Before talking badly about the killers, try to achieve a huge mmr for the killers yourself, you yourself will not notice how you start camping, and when you get bored, maybe after 6k hours, you will understand that you can sweat and do without tunneling and camping at least 2 kills and have some fun for the killers.

    Try not to perceive tunneling and camping as evil, try to perceive the killer as a person who wants to win imagine that a girl is playing against you (for example) and does everything possible to win. When I play swf, and this rarely happens, I don’t take cool perks, because we are swf, our strength is communication, although I know that the killer will take cool addons as always, but this does not change the essence.

    P.S. I started playing for fun after 10k hours, I play with gray addons on Nemesis, Spirit and Onryo.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    And a big issue in this forum: "THE Killers".

    No, besides two, maybe three of them, the killers are NOT OP. Bring the broken killers down, so that the roster can catch up!!!

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    The penalty is game progress (AKA losing Gens)

    The base game goes against the Killer from the start... 4 Survivors VS. 1 Killer... 1.0-2.2 charges per second for progression and .25 charges per second for regression... 3 hooks per Survivor, 2 hits per Survivor

    So status effects are there for a reason...

    This is a Asymmetrical game not a Symmetrical... so don't expect the same things to be on both sides

    Survivors have access to Discord... but the Killer is by themselves

    4 perks for Killer and up to 16 on Survivor... up to 4 offerings and only 1 offering for Killer

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Tournament ruleset goes both ways. I don't think there's a single tournament that allows MDR amulet spirit. Because if the killer has good hearing and survivor is not at god pallet, then there's nothing you can do ever. Given the speed even vaulting at luckily best timing will not help you at most tiles.

    SWF can loose very easily. And they do so very often. All killer needs to do is take stronger arms and enjoy his 555 winstreak (and supaalf played against comp team stream snipers bringing strongest stuff possible too - and yet his streak is still not broken - even comp team wasn't able to get 2 out even if that was their sole goal). Supaalf made actually yt video about it.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Compare the strongest stuff to strongest stuff. 4x commodius BNP comp squad is also something you will just not see in your average game (BNP's disappear after use so white ward will not help you unlike black ward with MDR+yakuyoke amulet - making 4 BNP'S much rarer sight to see).

    And then there are also blights and spirits...

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    As a guy who plays killer 50% of the time, I know these three are busted.

    Is that a reason to keep the bad killers on a chain?

    Every single time a new perk comes out, everyone cries: BUT THIS ON NURSE....

    Man I am so sick of getting the only perks left worth using getting nerfed because of this b*tch.

    Survivors are different, because they are all the same. The only difference is height and volume, thats it.

    We have 30 killers and only 3 are good enough to comp against good survivors? If this state is what we want, then why not just delete the rest?

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    Because people don´t want to do mind games. Thats why they hate her. They want to just hold shift+w. They don´t want to adapt and thats why perks are still nerfed on killer side. And because ONE guy with Nurse what is playing her for years is able to stomp some people with SPECIFIC banned addons on survivor side and perks. And thats why they think she is busted with everything. I´ve never meet Nurse what was unbeatable. It was just matter of time when I realized his tactic with her. Not a rocket science at all. She is powerfull, no doubt, but definitely not that super strong as people claim. And just because they want everything easy that means that devs will nerf anything to please them.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Exactly. Against a good Nurse-Player, you will probably lose by default, if u are not playing in a 4Man SWF and play like a team. But most of the time, winning against a Nurse is not the hardest thing. Most of the time, I think winning against a Plague is far harder, because you are a One-Shot all the time if u dont cleanse or you grant her a magnificant power. Lose-Lose.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited February 2023

    No. There are 3 that can win most of the time if they want even against most sweaty survivors. There are actually more. I can find that old video Scott posted about someone's tournament where EVERYTHING was allowed and comp teams played against each other. Guess the results? Yes it was almost 50% kill rate (a little bit above). This is before 6.1 patch - the one where it's undeniable that killers got stronger. And sure there was nurse and blight in there. But you would be surprised there were others too - like artist.

    Sure if you want to go against the strongest stuff, your killer pool is limited. But the same goes for survivor - as an example it's just not viable to take sabo toolbox and try to play altruistic. In those games nobody will take desperate measures or distortion. You just can't effort it.

    EDIT: clarification of nonsensical sentence.

    Post edited by Gandor on
  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    You´re still talking about tournaments. What tournaments players you´ve met in the game? How many of them is in YOUR MMR?

    Give us link to those videos. For now its just your claim and YOUR word. I would like to see that 550 4K streak you´ve mentioned. I really do. And even then. How many Nurses of his caliber you´ve met? How many tournaments players you´ve faced? I faced a tons of Nurses and yet I wouldn´t be able to say that she is unbeatable. Only at really high level its possible to consider her as a threat. But thats it. ONLY in high MMR. And even then its still possible to mind game her. Its about observation skill. If you can predict her movement, which is made up by watching what strategy is she doing most often and then you can be chased by her for a large amount of time.

    Did you ever see tournament Freddy? Pig? Pinhead? Leatherface? Myers? Sadako and many others? OTP players are not good evidence for your claims.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    He is the guy who sells you that u dont need perks to win as killer, you can do lot of mistakes and still win etc., which is complete garbage, if u face good teams.

    There is a reason why this "big streamers" all stream at evening and the nighttime. The only big streamer, which faces the hard teams, is Tru3Ta1ent. I dont like this guy, but he faces the teams I go against in the daytime (!) too. These are busted and a Freddy or a Pig is just a Toy for them.

    Of course, against Solos and Noobs, you can chill hard and win easily, but not against the good teams. Im sure you know about that, too. Also you will know that Killer A is not like Killer B. Survivor A however is like Survivor B, because there is no unique things in Dwight v Meg v Elodie etc. besides Heigh and Volume.

    Thats why I constantly say to everyone: Dont say "THE KILLERS". This is the biggest mistake a lot of people make in my opinion.

    I play both sides every day, I have 2.400 hours since November 2021, which shows how much time I invest in this game, which I learned to love (in terms of a videogame, of course). So I think I can see things. I am not a pro, I will never be, I will never do DbD as my "job" (I have one XD) or anything, but:

    I can see the major differences between SWF and Solo, between Nurse and Freddy or Oni and Ghostface etc. and that is, why I say: Against the good teams, Killers lose by default, if u are not an S- or at least an A-Tier-Killer and you know what u are doing. All the others have huge problems to catch up.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    And he actually is right. He actually did that. And no he does not say he will win EVERY SINGLE GAME. People actually called him out on some of the things - so he made video about it. Like "Scott can't win anything without slowdowns" :

    Well guess what. And if you think it's just a video - watch his stream. It's your time. You will still see that he actually speaks what he sees in his games.

    And about "the killers". I said so already. Both sides apply. You can't be best survivor and bring autodidact against best killers you are facing - same way as killer can't take clown into such a match. You can compare strongest stuff to strongest stuff. If you compare weak stuff to strong stuff - then sure. You will get that one side is OP. But I can do EXACTLY THE SAME thing pointing out how the other side is weaker. Or if I am wrong - have you seen sabo build on ANY competitive team like ever? If so - I am sincerely interested as that would be fun to watch. But I doubt it would be some serious tournament with pro players (that are not just meme-ing around).

    How many? Not many. There are a few here and there, but it's a rare sight. The same thing is true for you. And I don't care which side you play - this will still be fact. The MMR cap is quite liberal, because otherwise best players will not get any matches ever (again - I don't care which side you play). But considering we were talking about killer vs survivor strength potential - something that I didn't bring up as can be seen with very first answer in this thread - it's very relevant to the (flawed) argument (in a sense - that it's not SWF that always win, it's the side that takes strongest stuff that wins - and if both sides take strictly THE strongest stuff there is, right now it's killers that have the upper hand).

    But should we talk about "high MMR" which I presume is somewhere around soft cap devs have introduced, then 61% kill rate - and I see 0 reasons why any killer should complain.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Ah yes

    Free info on what other players are doing, with progress of gens being worked on and slugged survivors progress being shown is a killer buff

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited February 2023

    It's a buff that does LITERALLY nothing to those "comp SWF squads" people here are talking about. It's a buff that helps the group that is objectively THE weakest one in whole game. Yes - this includes also killers like trapper and (non-tombstone) meyers. So again - what is the problem with said buff? Why does it create so many threads when the buff affects the weakest group the most while arguably "the strongest group" see literally no difference?

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    In other words we will not get that video with 550 4K killstreak with PRE-NERF Nurse? I´m still waiting. That guy in the video? His crap is tearing my ears. Why he is using perks at all? When its so easy... He don´t want a challange? And I was mentioned above... That people what I saw in the video. My god they are bad. This is definitely not TOP MMR at all. If you consider this as an evidence then its really wierd. What I saw in the video is very low skilled survivors. Loosing against wraith like this? Really? Especially with almost meme build? Sure. Such an evidence.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited February 2023

    here you go: https://www.twitch.tv/supaalf

    Watch all of his replays how he got to that number. He's been playing for years so you will see some games from probably every patch (I don't know about current 6.5 - I think he lost interest in nurse now).

    Just 1 clarification. I never said 4K every game. I said won. That's 3K or more

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Also about "wraith player". If he wins most of his games - it means his MMR is climbing - and by now he 100% got into soft cap. This means there's not a possibility his survivors are worse then yours. They are the same or better. Otherwise it would mean you are in some magical server that contains only OP survivors which is hard to believe. If you want to judge for yourself - watch his stream too. But as I said - he plays both sides equally, so you'll need to rewind half of all your time. Still, here you go: https://www.twitch.tv/scottjund

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    bhvr is NOT killer sided, survivor just got a HUGE buff, not to mention they got to keep their meta with equally strong perk combos (stake out/hyperfocus is STILL a massive issue). Hooks need to have close spawns otherwise that will be abused by survivors to become unkillable. what exactly is "trolling" to you? facecamping? tunneling? those arent "trolling", its playing the game. "unsportsman like conduct" isnt for camping/tunneling, its for being salty in egc. stop with the false reports. without killers, survivor queue will take ages (look at evil dead as a PRIME example, nobody plays demon in that game, demon queue is practically instant compared to survivors 20+minute queues). Survivors can attempt to unhook during first phase, that hasnt changed lmao.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023


    Watch the Demogorgon-Game at Minute 49 and tell me how to win it with the B-Tier-Killer without hard tunneling. And this guy wins almost every game with various killers. How? He hard tunnels every single game. And then tell me how a D-Tier had a chance to at least get a tie.

    This guy has Devotion 45 (the highest I have ever seen) and plays Killer every day. These survivors havent even brought in the best stuff. How would it have ended if they brought the best stuff? It would be a Lose by Default if u are not Nurse and Blight.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    Hmmm... how is it possible to not get 4k every single game? By your logic its utter nonsense. Killer is overbuffed by your words and there isn´t single way to not get 4k every single time. Or am I wrong? Or its skill issue? supaalf is one guy who has succes. Ok. Thats one. And the others? One guy doesn´t prove your claims. And as you mentioned before when you were doing excuses about certain things, you FEEL thats not true. And thats main problem with your posts. You´re not making claims based on experience but based on your feels and based on people what are most of the time lowering their MMR. Best example is Otz´s killstreak videos and TrU3Ta1ent´s killstreaks. Otz´s survivors? Damn any even average killer would mob the floor with them. Amount of horrible mistakes in his videos was tremendous. While TrU3Ta1ent´s killstreak videos were sweatfest where wasn´t MMR lowered. And he played that at times when most of the people is playing. If you don´t want to believe you don´t have to, but that clearly obvious difference between Otz´s killstreak and TrU3Ta1ent´s killstreak is totally busted.

    You named Scott like an answer to our questions? Well... Scott what thinks that you cannot loose anytime even without perks and addons? Yes. Sure. And his video is also another example that he is lowering his MMR as well. Because I saw many videos where Ochido or Scott were brutally demolished by survivors. Or do you want to example of another impressive survivor? AngryPug. Do you know how many percentage of wins he has? Because he is at actual TOP MMR. Thats why you can see how it looks like if SoloQ has buffs like last Hud changes how easy it is. I have for example my efficiency buffed to another levels. I had 50% escapes and now I´m escaping most of the time. Because that high level players I´m playing with are well informed about that. Hell I´m not even using DH at all. :D Because its not needed. DH is used for extending chases, but when you have WoO than you´re fine. You see how many jungle gyms survivors have at maps. You can see how many god pallets is here. Bond will help you to localize Survivors and when you check Gen progress and if he is close to be done and survivor what was repairing him is being chased then you can perfectly know the way and finish it under the killer´s nose. And much more.

    From I´ve read from you so far than I can tell you without any hesitation, that your experience with DbD is based on videos of others and at best medium MMR. I can elaborate almost everything you´re saying and tell you why you´re wrong.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited February 2023

    You really think it's fair for ANY side to win 100% of games 100% of times? Tell me which multiplayer game is like this? Is it possible to win 100% of games in league of legends (a game that has less RNG aspect then DBD)? Is it possible to win 100% of games in valorant (a symmetrical game instead of assymetrical)? Why do you consider it fair for one side to be so buffed, that there would be regular occurrence of 100% win rate?

    Also I have no idea where you get your arguments. When I say one side is OP (or "overbuffed" as you said) - that means that side has it ON AVERAGE better then they should be. It does not mean that the side will ALWAYS UNANIMOUSLY win even if they play bad - this is the same thing as calling police for a dead body when someone said "I am hungry" to report someone starved to death instead.

    But sure - highlight me a sentence where I said it's easy to 4K every single game as killer (or escape as 4out every single game for that matter). But I am 100% sure you will not be able to find it. You just create discussion fallacy and insert into my mouth things I never said. That makes it problematic to discuss with you. Like the same kind of reaction would be to say you are lying, but that would just turn the discussion to ad hominem which will also make the discussion just worse. So instead - try to point to specific things that were said and make point with specific things. Because all I can say right now is, that you are saying I said things that I never said and don't believe they are true.

    And you did the same thing with Scott. He said you can win even without perks - because he does that too. But show me one sentence where he say you can literally do that 100% of your games? I remember him always using words like "most of the time", "almost always", etc.

    But ok let's go down the rabbit hole. If you say killer is weak because "nobody" can win 100% of games (but that one guy I gave you example of) - then show me how easy it is for survivors instead. If killer is hard because only 1 guy can win 100% of times, then that means it should be super easy to show me group of survivors that consistently 4-man escape every game every time for 500+ games. Show me just 1 group like it - I don't even ask for multiple groups (like you did disregarding supaalf). So I am waiting now for your response

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    "You really think it's fair for ANY side to win 100% of games 100% of times?"

    • Can you show me, where I wrote that? I´m really wondering.

    "Tell me which multiplayer game is like this?"

    • Someone is able to make it?

    "Is it possible to win 100% of games in league of legends"

    • Someone is claiming such a things? Can you show me where?

    "Why do you consider it fair for one side to be so buffed, that there would be regular occurrence of 100% win rate?"

    • Still same question. can you show me where I made that claim?

    "It does not mean that the side will ALWAYS UNANIMOUSLY win even if they play bad"

    • By your logic its exactly what you´re saying. You said that SoloQ is hell and you can´t beat killer no matter waht if he want to win. Thats impossible to win.

    "But I am 100% sure you will not be able to find it."

    • Just like you. Or you can find it quotes where I claim that it should be 100% winrate for anyone? Or its possible?

    "And you did the same thing with Scott. He said you can win even without perks - because he does that too. But show me one sentence where he say you can literally do that 100% of your games? I remember him always using words like "most of the time", "almost always", etc."

    • Then how is that possible when SoloQ and survivors after all, are unplayable? How is it possible to escape, when killer is unbeatable?

    There you can see how average high level survivor match looks like. Can you tell me how is possible to escape like that when killer is unbeatable?

    "If killer is hard because only 1 guy can win 100% of times"

    • Again. Can you show me where I made such a claims?

    "then that means it should be super easy to show me group of survivors that consistently 4-man escape every game every time for 500+ games."

    • Can I see your matches? Because from what you´re talking about it is really obvious that you are middle MMR. Look at TrU3a1ent´s survivor matches and see how it really looks like in high MMR. Watch his streams where he can escape quite easily most of the time. And he is SoloQ. Then there isn´t ceralation between your claims about impossible SoloQ and his secapes. When he lose you can see that survivor´s were unefficient at gens and it was their problem. But most of the time you can see huge effectivity on survivor side. And if you want then you can watch Angry Pug. He has even bigger escape rate at top MMR. And lot of others.

    It looks like you´re still twisting around one thing about 500+ wins with Nurse.

    • Can someone do it with PIG?
    • Can someone do it with Freddy?
    • Can someone do it with Michael Myers?
    • Can someone do it with Pinhead?
    • Can someone do it with Hag?
    • Can someone do it with Oni?
    • Can someone do it with Pyramidhead?
    • Can someone do it with Sadako?
    • Can someone do it with Knight?

    Can someone do it with Ghost face? An so on and so on. You have still one argument with Nurse which is debunked even because it was pre-nerf at all. And even before there was no single video with her about having unbeatable killstreak except ONE guy what has it as his living. Which means that NO ONE can do it like him, because people have even other killers to play.

    • You really should show us your gameplays if you want to be taken seriously. Because from what I saw that you´re not that good. Its not meant to be personal, but you are talking like average survivor. Not top level at all. And I really would like to see some videos, where TOP MMR survivor is unable to escape because SoloQ is hell. At my level of gameplay I have teammates what are mopping floor with killers. I´m not even using Dead Hard 90% of the time. Because I can rely on my teammates (You can have argument about being bossted, but even if that would be a case. Do you think that 3 survivors beating killer and escape is healthy state of the game?) and when they are doing bad job, there is still one survivor what is capable of doing objectives with me. While they are on hooks. For that I have my We´ll make it and Botany Knowledge combo. Few seconds and objectives can continue, because he is healed ridiculously fast.
    • Do you know why I have problem to trust you? Because anytime when I see killer is easy and survivor is hell and impossible to play, then I start to play survivor and still can´t find a real challange in terms of killer what is really deadly. I´m even glad when its Nurse or Blight because those are the only ones who are fearsome if they are good. But again. Still not unbeatable at all. With Bond or empathy I can say exact placement of generator what is almost done when survivor what was working on it is chased and finish it. With Prove Thyself you can easily finish gens while 2 people are chased by killer.
    • I´ve met a lot of killers what left the game, because they were chased for eternity. Because hit boxes for survivors are so different. For example survivor´s hit box while he is hooked and unhooked. Or when Nemesis Can´t hit you at all when you drop pallet and hide in the highest peak of the pallet. Knowledge is something what allow me to counter many and many killers. While with killers most of the things I´m not even doing, because I perfectly know that they are not working at all. Just like that tentactle strike with Nemesis. Or with Blight. I have big succes with running him front of him and provoke him to do an attack or press DH. Working most of the time. Its battle of patience on both sides. So its not guaranteed, but its very strong against him.
    • Another thing is Knight. Someone is talking about him as about uncounterable killer. These players are most of the time new to the game. Because for example when I´m cornered by Knight... its because I let him to do it. It was MY mistake. Not his. And even than. Do you know that with DH he is giving you free escapes from many situations, because you can DH his guards and get yourself another sprintboost which can give you another extended time to be chased. There is tons of easy counters against killers. Yet people refuse to learn it. They want nerfed it instead of improving themselfs. You can see it most of the time. At steamforum when someone is complaining and you see someone complaining about killers its most of the time player with less than 100 hours in game. Which is nothing.
  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    • Can you show me, where I wrote that? I´m really wondering.

     how is it possible to not get 4k every single game?

    See? You did write that. You did hint that 4K every game should be a thing. Which is very different to what I said earlier:

    Just 1 clarification. I never said 4K every game. I said won. That's 3K or more

    And still you SOMEHOW never saw that and still had to hint that I said 4K every game. And then you make a post like this...

    Also - about other killers. There's no 500 winstreak as far as I know - 500 wins takes too long so there will be very few streaks as long as that. But there are long win streaks already. An example is 200 winstreak on Onryo. Check out One pump willie. Meaning even killers from your list can win almost all games if playing sweaty with best things. So I wonder - what kind of excuse you will have now?

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    I love how you ignored most fo the things I wrote because you have no arguments against it. But ok. You want that type of conversation so be it. I will cherrypick just like you to fit my narrative.

    "See? You did write that. You did hint that 4K every game should be a thing. Which is very different to what I said earlier"

    • And do you realize that it was sarcasm, right? It was reaction about how is not possible to get 4K every single game when killer si super OP and totally unbeatable and has no ocunters at all. It was pure sarcasm. I don´t know how it was not obvious.

    "There's no 500 winstreak as far as I know"

    • Exactly. And never be.

    "So I wonder - what kind of excuse you will have now?"

    • Well... if you consider facts as an excuses which is obvious because you never made valid points against my arguments then yes. I guess you will consider anything as excuses. I made arguments about what you wrote. You ignored 90% of the things and cherrypicked just what fit your narrative. I understand why you did that. Because you have nothing to say against. You have no arguments. I wrote a lot of arguments yet you ignored them on purpose. If you think its civil discussion than its a really shame.
  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    "There's no 500 winstreak as far as I know"

    • Exactly. And never be.

    555 winstreak on nurse. Meet supaalf. I thought I already quoted it in this thread. For other killers when you get past 200. It's just a matter of time before you get to 500 - but not everybody will be so time invested. And in a game so dependent on RNG like DBD - if someone is able to win 200 games in a row, it means he can win virtually every game (but those few games where he meets someone like Hens's group or on the other side someone like supaalf). Overall - it's direct proof even sadako can win virtually all the games if you are good. On the other hand. There's no 50 games winstreak for soloQ. That should speak of itself.

    And do you realize that it was sarcasm, right?

    No it wasn't sarcasm. I said show me this, it's not possible. I show you this and suddenly it was sarcasm.

     if you consider facts 

    what facts? That there are even D-tier killers being able to do 200 winstreak, but there is none for soloQ survivors (even tho best players tried it)? That is an actual fact. How would you explain this if soloQ-only buff is such a huge problem?

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    "For other killers when you get past 200 all of them"

    • So for Freddy? Can I see it? Sadako is D-Tier? :D Sure. And your Nurse. Ofc. She is D-Tier as well?

    "soloQ-only buff is such a huge problem?" I said that? Where?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited February 2023

    Yes. Sadako is D-tier and worse then Freddy. At least according to certain killer main playing all the killers:

    "soloQ-only buff is such a huge problem?" I said that? Where?

    I will admit, that I don't know if you personally said so. But the influx of all the threads saying how killers need help happened just after 6.5 patch. I was more referring to that. If that's not your case, then I apologize to you in this thing

    Post edited by Gandor on
  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    "Yes. Sadako is D-tier and worse then sadako."

    • Thank you. By this I got explanation why you wrote what you already wrote and ignored most of the things. "Sadako is worse than Sadako". Yes. It definitely makes sense.
  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Then freddy of course. Maybe it indeed does not make sense to write with you if THIS is what you focus on